The Final Fantasy VII LTD Thread (Round 4)

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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Here, once again, the response to this'n and the tale end of this'n too.

Tres, I'll respond later. I want to reread CoS before responding.

Idronon Sniper said:
:/ I’ve been to MANY boards and this is probably the first one I’ve encountered who even short of encourages the act of cussing people. Ever heard of internet etiquette?

I have. But our board has no desire to become a net nanny or enforce a certain form of conduct in the rules.

Wat. Wat. Wat. No he didn’t. Selective reading, anyone? >.> That WAS the start of the Case of Tifa and things took a horrible turn when Elmyra asked him to deliver flowers to Aerith. Please READ it again will you.

The hyperbole of 'horrible turn' aside, things also got better for them too. Cloud was making sure to be home every night, to spent time with Tifa and the kids. And yes, the Happier Cloud is, the more the demons of the past weigh on Cloud. Given how weighed down he was in AC/C, he must have been damn happy.

Huh? :/ and how does it NOT make sense? And so you admit that the canon you have been using all this time also contradicts itself. Way to go. Thanks for proving my point.

Speaking of selective reading, did you miss the 'then' at the start of my post? My point is that assuming the manual as canon makes a contradiction, not the rest of the body of evidence. The DoC manual is at best a single outlier.

:/ well just refer to your initial statement to me. You are confusing yourself.

“Actually, I acknolwedged she realized they were different people. I disagree that she ‘got over’ Zack. And her emotions for Zack do influence her emotions for Cloud up until (and maybe after, you never know) the point she realizes she’s been conflating the two.”

Yeah, I think after I put the emphasis on that anyway. :/

That's not my initial statement to you. Nor does that have a damn thing to do with the closeness of Cloud to either woman, but of Aerith's lingering emotions towards Zack.

:/ way to confuse everything. My first post in this LTD debate was just putting what I thought about the whole affair, and some of the people took it as some kind of offense and started attacking me for an opinion. Please read what I first wrote in here again and then come back after you’ve actually understood what it says.

I have read your first post. It does not read as pure opinion, but various casting of aspersions.

Yeah you did. :3

No. I did not.

How so? Just so to say the fact that Aerith is important to Cloud as Zack was so the relationship between Aerith and Cloud doesn’t exist?

No. To say that their relationships are similiar. You are making a bizarre false dichotomy where Cloud and Aerith must have a romantic relationship or none at all.

:/ I am not saying he isn’t important, and I am not saying that Aerith didn’t like Cloud because she reminded him of her first love. But if you are using the first argument then, I could probably also say that wow, Barrett and Tifa are living together, they live in the AVALANCHE base with Marlene even before Cloud came back into the picture, OMG CANON! Your argument is riddled with lots of holes.

Except, again, that's not my argument at all. My argument is that the way Cloud reacts to both of their deaths, lamenting both of them two years later, points out that he does not react in a special romantic way towards Aerith, alive or dead.
Also, you are factually wrong, because Cloud sees Zack long before he sees Aerith in AC/C.

Based on Ultimanias and other sources that contradict each other. Yeah, valid.

8 Times they say the same thing, and you say they contradict each other. Even if they disagree elsewhere, they very much agree on this.

:/ The sources could say that all they want but ingame (the entire Highwind scene was just optional and shoots down any assumptions you even make after that point), novella and movie wise, they don’t hold anything. It’s just your opinion as much as what the rest of the fandom says it is.

So, the sources don't count because they don't like what you say on the subject? And no, the highwind scene was not optional.

:/ blatantly saying that nothing has Clerith in it is probably what shot you down as CloTi either. I am a Clerith, but I don’t pretend I didn’t SEE that they really do care for each other (CloTi) a great deal, whereas you make it a point in every argument you make that the CloTi in every “significant” scene to you is invalidating the existence of Clerith, to the point of just saying it subtly Clerith doesn’t really exist at all.

