The Elite Order of Cloud


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Rufus sums it up...

I just remembered! Tifa also says in the church (in ACC) that Cloud is late. :)

Anyone can think of other times when Cloud is late (other than the previously mentioned) ?


Higher Further Faster
That thought crossed my mind but it still doesn't make sense. "Coming late" isn't really an issue. Wouldn't that be a sign of great stamina to be able to hold out that long?

It's "coming early" that would be the real problem.

Maybe I'm over-analyzing it. :/


Higher Further Faster
It still doesn't make sense, though. :/ Being "late" just doesn't make sense. In reference to this scene the only way it would cause a stir is if it's said in relation to Tifa after the fact. :monster:


For some reason, I can see Cloud and Tifa having a child together. But getting married..? Nooooo. :wacky:
We never even see what type of marriage ceremonies they have in FFVII. Though no matter the ceremonial dress required, he would feel inclined to have a left shoulder pad. I guess that if anyone ever tries to give him a right shoulder pad as well he will be kicking and screaming.

To me it would seem more logical if he had the shoulder pad on the right side. I mean, when he swings a sword he tends to expose his right shoulder more than the left. Would he not want to protect his right side more than the left because it is a closer target?

(Tennyo, I think you infected me with that over-thinking sickness :awesome:)


Higher Further Faster
LOL I just had a mental image of all of Avalanche trying to pin Cloud down while forcing a pauldron onto his right shoulder, and all the while he's kicking and screaming bloody murder. XD

Also Firefox says that pauldron is spelled wrong. Am I spelling it wrong? Google says otherwise. :huh:

Either way he protects his left because he leads with his right. He isn't watching his left so he can't defend it as well. His right shoulder, however, has a huge ass sword between it and the enemy. Seems logical. Keeping it free of any type of armor may make sword-wielding easier.
Though Cloud is far from alone with having an asymmetrical design, both in clothes and hairstyle, I've ALWAYS thought it representative of his divided personality. Especially his original design.
While on the other hand the perfected Sephiroth has very symmetrical clothing and overall style.


Higher Further Faster
Aha, you know I never thought about it that way. It could make sense on a metaphorical level.

But as you said he's not alone with that concept of design. Tidus and Wakka are both designed this way in FFX. But then that's another game entirely. Cloud seems to be the only one as far as FFVII goes.
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