The Elite Order of Cloud

Can't tell which of Cloud's personalities I prefer. I'm mostly curious about how changed he is after ACC. DoC didn't reveal much.

In the FFVII field file "nivl_e1" I found a snippet of unused text from the scene at the well in Nibelheim.

“If I'm ever in trouble, my hero will
come and rescue me.”
“I want to experience that at least once.”

“Ha, ha, ha!
What's that?”

“You're laughing at me!”

“Come on!
Promise me!”

“All right…I promise.”

You decide if it goes against Cloud's character to react like that but I think it's a nice unused tweak. =)

Edit: Actually there is even MORE unused text for this scene but I'm afraid posting it will cause a flood of spam due to its...nature. :awesome:
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Higher Further Faster
Aww how cute! ^_^

Also post it, POST IT! Or make a new thread if it needs it! Or maybe just PM me! :awesome:
I'm posting it here because I have no idea of when I will be able to make a compilation of all the hidden script.

“I'm going to be the best there is,
just like Sephiroth!”

The Great Sephiroth?”

“I thought about Sephiroth all the time.
Even in my sleep.
My mom had given up on me.”

“I had no idea you were planning on that.”

“But, what about our promise?”

“Isn't it hard to join SOLDIER?”

Those two last hidden lines are most likely the present-time Tifa talking.
So yeah... Cloud was, in his sleep, thinking of Sephiroth.


Higher Further Faster
Oh jeez, that makes so much sense. Really it does. A whole new light has been shined upon Cloud's character.

And Sephrioth is thinking of him, too. I mean CoLB is proof of that.

Well the Clephiroth fangirls should be happy. :monster:


reality is a prison
Oh gawd, that's pretty bad lol. I thought he had wet dreams of Tifa personally, but I suppose she had to share.

And for music Cloud would listen to maybe Hawthorne Heights, Saosin, and for long car rides Nirvana. (:


Chloe Frazer
What attitude of Cloud is my favorite?.......hard, I always find him boring and not interesting, I guess CC Cloud, he's less emo there


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And Sephrioth is thinking of him, too. I mean CoLB is proof of that.

Well the Clephiroth fangirls should be happy. :monster:
We sure are :D

Shademp do you care if I post these elsewhere?
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We sure are :D

Shademp do you care if I post these elsewhere?

No problem. If anyone asks, the script was extracted from the field level .lgp files of the PC version, viewed through the script viewer/editor Meteor. :)
Note: The 'nivl_e1'.lgp file specifically. I placed the lines, mostly, according to how they are ordered in the script viewer but often these things can be chaotically placed so the hidden lines may belong in a different part of the scene, I dunno for sure.
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Cloud is not boring either. I actually thought he was interesting when he was in the Lifestream, and we got to know the real Cloud. <_<


Alot of people like to make claims when it comes to Cloud, and it makes it hard admitting to being a fan. I mean, I like Cloud not because I'm some crazy fangirl who drools over his looks. He's an underdog, and not many people realize that. He's socially awkward and has trouble making friends, despite really wanting to - something that I can really relate.

Anyways, here's an offering:


Higher Further Faster
That's very true, looney. I a lot of times I feel like what people say is unwarrented. Even some people who say they hate Cloud because he's so emo and then jump right into talking about how awesome they think, say, Squall is. I'm like, "lol wut?"

And that's a really pretty fanart! Thanks for sharing! ^_^


Higher Further Faster
That's what I think, too. I just lol when people go gaga for Squall and then are all like, "Eww emo!" when it comes to Cloud. I mean really, you think Cloud is worse than Squall in that regard? How does this compute?


Pro Adventurer
Hey, thank you for saying that. At least Cloud is willing to get some from any female character. Squall practically got raped on a spaceship.


Squall's not really emo either I think, he's just mean :monster: I do like Squall though. I dunno, it's kind of a dumb thing to label someone. I find it's used as an excuse to disregard someone's feelings, or something. Everyone gets depressed, some more than others. I mean, even Zidane had his "emo" moments lulz.

Plus, everyone knows Lulu is the most emo FF character. I mean, she totally has SCENE HAIR!!!1


The word "emo" should not be used at all, period.

I'm getting so sick of this insulting pseudo-term. =/


Pro Adventurer
We can always just say that you sigh a lot as a video game character, your fan-base overflows :monster:
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Depressing emotions are ok as long as they serve a purpose in the story; in this case to give us character development.

I may not like FFVIII but Squall does evolve and that is a good thing.
Needless to say, Cloud evolves too; ergo the emotions are not misused in the narrative.

Some would argue ACC took Cloud's character a step backwards but I don't really see it. They placed him in a new situation, that of having a 'family', and let us see how he handled that when conflicted with Geostigma.
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