I hope the castle intro is relevant to the series like what they did with Tron.
My problem with doing all new characters is that the PT had a very different design (sleek and shiny) from the OT (grime and grungy). If there hadn't been any old characters we knew, I'd have a hard time buying that this is the SW universe. So not having characters we know makes me leary. I guess I'm worried that they'll just want to cash in on the SW name and throw even more world-building/actualy good plots into the wind.
And I like the old Disney logo; the new one feels to "big" for just being part of the credits.
The New Jedi Order era
25 – 29 ABY – The Yuuzhan Vong War
See Timeline of the Yuuzhan Vong War
25 ABY
The Yuuzhan Vong invade the galaxy.
Chewbacca dies at Sernpidal.
The New Republic Historical Council sets the year of the Battle of Yavin to the year zero, adopting the current date system.
26 ABY
Ben Skywalker is born to Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade.
Destruction of Kalarba, its moon Indobok, and Hosk Station.
The Jedi Order is driven off Yavin 4 by the Yuuzhan Vong.
Sriluur is overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong.
Nyriaan is conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong.[42]
27 ABY
The Yuuzhan Vong conquer Coruscant, renaming it for their dead home planet, Yuuzhan'tar.
Anakin Solo dies on Myrkr.
Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya is killed.
Cal Omas is elected Chief of State.
Tenel Ka Chume Ta' Djo becomes Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium.
The Bothans declare a state of ar'krai for the first time in millennia.
First YVH 1 droid, YVH 1-1A, is released.
Jacen Solo is imprisoned by the Yuuzhan Vong.
The Voxyn are destroyed on Myrkr.
28 ABY
The YVH-M droids are created by Lando Calrissian.
The New Republic is reorganized into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
Nas Choka is escalated to Warmaster.
Ssi-ruuk foiled attempt of a second invasion of Bakura.
Jacen Solo escapes his imprisonment.
29 ABY
Radical—and still partially obscure—changes occur in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force and Chiss society in general.
Admiral Ackbar dies.
Coruscant is liberated from the Yuuzhan Vong.
Zonama Sekot forges a peace accord between the Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong. The war ends after five years of fighting.
Jacen Solo begins his search for the Force in an effort to determine if Vergere is right.
Chewbacca dies.
Admiral Ackbar dies.
You've just opened my eyes to the good of Disney buying Lucasfilm. Maybe now my dream of a Star Wars world in a KH game will come true.More info:
Some speculation:
• This means that they COULD ACTUALLY RELEASE the original, unedited trilogy on BluRay.
• Disney owns Pixar, Marvel, Square, AND Star Wars now, so there will now almost certainly be a Kingdom Hearts videogame where Darth Vader fights against/with Sephiroth.
• Leia and Padme are now Disney Princesses.
They can't really do any worse at this point than Lucas, imo.
Darth Vader and Sephiroth fight....fapfapfapfapfap
I recently watched eps 1-3 and was reminded of how weirdly racist they were. Theres nothing like it in the original trilogy (maybe the Tusken raiders?) But its like theres no reason that the Neimoidians, Jar Jar and Watto had to be racial stereotypes. Its like they managed to come up with dozens of alien races with individual accents and characteristics not at all related to real world stereotypes and then they just thought 'fuck it these guys are Asians'
hmmm, wonder if Disney are going to be as racist? It's not like they have a great track record is it?
The Imperial Officers were clearly Nazi's. So with that Star Wars will fit nicely within Disneys clandestine Nazi regime.Star Wars has been racist from the start. Look at how all the imperial officers in the original trilogy were white male humans. Or how Lando and a few background characters were the only black people in the original trilogy. And who can forget the droidist bartender?
Episode I was cool, and I enjoyed Jar Jar. I don't know why people hate him. I thought he was funny.
the Empire is the British empire (no offence brits, i like you), the imperial officer were the most british imperial officiers i ever saw in a movie (well Tarkin was the naziest character i ever saw, but Tarkin is Tarkin) and the the rebels were americans so it remember me more a stereopical american vision of "us as good guys against the bad guys"Star Wars has been racist from the start. Look at how all the imperial officers in the original trilogy were white male humans. Or how Lando and a few background characters were the only black people in the original trilogy. And who can forget the droidist bartender?
Maybe we'll get a catfight between Tifa and Leia as well
Why do you want Leia to die?![]()