The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


We have come to terms
Really looking forward to the astrologian - I love playing healing classes. Tanking is already pretty fun, too, and DRK sounds like it's going to be awesomeeeeeee.

And the new abilities that the classes are getting seem to range from okay to mindblowing - like the SCH ability to extend the duration of your Adloquiem (snore) to SMN being able to cast Bio, Bio II, and Miasma AT THE SAME TIME (wooooooooooooooooooooooow).


Pro Adventurer
I guess my Castrum run was the exception and not the rule :monster:

I had a competent tank who gave no fucks whether or not the off tank was around to help and I was one of 3 bards present in the run. Needless to say we mobbed up giant waves and aoe'd it down swiftly lol.

It was also a relatively fast Queue time, only like 10 minutes for me on Exodus :D

Praetorium on the other hand is a Queue that is just not popping for me ;_;


Double Growth
I scenario roullette is ALWAYS Castrum, too. Why is that? Don't whoever is going through the story the first time need to do Praetorium too?


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Going to see about getting my sub renewed at the end of the month when I get paid (someone bug me about it, please?). Not sure if I'll get the expansion yet, might wait for it to drop in price because I'm not wanting to jump right on it since I haven't played much of the post-game stuff yet.


The roulette works by shoving overlevelled players into an instance that one person has queued for. There's nothing more annoying than landing in Castrum and Prae and not seeing the bonus sign, because you're only doing it if you need soldiery and it means someone is farming one of them rather than just doing the roulette, which is silly (the roulette unlocks after Prae, which is immediately after Castrum).

Also while I felt like I was disproportionately getting Castrum too at first, I've found that it's more even. There was one period when I got Castrum every single time for maybe two weeks but then I got a string of prae and it kind of evened out. I can't tell you what it's like now because I haven't done that main scenario roulette consistently since patch 2.3. I ran it once recently for fun with my Warrior and got praetorium.

And yeah since the advent of poetics the longest queue times are going to be for Castrum and Prae because nobody has any reason to do that roulette anymore. They give 100 soldiery but so do all the crystal tower raids and they're actually needed for weekly quests and gear. 100% I would spam WoD over and over for gear and 100 soldiery (and a more likely bonus) than I would the main scenario roulette. I actually have no clue what to do with my soldiery now. The highest soldiery gear you can get is upgradeable to 110 but WoD drops 120 gear for my alts (and isn't remotely difficult) and I've got all the 130 gear for my main and most of the 120 for my alts so... good riddance soldiery. I find myself sitting with 2000 soldiery and having to spend it on trash because I don't like wasting it. This usually results in buying Dubbin from Aelina and selling it on the market board. I have literally no use for soldiery gear anymore.

DRG is still my favourite. I've levelled nearly every class at this point and I enjoy most of them for different reasons. All the melee classes will have a harder time with keeping DPS up compared to ranged in terms of when the boss jumps around the arena (which depends on the boss of course), but the true magic is how strong our attacks are.

I'm using a DPS parser (no one tell SE) now and it tells me exactly how much damage per second each member of the team is doing. Because of this and the new DRG rotation, I'm consistently at the top of the team in terms of DPS. One person beat me last week by 0.2HP/s (another DRG ofc), which just means that he has exactly the same rotation but I got one less hit in owing to having to move away from the boss for a meteor XD. When done right, DRG has the most potential for highest DPS in the game (but you need to use the right rotation and know when to pop jumps which most don't, make no mistake). In second and third - and in my experience tied, are MNK (monk) and NIN (ninja). These only fall very slightly below DRG in terms of raw damage output, but the monk has its stacks to think about and the NIN relies on Dex rather than strength.

All ranged DPS fall slightly below melee but usually end up close to equal because they don't have to worry about positioning the way the melee classes do or dodging close-range AoE. Based on this Bard has got to be one of the easiest, because they don't have to worry about interrupting their casts while dodging ranged AoE. BLM tends to come out on top of raw DPS in the ranged classes though. SMN's have their pets which obviously contribute to their DPS and sometimes put them above BLM's.

So in short, in a spectator match with every class if people aren't optimising their moves you're likely to see Bard, Summoner and Black Mage in the top re: DPS output. BLM will probably win because their regular moves just hit harder. If everyone's playing optimised, the melee will always be top in terms of DPS.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Pre-ordered Heavensward. Not sure how / if I can livestream / twitch it on PS4, but if nothing else I'd be happy to record some First Impression Let's Plays on the game for those who are on the fence about getting the expansion.

