The Final Fantasy VII LTD Thread (Round 4)

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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Oh shit. I honestly thought you were talking about that pic for a second.


Okay now I can admit this since I'm not the only one. :awesome:

No, no. That's a hell of a night to GET a sore throat.

OH yeah I remember that. It's funny how they'll say a kiss would prove Cloud and Tifa are a couple, but sex means nothing :monster:

Of course we all know it's just the High Affection scene that the sex happens in, and not the low affection version where a quote once used to say the scene was apathetic and ends short is now just saying Cloud was apathetic toward Tifa's love advances.

Really fucking hate that backpedaling.

Welcome to my world since... 2000? Yes, there's been backpedaling since before the compilation.

Oh god I almost spit Dr Pepper on the computer XD

As for the readers, with their joyous reaction to the works, I hope everyone will be satisfied in the sticky responses provoked.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Welcome to my world since... 2000? Yes, there's been backpedaling since before the compilation.
I don't doubt it, I just fucking hate it.

As for the readers, with their joyous reaction to the works, I hope everyone will be satisfied in the sticky responses provoked.
No that one just confused me.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Do I need more mention of Zippers and Belts for you to realize when I'm paraphrasing Nomura?

Belts, yes, zippers, no.

has Tifa's u20 profile been translated? I did a search but can't find it but I swear someone here translated it.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Once again, I respond to our persistent front page responder who seems to have a habit of confusing things I say with things others say, and who will not trust me unless I censor or censure other people.

Eidolon said:
Reply all you want on the forum. The fact that you aren’t even reprimanding Vendel how he treats people on the front page is something that should be worth looking into, and STILL you aren’t doing anything to make him stop cussing people out. :/

Because we don't censor people on the forum or the frontpage. That's the point. You won't be censored unless your commentary is blatantly spam, pornographic, or endorsing illegal acts.

OK so I just posted that like so many times already. :/ I am NOT saying that they don’t exist – that family. I am just saying that the supposed happy family that you guys are painting up to be – CloTi ending much OMG ONEONEONE – isn’t anywhere at ALL pointing to that fact. You have a novella and a movie going against your claims. The ending of Case of Tifa WAS clearly saying that whatever happiness Cloud had was really short lived and was THAT illusion that they have finally moved on, and that was the same in Advent Children.

The ending of Case of Tifa says nothing of the sort, and Advent Children shows Cloud getting OVER the problems that keep him from letting himself indulge in his happiness and heading home. We have been told, flat out that "The happier Cloud is living with Tifa and the children, the more the past weighs on him."
The point is not 'their happiness was an illusion' but 'Cloud's demons tortured him more the happier he was.'

The fact is again, dear, Squeenix already allowed that to be put on the manual. If you are going BY that reasoning, then it is CANON and we really shouldn’t argue much about it now. :/

Then so are all the other statements, and we have a contradiction between canon information and the preponderance of the canon lies in favor of Cloud never being a SOLDIER. The story, in fact, makes no sense if Cloud was in SOLDIER.

:/ OK, you’re backpedaling. I didn’t say that, I even included that and added it to the whole love triangle debate, and you explicitly said that it had no bearing whatsoever on the relationship.

I'm not saying you said that kiddo, nor am I backpedaling. What I'm saying is that none of my initial statements nor in fact the whole of my argument really cares just how close the two of them were, since we know that close or not, the two were interested in each other before Nibelheim.
I am also saying that the lack of closeness is no real issue for the one pair. If it is, then it must logically be for the other. Ergo, even if they were not close at all, then it is no impedement to C/T, just as it would not be to C/A.

>.> But even then, even if Tifa had all the makings of becoming that one true love for Cloud, why is it that Squeenix didn’t decide to end it then and there and allow it to be dragged on more and more? Also, wow. You just contradicted yourself. You already acknowledged how Aerith got over Zack and saw Cloud more than just being a “carbon copy” of Zack.

Actually, I acknolwedged she realized they were different people. I disagree that she 'got over' Zack. And her emotions for Zack do influence her emotions for Cloud up until (and maybe after, you never know) the point she realizes she's been conflating the two.

I have been writing my arguments on a daily basis here and I wonder why you haven’t SEEN what I wrote, just dismissing it as a strawman argument this and that.

I call your responses strawmen arguments because they do not address the actual arguments I have been putting forth. Instead, you've been addressing things that are not my argument in the slightest.

And really, I am just presenting my opinion on this, and how it even got to this point boggles the mind.

No. You are not. An opinion is "I like Clerith as a pairing better than Cloti." What you've been doing here is arguing to establish the point that C/T is false.

:/ if any, you’re the culprit in that one not me – just because you find yourself a Clerith you guys must think it’s alright to outright cuss and say all my arguments are invalid on the account of that single piece of paper going against novella, movie and ingame evidence.