1. Cloud not having a romantic intention towards Aerith does not mean he does not care for her.
2. Aerith loving Cloud does not 'prove' Clerith. Only Cloud loving Aerith romantically can validate the pair.
3. Nothing in the OG and especially not in the overall compilation actually shows a romantic intent towards Aerith.
So, I don't need to 'invalidate' Clerith, because you haven't validated it to begin with.

:/ now you’re backpedaling.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

And are you implying that Aerith is somehow not a correct choice too (as far as your canon goes)?

My canon? If you refer to the dates, my point is that none of the dates seems to be 'the' correct choice. We keep getting hammered with the idea of all four of them. With the Highwind scene, only the high version has been addressed. Only the high version was listed as one of the four important scenes of FF7 in the 20th Anniversary Ultimania. Only the high version was in both versions of Memorial Album.

Besides you can finish FF 7 without even recruiting Yuffie or Vincent at all if you like to, except of course you’d have no idea what the Wutai Wars were or who Lucrezia is.

Yes. And that is 'the wrong choice' since recruiting those characters and doing their sidequests happened in the canon.

As far as your canon and opinion goes they don’t.

Since my canon is the canon, I will accept your concession on this argument.

:/ Also claiming non fans possibly wrong, oh WOW! XDDDD So how does it make your version of the canon any more credible and accurate then?

Because 'my version of the canon' is the one that agrees with the OG, the movies, the novellas, and the sourcebooks.

Does this somehow save you from your own – GASP! – inaccuracy as far as your argument for CLoTi goes? Your contradictions are all over the place OMG. >.>

Again, so you keep saying, but you never actually point one out.

No you weren’t. X3

Well, I certainly was not doing a german dance.

So this falls under your “my canon >>>>>>>>> everyone else’s who are Clerith” argument. I am not denying CloTi is there, just that they are there for me because they have a deep respect and trust for each other. You are the one going around shooting off this and that claiming that Clerith is wrong and all Cleriths should feel bad just for even suggesting it because “CANON”. :/

No. I don't think they should feel bad or that 'Clerith' is wrong. I think arguments in favor of the canonicity of the pairing are factually wrong and often extremely tortured, but that does not make that pairing 'wrong' in and of itself.

Squeenix put it in a manual, so therefore, going by your rules that everything written is canon, it is also CANON. This isn’t even something to be argued about. :/ so just drop it already.

It is something to be argued about, Kiddo. And no, I don't have the 'rule' that everything written is canon. Please, stop looking for a wedge to try and discount all the sourcebooks. I know they say things about the canon you don't like. I know you think they contradict the canon, but what they do is contradict YOUR INTERPRETATION of canon. And they are amazingly consistent on this subject.

So…all you know about me is just from that one post? >.> You haven’t bothered what my first post actually WAS huh? Cool. :/

Where in the above are you getting that I read only one of your posts? I read your exchange. Even from the start what you gave was not opinion.

Also here you are again, about me getting my facts absolutely wrong from your canon. What do you HAVE that sets you apart from other people having different opinions on a damn video game? :/ you DO realize it’s a video game we are arguing about in here huh?

I do. And what sets me apart is that I realize these things are not actually opinions.

Also, I even doubt if you actually read what my first post was about. This is called “having an opinion”. Just because I suggested that the Japanese language could mean differently and could have many, MANY interpretations just as all other languages ARE, it isn’t something that attacks CloTi.

But that is not an opinion. It is, as you called it, a suggestion. It's also entirely baseless. Please, provide some evidence. Provide alternate, viable meanings for that text. Translate that page.

It’s just saying that we are all entitled to our own opinions, and we shouldn’t bash others because “OMG they took the facts wrongly because we didn’t TRANSLATE what they did, so therefore it’s wrong and should be justly bashed” – which this entire discussion is about really. :/ I am merely trying to defend myself from outright bashing from Vendel and subtly from yourself.