Also, stoked about dat fabric Dragoon banner.





New ability: Blood of the Dragon
This is the main feature of the adjustments for dragoon. When using Blood of the Dragon, you’ll be able to use a fancy action after Full Thrust and Chaos Thrust making for a 4-stage combo.

Additionally, there is also a strong action that will consume Blood of the Dragon. With these adjustments, dragoons role as a DPS will really shine through. Furthermore, we’re also making adjustments to the animation locks for jumps.

No more loldrg :monster:
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Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Have preordered Heavensward and will be getting my subscription back up this coming weekend when I get paid. :monster:


Pinkfish, Fish
Lex said:
I'm using a DPS parser (no one tell SE) now and it tells me exactly how much damage per second each member of the team is doing. Because of this and the new DRG rotation, I'm consistently at the top of the team in terms of DPS. One person beat me last week by 0.2HP/s (another DRG ofc), which just means that he has exactly the same rotation but I got one less hit in owing to having to move away from the boss for a meteor XD. When done right, DRG has the most potential for highest DPS in the game (but you need to use the right rotation and know when to pop jumps which most don't, make no mistake). In second and third - and in my experience tied, are MNK (monk) and NIN (ninja). These only fall very slightly below DRG in terms of raw damage output, but the monk has its stacks to think about and the NIN relies on Dex rather than strength.

Using a parser is definitely the way to go, just try to avoid letting people know you are using one, if you need to call someone out just say you have noticed their rotation is bad. I don't get why SE doesn't include a self parser at least, a lot of players have no way of telling if they are playing well or not. What kind of numbers have you been hitting on DRG since you got it? My dps shot up quite a bit when I got mine, also if you are using ACT check out the Rainbowmage Overlay, it blends the parser in with the games UI.


I'm using rainbowmage! It's awesome. Getting the parser has improved my DPS so I do think they should include some sort of self-parser thing for anyone who's serious about outputting as much damage as possible.

Yesterday is the first time I've ever said something to someone about a bad rotation, though normally I wouldn't. I was farming the expert roulette to cap poetics and it was my 6th run of Amdapor hard in the past two days, and the DPS were me +Bard. Bards can hit for some awesome damage and he was mostly i130, but we failed the gauntlet prior to the last boss. I had noticed his terrible damage throughout the dungeon but didn't say anything because... well I didn't want to be an asshole, maybe he was just feeling lazy or something. But then he caused us to fail and I had to point it out. Like we barely failed because I was doing absolutely everything I could (last enemy had 10% HP left), but fuck knows what he was doing because it was terrible. I just said "you really need to sort out your rotation btw, we should never have failed that".

But yeah having the parser is kind of increasing my resentment toward other players sometimes XD.

I guess the numbers are mainly fight dependent? Due to boss invulnerability etc sometimes mucking it up in a sense. On say Garuda ex I tend to hit around 490-510 for the course of the fight. In the Ex roulette I've seen it hit 900 but that's because doom spike and glorious AoE. T9 tends to be 600-700ish but it has a base 20% echo so it doesn't really count.


Double Growth
I saw you just in one dungeon after another last night. It was crazy. Every time I pulled up the FC you were in another one, lol.

Lex said:
But yeah having the parser is kind of increasing my resentment toward other players sometimes

And this is not something for which the population at large needs any encouragement :monster:


tbh it's more that I'm more geared than most people than anything else. Though I did say hi to my party in the last 5 instances yesterday with this:

"Yay speedrun so fast our brains will explode wooooo"
"Yay speedrun so fast our hearts will implode and we'll all die from happiness wooooo"

^Note that I waited to hit enter until no "someone is new" message appeared :P.

And Force you should have said something in the FC chat :P. I was bored. And also it would mean that someone has had a conversation in the FC chat for the first time in months. Man we need to recruit.


- They're transferring Chaos (our data centre) to an actual physical new EU server cluster some time this year (all NA/EU servers are currently in Canada).
- The main scenario roulette will contain both ARR and Heavensward content
- PS3 support is completely stopping at the end of the 3.x series (so when the next expansion comes out in a couple of years it won't be on PS3).


I swear I didn't see anything pop up in the FC chat? If that happens again /tell me, maybe my FC chat isn't appearing in general anymore or something.


We have come to terms
But parsers don't actually measure your dps - they measure your, uh...pts (potency per second). While your actual damage output is gonna be higher with better gear (mmmmm Zeta), your potency won't change unless your rotation does.


