The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Aren't we FB friends?

Jason I'm hurt. :'(

Lol. No remember the craze which has died down recently but like back in 2010 everybody was all "I have 6,000 Facebook friends!"

Nowadays we just have the "if you give me 6,000 Likes we can save this dying kid and you don't have Jesus and a girl won't kill you at 2 AM, and you don't love Satan and your wishes will come true and John Cena!'


Apparently I'm playing / being played again too :monster:. Just rolling through the questline now. I'll probably swap to one of the new classes soonish (dps). And hope they fix matchmaking so one can queue for multiple roles and roll for offspec and shit without getting lip, :monster:


Pinkfish, Fish
We finally cleared Alexander Savage last night :)


Kill video:

Such a relief to be done with A4S it's one of the worst fights I've played, A3S was amazing though.


Sac strat I see :D

Congrats! And well done, A4S videos are always amazing to watch especially from the healer POV.


Pinkfish, Fish
Yeah we cheesed it XD but thats kind of the done thing now I guess, if it's good enough for Lucrezia it's good enough for me. I wouldn't mind doing it the proper way, but the less time I spend in that fight the better, it's not fun until the 4th leg really :/


Well tbf considering there are only like two clears out there with proper Nisi I wouldn't see the point when there's an easier way to do it, and it's not like the fight is made easy by that, it's still ridiculously hard.


Pinkfish, Fish
A3S was definitely harder, A4 is just timing the mechanics really, we should have killed it a lot sooner but we all hated the fight, lost motivation and stopped raiding as much.


Pinkfish, Fish
We had a really nice raid yesterday, we managed to clear Alexander Savage from start to finish in just over an hour. I streamed it all on my Twitch, and actually included my own voice this time (it took me three months of streaming to notice that my own voice wasn't being captured)

The first two floors are kind of a mess, but it comes together for A3S-A4S

What did everyone think to the Live Letter?

The new Primal tome gear looks awesome


I'm really excited for this new fight from the guy who made Titan and having an easier raid to work on, Alexander Savage was fun, but it took far to much time compared to the Coils. I might have to give this ranked PVP a try too.


Joe, Arcana
Really looking forward to this new patch, it sounds like there's a lot of great things to enjoy from it. More awesome fights pls.

Also that tome gear looks dope :monster:

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I have just beat HW a few days ago so im in the farming Law (before 3.2 removes them of course) phase to get the gear so i can get into Cuff of the Father. And the lv 60 dungeons to boot not counting Neverreap. Alreadt have a Law weapon, belt and boots.


Pinkfish, Fish
Really looking forward to this new patch, it sounds like there's a lot of great things to enjoy from it. More awesome fights pls.

Also that tome gear looks dope :monster:

Thats all I really ask for from this game, good fights and good glamour :D

The thing is the life span of a single well designed fight is massive, I ran Titan multiple times a week for two years before 3.0 came in and added unsynched. I couldn't stand being over levelled for a fight I could do in the minimum ilevel so I stopped joining random PF's. I am really hoping that this patch will give me the Titan on 3.0, that and a new raid will keep me happy for months.

I have just beat HW a few days ago so im in the farming Law (before 3.2 removes them of course) phase to get the gear so i can get into Cuff of the Father. And the lv 60 dungeons to boot not counting Neverreap. Alreadt have a Law weapon, belt and boots.

My advice to you would be to just get the bare minimum Law gear you need to enter Alexander normal and the new dungeons etc, save all of your Eso's for your weapon and farm the Diadem, Void Ark and Alexander normal to gear up. If you have the time to invest into getting the relic go for it as it is i210 but it is a big time investment. For now i would just focus on having an i200 weapon and a solid base of gear ready for the patch in a few weeks. 3.2 will be a fresh start for most players, everyone will gear up via tomes all over again so you timed hitting 60 pretty well :D
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Joe, Arcana
Miscreant said:
Thats all I really ask for from this game, good fights and good glamour
Preach! Glamour is my true end-game :monster:

save all of your Eso's for your weapon and farm the Diadem, Void Ark and Alexander normal to gear up. If you have the time to invest into getting the relic go for it as it is i210 but it is a big time investment. For now i would just focus on having an i200 weapon and a solid base of gear ready for the patch in a few weeks.
Well you can get the i200 relic with pretty minimal effort. Personally I'd say save the esoterics for stuff like right side gear, or even left side if one isn't willing to farm VA for drops. The i200 Eso weapon is over 2 weeks of Esoterics so if the goal is an i200 then the relic for that can be acquired in a couple of days.

Also swirly whirly weapons <3


Pinkfish, Fish
Miscreant said:
Thats all I really ask for from this game, good fights and good glamour
Preach! Glamour is my true end-game :monster:

save all of your Eso's for your weapon and farm the Diadem, Void Ark and Alexander normal to gear up. If you have the time to invest into getting the relic go for it as it is i210 but it is a big time investment. For now i would just focus on having an i200 weapon and a solid base of gear ready for the patch in a few weeks.
Well you can get the i200 relic with pretty minimal effort. Personally I'd say save the esoterics for stuff like right side gear, or even left side if one isn't willing to farm VA for drops. The i200 Eso weapon is over 2 weeks of Esoterics so if the goal is an i200 then the relic for that can be acquired in a couple of days.