People are entitled to opinions. But too often people use the shield of opinion on things that are anything but. You have not been arguing about opinions, but claims on the narrative, claims on the Japanese language. Claims about other people.
If telling you your hypothesis is wrong counts as bashing, then no amount of ettiquette or miss manners false civility will make you feel any less bashed.

That was made in sarcasm mainly because Ryushikaze was shooting down every argument I made with his canon interpretation

So you admit it's canon? Good to know. My work here is done, Huzzah!

and denying the existence of Clerith outright.

Have you demonstrated its existence? No? Why should I 'admit' the existence of something which has not been shown to exist? I don't do that in real life. I see no reason to allow it here.

And just one scene DOES the entirety for CloTi? :/

No. It's not a single scene. The high highwind scene is merely the point in which the potential becomes the actual.

and practically the allusions that were given off by the Case of Tifa (especially after it ended with Cloud NOT calling her back and that LOLWUT moment of Cloud saying Denzel was sent to them by way of Aerith),

Psst! Remember the bit where Cloud didn't believe that and Tifa reaffirmed it as him being brought to the both of them and Cloud's smile? Yeah. It's emphasizing that they think Aerith is blessing them.

and the movie (Tifa’s anguish should give you a HINT)?

And her happiness at the end and Cloud heading home and taking a day off to spend with her and the kids doesn't?

I think KH has a bearing to the whole Clerith debate, that the ending was what Aerith and Cloud’s relationship were to each other (was confirmed), and since they just contradict each other too well, then I guess it has no bearing at all.

But nothing was revealed in the ending. Just that they knew each other, that they were friends. And then KH2 came along and blew the idea that Aerith was his light- an idea based largely on assumption- completely out of the water. That was a day of some mighty fine backpedaling from the Clerith camp.

The feelings you all are saying could be ANY type of feeling. Dismissing what people say as counter arguments to the CloTi side is simply just stretching it too far for it to be just saying that “no, it’s because of this that it came to that” argument.

Actually, we can say rather authoritavely that they CAN'T be any type of feeling. That they are feelings of romantic love. Because this scene was included in the section about party members displaying their romantic affections for other characters in the course of the game. There's even another section, specifically devoted to NON romantic displays of affection in the lower corner for contrast. That's WHY we can say with great authority, that these feelings were definitely romantic.
Not that it was not obvious before, but now it is in the proverbial black and white.

Not when a (albeit fake) quote that said "Cloud is Tifa's ideal love" meant "Tifa loves Zack." :monster:

'The fact that you had to ask speaks volumes' still holds true. More true, after you point out the above.

What? There's such a thing as internet etiquette?

The crap they enforce on irritating 'miss manners' forums and the like.

Reminds me of women who keep coming back to assholes because they're great in bed.

All I can say is, if you necropost a tl;dr to the front page, you deserve to get Vendeled. Have fun with that front page guy. (Probably Shroudy tbqh, that guy would whine about Cloti police officers giving him speeding tickets)

There are several pointed similarities, but the way ES conducts themself here and on TFC doesn't quite trigger the Shroudy response. Seeing the IP, though, I have an idea.


Mr. Thou
There are several pointed similarities, but the way ES conducts themself here and on TFC doesn't quite trigger the Shroudy response. Seeing the IP, though, I have an idea.

Case of mistaken identity. That's an inherent problem with making chronic butthurt one's calling card. :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Why does everyone always think every Clerith is Shroudy? :monster:

'The fact that you had to ask speaks volumes' still holds true. More true, after you point out the above.
Oh... I thought he meant something like "speaks volumes about your intelligence" or something. :P


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Case of mistaken identity. That's an inherent problem with making chronic butthurt one's calling card. :monster:

It'd be more useful if less people were using it.

Why does everyone always think every Clerith is Shroudy? :monster:

Because they've all studied under the Shroudy school of equivocation.

Oh... I thought he meant something like "speaks volumes about your intelligence" or something. :P

'When you seek to be offended, you will be.'
But yes, he was very obviously commenting on the blanket absurdity of the whole shebang.


