The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Pinkfish, Fish
I haven't really posted about our progress this patch, we finally downed A6S last night, the fight is actually a nightmare, once you get it, it's really fun but there are so many mechanics and if you die on a boss you have to start from the beginning, there's also an enrage timer of 11 minutes (ish) that starts as soon as you pull the first boss, so all four have to be killed in under 11 minutes.


Here's a link to our kill video

This raid has to be up there as one of the best yet, the dps checks aren't too bad but god do they give you a lot of mechanics.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Congrats! Though everytime I look at a Savage raid guide my eyes start to gloss over. I mainly just like doing the main runs for the story and while I'm competent I'm far from an expert.

So to those who have the patience to run savage and beat it, I find that awesome. Grats!


Pinkfish, Fish
It definitely take a lot of patience and a considerable time investment, between gearing up and the actual raids them selves it's like having a part time job, still it's really rewarding when you have a good group and finally get your clears after weeks of hard work. I remember I cleared T9 the night before the UK FFXIV Fan Fest at 1:30 am and was so hyped from it I probably got two hours sleep before I had to travel to London, that was probably the most excited I have ever been from killing a boss in my life.

But don't think you have to be an expert to do it, there are casual groups out there that raid one day a week etc and to be honest it's just practice, good dps comes with a good understanding of the fight, which basically just means die until you get it :D

Also A5S is probably one of the easiest raid bosses we have had and a very good gateway to newbie raiders.


Pro Adventurer
So how many of you guys still play or actively keep up with the game?

I ask because there could be opportunity for TLS to get into the podcast/Stream scene for FF14 and now's a good time to strike.

From what I understand one of the top streams/Podcasts for FF14 basically pissed everyone off. If I understand correctly they are essentially super casuals who consider watching raids on YT/ Twitch "raiding" and use that as a basis to host the stream. They have 0 charisma, talk major shit and piss people off.
Like they talk down to people who actually raid when they them selves don't etc.

That's viewership ripe for the taking. I'm positive there are people in here who can offer a more hardcore perspective for the game and even if not these guys were able to get a follower base just by faking it till they made it.

I'm sure people on TLS could fill that void even coming from a casual stand point.
I'd love to try and do this myself but I haven't played since a month into HW release so my knowledge is effectively zero (though I could join in and play the same role as a color caster of sorts , and asking dumb questions to get discussion rolling lol) but I definitely think there is opportunity here for TLS to step in and drive some more traffic here via this avenue.



Pinkfish, Fish
Oh Limit Break Radio are horrible, they try to sell mindless abuse and foul language as humour and have been at the centre of drama in the community too often. There are a lot of other more respected streamers around that pull more viewers such as MogTalk and State of the Realm, Aatheryte Radio etc.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
So I now have this (the fact that one character can do literally every job in the game sold it). I'm now in the process of server shopping and am wondering if (a) anybody is still playing this, (b) how hard is it to find people who are will to run pre-end game dungeons (the ones required by the MQ) and (c) how bad is the language barrier (if it exists)?

I'm perfectly fine with doing quests and stuff solo, I just want to know how easy/hard it'll be to find people for the mandatory group stuff.


Joe, Arcana
A) I play it sporadically, usually one month on and one month off. A few others here do the same. :)

B) Not hard at all. Of the required MSQ group content, all of it (or 99%) is included in the daily roulettes that keep players queuing for them (with rewards scaling into endgame).

C) Barely any language barrier. We play on an EU server that has a good amount of French players (maybe 20%?) and communication is fine. The in-game phrase selection has everything, and can be navigated super quickly with hotkeys once you're used to it. You can have half a conversation with somebody without either of you knowing each other's language. Of course in dungeons and stuff only the basic phrases get regular use.

Cerberus server on the Chaos data center is what you want if you want to join the TLS FC. ^_^


Yeah I've just come back after a fairly long absence. I never find myself queuing for anything for long, there are some outliers but nothing serious. And there's not really any language barrier, just be careful what server (come to cerbs!)


Pro Adventurer
I was actually going to reinstall it over the weekend but for some reason the game is downloading extremely slow. Like less then 20kbps slow.

Soooo idk if I'll ever be able to play thisa gain XD

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Okay seriously... who was the dev that decided to put Triple Triad in the game? All my FFVIII Triple Triad tendencies are coming back (and I think I spent more time playing Triple Triad in that game then the actual game). The first two titles that I have are "Gambler" (get 1k MGP) and "Deck Holder" (get 30 unique Triple Triad cards). "Deck Holder" is the more impressive of the two as in order to get that you pretty much have to find all the NPCs outside of Gold Saucer that play Triple Triad and win all their card drops. "Deck Holder" is also significant as it removes the limit on 2* cards you can have in a deck which makes winning Triple Triad games a lot easier...

On the other hand... playing Triple Triad can be done while you're waiting for the Duty Roster. You'll get kicked out of NPC Triple Triad games if it's time for the dungeon to start and since most NPCs that play Triple Triad are in sanctuaries, playing vs them is a good use of down time. So I'm kinda using that as a major MGP source.

In other news, I got to the point where you have to pick a Grand Company and went with the Immortal Flames. The fact that they have the coolest looking hunt gear across all major disciplines had nothing to do with that decision... ;) Okay, so I'm really liking Arcainst/Summoner and the Flames have the best gear for spell casters atm...
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The Sublimely Magnificent One
I'm more a fan of the taffeta shawl. But yes, Au Ra's for the win. :monster:

I do like, but I wanted to go more with "elegant" than "skimpy."

Makes a nice juxtaposition to my character's main role of having her skull bashed in while she flashes everyone XD


Joe, Arcana
On the subject of glamours, got myself one today that I'm sure people here won't mind looking at.


How I feel after trying to get 'the perfect shot' while taking that^ screenshot:



I used to be a miqote! I still have my old character data, I might switch back at some point XD. But I love my Au Ra character.

he so tall~~


Higher Further Faster
On the subject of glamours, got myself one today that I'm sure people here won't mind looking at.


How I feel after trying to get 'the perfect shot' while taking that^ screenshot:


This makes me want to play more than anything else. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
On the subject of glamours, got myself one today that I'm sure people here won't mind looking at.


How I feel after trying to get 'the perfect shot' while taking that^ screenshot:


This makes me want to play more than anything else. :monster:

This and everything else is what makes me want to play this game. I wish I could play. ;-;


Pinkfish, Fish
I stopped playing FFXIV a few weeks ago, got a bit burnt out and between work, going to the gym, learning to play the piano and skating I haven't really had the time for scheduled gaming. Anyway the replacement Scholar for my static wasn't very good and I agreed to help the guys while they find a new Scholar, somehow after not raiding for the better part of a month we killed A5S & A6S first try then got our first clear on A7S second pull :D

No kill video this time, if I help them next week I'll try to record one.


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Woop! Got to Lvl.30. And it totally turned out to be a good idea that I had already leveled Thumagure to lvl 15 before this. So I've now got a Summoner...
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