Steal me, please! Zidane/Garnet

Celes Chere

I know it's symbolism... that is quite obvious. xD Same reason why Sakura cuts her hair in Naruto, or Meroko cuts her hair in Full Moon. I just prefer her with her long flowing hair. I was really glad to see she let it grow out again by the end of the game. :3

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Important Haircut; Final Fantasy IX said:
In Final Fantasy IX, Princess Garnet goes into a period of mourning after her coronation as Queen of Alexandria is interrupted by an invasive attack by the Big Bad — a piece of unfinished business she left hanging when she went home to assume the throne. Eventually, she learns to put the incident, and her sense of shame over it, behind her. As an expression of her newfound devotion to give her all to finding and stopping the Big Bad, for her people and for every kingdom in the world, she borrows one of Zidane's daggers — which have a previously established significance in her sense of identity - and uses it to give herself an Important Haircut.


wangxian married
Bleh. I was on board with your post until here. It's better long. But then I always like long hair

I like Dagger better with short hair because aside from being adorable it sets her apart from the other heroines. After Tifa and Rinoa I was getting kind of sick of the heroine having the exact same hairstyle, she mixed it up a bit.

And speaking of TVTropes, Garnet is listed under Badass Princess FUCK YEAR


"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
Although they're both kinda obvious, my favourite Zidane/Dagger interactions are:

1) in the boat at Madain Sari:
GameFAQs FFIX script said:
Dagger: "Why did you come with me?"

Zidane: "Hey, that's Ipsen's line."

Dagger: "Ipsen? Who's that?"

Zidane: "Ipsen is a character from a play, but he's a real-life adventurer.
I think the play is based on his adventures. It kind of goes like
this... Ipsen and his good friend Colin worked at a tavern in Treno.
One day Ipsen got a letter. The letter was so wet from rain that
most of the writing was illegible. The only part he could read said
'Come back home.' Nowadays, we have airships and stuff, but back
then, it was really hard to travel. He didn't know why he had to go
back, but he got some time off, gathered his things, and set out on
his journey home. He walked a thousand leagues through the Mist.
Sometimes he was attacked by vicious monsters, but he made it,
because his friend Colin was by his side. And then, after much time
on the road... He had to ask Colin something. 'Why did you come with

Dagger: "And? What was Colin's answer?"

Zidane: "'Only because I wanted to go with you.'"
2) Pandemonium. From Garnet's "what the hell, hero?" to Zidane, to Zidane thanking her.


wangxian married
2) Pandemonium. From Garnet's "what the hell, hero?" to Zidane, to Zidane thanking her.

the music for that scene is FUCKING AWESOME and they make the best remixes for it



Celes Chere



Pro Adventurer
Ah yess! Some Katethegreat fans! She is definitely the most talented musician I know of. I can't wait for her cover of Tifa's theme, she mentioned that she was still working on it.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I feel like her style is more suited for FF9. I'm not sure it would mesh well with FF7's music. I guess that shows how nuanced Uematsu is... either that, or how much I associate melodies with the art that they go with.


Pro Adventurer
You are right, her style is very whimsical, but I was pleasantly surprised with a few of her covers that seemed much more different in style than she usually worked in. Tifa's theme is very soft and melodic, though, it would be interesting to see what she would do with it.

Tir McDohl

rune bearer
I think her lyrics are too sappy for VII. At least going by Aerith's theme. It was way too "My Heart Will Go On" for me. It should have been mostly about Aerith realizing her role as an Ancient with bits about her feelings for Cloud scattered in instead of the opposite. But I guess it's easier to write a generic love song.

I don't mean to be overly critical because it's just her interpretation of Aerith's character. I'm just extremely picky when it comes to VII.

Her Rose of May was awesome! :monster:


Pro Adventurer
I loved Rose of May! And I'm not sure if its that her lyrics were sappy or that they were just a little superficial (or just unfitting) to Aerith. She's way too complex a character to have such a simple love song as her theme. I guess that's why it wasn't my favorite.

Celes Chere

The reason I don't like her Aerith's theme as much, is because she seemed to make love her entire theme (in the lyrics), when Aerith is so much more than just the love for Cloud. (in her opinion, it seems XD)


her voice is amazing in aerith's theme, but I would have had preferred it the lyrics were aerith-centric, not cloud-centric. but w/e, i found this adorable:








"I've seen enough."
Kris; Mantichorus; Sam Vimes; Neku Sakuraba; Koki Kariya; Hazama; CuChulainn; Yu Narukami; Mewtwo; Rival Silver; Suicune; Kanata; Professor Oak; The Brigadier; VIII; The Engineer
You're Not Alone is the coolest piece of music in any computer game ever. Period. I always feel something stirring in my breast when I hear it start. ^_^


Pro Adventurer
Ohh me too, that's definitely the best song of the OST. It brings the climax to a whole other level. It's rare that I experience that kind of emotion in anything. *memories...*
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