The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


I doubt you'll be able to swim in any of the old areas. You can't fly in them. But yes, looking forward to swimming :)

Speaking of, they haven't confirmed that you'll be able to fly in any of the new areas yet either.


Are you certain? Because I've watched the latest keynote and he specifically didn't mention being able to fly. YoshiP on stage said "players will be able to swim, and that's good. *laughter* So they'll be able to swim. As for other ways to move in the new areas... players will be able to swim *laughter*"

I mean don't get me wrong, I want flying to be confirmed because it's the fastest way to travel (I can't see swimming being any quicker), but I don't think they officially confirmed it? If they did I don't know why it wasn't mentioned today.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
FFXIV has set two Guinness World Records. One is the Longest End Credits in an MMO Videogame at 1 Hour and 38 minutes. The second is the Most Original Pieces of Music ina Vidoegame (Including Expansions) with 384 songs as of patch 3.45.


How fucking cute is this proposal that happened at the fan fest though (it's a green screen):



Pro Adventurer
I was a little bummed that no new tank was announced, only because it doesn't give me a new tank to play with. I don't really get Yoshi-P's rationale that new tanks and healers don't get people to switch. To me, getting people to switch shouldn't be the main criteria. New classes simply give people more options to play a role with a certain play style or class fantasy. People will generally stick to whichever role they prefer. I mean, we don't necessarily need new DPS like Red Mage and Samurai, but they add a fun new element and cool class fantasies.

I think the decision to not have a new tank or healer is for a few reasons: (1) if they make a new tank, they probably feel they should make a new healer or vice versa, but it appears they wanted to only make 2 new classes this time around, and definitely wanted to make a DPS; (2) it is easier to balance DPS, as they just need to be able to be competitive on their damage output with other DPS classes, whereas tanks and healers have more complicated balancing issues; and (3) more people play DPS classes, so new DPS classes get the majority of the player base hyped for the expansion. Just my 2 cents. I still will enjoy trying out both of the new classes to see if they will replace MCH as my DPS class to gear during patches after I gear PLD.


Joe, Arcana
I am more hyped for the 4-5 new Scholar & Dark Knight abilities than either of the new classes. I'll still play Red Mage but dps classes aren't really for me.
I'm also looking for more Tonberry related story in the Scholar story missions. ^_^

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
The thing with Tanks and Healers is that they're the most demanding and self-conscious roles in the game. If the tank/healer messes up then the entire rest of the party feels it. If the DPS isn't playing with an optimal rotation though, it's not that big of a deal. Not until you get to high-level content anyway. So you can actually relax with DPS classes.

The reason people don't switch to tanks and healer when new tank and healer classes come out isn't because they don't like the new classes. It's probably becasue healing requires you to watch 5+ HP and Buff/Debuff bars no matter the class and tanking requires you to have really good positioning and OGCD management (and know the enemies skill rotations as well as your own). There's just so many more things to keep track of then as DPS so I'm not surprised more people don't play those roles.


Double Growth
I just find tanking too stressful, I can't enjoy the dungeon. Even when it goes well I'm worried about doing it right or best, knowing that, of everyone, I'm the one being most harshly judged. :P


Joe, Arcana
I started tanking after two years of playing the game as a healer/dps. It took me months of typing '/p Just a heads up, I'm new to tanking!' before I cut that out. I found it a very positive experience in general. Even got some friendly tips along the way.


I just started raising a Gladiator yesterday - got to level 19, ran Copperbell, had the worst time keeping agro during the last boss, but everyone was super chill about it and I still somehow got 3 comms. I made sure everyone knew in the beginning that I am super new to tanking, so that probably helped. Still, I felt bad for the Bard who had the boss's attention the whole damn time :lol:


I tend to tank anything that's not the "latest" content, and will dps/heal without stress.

I get what Force is saying about the stress aspect, but I think that's just a case of being too hard on yourself. Most of us know how the game works and what an optimal tank plays like (having experienced everything on the scale of terrible-optimal), so when tanking we beat ourselves up for anything less than perfection. Like, if you're stressed playing high level content with a healer you can just ease up on DPS rotation/skills and focus on keeping the party alive/ MP management, but if you're a tank and you lose aggro on a random enemy in the 10-strong trash mob you pulled you're immediately aware that every single person just noticed it, and if you're not 100% confident with the content you'll have that self doubt that it's your fault even when it isn't.

That said, I really enjoy tanking. I'll sink time into getting decent with my WAR with the last of the content before Stormblood after I've capped gear for my DRG.


I've always been a tank (paladin) until Heavenstard, I guess I never did the Really High Level Content and I've been fine. I just spammed the cooldowns, I had no awareness whatsoever of tank busters or when to use the cooldowns whatsoever - maybe because there's like half a dozen of them and I couldn't really see the difference between them. I'm shit-dps now (machinist) and it's much less stressful now, even if I feel like I don't really contribute to shit now. Besides maybe stuff against larger groups, Machinist has got a number of AoE attacks and shit.

but I guess that's a bigger problem in general, no real feel to what your personal contribution is - not without not-officially-allowed-but-tolerated 3rd party tools, which haven't been working for me for a while now. (you're not allowed to chat about numbers from said tools in-game)


Double Growth
I get what Force is saying about the stress aspect, but I think that's just a case of being too hard on yourself. Most of us know how the game works and what an optimal tank plays like (having experienced everything on the scale of terrible-optimal), so when tanking we beat ourselves up for anything less than perfection. Like, if you're stressed playing high level content with a healer you can just ease up on DPS rotation/skills and focus on keeping the party alive/ MP management, but if you're a tank and you lose aggro on a random enemy in the 10-strong trash mob you pulled you're immediately aware that every single person just noticed it, and if you're not 100% confident with the content you'll have that self doubt that it's your fault even when it isn't.

