The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
Just as I post this, rolled Baelsar's Wall on level 50/60 dungeons....

So I guess it is, just not common.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
As far as I can tell, 50/60 roulette dumps you into whatever dungeons other people are specifically queuing for. So to get the story dungeons (Keeper of the Lake, Baelsar's Wall, etc.) someone else has to be specifically queuing for that dungeon. Otherwise I think it just picks a dungeon at random.

The other dungeons that come up more often in the 50/60 roulette are the dungeons linked to the Zodiac or Anima weapons. The dungeons that I never see are those that aren't needed for relic weapons or the MSQ (Neverreap, etc.).


The Sublimely Magnificent One
^ Depends how starved I am for Poetics...

That said, if it means I never have to explain what went on in the Pretorium from a character development (especially Cid) and lore standpoint, I'll be pretty happy about that.

Eh...even then, it'd be faster just to run ARF, or do Beast Tribes, or (insert 50/60 dungeon here). From what I'm seeing, they're just upping the roulette bonus up to 200 Poetics. That's not enough.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
PSA Announcement:

Be really careful with the new glamour system. The way it really works is by consuming a Glamour Prism to glamour all the gear you have on with the gear on the Glamour Plate. It will override any glamour that is already on gear. The glamour that the Glamour Plate added will then act like any other glamour.

So basically the "new" system is a shortcut to the old system with some limitations on what can be put on the "shortcut" (everything in the Glamour Dresser/Amoire) and where the shortcut can be applied (major cities/residential areas).


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony

So it consumes a glamour prism every time you change? Well at least now there is only one type of prism to craft.

Also another PSA that took me a while to figure out. Any glamour gear like the Strife Set, put that in the armoire. It won't cost a glamour prism to have it converted to a glamour since that's the point of the equipment.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah, like the only gear I have in the Glamour dresser is stuff I can get from the Calamity Salver and the Armoire since I can get them again really easily. Then there's all my RNG-based, or MogStation gear. Yeah, that's not going in there if I can't get it out.

Thing is, I've got all my War/Magic classes at Lvl. 70, so I have tones of room for glamour in my armory and that's a lot more convenient to glamour from since I'm out in the open world so much.

The big problem is that none of that stuff (reglamours gear, uses a prisim each time)was in the Patch Notes. So it's been very frustrating for a lot of people to figure out the system. The limitations on it make it seem a bit half-done as well since a lot of people find it harder to plan around the Glamour Dresser/Plate's limitations then the Glamour Prisim's limitations.

And yeah, Sigmascape is way better then Deltascape. That said... I'll be annoyed if Soken isn't able to do his version of One-Winged Angel (and probably Those Who Fight Further) next patch...

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Glamours/Screenshots I'm using

I just realized how much my ReShade setting help getting all the colors right...





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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Close-ups of the Glamours, since they looked better that way...

The basis of this one is Astrologin's Lux weapon which looks a lot like a crystal ball.


I really liked how the lighting came out in this one.


This Dark Knight weapon has been on my retainers ever since I got it from the Lvl. 50 MSQ quests. I'm really happy to have a glamor it works well with.


I found this pose by accident in one of the dance emotes. It made me think of a "get over here so I can eat you" gesture.


There's 3-4 different armor/weapon sets used in this one. What I was most surprised about was that they all matched without the need for dyes. Turning off skill visual effects is also really helpful when making screencaps.


Forbidden Land of Eureka Info

Basic Stuff
Semi-instanced: Whenever there's 144 players in the zone, another zone is created.
Getting in there: You can queue in solo or in a party up to eight people.
Making Parties: Parties can be made/disbanded at will in the zone.
Leveling (Kinda): Killing monsters gives you Elemental EXP which you can use to increase your elemental levels. Elemental Lvl is currently capped at 20, but should increase when more stuff is released.
De-Leveling: If you are Elemental Lvl 6 and up you will loose EXP points if you aren't raised by a player after 10 minutes (go back to town). If you are Elemental Lvl 11 and up, you will lose whole levels.
Story: There is a story involved here... so far Krile and Gerolt have both been seen in Eureka...
Mounts: Nope. Mounts are not allowed.


All monsters have are associated with an element. If you have points in that element, your defense vs them is raised. If you have points in the element they are weak against, your offense vs them is raised.
Elements are arranged in two Rock-Paper-Scissors sets. (Lightning -> Water -> Earth) and (Wind -> Fire -> Ice). This "board" is set up like the two interwoven triangles in a six pointed star.
Elemental EXP is spent to increase your percentage of elemental damage/defense in a single element.
You can (manually) spin the "board" to cause the Elemental percentages to swap elements while in the field. (IE: Switch 2 levels of Water to 2 levels of Wind). This consumes a resource the slowly regenerates over time.
Currently it looks like you won't be able to fully level all the elements up at once.


