The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]


Pro Adventurer
The EXP +30% earrings are tempting. I don't like pre-ordering stuff though, and I'm not going to be able to play much when it releases anyway, so I might just wait for a discount.


Pro Adventurer
So I now have a level 30+ Arcanist, giving me access to Scholar and Summoner. I haven't tried Summoner yet and I'm not particularly interested in doing so yet; it's Scholar I wanted to try.

I've done four or five dungeons as a Scholar now. I know it's not totally fair to compare it to White Mage when I've been playing with the latter much longer, but right now I can't imagine Scholar will ever replace it as my main healing class.

When I've popped a really low level dungeon like Sastasha, it's been fun to act as an extra DPS and let Eos take care of almost all the healing, but in even slightly more challenging content, relying on a pet/fairy has already proved annoying. I just now discovered in Brayflox's Longstop that Eos's healing range is significantly less than mine – I was spamming Adloquium and Physick on the tank and wondering why I couldn't keep up with the damage she was taking, let alone switch to dealing damage myself, before I realised that Eos was doing jack shit. On the final boss I tried to stay closer to the tank but the boss is so big that standing behind it still wasn't close enough.

There's a solution: placing the fairy next to the tank manually. The problem with this is that I find manual targeting with the controller a pain in the backside. I've switched it to mouse only, but tanks tend to move around like everyone else and switching between mouse and controller during a fight isn't practical. Even if I did it as quickly as I could, the time spent moving the fairy would be time not spent casting.

I think I'd have to switch to keyboard and mouse only to feel like I was getting the most out of the job. But that issue aside, I don't have a lot of faith in the fairy AI and I'm not sure I have the mental bandwidth to micromanage it by putting it on Obey. While the ceiling for Scholar is probably higher than it is for White Mage, I feel like the floor is also higher, and since I'm what you might politely call Not Very Good At Video Games (or at least games that require quick thinking – I have more of a strategic mind), I'm interested in playing jobs that aren't quite so difficult.

I know some of you play Scholar so feel free to convince me otherwise. :) Right now I'm just looking to get it to level 34 for Eye for an Eye, which can be used by White Mage. Then I think I'll give Astrologian a whirl because why not?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I don't play much Scholar as Summoner is my main and the use of Atherflow stacks is completely different. I will say that Summoner needs the most Hotkeys out of all the DPS to play it effectively, so I wouldn't be surprised if Scholar needs them as well. It think I've got about half the pet hotbar on my own hot keys to micro-manage it, so that's... 30+ hot-keys for Summoner, and some of them are duplicates with different targeting methods, some are for lvl 50 content, etc. I have no idea how the console players do it.

Astro is a lot more straight-forward then Scholar is, but you need to be okay with a certain amount of RNG in the card deck. It's got less different heals then White Mage does, but none of them except one are OGCDs, and the only OGCD heal has a fairly short CD. Being able to choose between regen or shielding is nice though.


Joe, Arcana
Unless I'm running something low level, like Sastasha, the fairy stays on Obey for me. I have macros set up that co-ordinate the fairy's heals with my own, giving me control over how much is going to be healed at any time. On harder content I split the heals so I'm using my strong healing on the main tank and using heals with the fairy on others.

There's no way I'd ever attempt Scholar on a controller mind. I will concede that some classes play just as well on a controller - particularly those dps classes with positionals like Monk - but you're definitely putting yourself at a handicap trying something like Summoner or Scholar.


We have come to terms
I disagree - heavily - with that, given that Scholar is my healer of choice. I've never had any issues at all using my controller.

And if you're finding you can't keep up with the damage the tank is taking, one of two things is happening. Either A ) you're in Cleric Stance, or B ) the tank is pulling too much. I suppose it could be C ) tank doesn't have tank stance on/isn't using cooldowns, or, specifically in the case of Brayflox, D ) the tank is poisoned in the final boss fight and RIP Scholar doesn't get Leeches until level 40 (or Selene at 50).

E ) did you put all your bonus points into Mind? it's a pain in the ass having to swap it over from Intelligence as the Arc/Smn.


Pro Adventurer
A) I wasn't, though that has happened many times as WHM...
B) It was big but not enormous. I definitely would have healed through it with Cure II spam.
C) Possibly, but it was only that one pull that I struggled with – she ded.
D) Nope.
E) I should do that but I don't think it would have made the difference.

As I said, the only difference from the other pulls she made in that dungeon was that Eos wasn't doing anything because I was too far away and her range is a lot less than mine.

When you're Scholaring on your controller, what's your pet management strategy? Do you bother with manual placement? How about Obey and putting pet actions in your main cross hotbars?


Joe, Arcana
Fairy healing is supplementary at best, and 95% of the time I don't use it to heal the main tank as I said before.
Even if Eos wasn't healing the tank she shouldn't be dropping low like that so you must have been doing something wrong. I don't mean that in any condescending way.