"Because you're mean" is no valid counterargument, especially not when you aren't actually getting any special treatment. Vendel's a dick. Whoo. He's a dick to everyone.
And it's no single piece of paper, nor does it actually go against the game, movie, or novella, just your interpretation of such. And the sourcebooks paint a very different picture of the meaning behind that novella than your interpretation.

No, you just admitted Clerith. :3 admit it.

... Unless "Clerith" means solely "Aerith likes Cloud and fuck what chocobutt thinks"- and oftentimes it does seem to be using that very definition when I talk with people- I have done no such thing.

As for your arguments to the points I pointed out how everyone should figure in the love triangle – um – that is a bit unorthodox? >.> Or whatever. The fact is we are discussing the triangle here. And no Zack does not count – Aerith was always the person Cloud SAW in his visions and not Zack until the end.

You are wholly and blatantly wrong on this fact. And yes, Zack is ENTIRELY relevant.

:/ also LOL. Now why put Ergheiz in here? This discussion is about that flower scene, and other AU games with just the 2 of them involved. And yes 14. It makes a WHOLE lot of difference. Your assumption that their feelings match is going against a lot of contradictions and you know it.

It is no assumption. 8 times it has been said that their feelings match. You say these go up against 'a lot of contradictions' but what are these contradictions? Can you name any? Can you actually demonstrate that they do contradict this point?

:/ To drive the point further, yes, it’s optional. And optional must mean that they aren’t canon right? :/

Nope. Optional means you have a choice. You can always pick the wrong choice. Sometimes there is no 'correct' choice, as is apparently the case with the dates. Sometimes there IS a correct choice, like getting Yuffie and Vincent for your team, or visiting Lucrecia by the waterfall. These things are optional, but canon. Just like the High Highwind scene, which was included as the version in two separate editions of Memorial Album, essentially an authorized game script.
For the record, all four dates were shown in both editions of that book.

And we know how they contradict each other too right? >.> yeah, VERY valid. The point here is that how you seem to see CloTi even when evidence and common sense tell you otherwise, and force feeding that to people who have another opinion about it. The general atmosphere of the first few pages of these posts, OMG.

You claim they contradict each other. Please, explain how.
Kid, you're trying to claim that Clerith is the natural and default response to that. This is not the case. At all. And even if it were, it's entirely possible for the 'non fans' to be entirely wrong. They have been many many times. Hell, actual fans have been wrong. R=U, for one.
The jist of the scene is that Cloud telling Tifa that they can meet Aerith again, and Tifa going 'Yes, let's go meet her'

how did you get that from my posts I don’t even…

It's very simple.
You were getting simple facts about the canon wrong. You were accusing everyone of Bias, and denying any validity to the C/T conclusion by throwing around 'optional' this and 'optional' that. It was very simple, actually. All I did was summarize what I saw you doing.

So which one is more canon then? The first or the second version of AC? :/

ACC is the definitive version, but it's irrelevant, as BOTH versions have Rufus buttering Cloud up and Cloud reminding him that he was never SOLDIER, that it was all in his head.

SOLDIER is just some kind of rank anyway when it all boils down to it – as people who are 1st Class just show how badass they are and SOLDIER was just something to distinguish them above the rest. Also, it’s an ended argument, if that is what is said in the manual, Squeenix says it’s canon, and shouldn’t even be argued about. :/ so let’s just let it slide OK?

SOLDIER is a Paramilitary group to which Cloud never belonged. He was never a SOLDIER. Manuals are at the lowest of the low end of officiality scales, especially translated ones which get basic facts from the game wrong. Cloud was never in SOLDIER. Cloud and Tifa never ran an orphanage.

Please refer to the 2nd post you made right after jumping in the bandwagon with this whole CloTi argument. OK, I give you probably don’t have the power or whatever regarding those people attacking people who formed opinions in the first few pages of these debates – but still. At best you could have done something about them, and maybe then I will believe you.

You haven't been offering an opinion, as I detailed above. My second post towards you called your conclusions wrong as 'based on false data' which is not calling you delusional.
As for the arguments of other people, I will not censor them as I will not censor you, unless you are Vendel does something reprehensible, which at the moment, he's not doing and neither are you.

Also, your first foray into this debate tackling me as well. If that does not reek of CloTi then I dunno what is.

It 'reeks' dear child, of someone who's seen this little song and dance for years and years. Your tactics are all old hat.

:/ was there something foul in that first original post I made? Did you even read it? Or the posts after it even?

In the first post, no. In subsequent ones, yes, actually. And I did read all your posts. Very rambly. A bit incoherent at times.

Where is it that I attacked CloTi and denied the existence of their relationship?

Arguably every post you have made since the first one.

I have even posted stuff that you SAY I didn’t see.

I don't recall accusing you of not reading things. I recall expressing the idea of you misreading things, mostly my arguments, and a single comment of 'If you've not watched ACC.'

