Star Wars: Episode 7, 8... and BEYOND!

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
There are ways to make movie trailers. And ways to not make movie trailers.

This is how to make movie trailers that make people want see the movie and don't give too much away.

*clap, clap, clap!*


Eyes of the Lord
There are ways to make movie trailers. And ways to not make movie trailers.

This is how to make movie trailers that make people want see the movie and don't give too much away.

*clap, clap, clap!*
How can you say that without seeing the movie (unless you're an insider :monster:)?


Just pre-ordered my ticket for the midnight premiere.

Still dodging all the trailers so far, going in blind baby! :awesome:
I have seen YT channels like Stupendous Wave and Star Wars Theory assume that Luke Skywalker is the most powerful force wielder in the galaxy, minus possibly Snoke, and that he is the key in this power balance between light and dark.

The trailer seems to completely remove this notion of Luke being the overpowered person here, what with him being frightened by Rey's and Ben's(?) raw force power.

A part of me kinda wanted Luke to be remarkably OP, but by making Rey and Ben exceptionally powerful in the force they also help make sure the story stays focused on this next generation rather than being stuck with the old cast. In the end this is probably the better move to make.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
There are ways to make movie trailers. And ways to not make movie trailers.

This is how to make movie trailers that make people want see the movie and don't give too much away.

*clap, clap, clap!*
How can you say that without seeing the movie (unless you're an insider :monster:)?
Well, the "want to see" part is easy enough to demonstrate. The "don't give too much away" part is only slightly harder in that I don't feel like I have any idea what's going to happen in this movie even while I'm excited about as all hell about it. :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm sure he's very reserved, wary, and not excited at all :monster:

I suspect he's thoroughly pessimistic about this upcoming release, and will gripe endlessly in the days to come.

I fucking love you guys. xDDDD

Whenever in your own time, X-Soldier, I'm always happy to hear your new speculations based on the new trailer, if you have any. :)

Really, I think that this trailer is ALL about communicating to the audience that everyone is getting put through the wringer in this film – both Good Guys and Bad Guys.

• Kylo Ren's still struggling with both his decisions to destroy his past (father & mother), give up the mask that hides his identity from the others in the First Order, as well as Rey 1upping him in the last film – especially if Snoke is interested in her, what becomes of him.
• Finn's dealing with his physical rehabilitation, and becoming an icon of the Resistance when he doesn't know if he's got what it takes to face down his past.
• Luke's dealing with the fact that he has doubts about the Jedi at all after Ben destroyed his academy, and Rey being so similar to him makes him incredibly scared rather than supportive.
• Rey's confronted with the fact that her power brings fear rather than help, and that she doesn't know if she's going down the right path, given Luke's past and apprehension about training her, and doesn't know where she belongs.

That said, we didn't see anything of Canto Bight or the new characters AT ALL, which is perfect. There're whole MASSIVE plot arcs that those characters are gonna be taken on, and the less we know about them before watching the film, the better.

Also, insofar as everything we see in the trailer, I don't expect ANY of those scenes to play out exactly the way that we see them. It's more brilliant "Finn with a Lightsaber" in my opinion. There's only one of them that I really have any speculation on though, and that's the final scene.

I full expect the context of that scene between Rey & Ben to be the OPPOSITE of what we're seeing. I think that Rey DOES need someone to really understand her place in all of this, but I think that that's potentially Ben realizing that they need to be together, and he needs to help her do the right thing, since that's his opportunity to come back to the Light, rather than to bring her under Snoke's control. Especially with the way that his narrative is structured, it only makes sense that he brings her with him for both of them to take a different path entirely together – potentially even one that's neither Jedi NOR Sith, since they're both having doubts about the paths they're traveling in this film on either end of the spectrum, and the first trailer looked at the Balance.

This is especially because "The Force Awakens" is recalled when Rey is talking about how something was always there, but now it's awake and she need help is likely pointing towards the Cosmic Force, which is something that was talked about back in the days of TFA as something that was going to become more prominent as a story point.

That all being said, I'm gonna spend most of my time just being excited, because the less I try to figure out what's going on, the more time I can spend just having my mind blown to bits 2 months and 5 days from now. ;)

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Related, this is why I fucking LOVE their marketing department:

…But the director doesn’t mind keeping Lucasfilm’s code of secrecy for The Last Jedi, because he actually helped come up with it.

“A year ago, maybe even more than that, my producer Ram [Bergman] and I sat down with the folks at Lucasfilm and said, ‘OK, this is what we’re going to reveal here and there, and this stuff we’re never going to reveal until the movie comes out.’ We came up with a ‘no-fly list’ of, under no circumstances is this shown or that shown,” says Johnson. “It is a fascinating process. It’s something that for me, just having been a fan my whole life, suddenly being behind the curtain and seeing how it works and seeing how deliberate it is, has been really fascinating.”

This should be standard practice for Directors & Marketing insofar as making trailers is concerned.

X :neo:


Pro Adventurer
Oh also, here are my thoughts on my why the Kylo/Rey scene at the end is probably being taken way out of context.

Rey. Darker, softly lit background.

Kylo. Brighter, moar fiery background.

I'm not denying that him extending his hand to her probably happens, but I really think Rey is talking to Luke in the first gif. Her Resistance outfit and 3-bun hairstyle is a dead giveaway tbh. She adopts her newer outfit and half-updo hairstyle after she progresses farther in training, more than likely. And asking someone to show her her place in all of this? Doesn't seem like a line she would say farther along in the film. At the end of the Force Awakens/beginning of The Last Jedi she probably feels lost, and more than a little confused about being able to use the Force at the end of TFA.

Just my two cents. I'm sure folks have dissected this already.


Harbinger O Great Justice
That's why it's best to just ignore the fandoms until the film is released. Despite all that, there are some times when comparisons can be awesome — like in this trailer recut of TESB:

On a different note, their NYCC thing looked amazing:

X :neo:

Ghost X

Adam Driver may have blurted a major spoiler in a GQ magazine interview, unless he misspoke or lied, so I suggest avoiding said interview if you want to go in blind. Perhaps avoid everything :P. Seems pretty odd to be a misspoken thing. Not going to say what the potential spoiler is. Do your own research :awesome:.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I like how the poster makes it look like
Kylo Ren almost lightsabered himself through the face while looking into the emitter matrix and asking "Is this thing working?"
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