The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Pro Adventurer
Wow, that sucks guys. I have had pretty good luck. I have never been in a party that did not finish or that yelled at each other. Avec, which classes are you and Force leveling again? If you ever need a tank when I am on, I can sync my level and come help out. Then at least there will only be one random person. Dungeons are the most fun for me too and I can tell you from playing other MMOs that doing them with the wrong people can really ruin the entire game. But when you have a good group, they make the game so much more fun.


I would say that a code of conduct for the TLS guild would be in order, both when playing with other TLSers and when TLSers play with others. The TLS rule "Don't be a dick" would sound appropriate.

Unless you're Cthulhu, Cthulhu does what he is wont to do. FHTAGN

Oh, I don't have the game yet btw, the webshop I bought it from sent me an email saying it was delayed indefinitely and the order will be cancelled automatically after three months, :monster:. That's what you get for being the cheapest. I'll cancel it when I get back from my trip and buy it in a physical store or something.


@Lex - yeah, that was why I was just taking it for the most part. Lots of "sorry" and "ok, I'll do that instead", until he yelled at me one more time for the stacking thing, and even then I wasn't rude about it, just snapped that I WAS stacking (in the sense of what I thought he was talking about, anyway, which of course was wrong which he proceeded to berate me for as well). The tank wasn't bad, he was pretty level headed as well, and of course Force was fine (although he did yell at the dude once when he was being particularly mean to me, which <3 ). Just, ugh. You're right, I should ask around the FC to see if there are any available players who want to go dungeoning from now on.

@Knuxson - I'm a Black Mage, and Force is a Dragoon. I'd love to have you along sometime. When do you normally play? Force and I are only both on usually between 8PM-11PM EST, being Muricans and all.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I just ground for 3 straight hours leveling up my goldsmithing

My eyes...I can't focus.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
You're ridiculous and/or should probably take a break


unsavory tart
So I finally got access to the game, by that I mean I made a character on someone else's account.

Is everyone still on Cerberus? But I made my character on there and it would suck if I made it on the wrong server...


Cerberus is indeed where you will find most of us lunatics. What is your character's name? We'll get you added to friends lists and the Free Company in no time, mwahaha.


unsavory tart
Cerberus is indeed where you will find most of us lunatics. What is your character's name? We'll get you added to friends lists and the Free Company in no time, mwahaha.
Ah, I'm Typo Warrior. I'll be honest, even if I tried the Beta I have little clue what I'm doing, and don't know how MMOs work. But I suppose that's what makes it fun.


This is my first time playing an MMO, too, so don't worry, we can be happily ignorant morons together! ^_^

What class are you playing? What job are you going for?


unsavory tart
This is my first time playing an MMO, too, so don't worry, we can be happily ignorant morons together! ^_^

What class are you playing? What job are you going for?
Gladiator and hoping to reach Paladin. I've been advised against tanking by friends/family that said it's the most stressful job since they are assumed to automatically suppose to know a raid and take charge but eh.

I just really like Paladins. Go Cecil.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Tanking isn't that hard imho, but each to their own. It's only hard by the pressure that everyone puts on you. It's for this reason I'm pursuing Brayflox Longstop with people from the Free Company. I'm not being subjected to verbal abuse and blame anymore.

As for Paladin, I believe you need to acquire Level 30 Gladiator and Level 15 Thaumathingymabob (I feel so shite for not remembering the name) to achieve it. I've been thinking about this route myself, but I keep forgetting. :monster:


I believe it's actually Gladiator and Conjurer, not Thaumaturge :) double check though! It sucks to get all the levels you think you need only to find out that you've leveled the wrong class >.<


Pro Adventurer
Yep. I am a Paladin and it is indeed level 15 conjurer (fighter + white magic = paladin). I have played a few MMOs and usually tanked, so I am used to the role. But you guys hit the nail on the head. Tanking is only hard because you are typically expected to know a fight even if you have never even done it before. I usually look up strategies online before doing any new dungeons. But what I like about it is that you are typically in control of the fight as a tank and can control where and how you fight the boss (depending on the mechanics of that boss).

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Kind of takes some of the joy out of the discovery and exploration, though, don't it? But I suppose that may be better than getting chewed out by morons.

Of course, I would tell them they got twice to insult me, then I was ditching them and they could do it all on their own.


Pro Adventurer
Yeah, unfortunately it does take some of the fun out of it. But many people aren't accommodating to others once they themselves know they fight. This is especially true as you get closer to max level. I have had decent party members so far though, but, luckily, if I ever get some really bad ones I can just leave and be back into another dungeon a few minutes later while they sit in a 45 minute queue. :P


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

This is really quickly becoming one of my favorite standard battle themes out of the lot. Like everything else I'm falling in love with in this game it has such a strong identity with its instruments. Loops pretty well, too!


unsavory tart
There needs to be an easy way to find everyone in this thread. Like, edit the first post with peoples names and servers to help those of us who have no idea what we are doing >___>


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
^ But that thread hasn't been updated since I got my name in there. Blame Joe. :monster:


Joe, Arcana
Nobody's been putting names in there, don't blame me.

I'm awesome ;-;


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I'd really like it if people joined the forums, though, so they can actually have some input into the way we're running the company >.>


Pro Adventurer
It seems like dungeon groups at max level are so different than the ones I encountered while leveling. While leveling, I got a lot of talkative groups that seemed excited about learning the new bosses and doing the dungeons. Last night, I tried to tank the level 50 dungeon "Wanderer's Palace." I tried it two times, but with both groups we couldn't get past the second boss. This is the first dungeon I have not gotten through on the first run so far in this game.

Basically the boss summons adds that have to die quick and the boss will also mark someone and start chasing them. That player must run away until the boss stops chasing them. Each time, there was a dps that didn't run and died. Therefore, we didn't have enough dps to drop all the adds fast enough when they appeared and got overwhelmed. I told everyone what to do before we started the fight. What is really annoying is that with both groups I had, no one talked but me. I would say hi when we got in and explain fights, but no one said anything. The dps didn't take any of my suggestions and just seemed to want to pew pew stuff without thinking. I don't really get it because isn't not trying and failing just a waste of time for them too? Maybe they think they aren't doing anything wrong. Or they are lazy and just want to spam a couple of buttons while they watch TV or something.



^Well you've finally been put in with some bad groups. Welcome to my world. I think the first time this happened to me was Qarn, and it's happened ever since :monster:
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