And oddly enough, you DON’T see and backpedal again and again. :/ but then again it’s all optional, and we know how THAT is. That hurts the validity of what you are pointing out to something more than that wasn’t SHOWN in the novella and the movie itself.

It's not all optional. And much of what is optional has still been revealed as canon.
But you argue that several things were not shown in the movie and the novella, but you're arguing in favor of things flatly contradicted by games, movies, novellas, and sourcebooks.

We've been told numerous times that feelings are matched underneath the highwind that night. Due to its inclusion under the 'for the one I love' heading, these feelings include a revelation or demonstration of a romantic nature, as do all the other scenes shown under the heading, including at least 3/4 gold saucer dates. We have also been told that nothing happens in the short version, that it is apathetic. Taking all of these in aggregate, we discover that Feelings were confirmed and match. We find that these feelings- of a romantic nature- were confirmed without the use of words. We find that in only one version of the scene did feelings get confirmed.
This does not mean 'We do not know which of the two options occurred' it means 'the low version, where nothing is confirmed, did not happen'
Cloud and Tifa confirmed their feelings underneath the highwind. We've been told about this 8 times total, including this page which decided to include it alongside all the other instance of interparty PDRAs in the first ten games.
It's all very simple. And the long and the short of it is that the pairing is not optional, and it is canon. Just like Cecil and Rosa. Just like Locke and Celes. Just like Rinoa and Squall. Just like Zidane and Garnet. Just like Steiner and Beatrix. Just like Tidus and Yuna.
All these couples had visible displays of romantic affection in their games. So too did Cloud and Tifa. QED.
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unsavory tart
The fact that you aren’t even reprimanding Vendel how he treats people on the front page is something that should be worth looking into, and STILL you aren’t doing anything to make him stop cussing people out. :/

Wait, we're debating on whether or not Vendel is an asshole?

Shortest debate ever.

Even Vendel doesn't argue otherwise.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
@ Eidolon
I have to say, to even ask an admin to edit or censor another person is highly offensive. Unless that person is doing something blatantly against the rules, there is this valuable thing called freedom of speech. And as much as Vendel may or may not be an asshole, he hasn't done anything wrong. He's allowed to express his opinion (however rude) as much as you. If you are so upset by what one anonymous internet poster says to you, you need to re-evaluate your place on the internet and in the world. What do you do if someone irl is an asshole to you? Just ignore him.

And just FYI, anyone can post on the front page. You're not as hidden there as you may think. I'll use Vendel as an example. It's just there is no point in clogging up the front pages if there is a forum for this exact thing.

Eidolon said:
other AU games with just the 2 of them involved

Oh. How easily we forget that all things CloudxAerith mean so much, and all things CloudxTifa do not count. Only AU games with Aerith count? Please go on.

And I'm confused on something? Are you claiming that Cloud was actually in SOLDIER? Because...I don't to respond to that. The whole point of the game was that Cloud was not in fact in SOLDIER. The description is how Cloud is perceived at the beginning of the game, when nobody knows any better. What are they supposed to put? Cloud thinks he's a former SOLDIER? Hello, spoiler!

Cloud said:
"I was never in SOLDIER. I made up the stories about what happened to me five years ago, about being in SOLDIER"

Cloud's just a dirty f*cking liar.

And I'm concerned about how you say that what a manual says is canon, but all of the quotes in the Ultimania (and the actual in-game experience) tells you is not?

Now as for "optional" scenes, there is a right and a wrong scene. And we are told several times that the correct scene is the high affection version. But you are claiming that because it is optional that there is no canon scene? So then which scene happened? Neither? So nothing takes place during that time? And Vincent and Yuffie? Who the hell are these people in Advent Children? And why does one of them get his own game? I'm confused.

Everything else I think Ryu addressed better than anyone could. My honest conclusion is that this person does not buy half the crap they are selling.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
And just FYI, anyone can post on the front page. You're not as hidden there as you may think. I'll use Vendel as an example. It's just there is no point in clogging up the front pages if there is a forum for this exact thing.

Hence why there is generally a 'practical' reason for not joining up, such as not wanting to give a 'valid' email address for account verification purposes.

Oh. How easily we forget that all things CloudxAerith mean so much, and all things CloudxTifa do not count. Only AU games with Aerith count? Please go on.

It's actually worth pointing out that outside FF Tactics, there are no AU continuities where only Cloud and Aerith exist, and even then, FF Tactics does not contain Aerith as we know her- just a girl with the same name, similar face, and job. She lacks those things which define her as FF7 Aerith (think Sliders and the various versions of our heroes there are).

And I'm confused on something? Are you claiming that Cloud was actually in SOLDIER? Because...I don't to respond to that. The whole point of the game was that Cloud was not in fact in SOLDIER. The description is how Cloud is perceived at the beginning of the game, when nobody knows any better. What are they supposed to put? Cloud thinks he's a former SOLDIER? Hello, spoiler!

