The Elite Order of Cloud


reality is a prison
With Nomura on staff we will see him a grandpappy i'm sure. :lol: I bet 80 year old Cloud will still be damn sexy. XD
Real-time? Dude, this is 2009. FFVII occurred in late 2007. :awesome:
This is the time of ACC beatch! Cloud is now 23 years old.


Higher Further Faster
lol Shademp.

I think he means real time from 1997. It's been twelve years, so if it was real time Cloud would now be 33. :monster:

And I know you're joking but I felt like saying this anyway. XD
Don't you all see? The swine flu is the REAL Geostigma!

Now we just have to figure out where the real Midgar is so we can watch Cloud and Sephiroth duke it out. :P


Aww, the video reminded me of CC. :(

Thanks for the share!
What was that song?

Damn the swine flu D:<


Higher Further Faster
Aww that vid is so cute! I love it!

I also found another vid, but not Cloud centric. He is in it, however! lol



Pro Adventurer
according to his official profile he should be 23.. i feel bad thinking of him more older :D when he will have white hairs really he'll look like a sephiroth clone hahahahahahahahahahaha


SacredViolator, Supersix4
Aww that vid is so cute! I love it!

I also found another vid, but not Cloud centric. He is in it, however! lol

Haha! That's awesome! I loved that Tifa was Neese and Cloud was Jacuzzi. :monster: I also thought Loz being Ladd Russo was fitting.

That person did a really good job. Thanks for sharing! :)


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
So is there seriously anything else going on in this club, besides just posting links to fanart and videos?
So is there seriously anything else going on in this club, besides just posting links to fanart and videos?

It would appear there isn't. Mayhap we need to trigger a discussion either by posing a question or making an aggrevating claim about Cloud (which will spawn non-spammy reactions).

Hmm, Cloud's possible future has been discussed... His hair, sword, and various body parts and accessories have been discussed to death, as well as his love interest(s).

What is there left?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Thats for you guys to come up with. Discuss something aside from squeeling at pictures and fanart :monster:
I agree with the notion of gearing the discussion towards something with a bit more 'essence', but alas I can not control the female population of this forum. Their obsession with cutesy Cloud pictures and videos is a festering malignency that can only be destroyed by taking it to the place where it was forged; in the fires of Mt. Doom.

Nevertheless, I will fight the good fight.

What do you guys/girls think about Goofy's statement in KHII that "Sephiroth looks like Cloud"?
It goes well with the statement that Sephiroth is born from Cloud's memory, but doesn't work with their actual physical appearances. Thoughts?
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reality is a prison
I personally don't think that Sephiroth and Cloud are really that similar. If anything I think Cloud looks like a male Aerith in some pictures. /:

Okay, what attitude of Cloud is your favorite? Him the awkward loser in CC, the tough dick in the beginning or VII, the one that cares at the end, emo lad in AC/C, super emo man in KH, or even super mega emo hero in KH2? I like all of them personally so it would be hard for me to pick a favorite but the two in lead for first are him about midway through VII and CC. :)


Higher Further Faster
Hmm...I had forgotten about Goofy's comment in KH2. I had never given it much thought before. I mean it could go along with the whole "Sephiroth was spawned from the darkness in Cloud's heart" thing that the KH 'verse has, but...I don't really think Seph looks like him anyway. XD

I guess I'll have to look at screen shots and compare their faces.

As for Cloud's personality, everything in the comp is just a different aspect of it, imo. Mayhaps the jerk-face Cloud in the beginning of VII is a bit off, since it was faux Cloud, but still, I think all combined together makes Cloud who he is. :)


Pro Adventurer
the only think that comes in my mind is that Goofy was drunk :D seriously,have we ever discuss about what kind of music he could listen.. well i seriously doubt Cloud will ever listen music,but what do you think he could like??


Okay, what attitude of Cloud is your favorite? Him the awkward loser in CC, the tough dick in the beginning or VII, the one that cares at the end, emo lad in AC/C, super emo man in KH, or even super mega emo hero in KH2? I like all of them personally so it would be hard for me to pick a favorite but the two in lead for first are him about midway through VII and CC. :)

I love the personality of CC Cloud. He's an adorable loser! :awesome:
Well, I love Cloud when he's not emo or an asshole. I love how he is in the end of FFVII, CoT, and ending of AC/C. :3

So is there seriously anything else going on in this club, besides just posting links to fanart and videos?

Have we talked about Cloud's sixpack already? ...Yes, we have. So there's nothing left to discuss. Keep posting smexy Cloud pics girls, Mako is just jealous. :monster:
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