I now have two P900iV phones with one functional battery that I can swap between the two to check the contents of each phone. Neither had the Before Crisis application on it.
Because the P900iV lacks a simple reset/initialize function, the phones may still have data like photos, messages etc. It all depends on how thorough the previous owner was in deleting each category of media. One phone has zero messages, while the other has its inbox
maxed out at 1000 messages. o__O None of the messages appear related to FFVII.
Just like with the P903i, in the P900iV you can change the menu language between Japanese and English. Love this feature. The W51H does not have this option to change the language.
Here is the FFVII content that the phones share:
Cloud, Tifa & Aerith chara-den
The animated face-time avatars are here!
クラウド = Cloud
ティファ = Tifa
エアリス = Aerith
- FFVII melody ringtones:
Aerith's Theme
Melody from FFVII AC: This is in fact the theme "Cloud Smiles".
The P900iV was released on June 19, 2004 but the movie Advent Children wasn't released in Japan until well over a year later, on September 14, 2005. Although the two melodies on the phone are very low-quality compared to the music in the actual movie, what this essentially means is that owners of the phone got to hear one of the movie's ending themes long before the actual movie came out.
- FFVII alarm ringtones:
Fanfare: Yup, the one that plays on Loz's phone in the movie.

Though the sound is amped up to higher quality in the movie scene.
Fenrir: Just the sound of Cloud's bike, supposedly, revving up. Even if this is from a sound clip used in the movie, the sound is too muffled and distorted to tell for certain.
- "CLOUD IMAGE CG" Desktop/Wallpaper Image
Page 198 of the "basics" phone manual show the pre-installed image "
CLOUDY WOLF", but none of those pre-installed images are on either phone. These were either deleted or I just haven't found the right menu yet.
The FF wiki claims that the P900iV
came pre-installed with clips from Advent Children, but there is zero mention of such clips in the phone manuals. The P900iV I received two days ago has a clip from one of the earliest FFVII AC trailers, but at the moment I'd conclude this clip was downloaded by the user rather than being a pre-installed clip.
FFVII AC Trailer 6-Second Snippet
FFVII ACバトルシーン = FFVII AC Battle Scene
As you would expect, the resolution is low and the sound quality poor. I wonder how awful this trailer snippet would look when you connect the phone to a TV. I have not one, but two AV-Out cables specifically for this phone series. Need to read the manual before I can confirm if the phone-to-TV feature is off-limits to me or not.
I sincerely hope that no more P900iV auctions pop up on eBay in the near future. I simply can't afford it. On eBay, the phone is typically sold for over 125 USD, while on JP Yahoo Auctions it is usually in the range of 15-61 USD.
I think it quite likely that if you buy enough of these phones in the early P900i series, you will eventually come across one that has the Before Crisis application left in it. The lack of a proper reset/initialize feature for the phone is reason enough to have this hope.
Ergo, keep your eyes out for the P900iV in particular. It just may have the "empty shell data" for Before Crisis.