Cloud's just a dirty f*cking liar.

Eidolon is definitely playing a certain tactical game here, I can see the attempts to maneuver, the problem is, she's either playing the wrong game, or the right game, but badly.

And I'm concerned about how you say that what a manual says is canon, but all of the quotes in the Ultimania (and the actual in-game experience) tells you is not?

This is a rather distressing problem, yes. Even if we take a game manual as an authority, which, like advertising, I'm rather loathe to do, it still fails against the preponderance of the evidence. Taking the manual as the height of canon runs contrary to simple common sense.
I think it might be as simple as Eidolon not wanting to admit she was wrong, and just digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Now as for "optional" scenes, there is a right and a wrong scene. And we are told several times that the correct scene is the high affection version. But you are claiming that because it is optional that there is no canon scene? So then which scene happened? Neither? So nothing takes place during that time? And Vincent and Yuffie? Who the hell are these people in Advent Children? And why does one of them get his own game? I'm confused.

The idea that optional means acanon is a confusion with the much more salient problem that optional means 'we don't know to start.'
For example, in Chrono Trigger- and SPOILERS because fuck all of you who've never played it- you have the option to leave Crono dead, or to bring him back to life. Likewise with killing or sparing Magus. Until the PSX release/ Chrono Cross, we didn't know which option was canon. Now we do, because we have been informed that things happened that can only be the result of one of these options being chosen.
Same with the high highwind scene or the party choice in FF7, or the particular ending of 10-2.

Everything else I think Ryu addressed better than anyone could. My honest conclusion is that this person does not buy half the crap they are selling.

I'm not sure whether it's more generous to see them as honestly not seeing the cognitive dissonance, or willfully dishonest.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Hence why there is generally a 'practical' reason for not joining up, such as not wanting to give a 'valid' email address for account verification purposes.

Don't you have to put an e-mail when you post on the front page? I don't recall, and I've never posted on the front page (I think). Also, what's the difference in giving an e-mail address? Unless you mean that they've already used it.

Eidolon is definitely playing a certain tactical game here, I can see the attempts to maneuver, the problem is, she's either playing the wrong game, or the right game, but badly.

It's possible that her game is to run you around in circles until you forget what the point was. Not that it's working. Actually, I think she is the one forgetting the points that she is trying to make.

contrary to simple common sense.
What is this "common sense" of which you speak? That must be a French term.

I think it might be as simple as Eidolon not wanting to admit she was wrong, and just digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Yes. But to be fair, she had to have known she was wrong from the beginning. So I'm not exactly sure what to think about that.

the particular ending of 10-2.

The one where Spira gets blown up is totes canon.

I'm not sure whether it's more generous to see them as honestly not seeing the cognitive dissonance, or willfully dishonest.

Either way I have died a little inside.


unsavory tart
It's actually worth pointing out that outside FF Tactics, there are no AU continuities where only Cloud and Aerith exist, and even then, FF Tactics does not contain Aerith as we know her- just a girl with the same name, similar face, and job. She lacks those things which define her as FF7 Aerith (think Sliders and the various versions of our heroes there are).
You know, I've never completely disregarded AUs in LTD. I don't think they prove anything, but I always thought it gave some insight or supplementary commentary on maybe a character, or a relationship. AU's can't be taken for themselves, but they can add to the discussion.

That's why I don't view all AU's equally when it comes what it brings for debate. I value Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia more than I do Itadaki Street, FFIX, or Tactics, simply because Nomura is on staff. Hell, even Ergeiz had Nomura as a character supervisor.

(It's also why I have serious issues with considering Dissidia canon btw, because while it has some creative directors from some games ie Nomura, it isn't uniform to other games- inb4 Mako)


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
AU is AU. I don't see a level of importance of one over the other. Maybe, MAYBE Dissidia because it actually attempts to be within the "Final Fantasy universe". But even then, I want a statement saying that it is part of the canon and continuity of all games, and then give me a time frame in which Dissidia fits into each game. Until then, it has no bearing.

All of the other games, the characters appear as cameos. And like Ryu said, are different versions of the actual characters.

It's not that AU games can't be apart of a conversation, they just aren't "evidence" or the like. Besides, the "insight" that some people claim these games give into the CloudxAerith relationship is a mockery.


unsavory tart
It's not importance or evidence, but when a creators attempts to recreate something, he draws from some base beliefs. Obviously it isn't evidence, as Tidus is not going to try and dry hump a pixie, and Cloud doesn't sulk around all the time, but some continuity nods are fairly interesting.

I mean, Nomura directly references plot points in Advent Children in his attempt to explain the Cloud-Tifa dynamic, saying that he is "running away from something warm." That warm thing is Tifa. This implies that at least in Advent Children, Cloud was running away from something. And that Tifa is "something warm" in his life. Obviously, we rarely get word of god saying something so directly. And we can't use it as evidence in of itself, but it's still worth a note.