Wow this is a perfect summation of my feelings, hahaha. :properhug:

And when it comes to terrible tanks, it really is mystifying some times. If you're in an early dungeon, sure, makes sense. But, I think part of what spurred Avec on her recent tank tear is we had an absolutely atrocious one in some dungeon and I commented that we wouldn't have to worry about that happening if one of us started tanking. Meaning myself since she's the heler, but she jumped on it, haha. Anyway, though, this guy was a level 51 Paladin, but he was also a level 50 Warrior, and those were the only two jobs he had leveled. How was he still bad at tanking?! How have you made it that far?
As you elucidated above, I lack the confidence to be a good tank, at least right now. But I'm fairly confident I could be a serviceable tank. I just don't know how it can happen. I've seen people on ruder parties tear into a tank for much less, how has he survived?


^^Ugh, that tank! Don't even get me started. I wasn't rude to him, but I certainly wasn't very patient, either. I asked him to make sure he grabbed all the adds so that I could effectively heal him (without taking the agro of every single thing he hadn't grabbed)....and he didn't. So I told him he had to grab everything so that I could heal him. He still didn't. So then I probably raised my voice, but I still wasn't being a dick about it. But still, he didn't even try! Not even once! He also never acknowledged anything I said. I don't know, it was really frustrating. We got through it, but it took foreeeeverrrrrr. And yeah, it was that which made Force suggest tanking, and I was so curious as to how it works (I've never done a melee class before). So I've leveled my Gladiator to 21 now, and hopefully will be going for another run of Copperbell tomorrow or so with Force. Hopefully my increased level will help with the agro issues...guess we'll see.

This isn't to say that you can't also try to tank, Force - you might be better than I am, haha!


We have come to terms
Gladiator is the worst and least fun tank class to LEVEL. Warrior is more fun and holds aggro SO much better, at the very least until you hit 50 on paladin and get Circle of Scorn. #2cents

that being said, dark knight is the tank god imo


Joe, Arcana
I levelled Gladiator up to 34(?) In order to obtain Provoke and I can honestly say it's the least fun I've had playing that game. I typically like Sword+Shield in a lot of games too.


^Provoke is 22 IIRC.

Gonna also say I had more problems keeping aggro with Gladiator than I did Marauder/ Warrior. Warrior is a lot of fun (and it's the tank I play). It's worth it to level Gladiator for (obviously) provoke and Flash though.


We have come to terms
34 is Awareness, which is still really, really good to have for tanking.

Flash sux on Warrior/Overpower is better, esp after you get the god-tier Equilibrium ability, which is a 60s cooldown for either a 1200 potency self-heal (Defiance) or 200 TP (Deliverance). Also, iirc Flash generates much less aggro than Overpower as well, but its niche use is generating aggro when you're pacified; however, if you're going to lose aggro because you're pacified for 2 gcds, then you didn't generate enough aggro in the first place :P I suppose it's not bad for doing tank swaps while pacified, but that only matters for extreme primals or raiding, and hopefully when that happens you have a bard that's conscious enough to use Warden's Paean when you press Berserk in the first place (provided you have a macro for it)

tldr warrior is super fun to level and play esp when you start getting those bigass fell cleave crits holy shit it's great

(fwiw I cross-class Internal Release, Awareness, Provoke, Convalescence, and Second Wind; SW is kinda meh, but free self-heal that can crit combined with the crit I gain from stacks of Abandon is better imo)

tldr part 2 I got forced into playing warrior as my role in statics; no regrets because warbear is gonna be awesome

(ps the dark knight mount is fucking shitty don't bother with it)


Oh yeah 22. 34 was Stoneskin on conjurer.

Worst 34 levels of my life.

Shut your mouth, WHM is boss ;-;

Flash sux on Warrior/Overpower is better,

tldr warrior is super fun to level and play esp when you start getting those bigass fell cleave crits holy shit it's great

(fwiw I cross-class Internal Release, Awareness, Provoke, Convalescence, and Second Wind; SW is kinda meh, but free self-heal that can crit combined with the crit I gain from stacks of Abandon is better imo)

Overpower is better but Flash doesn't suck as a "fill-this-slot" cross-class, because there is literally nothing else WAR's use MP for. It's very situational but it's great for say when you're running through mobs and trying to pull them all - using flash is better because then you have all your TP when it's time to attack attack attack.

Agreed about Fell Cleave, potensh my fav ability in the whole game. So satisfying to use.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^Dark Knight mount is the Courel recolor. Paladin mount is the Lion from the chimera mesh with the other two heads taken off.

Paladin is okay if you know how to do OGCDs correctly. I got it up to 50 and once you get Shield Oath it's fine. The problem I had with Warrior was TP management. As much as I like Overpower, I try to avoid using it as if you use it too often you can't use your single-target abilities. Flash at least can be spammed as it uses MP instead and nothing else in the Pali kit does.r
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