The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Joe, Arcana


Kissed by Fire
Mustachio Bandana said:
And I find the crafting jobs and gathering jobs to be enjoyable if a touch monotonous. I really like the crafting concept but the question is always whether or not what you are crafting is terribly useful beyond selling. While it is my lowest of the gathering skills I find Fishing to be kind of soothing. I like the idea of just chilling and catching fish (even if it is nothing close to the fun of the FFXV fishing minigame). Still siting on the dock in Fallgourd Float catching fish after killing something - lots of fun.

Favorite crafting job? My best is Leatherworker (specialty and all that) but I think I enjoy Culinarian. During a Moonfire Faire a year or two ago I was at the local Fish Fry in Costa Del Sol and painstakingly fried over 400 fish for the people doing the quest. It was great. People donated supplies and shards, I did the cooking and another dude handed them out. Great community, that's the best thing about FF14 - the people are (usually) chill as hell.

Crafting in ffxiv is amazing. It's probably the only reason I still play. Climbing the tiers to 4 star crafting definitely takes patience but it's fun and mentally challenging at the same time. I'd go so far as to say the craft/gather system in ffxiv is its best feature with its complexity and variety. It can also test your patience at times. Adapting to the collectible system in hw was pretty frustrating for me at first but now I really like it. I'm curious what new systems they might introduce in stormblood.

Whenever people in my fc complain about being bored waiting for new content I usually challenge them to crafting. I recently put up a challenge. If anyone in my fc gets all their crafts to 30, I'll award a million gil. If all crafts at 50, 2 million. If 60, 3 million. Sadly I've only given out 2 million Gil so far. :(

Ps. Who else thinks scathach is hot?
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get samurai hyped

Also I've tried crafting, but... argh! Well, mostly because of inventory management. I reeeeaally hope the expansion will Do Something about it. Please give dedicated crafting inventory, or idk, storage at houses for that kinda shit and an easy way to switch to using that.

New world map:


going to Doma yo. (is that a tentacle I spot on the right?)

crappy picture of Doma from the trailer


Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood

Time for a new XIV thrad as per tradition!

Today's a good day because of the shitload of new info from the EU fan fest. Please share as it develops this weekend.



Joe, Arcana
Do we really need a new thread? Plus Heavensward is still ongoing :monster:

Kinda bummed there's no tank or healer job coming this expansion. Rip duty finder queues for DPS mains.
On the plus side there's tons of weeby shit coming into the game that appeals to my interests. New primal being Susāno is pretty cool.


Yep, new thread every expansion, that's how it works :D

I got a livestream ticket so I'll bullet point some info:

- obvs samurai announce (starting level tentative 50, they share monk gear)
- samurai chains together three forces - "Setsu, Getsu and Ka" (snow, moon, flower) to deal damage
- Energy can be stored in another mode to deal massive damage (unleash attacks when it's full) - perfect timing is a mechanic for this
- samurai job can be acquired in Eorzea prior to starting stormblood MSQ
- hilarious crowd reaction. YoshiP was speaking in Japanese and said "tank" and everyone went nuts cheering, but he was explaining why samurai wasn't a tank. The crowd bood like mad when they realised this lmaooooooooooo
- The data they have indicates that introducing the new tanks in HW didn't increase the number of tanks at all (people who were playing tank/heal/dps mainly stayed tank/heal/dps) which is why both new jobs are dps jobs
- Focus is being spent on balancing all the current classes with new moves

Will poast moar as I watch


So is this the last class they'll add or will there be a 3rd announced still?

Also rip queues. They should give bigger bonuses to tanks / healers beacause I'm saying so :monster:.

OTOH, maybe they'll rejig the skills system (and add skills to existing wossnames) so that parties that don't follow the traditional setup become viable? I mean you know (@lex) how WHMs and shit count wrt damage in dungeons, :monster:


Joe, Arcana
From what I've seen they're only doing two jobs for this expansion. No new race either. I'm hoping that means there's a lot more content at launch.


"Battle system changes" - they just said they're revamping it

- expanded inventory - scope of increase tbd but will be announced soon
- PC min spec reqs have been updated (benchmark soon hopefully), must upgrade to x64 bit OS if you don't already (if you don't I'm judging you)
- lol @ crowd cheer when the "end of PS3 support" bullet point came up

- "Return to Ivalice" is the new 24 man raid
- Based on stuff from Tactics and XII (bosses etc)

Newest Info:

- New city is called Kugane
- it's a port town on an island chain and is "strict and isolationist"

hang on i just found out about the new FFVII screenshots


Double Growth
- hilarious crowd reaction. YoshiP was speaking in Japanese and said "tank" and everyone went nuts cheering, but he was explaining why samurai wasn't a tank. The crowd bood like mad when they realised this lmaooooooooooo


- lol @ crowd cheer when the "end of PS3 support" bullet point came up

Why, again?

- "Return to Ivalice" is the new 24 man raid
- Based on stuff from Tactics and XII (bosses etc)

The most exciting part of this to me is that it was written and designed by Yasumi Matsuno.


- hilarious crowd reaction. YoshiP was speaking in Japanese and said "tank" and everyone went nuts cheering, but he was explaining why samurai wasn't a tank. The crowd bood like mad when they realised this lmaooooooooooo


Because like Heavensward people were expecting a new DPS, Tank and Heal. Most people who speculated Samurai thought it would be a tank (since red mage was already confirmed as DPS), and there's a perception that more tank and heal classes are needed because more tanks and healers are needed in-game (which YoshiP has justified when explaining saying that adding more classes doesn't make players switch primary roles in general). So adding two DPS classes means people are essentially shitting themselves about queue times, which is understandable.