Besides, the "insight" that some people claim these games give into the CloudxAerith relationship is a mockery.
Yeah, some people try to slant information for their own conclusions.

Case in point, end of Dissidia, a brief flash of Cloud is seen in a field of flowers. People try to slant it that he's going back to Aerith. This is, imo, a huge stretch by anyone's imagination, but that doesn't discount the fact that those field of flowers do symbolize something. It symbolizes the planet, or at least the planet under Aerith's watch, just doesn't symbolize teh true love.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
It's not importance or evidence, but when a creators attempts to recreate something, he draws from some base beliefs.

To a certain degree, yes. But also, they have to fit an established character into an alternate universe. To do that, they have to change the character in some ways in order for it to work. That's how we come up with an alternate version. Alternate version =/= actual character even though there is some basis in the original character. And like I said, it's cameo - it's for a selling point or for the lulz. Like you say, the nods are fairly interesting, but that's all they are.

I mean, Nomura directly references plot points in Advent Children in his attempt to explain the Cloud-Tifa dynamic, saying that he is "running away from something warm." That warm thing is Tifa. This implies that at least in Advent Children, Cloud was running away from something. And that Tifa is "something warm" in his life. Obviously, we rarely get word of god saying something so directly. And we can't use it as evidence in of itself, but it's still worth a note.

I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding you, but Nomura's direct comments on a compilation entry has more bearing than how he puts said characters into an alternate universe, even if there are similarities.

Case in point, end of Dissidia, a brief flash of Cloud is seen in a field of flowers. People try to slant it that he's going back to Aerith. This is, imo, a huge stretch by anyone's imagination, but that doesn't discount the fact that those field of flowers do symbolize something. It symbolizes the planet, or at least the planet under Aerith's watch, just doesn't symbolize teh true love.


Cloud doesn't sulk around all the time


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Don't you have to put an e-mail when you post on the front page? I don't recall, and I've never posted on the front page (I think). Also, what's the difference in giving an e-mail address? Unless you mean that they've already used it.

You don't need a verified email address for the front page. You can toss a dummy in if you don't register an account.

It's possible that her game is to run you around in circles until you forget what the point was. Not that it's working. Actually, I think she is the one forgetting the points that she is trying to make.

Both entirely possible.

What is this "common sense" of which you speak? That must be a French term.

It's a rare and mythical substance, like room temperature superconductors, or atmospherium.

Yes. But to be fair, she had to have known she was wrong from the beginning. So I'm not exactly sure what to think about that.

I think it's still the same explanation, just further back down the chain of causality.

The one where Spira gets blown up is totes canon.

Not the dog ending?

Either way I have died a little inside.

You get used to it.

You know, I've never completely disregarded AUs in LTD. I don't think they prove anything, but I always thought it gave some insight or supplementary commentary on maybe a character, or a relationship. AU's can't be taken for themselves, but they can add to the discussion.

That's why I don't view all AU's equally when it comes what it brings for debate. I value Kingdom Hearts and Dissidia more than I do Itadaki Street, FFIX, or Tactics, simply because Nomura is on staff. Hell, even Ergeiz had Nomura as a character supervisor.

(It's also why I have serious issues with considering Dissidia canon btw, because while it has some creative directors from some games ie Nomura, it isn't uniform to other games- inb4 Mako)

The problem with most AU game cameos is that there's absolutely nothing of substance to them. We can only speak about Cloud and Tifa in KH because we've been told about the direct parallels that exist by the creators.

AU is AU. I don't see a level of importance of one over the other. Maybe, MAYBE Dissidia because it actually attempts to be within the "Final Fantasy universe". But even then, I want a statement saying that it is part of the canon and continuity of all games, and then give me a time frame in which Dissidia fits into each game. Until then, it has no bearing.

All of the other games, the characters appear as cameos. And like Ryu said, are different versions of the actual characters.

Not the Dissidia ones, those are supposed to be 'the originals' but Dissidia still doesn't have a direct affect on any game aside from FF1, nor do we know if any of its characters apart from Warrior recall their Dissidia time after the fact.

It's not that AU games can't be apart of a conversation, they just aren't "evidence" or the like. Besides, the "insight" that some people claim these games give into the CloudxAerith relationship is a mockery.

A big part of the problem is assuming that each AU game must be commenting on the LT aspect, or even on the original game, instead of relying on the original game to tell a different story with narrative shortcuts.
But yeah, the spin on various AUs and in jokes have been insane. So insane that even 'Lesbian Cloud and Summoner Tifa' an over the top satire of that shit, seems reasonable in comparison.
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unsavory tart
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding you, but Nomura's direct comments on a compilation entry has more bearing than how he puts said characters into an alternate universe, even if there are similarities.
It was commentary on Kingdom Hearts. He directly compared Cloud-Tifa's behavior in Kingdom Hearts to the way they interacted in AC/C. In this case, it would be perfectly fine to use this interaction as a comparison or a footnote to the actual relationship. In this case, we were given word of god, but it stands that he may be drawing on reference points of characters and relationships and interprets in a different way in a different universe.