Dyable AF3 weapons/armor are gotten though here. There's also a set of general gear you can get (can equip on all healers/casters/tanks/etc.)
Gotten by finding certain items in Eureka which you can trade in to get/enhance gear. At least one of these items is from a specific FATE-type boss.
There's also glamour gear... in the style of some FFXI gear... in case it wasn't obvious that this entire thing is porting a lot of FFXI leveling mechanics into FFXIV.

Anyway, it's way to early to tell if this will be the next PotD or the next Diadem. It's got enough aspects of both for it to currently be a toss-up.

It is giving me a bit of a to-do list getting ready for it on the off-chance that it will be the next Diadem. Mainly, to get my last war/magic classes (Warrior and Paladin) up to level 70 before it hits and hopefully figure out the most efficient way to grind weapons/armor from it on the off-chance it does get abandoned in the future (this gets a lot easier to think about doing when raiding is not my preferred way of getting gear). The other thing on the list is to finish off the current Zeta weapon I'm working on (Ninja). Zodiac and Anima weapons don't have the problem of making use of abandoned content so those probably are getting put on the back-burner until I get finished with the Eureka weapons/armor. As it is, I should have a Zodiac/Anima weapon for every class but Scholar and the SB classes when 4.25 hits...

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Oh Abyss Armor... You give me so many problems. It looks great on characters that are not skinny. Put it on my Female Au Ra though... and it looks goofy from the back. Actually, all the armors that have capes do. Whenever weapons are drawn (especially the DRK weapons), the physics engine stretches the bottom of the capes to like... 2-3 times the width they are when weapons aren't drawn but leaves the part over the torso the same width as usual. So it looks super distorted. The armors whose coats/capes curve around the front of the character don't have this problem.


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
My character is a max height midlander(actually he a slightly* altered derplander) and the armor seems fine on him. You'd need to show me what you're talking about.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
That would be why, it looks fine on most of the guys and a lot of the Roe and Highlander women. It's just when characters are short and have really skinny waists that the armor is deformed a lot more then usual. And the design of Abyssal Armor doesn't hide the deformation very well.

I can't help but laugh every time I see the image on the right...


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer

I bought a house!

It's in the Goblet, Ward 18, Plot 47 (take The Brimming Heart Subdivision). I've got a great view of the fountain/swimming area.


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The real issue is how much housing is still needed. There simply isn't enough for everyone.

I was honestly surprised there was still spots left given I got on hours after maintenance ended. I just looked around the wards to see what was open from the main Aethyrite in Ul'dah and found and open spot at one of the plots I wanted.


That Man
I'll be perfectly honest, the first and only MMO I ever played was Ragnarok Online, and my one friend was leading me around by the nose, so I didn't get much opportunity to explore the game by myself.

Having Job Classes and Really cool armor, as well as solid combat would really do it for me, but the prospect of owning my own House (or, like OverLord, owning my own DUNGEON with floor master guardians), would really be awesome.

Part of my hesitation comes from subscription fees... that's all there really is to it. If I didn't have that "time limit", I'd be farming like crazy.


Pro Adventurer
In the off chance that you're not aware of it, you can download the free trial which has no time limit. You'll be capped at lvl35 (which honestly isn't much but lets you get a little taste of a class since the classes first feel more complete at lvl 50, then 60 then 70) but you can play any and every class exclusing the expansion ones (dark knight, machinist, astrologian, red mage, samurai). They all level independently which means if you reach lvl25 on, say pugilist and feel bored, you can unlock and switch the conjurer without penalty. If you later feel you want to play pugilist again, you can switch back easily riht back where you left off, and you can do this whenever and hiwever many times you like.
Oh, and you won't be able to send private messages or speak in public chat (which dnot many do anyway) or join a free company (guild), but I think you can speak in linkshells (private group chats) if invited.

The game is very casual-friendly and really lets someone play the pace they want. Yes, there is more hardcore stuff in endgame but there's also a metric sh*ttonne of other things to do in the game.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The amount of things to do in-game is crazy. I don't even Savage raid and I still find things to do all the time (build shiny weapons, get sparkly mounts).

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Things I've crossed off my To-Do List before Eureka hits!

Not more bird farms!


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Whoop! Got half the Lvl 50 Relics and half the Lvl 60 Anima weapons!

