Pro Adventurer
- The Girl With A Strong Opinion
^^Good observation there.
Yeah, the whole "Ilfana is the last Cetra" thing through me for a loop, since that's not how populations go extinct, especially when there are still people to have kids with. It's probably more like she's the last Cetra who managed to hang on to Cetra teaching/culture. There are probably plenty of half and quarter Cetra living around the Planet, but they aren't aware of it. However, that's all head-canon.
Keep in mind that things like Limit Breaks have been shown to work for non-mako infused individuals and everyone can use materia provided its in a slot in a weapon/armor. So at some basic level, everyone is connected to the Lifestream.
To be honest, I think Shin-Ra massively mixed up teaching/culture and Cetra genes when they started looking for a Cetra that would lead them to the Promised Land. Then again, it's pretty obvious that they completely misunderstood what the Promised Land was in the first place. However, there does seem to be a genetic difference between Cetra and normal humans, so they weren't completely wrong.
Yeah,I don't think Square did not think this through when it came to the Cetra just dwindling down to one person.