We don't get any direct comparisons with Aerith, and Cloud-Aerith. But it wouldn't be such a stretch to see something in KH and wonder why Nomura chose to do things as is.

We see Cloud meeting Aerith (and the rest of the gang, emphasis on Cloud-Aerith), and we can either say

1. Totally random, says nothing, no basis for doing this way whatsoever.
2. Not evidence, but implies Aerith and Cloud had a significant relationship
3. Not evidence, but implies Aerith and Cloud had a significant romantic relationship

Personally I go for 2. Although I have to admit, I always thought KH leaned towards C/A until KHII came out.
Well. Not while he's cross dressing anyway. Maybe he's happier as a woman.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It was commentary on Kingdom Hearts. He directly compared Cloud-Tifa's behavior in Kingdom Hearts to the way they interacted in AC/C. In this case, it would be perfectly fine to use this interaction as a comparison or a footnote to the actual relationship. In this case, we were given word of god, but it stands that he may be drawing on reference points of characters and relationships and interprets in a different way in a different universe.

Again, this is true, but only because we have the similarity expressly pointed out.
For a better example, though still not perfect, we have TOS Kirk, and Trek 11 Kirk. Not the same character, given their wildly different backstories.

We don't get any direct comparisons with Aerith, and Cloud-Aerith. But it wouldn't be such a stretch to see something in KH and wonder why Nomura chose to do things as is.

We see Cloud meeting Aerith (and the rest of the gang, emphasis on Cloud-Aerith), and we can either say

1. Totally random, says nothing, no basis for doing this way whatsoever.
2. Not evidence, but implies Aerith and Cloud had a significant relationship
3. Not evidence, but implies Aerith and Cloud had a significant romantic relationship

Personally I go for 2. Although I have to admit, I always thought KH leaned towards C/A until KHII came out.

3 is still based on a whole grand lot of nothing, which gets back to my ' under AU ship rules' rant, since Aerith interacts with Sora and Leon more than she does Cloud. She interacts with them more in KH than she does with Cloud in 1, 2, and CoM.

Well. Not while he's cross dressing anyway. Maybe he's happier as a woman.

But Cloud is always a woman, so that doesn't really factor into it.
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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
It was commentary on Kingdom Hearts. He directly compared Cloud-Tifa's behavior in Kingdom Hearts to the way they interacted in AC/C. In this case, it would be perfectly fine to use this interaction as a comparison or a footnote to the actual relationship. In this case, we were given word of god, but it stands that he may be drawing on reference points of characters and relationships and interprets in a different way in a different universe.

oic. I do agree that we can apply the original characters to the alternate characters (and appreciate the purposeful similarities), but the reverse can not be done. That's how I feel about it anyway.

We see Cloud meeting Aerith (and the rest of the gang, emphasis on Cloud-Aerith), and we can either say

1. Totally random, says nothing, no basis for doing this way whatsoever.
2. Not evidence, but implies Aerith and Cloud had a significant relationship
3. Not evidence, but implies Aerith and Cloud had a significant romantic relationship

Personally I go for 2.
Agreed. But it doesn't have to imply that they had a significant relationship because we already know they did.

Well. Not while he's cross dressing anyway. Maybe he's happier as a woman.

I think the evidence speaks for itself.

Ryu said:
Not the Dissidia ones, those are supposed to be 'the originals' but Dissidia still doesn't have a direct affect on any game aside from FF1, nor do we know if any of its characters apart from Warrior recall their Dissidia time after the fact.

That's why I gave a "maybe" to Dissidia. But like you say, I need to see how it fits into each universe in order for it to be anything more than "a game for fun".


unsavory tart
3 is still based on a whole grand lot of nothing, which gets back to my ' under AU ship rules' rant, since Aerith interacts with Sora and Leon more than she does Cloud. She interacts with them more in KH than she does with Cloud in 1, 2, and CoM.
So you really think that scene is not any sort of continuity nod, or some had any special meaning towards the fans of FFVII? Because I have to say, if I played KH without Final Fantasy- I'd be pretty confused about the entire scene.

I'm not saying that it proves anything. What I'm saying that it was a deliberate acknowledgment towards the fans, and that the only reason that players keyed onto it was because as fans we know that Aerith was special to Cloud (and yes, everybody else, but it was Cloud's story so that's what we get the most from) and that it was the basis for this .5 seconds of interaction, which was broadened in KHII.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
So you really think that scene is not any sort of continuity nod, or some had any special meaning towards the fans of FFVII? Because I have to say, if I played KH without Final Fantasy- I'd be pretty confused about the entire scene.