So that's the end of my to-do list before Eureka hits. Until it hits I'll mainly be leveling crafters/gatherers... finally...

Or, that one time my WoL went clubbing in Kugane...

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Anemos Gear data.

Weapons are ilvl 355, armor is ilvl 350. So Mendacity gear is still better even if you aren't upgrading it.

However, sub stats are cusomizable and Anemos Gear comes with five materia slots that have 100% meld rate. So you can get three more Teir VI materia on the left hand gear.

Weapons! And apparently dying the weapons changes the glow color this time around.

And read the patch notes! There's good-to-know information about drop rates of things in there.
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Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
From the most recent live letter with information for 4.3:


Taken from Reddit and Twitter

New: MSQ Focused on Doman reconstruction.
Beast Tribe Quests
One new Dungeon
Deep-Dungeon 2 named "Heaven on High" which is 100 floor and will take place in the very tall structure we see in the Ruby sea.
One new Trial + Extreme Mode
Next Ultimate fight is a Rematch with Ultima Weapon "The Minstrel's Ballad: The Weapon's Refrain"
New Eureka Zone
Alliance Raid - "Ridorana Lighthouse"
Job Adjustments to DRK, SAM, AST (Can't wait to see what DRK ones are)
Items converted to glamour can be reclaimed
Possible addition of a Normal Raid Roulette(Hopefully doesn't including Coils)


Looking forward to a normal raid roulette, that would be pretty sweet and I'm sure I just got done talking with Flint and a few others about that on discord =p. However if they were to add coils, there would be major problems considering how difficult they are synced.

DRK changes - As someone who primary plays DRK now, I'd love to see him get buffed a little bit, maybe a bit more damage on par with Warrior, or adding a knock back cooldown for something like 05s. Enjoy playing but it's no secret DRK the worst off of the 3 tanks.

MSQ - Always looking forward to the next bit of story content from this game. I know ARR doesn't have the most interesting story starting off, but Heavensward and Stormblood were great, and the last two patches have been pretty good.

Deep Dungeon 2- I don't see myself using this... just like Euerka, but it's nice to know what that giant structure in the middle of the Ruby Sea is going to be used for.
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Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Live Letter 43 Overview
Mostly from the Reddit Unofficial translations


Patch 4.3 - Late May

MSQ - Finishing up Doma Chapter

Four Lords (no trial for them!)
Doman Reconstruction

Beast Tribe Quests
- The Namazu
Crafters and Gatherers this time around
focuses on the Azim Steppe/Au Ra tribes

- The Swallow's Compass
The tomb of the guy who founded Doma and invented Geomancy
is both inside and outside the dungeon like Temple of the Fist
gear is based on the winner of the Caster Armor Design contest
Trial - ???????
part of the MSQ, they're not revealing what it is even when the Trailer launches...
24-man Alliance Raid - The Ridorana Lighthouse

There will be a crafter/gatherer side-story attached to the Alliance Raid
mentions of the Alliance loot system being changed to Greed Only, but there's a lot of misinformation/translation errors? going around about what Alliance Raids will be changed to this (new ones? ones in Alliance Roulette only?) so I'd take this with a heavy spoonful of salt until the Official Translations come out or the next Live Letter drops
Ultimate - Ultima Weapon
no screenshots!
in 4.31
will be shorter then Ultimate Bahamut

Job Adjustments
- DRK, SAM, AST confirmed

Misc Adjustments
PvP - Frontline - Daily Campaign Rotation, (so we can still get old achivments done?)
Glamour Dresser - we can now remove items from the Glamour Dresser and they are not destroyed!
Housing - Guestbook and Mannequins added
Daily Roulettes - New Raid Roulette, only has Normal Alexander in it
Cross World Linkshells! - limiting how many people are in them to see server stress

Patch 4.35
- ?

- Hildibrand

New "Deep" Dungoen - Heaven-on-High
Lvl. 60 required to get in
100 Floors, Floors 31+ are designed to be the "hard 4-man content"
Eureka - New Zone!
Pagos - Ice Zone
The Companion App

Free Stuff
Chat, Planner/Callende
Inventory/Armory Management
View the MB
Put items up for sale/Purchase items on the MB
Every day you get a Kupo Nut, Nut can be used to make use of MB once per nut
Paid Stuff (monthly fee)
Retainer/Saddlebag Management
Saddlebag capacity doubled
Retainer Cap increased by 1
Every day you get 2 Kupo Nuts, cap on number of nuts you can hold at once is greater
Can use Moogle Coins to do same thing as Kupo Nuts, but no mention is made of how Moogle Coins are gotten...

Edit: Ninjaed....
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