Also swirly whirly weapons <3

Oh damn I forgot about the i200 stage of the relic, good shout. Use the Eso's on getting your Chest and Legs then use VA to upgrade them with a Twine, they are your biggest sources of Defence/Magic Defence and HP.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
I never did any of the Zodiac Weapon quest because by the time I got the reward was not worth the effort. So I can't trade a Zeta which means oh boy fate farming. I may at some point do Zodiac quest for a secondary class just to say ive done it. i tried the start of one but by the 6th atma i was like "and this is just stage one of like fifteen? im done."

Also the Law gear for DRG looks pretty bad imo ao ive glammed it to look like my shiny metallic silver adamantite armor.


Joe, Arcana

Yep, that looks like Minfillia to me. In a new outfit, of course. It was only a matter of time before she showed up again, what with this story arc coming to a close and the other scions reappearing. It also makes sense she's had a bit of a redesign. Like the other scions their appearance has been tweaked so they look much more unique, no longer using assets that can be replicated in the character creator.

There's also a fan theory going around that Minfillia will become a primal of sorts. There's two big sides to this, one figuring she will become Valefor and another saying that she will embody Hydalean. I don't have the sources to hand but there's very compelling arguments for both, taken straight out of miscellaneous dialogue and lore from the game. I'm pretty excited to see if something like this happens.


Pinkfish, Fish
Yep, that looks like Minfillia to me. In a new outfit, of course. It was only a matter of time before she showed up again, what with this story arc coming to a close and the other scions reappearing. It also makes sense she's had a bit of a redesign. Like the other scions their appearance has been tweaked so they look much more unique, no longer using assets that can be replicated in the character creator.

There's also a fan theory going around that Minfillia will become a primal of sorts. There's two big sides to this, one figuring she will become Valefor and another saying that she will embody Hydalean. I don't have the sources to hand but there's very compelling arguments for both, taken straight out of miscellaneous dialogue and lore from the game. I'm pretty excited to see if something like this happens. [/I]

I'm not sure if I like her new look, will have to wait and see it in game, all of the redesigns so far have been brilliant though, especially Y'shtola. I'm starting to get really excited for 3.2 I've even booked two days off work for it :D.


Joe, Arcana
Yep, that looks like Minfillia to me. In a new outfit, of course. It was only a matter of time before she showed up again, what with this story arc coming to a close and the other scions reappearing. It also makes sense she's had a bit of a redesign. Like the other scions their appearance has been tweaked so they look much more unique, no longer using assets that can be replicated in the character creator.

There's also a fan theory going around that Minfillia will become a primal of sorts. There's two big sides to this, one figuring she will become Valefor and another saying that she will embody Hydalean. I don't have the sources to hand but there's very compelling arguments for both, taken straight out of miscellaneous dialogue and lore from the game. I'm pretty excited to see if something like this happens. [/I]

I'm not sure if I like her new look, will have to wait and see it in game, all of the redesigns so far have been brilliant though, especially Y'shtola. I'm starting to get really excited for 3.2 I've even booked two days off work for it :D.
Agree about Y'shtola's new look. I really hope it's included in the new Dissidia as one of her outfits :)

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Had about the most productive night in Heavensward ever:

- Finally managed to beat Navel Extreme (to be fair it was with an unsync party but I felt no shame. Fuck that fight.)
- Finished 3.1 Storyline
- Finished my Law Gear and got my first Eso gear
- Beat Fist of the Father and got my first two Gordian gear.
- Attempted Cuff of the Father but the tank couldn't get their shit together on the phase with the two Jagd Dolls so we kept wiping, but hey I know what to expect (seriously one tank was on point, the other was running around grabbing aggro from the trash...)
- Got all the Lominsan Officer uniform pieces (minor, but I love my costumes)

I feel all special and junk, like part of the big boys. Now to hang around next sunday and get into Coil and LOTA...


And I... have no motivation whatsoever to play anymore, :monster:. Spam about it moar in relevant chats plox. Or don't. :awesome:

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
More productivity in the past two days:

- Cleared all of the 2.0-2.5 EX Primals (albeit Unsynced but hey now I can run them for pony farms)
- Clear Limitless Blue Extreme (Salved my conscience on that one verifying that I am actually decent at the game and not just getting lucky on unsyncs- I even survived the encounter albeit it took three tries)
- Got my Expanse Partisan from the above.
- Got a bunch of new cards (love my triple triad)
- Did Fist of the Father again but no new loot. :( Still a fun one.
- Got some sweet Lv 51 Leatherworker gear.
- 1 day away from getting Sahagins up to Rep 3 (all others are at 2 except Ixal which is at 4 but I hear I have to get that to 6 to unlock the "all beast tribe" quest so I'm saving it for last so I can maximize crafting time.
- Got a Lightning Bolt from Ramuh (no good except for Glam but I may not even do that. It looks okay but I love the way the Spear of Crags looks.)
- My miner retainer has brought me around 2000 shards in about two days (60 shards every 40 min? Yeah buddy. She's a miner btw).
- Got Gulfaxi from the Navel EX (some of you may have seen my picture)
- Got Ultros Minion from Dragon's Neck farming
- Completed St. Mocianne's Arboretum and Pharos Sirius (Hard) and unlocked the Expert Roulette.
- Got all my Disciple of the Wars / Magics up to Level 15 and gonna start equal-leveling them. Cause I wanna be the very best like no one ever was. Also my Crafters are all at least Lv 20 and my Gatherers are... well 29 Miner, 24 Botanist and 15 Fisher... they're gonna be the ones I level last probably... 'Cept Miner. Miner is the best one.
- Cleared an S Rank Hunt (this giant one in Azys Lla which had like 40 people).
- Got the Harchefant Portrait (800 Law Tomes baby).
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