The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


The Sublimely Magnificent One
^Dark Knight mount is the Courel recolor. Paladin mount is the Lion from the chimera mesh with the other two heads taken off.

Paladin is okay if you know how to do OGCDs correctly. I got it up to 50 and once you get Shield Oath it's fine. The problem I had with Warrior was TP management. As much as I like Overpower, I try to avoid using it as if you use it too often you can't use your single-target abilities. Flash at least can be spammed as it uses MP instead and nothing else in the Pali kit does.r

If only they'd take the Oaths of the GCD.

If only....


hello my main was a PLD. It's really not hard; 1 2 3 Flash. Rinse and repeat. That's all there is to it. Just make sure you hit everything with Flash. oh and have Shield Oath on, that was the only instance where I thought I was a bad tank, where I forgot that one.

You got this load of damage mitigation skills too but I just facerolled them, idk which one to use when. What's a tank buster?

I've finally got a Scholar now, so we'll see how that healing thing goes too. That should finally give me a decent-ish grasp of all the mechanics involved. About time, :monster:


We have come to terms
Yes, but BEFORE you get Shield Oath or the 3 in 123? Paladin is a fucking nightmare.

My big problem with Warrior Flash is that it does the same thing that something else you already get does (Overpower), only much worse, and only has situational usage. Whereas like Second Wind is always going to be useful, because as a tank, you're pretty much always taking damage. Featherfoot and Mantra fall in much the same boat as Flash, though Featherfoot is ARGUABLY better. Mantra, too, come to think of it. I used to run Flash as my fifth skill, but then I got Raw Intuition, and Awareness became necessary :P


Joe, Arcana
I don't have Awareness on my Dark Knight and nobody can force me to get it. also I don't have the SKILL awareness hue hue


We have come to terms
I didn't think it would be of ANY USE AT ALL until I read what Raw Intuition does (guaranteed parry on any frontal attacks taken by a warrior, but guaranteed crit on any flank or rear attacks they take). It's an excellent combo. Awareness is also very helpful for the first part of Diabolos Hollow, where his attacks are auto-crits and Hollow Camisado HURTS SO MUCH. Like holy shit it makes Sephirot's big punch thing look like a light breeze.


I love this glam and have been rocking it on my WAR for a bit now:


Also, for the first time EVER a healer managed to keep me alive through Holmgang today.
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Joe, Arcana
On the topic of glamours I had a fiddle with my Dark Knight today. Kinda liking this outfit right now.



Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer

But seriously, how much bigger can those wings get? They're nearly as wide as I am tall.

Welp! On to the next one (AST). And with my Weapon and Accessories (almost) done, it's really time for me to buckle down on Alexander savage. Optimized Caster gear is mainly Alexander gear with like, 2 pieces of Sharylian gear...

Forgot how much I liked the Ultima Weapon OST. It's nice to hear it in Dun Scaith now. I like the Proto Ultima fight. And Ultima Accessories look cool.

Having "fun" leveling BLM up by doing it's Lvl 50 Relic quest. At least it's less boring then doing lots of Lvl. 50+ dungeons over and over again. Also, it makes the Anima quests much more palatable. At least the vast majority of the grinding on those can be done by classes other then the class you're getting the relic for...

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer

I now have 1Mil MGP (no, I did not win Jumbo Cacpot). I am now faced with the decision to appeal to my Triple Triad Hoarder or my Mount Hoarder. Let's just say I really want the Cloud Strife Card (only way to get it). On the other hand, Fenrir and Archon Throne mounts are both really cool (one's a wolf with fluffy tails in my favorite color, the other is the most baddass librarian's chair ever).

In other news, the Random Number God was awesome to me this week. I got the last drop I'd been wanting to get from Syrccus Tower (Scylla's Robe of Casting), Dark World gave me the Demon Robe of Fending (favorite Tank glamour) and A9S dropped the one last SMN accessory I needed. And got A10S down to 30% HP multiple times...


Here's what you do; you go to the roulettes, and put eeeeverything on red. Can't lose. Or well you can, like, 51.4% chance of losing.