Mr. Thou
Why does everyone always think every Clerith is Shroudy? :monster:

Not everyone, just me. And not every Clerith, just the ones that pull the exact same act for years on end. Hell, ask Ryu. We originally found both him and Shroudy in a thread at GameFAQs, like five years ago. And they'd already been going at it for some time.

Oh... I thought he meant something like "speaks volumes about your intelligence" or something. :P

That you interpreted it that way speaks volumes about how big of an asshole you think I am. :)


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
This this person (assuming they are being genuine and not trolling) can't seem to grasp Cloud's status with SOLDIER. It's a major point in the game, I'm not sure how you could possibly miss that. Even if you played the game once back in 97, one would think you would remember that. She claims to have played the OG, but I'm not so sure. Although the fact that she got this very basic plot point incorrect makes it not so surprising that she can not grasp some of the other facts.

Eidolon said:
And even then, unless the Compilation stops adding more and more into making the LTD more muddled

Translation: Until SE stops making Cloti more obvious

Eidolon said:
and the whole of FF 7 more and more detested for those who enjoyed the original game
Translation: and the whole of FF7 more and more detested for Cleriths who misunderstood the original game

Eidolon said:
, there is the straight fact that what is written in the Ultimanias will have more than its share of believers and non believers.

Translation: we will put our fingers in our ears and go LALALALALALA.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Not everyone, just me. And not every Clerith, just the ones that pull the exact same act for years on end. Hell, ask Ryu. We originally found both him and Shroudy in a thread at GameFAQs, like five years ago. And they'd already been going at it for some time.

That was way back when he still tried to bring actual arguments to the table instead of equivocating between non positions looking for the wedge.
But those days... those days had crazies in them. I miss the sheer audacity of those days, the loons like daflock and Shakesphere and that chick who thought Cloud was a Cetra...

That you interpreted it that way speaks volumes about how big of an asshole you think I am. :)

Not that you're necessarily wrong. Null is an asshole. It's why we love him.

This this person (assuming they are being genuine and not trolling) can't seem to grasp Cloud's status with SOLDIER. It's a major point in the game, I'm not sure how you could possibly miss that. Even if you played the game once back in 97, one would think you would remember that. She claims to have played the OG, but I'm not so sure. Although the fact that she got this very basic plot point incorrect makes it not so surprising that she can not grasp some of the other facts.

I'm rather amused by the insistence that it's not important any more.

Translation: Until SE stops making Cloti more obvious

Like I pointed out, the Compilation is actually consistent and sledgehammery in its pushing of the C/T pairing. While there are wallbangers elsewhere, 'Cloud and Tifa' has been very clear and consistent. 'Confirmed feelings' and its variants appear no less than 8 times, to say nothing of all the other swaths of information.

Translation: and the whole of FF7 more and more detested for Cleriths who misunderstood the original game
Translation: we will put our fingers in our ears and go LALALALALALA.

In many ways, those two quotes sum up ES's overall position. 'How dare you tell me I got it wrong! These things don't count anyways and you can't tell me they do! so there!'
The comment about 'share of believers and non believers' is amusing, since it's really not about belief, same as Evolution doesn't stop being a reality because creationists exist, or GCC because of the dumbass denialists.

Just want to chime in to inform null that I recognize that he's actually quite the teddy bear. :monster:

Teddy Bears can be assholes too. Just ask Stephen Colbert.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Not that you're necessarily wrong. Null is an asshole. It's why we love him.

Grunt=null. You guys change names too often. Can not keep up.

Ryu said:
I'm rather amused by the insistence that it's not important any more.

Well, when you're wrong, just claim that nothing is important. Thus making your argument...correct? Hmm....

Ryu said:
Like I pointed out, the Compilation is actually consistent and sledgehammery in its pushing of the C/T pairing. While there are wallbangers elsewhere, 'Cloud and Tifa' has been very clear and consistent. 'Confirmed feelings' and its variants appear no less than 8 times, to say nothing of all the other swaths of information.