- lol @ crowd cheer when the "end of PS3 support" bullet point came up

Why, again?

Because PS3 is the reason the inventory hasn't had an expansion and the game hasn't had any sort of decent graphical update since launch. DX11 with Heavensward was nice but it's not the same as being able to properly update memory-dependent items and mechanics in the game. PS3 has been the bottleneck for a lot of general updates due to platform parity.


Double Growth
I see.

I was discussing with Avec the other day, I don't know what else they could possibly do for a healer class... You've got a hardcore reactive-healer, a preventive/buffer healer, and healer with more offensive buffs. Where else could they go with it?

And yeah, samurai looks real cool, but if it were a tank I definitely wouldn't play it because screw tanking :monster:


^They're balancing all the classes (heals and tanks) to have a similar dps output/ heal capability regardless of style (healers are already quite balanced in this regard tbh) so I wouldn't think of that hybrid-style line when defining what else they could do with healers.

I'm sure it was Joe and I discussing a while back that it would be cool to have an Apothecary-style healer with item-inspired moves (like an Alchemist class that isn't... you know... the Alchemist class that exists already XD), so that's a direction they could have gone in. It's unlikely we'll be seeing any new class at all until the next expansion though, YoshiP spent some time talking about how adding three new classes is just too much in terms of finding balance and such which is why there are only two this time.


Joe, Arcana
I see.

I was discussing with Avec the other day, I don't know what else they could possibly do for a healer class... You've got a hardcore reactive-healer, a preventive/buffer healer, and healer with more offensive buffs. Where else could they go with it?
Not to say there's no way they can add more methods of healing, but they don't necessarily have to. I mean when you look at the dps classes there's little variety in their methods of dealing damage.

MNK, NIN and DRG deal physical melee damage with varying degrees of positional importance. They have buffs for themselves and buffs for others.
BRD and MCH may as well functionaly be the same job.
SMN & BLM are worlds apart which is nice.

Traditionally in MMOs there's not a huge variety in the methods for healing. Every class tends to be reactionary with their own preventative side-abilities.
The fact that FFXIV has given them (and Tanks) much more indivudal usefulness is quite impressive & innovative to a lesser degree.

That said I'd have been psyched to see them introduce another healer with its own set of strengths. My original idea for a new healing class was DANCER. To make it unique I'd imagine the range of healing abilities to be lessened and force the class to be on the move, in exchange for more instant abilities. Also more mobile abilities and potentially melee dps skills.

That was just one I had my heart set on. :(


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I'm sure it was Joe and I discussing a while back that it would be cool to have an Apothecary-style healer with item-inspired moves (like an Alchemist class that isn't... you know... the Alchemist class that exists already XD),

Chemist :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The healers differ on what they're doing when they aren't healing funnily enough. AST is is playing "find Balance and Expand it", WHM is dealing flat damage, SCH is dealing dot damage and trying to get Crit Shields.

The tanks have the same meta (use OGCD before tank-buster hits), but they go about dealing damage in ways that feel very different (PLD is just different stances, WAR has OGCDs to go with the stance switch, DRK injects Dark Arts where appropriate).

Meele DPS vary on how much utility vs. DPS you want. Ranged physical differ on what types of utility moves you want (Foe Requiem will always means BRD is better when you have Magic classes). MCH needs something like that in my opinion...

Magic DPS is where there's a really huge difference in playstyle. BLM is a turret class, while SMN is probably the most mobile class in the game. Getting good at one of those classes often leads to making habits that negatively effect the other one. Or, I'm currently leveling up BLM after getting pretty good at SMN and most of the reasons I keep messing up have to do with being really lazy with positioning and never needing to keep an eye on my MP levels as a SMN...
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Pro Adventurer
Okay I'm going to ask a Thing here :monster: Does any of you play XIV with a DSL internet connection?
I've done research and there's a new DSL Frontier connection internet that's been set up in my area (originally thought it was cable due to family members saying so, but it's not, I guess this is why you research things yourself :wacky:) Right now we're using satellite and pretty sure I can't play XIV on this because of the ping times, I can't even play Minecraft online. From what I've heard DSL would give you much faster ping times but slower actual download and upload speeds so...

Anyhow yeah. Anyone use DSL for this? :monster:


I know MMO's generally don't really use that much bandwidth while playing, so, should be fine I guess. (note that this is from experience playing Unreal Tournament like 10+ years ago when we still had metered internets)


Kissed by Fire
Joe said:
That said I'd have been psyched to see them introduce another healer with its own set of strengths. My original idea for a new healing class was DANCER.

That's what I was hoping for as well. If they'd followed the same format as hw, with 1 tank, 1 dps, 1 healer, I was hoping for mage dps, sam tank, and dancer as healer. But I can see why they're just adding two dps.

As for dsl, I've played using my phone as a hotspot before once when my Internet was down and it was pretty fast. Not sure how close it is to dsl but I do know a few people who play from their cellular networks and it works for them...

Also, is anyone else excited for swimming? My first stop after unlocking it will probably be Costa del sol. Got my swimsuits ready and everything.
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