I'm not saying that it proves anything. What I'm saying that it was a deliberate acknowledgment towards the fans, and that the only reason that players keyed onto it was because as fans we know that Aerith was special to Cloud (and yes, everybody else, but it was Cloud's story so that's what we get the most from) and that it was the basis for this .5 seconds of interaction, which was broadened in KHII.

Hence why 3 is based on a whole lot of nothing, but not 2. We can tell that there's a friendship there based on what we can be certain of in the OG. 3 is based on there being a romantic relationship in the OG, which is at best uncertain and at worst non existent. 3 is based on an assumption, and then later used to prop up the original assumption. It's an example of circular reasoning.


unsavory tart
Hence why 3 is based on a whole lot of nothing, but not 2. We can tell that there's a friendship there based on what we can be certain of in the OG. 3 is based on there being a romantic relationship in the OG, which is at best uncertain and at worst non existent. 3 is based on an assumption, and then later used to prop up the original assumption. It's an example of circular reasoning.
All things considered, uncertainty characterized a lot of things in FFVII at this time. This was pre-Advent Children. Before we got confirmation that the high affection highwind scene was canon. Before we understood that Cloud and Tifa was raising a family together. And before we knew anything about Zack.

This coupled with the fact that Aerith was a part of a love triangle, let a lot of people trying to fill in the blanks. Granted it was wrong, but eh. I wouldn't say it was based off of nothing, just they took a leap of faith and it went a different way that imagined. Who knew before Mix that Cloud was searching for Sephiroth, or before II that Cloud would leave them to continue searching for Sephiroth/running from Tifa.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
All things considered, uncertainty characterized a lot of things in FFVII at this time. This was pre-Advent Children. Before we got confirmation that the high affection highwind scene was canon. Before we understood that Cloud and Tifa was raising a family together. And before we knew anything about Zack.

Yes. Things were very uncertain. Especially C/A. There was little to suggest there was actual romance there outside of assumptions that we can now show to be quite wrong.
C/A was uncertain, and that is WHY option 3 is based on nothing, now as it was then. There wasn't anything to verify it, to support it. It was only an assumption, and people let what they wanted to see take precedence over actually examining what we did see.

This coupled with the fact that Aerith was a part of a love triangle, let a lot of people trying to fill in the blanks. Granted it was wrong, but eh. I wouldn't say it was based off of nothing, just they took a leap of faith and it went a different way that imagined. Who knew before Mix that Cloud was searching for Sephiroth, or before II that Cloud would leave them to continue searching for Sephiroth/running from Tifa.

Taking a leap of faith, basing things on nothing, six of one, half dozen of the other. You're saying 'no one knew, they made an assumption, oh well' and I'm saying 'if you don't know, say you don't know. Don't make an assumption and treat that as fact' which is what characterized a lot of the wilder claims in those days, including the KH ones which wound up being circular arguments.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Sorry for the long wait in getting back to you, Ryu.

Diffused and reborn as other organisms. Like data being wiped from a computer- the storage space is there, but the specific data is gone.

I see what you're saying now. I'd disagree, though, that Maiden implies the specific energy of those dead Cetra had already been recycled.

Diluted, sure. Melded with the stream as a whole, sure. But not necessarily recycled. For that matter, if it's diluted and melded with the stream as a whole, it's not likely to be as simple as sending Cetra A's spirit out to be recycled, then sending out Cetra B's, etc.

It'd be more like sending out 1/125,000 of Cetra A's spirit, and so on and so forth.

Ryu said:
Indeed. And we're both arguably just making shit up. But there is no rhyme nor reason to what the voices in the lifestream say, which doesn't suggest great awareness.

I'm not arguing there was none other present, just that the others might not be able to observe. No witnesses doesn't mean 'no one there'.

Fair enough, and we can let go of that particular point of contention since there's no way of knowing the level of awareness of the consciousnesses -- but that still doesn't address my primary point on the matter of the quote about Tifa being "the only witness to Cloud's blurry memory": that it was talking about the first half of the game, since it seemed to speak of being a witness to his screwed up memories and helping fix him as two separate events.

Ryu said:
No, a jump cut can be used between to camera angles, or when no change in time is supposed to be inferred in the story. Bewitched used them all the time to indicate magic happening. Of course, looking up on the matter, I see that it's technically wrong to call them jump cuts when the angle is too great.

"Bewitched" is something of an exception. Where no supernatural "poofs" are going on, and no POV psychological perception issues are at work, a jump cut occuring in the same place always involves a change in time.

You're right about the second point, by the way. It's technically wrong to call it a jump cut if the angle is more than 30 degrees, because the viewer is less likely to believe the intention was to call their attention to the shift.

The scene with Seph, though, was still a fade and not a cut. A jump cut requires there be no fade out.

The problem being that makes him alive for the part where Maiden says he's dead.

I'm still fuzzy on what you meant by this. The opening shenanigans of DC took place the night that Hojo died and Shin-Ra fell.