Is there any chance it's your gear? That's the only other thing I can think of other than Cleric Stance


We have come to terms
Mind makes ALL the difference. Mind is the most important stat of all for any healer. Period.

Also, the fairy's distance from party members is only applicable to Whispering Dawn - outside of that, Eos and Selene have the same healing range that you do, and will automatically spam Embrace (which is a slightly weaker Cure 1) without you doing anything else.

Place your fairy on "Obey" and it will follow you around without trying to use Whispering Dawn, but will still heal other people, letting you use WD as you like (it's like an aoe Regen on a 60s cd, so feel free to use it whenever).

Particularly in low level content, the fairy is able to keep up with most damage outside of aoe situations and tankbusters. Or SHOULD be able to, at least.


Pro Adventurer
I scored around 9500 on the benchmark (extremely high) with all settings maxed. My PC I built back in 2011 is still going strong! I did upgrade the video card a couple of years ago, though.

I cannot wait for Stormblood. I typically log in almost every day but the last couple of months I have been playing less consistently. But I know Stormblood will reinvigorate me. I DO have some questlines I want to finish before Stormblood, though, such as the HW beast tribes final questline, HW Hildy quests, and the Scholasticate. What are you guys wanting to finish before Stormblood arrives?


Pro Adventurer
Also, the fairy's distance from party members is only applicable to Whispering Dawn - outside of that, Eos and Selene have the same healing range that you do, and will automatically spam Embrace (which is a slightly weaker Cure 1) without you doing anything else.
Or not, in this case. Trust me when I say she was doing nothing besides float next to me. I found this bug from 2015, not sure if it's been fixed yet.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer

Trials of the Braves are over! For the foreseeable future anyway. Thank you Joe and Flint for helping me with the last couple of dungeons. Also went and blew around 300k gil on the next step and now have a nice Novus Weapon. Now for the light-farming... the bad part being that I'm also light-farming for my Anima weapon as well...

But farming is so much better then the over-specification Trials of the Braves is, so I'm not complaining too much... and I'm at lvl 58, so the Exp is appreciated...
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Pro Adventurer
Right, I'm now a lvl 17 Marauder and am, er, really enjoying this game...............

Shout out to Flint and Carlie for helping me on my first jump into the game, and Flint helped me out again today with various other stuff, which is very much appreciated :joy:

Did my first few guildhests this evening and I was definitely nervous, I wasn't the best in a few of them aaaaaa >__> I know I'll learn as I go, but still, I just want to apologize to people when I didn't do my duty as a newbie Tank :wacky:

I have been getting more familiar with things though, I just have to get used to it. Want to adjust some abilities on the cross hotbar in a manner I think would work better....

....I really shouldn't play anymore tonight though...


Low level tanking SUCKS. Don't stress too much or feel too bad if you have a hard time keeping aggro, it really just doesn't happen til you get to be a higher level and get better enmity generating skillz. I hate tanking anything below Haukke Manor, honestly.


Pro Adventurer
Low level tanking SUCKS. Don't stress too much or feel too bad if you have a hard time keeping aggro, it really just doesn't happen til you get to be a higher level and get better enmity generating skillz. I hate tanking anything below Haukke Manor, honestly.

I'll do my best not to stress, it's just in my nature to feel bad or stress if I think I'm failing at something, especially if others are counting on me :lol: Maybe this game will be good for me, actually :monster:


Joe, Arcana
I encounter tanks (and healers) at level 60 that have no clue what they're doing. Most of the time they are still met with patience and helpful tips so they improve. Don't sweat learning how to Tank early on, it's all good practice ^_^


Yeah don't worry too much about it at the lower levels, any healer will be more than capable of compensating. Just don't make silly mistakes like not having aggro mode enabled (idk when the marauder gets that ability), and it helps if you look up a video before going into the dungeons - or go in blind, ask for info if need be. Like, be social :monster:


Pro Adventurer
When I first started, I got nervous before tanking any new dungeon. Just keep at it. Once you level more and know your job well, tanking is pretty easy, especially if you are just running regular dungeons (not raids). A good or bad tank will tend to make or break a group more so than the other roles in my experience, so if you practice and learn to tank well it really makes running dungeons faster and more stress free since you have a lot of control over the group's success.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yey!!! Finally got BLM up to Lvl 60!

And my stats are crap because BLM and SMN have different secondary stat preferences... Oh well, I am so ready to leave Ley Lines behind... dodging keeps your healers happy.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
No lie... BLM are my lowest Raise priority as a Healer... everyone comes before them usually because they usually end up dying before the weakness debuff runs out... 'cause they won't move... MCH and BRD move more even with their added cast times, and SMN move even more... And yes... healers totally notice who distracts them from healing tanks the most...

This accurately sums up my feeling regarding getting BLM leveled...

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