To use an example, if someone was say... unnecessarily popping Benediction in the middle of a raid, it would be acceptable to call that out in a static. There is a time and a place for Bene but if everyone is playing at least OK there should be no reason to ever use it. But all this ARE YOU RETARDED GO DIE SCUM HOW DARE YOU USE BENE is so unbelievably childish. (Sidebar: WHM + Dark Knight is going to be so very interesting with that zombie invulnerability thing they have).
If people are serious about raiding, I would expect some mature professionalism behind it too. Not the elitist "we r teh l33t pros" stuff, but actual mature adults who want to perform to the best of their ability in the game. I know these people exist in hardcore statics because I've encountered them. People who are helpful and friendly but get down to business when they're raiding. Some people might need to get booted from the static for performing poorly, some people might need to be corrected, but it's an environment that you don't hate yourself for being in.
I've been in two statics in XIV, and neither of them were serious enough for me. The first I was progressing faster than (back before Second Coil when I cleared T5) and the second was fairly recently where half of them were stuck on T5 and wouldn't listen to a thing anyone was telling them. Same mistakes over and over. I stayed for two nights of it before I held my hands up and told them I couldn't take it anymore. That's the opposite end of the spectrum. The leader was a little too encouraging ("you guys are doing good") which sounds nice on paper but when you get down to it, the same people were making the same mistakes and nobody was listening to the three people who had actually cleared the content. You need to individualise and you need to call out terrible players because if they join a progression static you assume they actually want to clear the damn content. It feckin boggles my mind that people are still stuck on T5 when the mechanics really aren't all that complex. And now there's like a bajillion percent echo. And as I've said before it doubly annoys me when I come to content late completely prepared for it and I end up explaining the mechanics to people who have tried it more than I have. Idgi honestly. This was using TS3. Boggles. The. Mind.
As of last night (after a long long search) I've found a new static who are on T9 and seem to be serious enough. I quizzed the recruiter for about half an hour before I joined. The first is tonight, we'll see how it goes.
EDIT: I want to make it clear that if I'm doing something wrong I would want people to tell me, particularly on DRG. I'm not super serious about WAR or WHM right now (still gearing, so a lot of lazy heal WoD runs until I can farm better content) but I can hold hate as a WAR and I can keep people maxed as a WHM and that's good enough for me.