Went to the cinema to finally watch Genysis seeing I'm a massive Terminator fan. T-2 basically explains my entire childhood.
Bikes, Guns, Arnie, Guns n Roses , Terminators, Impending doom and a fight for survival done with a little bubble gum attitude.
I don't know how to spoiler wrap my text so I'll just say how I feel.
They ( the makers ) have somehow managed to do the impossible. That is to take a 31 year old like me who grew up watching this stuff and reignite the feels I haven't had in a long time watching a film.
They managed to capture the mood perfectly and once again I was sucked into the plight of humans vs fuckin tin heads. Now my nephew came with me as he's also a massive T fan ,so I'm grateful for the producers and everyone else for allowing me to relive some iconic scenes with a lad who was too young to see it first time around. Hell I was too young as well so it was awesome to live those scenes in the big screen full cinema experience. Awesome.
There isn't a lot I want to say about this film other than I thoroughly enjoyed and thought it was a blast. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older or I'm just losing interest with the internet but I've found alot of criticism towards this film needless. I don't understand this culture of kicking anything and everything that comes out of Hollywood. I don't know what some people expect, its a film. You're either along for the ride or you're not.
T-1 9/10
T-2 10/10
T-3 6/10
T-4 7/10
T-5 8/10
Basically if you put T-1/2 & 5 together you have a fucking rocking trilogy.
Next on my list is the new Madmax. Another Icon I grew up watching so it'll be interesting to see how that goes down.
But yeah, if you've a spare couple of hours to burn up hit the cinema and watch some Genysis...2 hours long and I didn't get my normal arse ache from the seats as I was gripped all the way.
Well done to the makers and all... top job.