That's why I included the word "more". Because of the fact that it is quite obvious in the OG, but SE feels the need to shove it down your throat at this point.

Ryu said:
The comment about 'share of believers and non believers' is amusing, since it's really not about belief, same as Evolution doesn't stop being a reality because creationists exist, or GCC because of the dumbass denialists.

I choose not to believe the facts, therefore they are wrong. This sounds like a conversation I attempted to have with someone who decided that "canon" only exists in the mind, or something.

EDIT: I guess her inclusion and overuse of the phrase "your canon" is her way of saying the same thing. Tsk, tsk.
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Also, apparently, you're great in bed.


Edit: *sigh* I tried one last time to reason with the front pager.

Don't say I didn't try.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Grunt=null. You guys change names too often. Can not keep up.

After awhile you develop a sense about these things.

Well, when you're wrong, just claim that nothing is important. Thus making your argument...correct? Hmm....

When shown to be wrong, try and point out that the fact or stance you were wrong on, that you defended repeatedly, claim it's not actually important. Hope this works.

That's why I included the word "more". Because of the fact that it is quite obvious in the OG, but SE feels the need to shove it down your throat at this point.

Well, it is the night under the highwind being shoved down someone's throat. It is only thematically appropriate.

I choose not to believe the facts, therefore they are wrong. This sounds like a conversation I attempted to have with someone who decided that "canon" only exists in the mind, or something.

EDIT: I guess her inclusion and overuse of the phrase "your canon" is her way of saying the same thing. Tsk, tsk.

Quite likely. Fortunately, 'My canon' is 'the canon.' I have plenty of acanon druthers, but those are kept neatly separate from the actual continuity.

So... you're a registered sex offender? Or are you the one on the left? I think it's less worse to be the one on the left.

Edit: *sigh* I tried one last time to reason with the front pager.

Don't say I didn't try.

I wouldn't, but there's no response there.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
i think null is a pretty cool guy

and i think the ending of KH had definite c/a overtones

and i think the poster on the front page is cali

idk why so many cleriths are so fucking offended by swearing. i mean i used to be, but i also used to be straight and mormon.




Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
idk why so many cleriths are so fucking offended by swearing. i mean i used to be, but i also used to be straight and mormon.

Swearing can be offensive if used in that manner. But sometimes it's just for the fucking fun of it :monster:

These are the same people who think sex is dirty and should not be enjoyed.




8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
These are the same people who think sex is dirty and should not be enjoyed.
hey now, that's not true. most of the people on CxA are completely normal people. only Cali's crazy ass believes that.

all of my old CxA friends don't have any outstanding strange beliefs. also, they're nice :sadpanda:

maybe the swearing thing is because the board censors swearing, which gives the discussion a different tone. idk man.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I didn't say all, but I've seen more than one. But yes, she would be the extreme worst. To the point it's actually scary.

maybe the swearing thing is because the board censors swearing, which gives the discussion a different tone.

Like a church group meeting.


unsavory tart
Trying to moderate swearing on the internet? Might as well as try to get rid of all the porn too. It's what makes the internet, the internet.


wangxian married
I owned a few Invisionfree boards before, iirc the censorship is the default and prolly no one bothered to change it.

Got nothing to do with the individuals there, though, lemme tell you that much. I've spoken to plenty of them off the board. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Trying to moderate swearing on the internet? Might as well as try to get rid of all the porn too. It's what makes the internet, the internet.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. There's porn on the internet?!

Excuse me. I'll brb.


The artist formerly know as Sigbru
I'm curious, what happens if two characters have the same "affection value" before the date scene? Which one the game chooses?


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I like Aerith's the best. It offers the most. Barret's is just dumb, Yuffie's is awkward. They're just silliness. Tifa's doesn't offer anything we don't already know. Tifa has shit she wants to say but can't, no duh. Aerith's really gives more insight into her character.
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