Pro Adventurer
Why doesnt SE just release the API for the game?

I'm spoiled by WoW add ons that are a god send :sadpanda:
Seriously though, no GRID, no Skada/ReCount , no DBM, shit not even a bartender or ELVUI clone is pretty tough to live without once you get used to the awesomeness.


We have come to terms
I wish I had a parser, since I just sort of check into what my rotation should look like and try to emulate it as best I can.

Which is hard for me as DRG because I Heavy Thrust and immediately want to hit the basic combo instead of going for Phlebotemize ;.;


The parser measures your actual damage per second. The numbers displayed on screen are the numbers which appear in the battle log, which is what parsers read (we are talking about actual end-damage here, not potency). This will increase or decrease depending on gear/ level/ skills used. There are ways to measure potency but since damage is what matters that's how the XIV plugins are set up to work for ACT.

What's stopping you from using a parser Omega?

EDIT: Uh don't heavy thrust - phlebotomise.

The highest DPS combo right now is (CT combo = chaos thrust 123 and FT combo = full thrust 123):

Heavy Thrust - CT Combo - Phlebotomise - FT Combo - Heavy Thrust - FT Combo - Phlebotomise - CT combo etc.

So you're doing the chaos thrust combo once, then the full thrust combo twice, alternating between heavy thrust and phlebotomise between each. While moves are recharging, hitting internal release, blood for blood whenever they're available. Power surge on jumps when appropriate, jumps and leg sweep when they're available between recharging GCD's. Life surge should be used before Full Thrust whenever it's available (but only before Full Thrust) because it guarantees a crit and FT is the most powerful move when all DoT's are on and it's at the end of the combo.

This ensures all buffs and DoT's are active constantly.

If you have fracture as a cross class skill, get rid of it. It's obsolete for DRG as of 2.2. I used to use fracture in my rotation and it took me a while to unlearn it. Putting elusive jump in place of it on the hotbar trained me pretty quick XD.
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LOL the Dark Knight has a cooldown move which you can use to target an ally, and if that ally dies you get 20% of your HP and MP back (dark knight is entirely MP dependent). So you can target a shitty raid member and get something out of it when they inevitably croak it XD. I love it.


We have come to terms
omg yes can I thank that post multiple times

also every parser I've heard of measures potency, hence why people talk about dps of, say, 325 or something when the actual strikes deal more



In the case of XIV its measuring damage. I've seen a souped up full thrust crit for ~2600 damage but it still takes about 7 hits of 300-1000 damage to get there. Factoring in that GCD moves take an average of 2-2.5 seconds to actually recharge (depending on skill speed), the lower average is about right.

Into the bargain, the way the ACT plugin parses parses the damage displayed in the battle log, which isn't potency. Also the average increased when I went from Longinus to Longinus zeta. So be assured, it's measuring actual damage per second :)


Pinkfish, Fish
Davos Seaworth said:
But parsers don't actually measure your dps - they measure your, uh...pts (potency per second). While your actual damage output is gonna be higher with better gear (mmmmm Zeta), your potency won't change unless your rotation does.

Nope parsers read your battle chat log and process the data to give you all of the information in total numbers graphs etc. You can check DPS, actual damage, crit % HPS, total heals, highest bust DPS & HPS, misses, blocks and more.

Lex said:
I guess the numbers are mainly fight dependent? Due to boss invulnerability etc sometimes mucking it up in a sense. On say Garuda ex I tend to hit around 490-510 for the course of the fight. In the Ex roulette I've seen it hit 900 but that's because doom spike and glorious AoE. T9 tends to be 600-700ish but it has a base 20% echo so it doesn't really count.

Oh yeah DPS can massively vary per fights, it's really dependent on how much uptime you get on the boss. E.g. T13 has some pretty big breaks for the phase transitions and dives, also the mechanics can pull you off the boss for a few gcds here and there, because of that doing 500+ dps is really good(pre echo). Where as in Shiva the only break is Diamond Dust so its pretty common for good players to hit 600+ without echo.


Pro Adventurer
Nope parsers read your battle chat log and process the data to give you all of the information in total numbers graphs etc. You can check DPS, actual damage, crit % HPS, total heals, highest bust DPS & HPS, misses, blocks and more.

Ahh so its exactly like Skada , ReCount and Warcraft Logs. Never believing a thing Omega says again!


I have mine set to check DPS and Crit% for the record. I'm not sure I'd bother parsing heals when I'm playing as WHM, but it's easy enough to change the setting.
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