Yeah, it originally was written to have taken place post-Sephy's demise, but that was a continuity blunder for so many reasons, and Case of Shin-Ra retconned it.

Ryu said:
All the battles end in fades, though. And the boss battles several times end in fades and pick up right at the end of battle. Including the actual final battle that matters.

Fades have often been used during boss battles to cover undepicted time, like when enemies scurry off.

Ryu said:
Well, he's very blatantly not smiling, but pfeh.

In fairness, I don't think the expressions on the faces of the battle animations ever change.

Ryu said:
Like I said, it's fudging shit, and that's fine, but just admit you're fudging shit.

I'll admit its fudging only in so far as one can reasonably assume -- due to the graphical limitations -- that Seph was smiling there despite there being no smile shown.

Ryu said:
How is 'Stupid emo teen acts like stupid emo teen' going to lengths? My entire argument there is 'Well, people can be stupid at times and other people can let them wallow in their mistakes, and well, Bugen does something similar about Red's misconception with his dad.

It's one thing to let somebody go on thinking something stupid in the hope that they figure it out and better themselves for it. It's quite another to determine, "Oh, that goof thinks his girlfriend is dead. We'll just let him figure it out on his own. *giggle*"

In any case, unless the whole of Cosmo Canyon was in on making Nanaki look like an utter buffoon, and had planned this beforehand in case he ever returned, it's inconceivable that no one would have said something like, "Oh, yay, Nanaki's back! He'll be here when his bitch comes out of the shrine!" if sheactually existed.

Ryu said:
Even after I say that shit, BTW, I agree that chunk of BC should be tossed. It's still atrocious writing.

I'm happy you agree.

Ryu said:
I'm in favor of knocking out much of BC as well, and knocking or rewriting chunks of CC too. Even the current continuity model we have (the inside outside compilation list) isn't a sufficient one.
Quick, let's get S-E to hire us as a continuity chronicler, a la the Holocron of LFL.

I would enjoy that very much. And they really need to hire somebody for the job, since they're clearly not up to the task themselves.

Now, to talk to others.

(it always struck me as a lame attempt to cover up a plot hole in the ogc. i remember a lot of people used to wonder why shinra never went after her when they knew where she lived. i personally thought it was because of tseng's hard on for her.)

That still seems to be the case, even in Case of Shin-Ra. It said that it was left to Tseng's discretion how to handle bringing her in, and he chose to take a measure that was considered gentle by Turk standards.

Of course, it does also say that his prior attempts to use force resulting in her mother's death played a part in that.

Zee said:
also how much bearing does bc even have on...well, anything? it was a cell phone game that couldn't even be released outside of japan, ffs.

SE treats it as legitimate and significant an entry as CC, AC/C, etc. Japan is really their primary market concern anyway.

And she was only dead "once Sephiroth decided" if you assume Sephiroth somehow knew what she was doing BEFORE she told Cloud. Otherwise? She was dead once she told the person who already demonstrated his brain could be hijacked by Sephiroth, and then Sephiroth decided.

I feel like he'd have figured it out either way. She didn't know about Holy until she got to the Ancients' city, and he decided to kill her based just on the fact that she was going.

So regardless of sending Cloud the message, he'd have known she would learn of Holy when she got there. She was dead the moment she set out for the city.

winter said:
come on, Cloud leaves for days/weeks on end and Tifa calls him repeatedly. she's frustrated and he knows it. Maybe it's not stated outright, but it's pretty easy to pick up on.

He was only gone for a prolonged period once he left and started staying in the church. Case of Tifa says he was home every night after work, right up until he exiled himself.

Wasn't the same Sephiroth body that killed Aerith the one that the party killed in the Whirlwind Maze? (the one that turned in Jenova∙DEATH and dropped the Black Materia). I though he only managed to kill Aerith because of the element of surprise

Sephiroth had the element of surprise any time he wanted it, though. That's the point.

He could look like anyone, fly, cast illusions so that no one would even know he was there, arguably phase through solid floors/walls, etc.

As entertaining as that would be, I doubt anything productive would come of it. :lol:

It would entertain me, and that's productive enough.

AU is AU. I don't see a level of importance of one over the other. Maybe, MAYBE Dissidia because it actually attempts to be within the "Final Fantasy universe". But even then, I want a statement saying that it is part of the canon and continuity of all games, and then give me a time frame in which Dissidia fits into each game. Until then, it has no bearing.

Well, Nomura, Kitase and Takeshi Arakawa (Dissidia's director) all referred to Dissidia as a genuine FF installment:

As well, pg. 658 of the Dissidia Ultimania speaks of the heroes all going home to their respective worlds at the end of the game:

It's definitely treated as canon for the characters featured.

As to when it fits into the timeline of each character's life, I think that's been rightly left up to the players to figure out. Not that it's difficult to come up with an answer.
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