Joe, Arcana
That's awesome news, and very convenient for those such as Flint who are due to try this very soon :monster:


So on...Sunday, I think? I became a shiny new bb Paladin. I'm currently up to level 32, and have finally been having a better time running dungeons (it's SO HARD to keep aggro when you're a smol Gladiator and everyone else in the dungeon is level synced from 60 with the best gear everrrr). It's still sometimes a bitch to hold aggro, but it's so much easier to get it back now if I lose it. Force and I did Haukke Manor last night, first time I tanked it, and it went pretty well! Now that it's getting easier to actually tank, I'm enjoying it a lot more. Visions of running higher level dungeons are dancing in my head :P


Joe, Arcana
I honestly struggle more with tanking the earlier dungeons than I do the late-game stuff. Something about not having all your abilities makes it more of a challenge to hold aggro. Don't worry yourself with the future content too much. ^_^


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I honestly struggle more with tanking the earlier dungeons than I do the late-game stuff. Something about not having all your abilities makes it more of a challenge to hold aggro. Don't worry yourself with the future content too much. ^_^

It's especially a pain with Pally, since you don't get your tank stance until 40. After that though, holding aggro is soooooo much easier.


Indeed; until you get there, spamming Flash as part of your (short) rotation is the best you can do. Don't worry too much about it, at that level the characters can take a beating (especially from mobs) and the healer can pretty much sleep throughout - or wake up and heal like more than just one person once a minute or so.

I got an email about a new patch, which is / will be the last story update until Stormbl00d.


One thing I'm worried about is tank swapping - obviously this is something I won't have to worry about if I never do raids or trials but what if I want to do them? I don't know the tanking mechanics for stuff like that (or even when to do it, etc) and I'm so afraid that people won't be particularly patient with a tanking n00b. How do?


Read / watch video guides before you start on stuff; there's not that many instances that need it, usually only the ones that have like 'weakness counters', these should be named in guides. It really does help / you really should watch a guide before doing the higher-level dungeons and shit, it helps you with nasty surprises and you are kinda considered to be the leader in most dungeons. There's a big margin for error though in pretty much everything besides the latest dungeons (the ones in the previous update usually get nerfed once new ones are out), so you should be fine.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I watch guides for stuff and I usually do DPS. It's really helpful if just so that you know the general rotation of stuff.

Tank swaping is usually used with mechanics that involve debuffing then Main Tank only for the boss to use attacks that OHKO the tank with the debuff. Provoke is used so that the boss focuses on the other take for that move. It's really not something to be concerned with unless you like doing raiding/primal fights.


Yeah, I absolutely watch guides for dungeons that I'm unfamiliar with - it's immensely helpful as a WHM (or AST, which I've also got to level 60 now).


Pro Adventurer
This isn't really about Stormblood but since you closed the Heavensward thread I guess I'll post here.

I've been considering playing XIV for a while but last weekend in London finally convinced me. I think it was partly seeing how many other people were into it and partly just taking any excuse to spend more time, even just online time, with you guys. <3

I still have a fairly heavy cold but I'd like to try starting this weekend if I'm feeling better by then (which I had bloody well better be). I'm gonna need a bit of help because, uh, I've never played an MMO before. :whistle:

Can any of you veteran players recommend a beginner's guide to the game for me to read or watch, and do any of you think you'll be around this weekend for voice chat? I'm not expecting you to hold my hand too much (I have no idea how it works or if that's even possible) but it'd just be great to be able to have someone around of whom I can ask questions. Thanks!


Joe, Arcana
I'll be around Saturday night and on/off throughout Sunday if you wanna chat/play together/ask questions.

It's been a long time since I started the game but I feel like the basic stuff is explained quite well through tutorials and such. If you've played any PC game the basic controls won't puzzle you and the early quests are basic stuff.

One thing you may have trouble with is actually getting on our server. Depending on how busy it is at the time of playing, it may be temporarily closed to new characters. You can get by it by continously trying at different points in the day but it's still a big negative factor.

If I'm not around when you do try, our data center is Chaos and our server is Cerberus.
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