The Final Fantasy XIV Thread [Dawntrail - 7.00]

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
As far as Black Mage and Summoner go... Black Mage is the Samurai of mages. They have no raid utility and only bring damage to the table. They're also not that far ahead of Summoners as far as raw damage goes, but they have a way easier time of it if they die/mess up on their rotation. Oh, but they have to stand in one spot to keep their damage up. Summoner has a way easier time dodging with less DPS falloff.

Summoner has a lot more raid utility then Black Mage does. They're the only source of Magic Vulnerability now even if it's only for 15 sec every 60 sec. For all that Devotion can't be aimed, it's still a 5% damage increase so it at least does something and costs no MP. If SE fixes it to be something other then proximity based, then that would go a long way to helping the class (Devotion on Samurai <3). Technically speaking they also have a Physical Vulnerability skill too, but since that relies on somebody being hit to activate, it's a lot spottier, but it's still there.

The big problem with Summoner is it's insane rotation build-up time. And by insane I mean it's worse then Dragoon's is. Summoner has shifted from a DOT upkeep class to a burst phase management class. It takes 2 minutes minimum to bring out your max burst damage (Bahamut) and if you mess up on your Aetherflow stacks or die you set yourself back an entire minute if not more (if you get Raised before Aetherflow is available you're looking at something like 2.5-3 minutes before Bahamut can come out again). It also requires you to time your burst around boss phases so you need to have a really, really solid understanding of boss mechanics to optimize your rotation. Like, we're talking tank-level boss mechanics understanding here. There's a reason I find most of the other DPS boring and that's because they're so much more forgiving then Summoner is.

Also... the fears that it would be a Ruin spam class were really unfounded. Ruin I, III, and IV are the spells you regularly use that have cast bars. All the other stuff you use is oGCDs and you use those a lot. It's still the most button heavy class in the game. Especially as Bahamut's auto attack has a 1.5 sec cd. So you're wanting to alternate between Ruin II, Ruin IV and all the oGCDs you have when he's out. Like, the most time I spend "Ruin spamming" is a 30 second window between the first and second Dreadwrym trances and even then I'm also trying to get 3 Festers off, use Devotion on cooldown, use Shadow Flare on cooldown, etc. And even then it's better to use the second DWT sooner rather then later so you don't end it after Aetherflow comes off cooldown. So it's more like 20 seconds of "Ruin Spamming" across the entire 2 minute rotation. Yeah. It's a ton of fun. You have no idea how many people ask me in dungeons if Lvl 70 Summoner is as boring as they think it is...

So Summoner is a lot like Dragoon. Dying/messing up rotation sucks more then it does for any other class, you've got some raid utility that needs improving, but you at least have raid utility on top of a solid damage output so you're not complete garbage either. It's just that Summoner meta has really shifted and you need to strategize more then ever with it to get it working right.

I feel like what would help a lot is to (A) make Devotion target-able or make it only target the closest DPS role. and (B) make it so that you at least keep something of Aetherflow/Atunement/Dreadwrym stacks even if you die. Something as simple as forcing Aetherflow to go off cooldown when Raised would be awesome as it would *only* be 2 min before Bahamut comes out, not the 2.5-3 minutes it currently is. Keeping the Aetherflow/Atunemnt ratio would be even better and would still require at lest a whole minute to rebuild Bahamut again. And do something about Blood of the Dragon while you're at it. Dragoons have the same problem we do, it just takes a little shorter for them to build up their burst phase and it even falls off during phase changes (thank god they fixed that for Summoner).

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
All ya'll talking about the high-level raid scene and I'm just sitting here like "I think I'll level fisher when I'm done the story."

On that note:

Got to Level 69, about 5 mil away from Level 70 on my DRG and I made it to the Lochs today.

Lakshmi was an... interesting Primal. I'm not sure I like the use of Raid Items in my primal fights. Frankly the whole Raid Item thing seems like a gimmick so far but I believe it can be used properly, I'm just not sure that it has as of yet. Though the smoke bombs in Kugane were at least fun.

Castrum Abania was really fun for the references but as a dungeon it wasn't that interesting. It had the Fractal Continuum thing of being basically a straight line of encounters. But at least those encounters were short and the final room was awesome. Still I geeked at seeing MagRoader, Number 24 and Inferno. The FF6 Influence has always leaned heavily upon the game but it seems they're trying to outdo themselves again with this expansion.

The Lochs look really cool so far but they're a touch tricky to navigate. I had a little trouble at first. I'm really looking forward to getting to the end of this incredible story.

As much fun as the world is and the new areas are definitely beautiful I will say that, personally, I feel they are competing against Heavensward's areas and there is a significant feeling of being overshadowed. As I mentioned before, it's hard to compete with floating sky islands but even ignoring that I prefer the Heavensward areas. While the forest area of the Fringes is nice, most of Gyr Abania so far has been basically desert and ruins. It's great for the story no doubt, but it's boring scenery (apart from the Ziggarut - I'm really hoping those Eggbeating bastards have a primal coming in a patch.)

Othard, on the otherhand is a strong point. Yanxia is actually quite comfy apart from the Glittering Basin, and the Ruby Sea is gorgeous. The Azim Steppe is fantastic - I really love the open fields that call back to the Calm Lands or Archlyte Steppe, plus that Dawn Throne and the incredible score.

But I mean in terms of just the aesthetics I can match one for one and come out preferring Heavensward almost every time. Matching East / West to Heavensward's Sky / Land and we see these match ups:

Fringes > Coerthas Western Highlands = CWH wins, I love the snow and loneliness.
Peaks > Dravanian Forelands = Forelands wins, Chocobo Forest + Sohm Al
Lochs > Dravanian Hinterlands = Hinterlands wins, everything.

Ruby Sea > Sea of Clouds = Sea of Clouds wins, floating sky islands.
Yanxia > Churning Mists = Churning Mist barely wins, Zenith.
Azim Steppe > Azyz Lla = AL wins because everything.

I guess you could aruge that the Azim Steppe is meant to go against the Hinterlands but it still wins and that would make the Azyz Lla vs Lochs a total shut out because Azyz Lla was one of the best things about Heavensward. It was a final dungeon in area form. I haven't full explored the Lochs yet so that might change but I doubt it. There was a sense of grandiosity to Heavensward which Stormblood is lacking.

However I feel that makes sense. The story is different. The story of Stormblood is about the meek and meager rising up against an unstoppable force so smaller scale, comfier areas are more appropriate. And as far as story moments go Stormblood has me absolutely gripped because I love stories like this of military tactics and revolution.

One thing I will say outright. Kugane is better than Ishgard. Dat aesthetic.

So I know a lot of jobs have been nerfed as the experts have said but I really still feel incredibly powerful as a DRG. My rotation has been streamlined, even though I miss Phlebotomize, and being able to use both T4 abilities in sequence is great. I'm not certain exactly what triggers Dive Ready but I find that I'm usually able to squeeze it in mid-sequence as I would with some of my jumps.

I feel the removal of the restriction of Gierskogul, even with the longer CD has improved my AoE capabilities but not so much as the added Sonic Thrust. When I want to go AoE wrecking ball in dungeons I will pop Blood For Blood and just spam Doom Spike and Sonic Thrust, tossing in Dragonfire Dive when I can. It was mad satisfying in Doma Castle with all those Slasher adds.

I also like some of the new utility. Well, I guess I should say I like Dragon Sight. In four man content I'm usually paired with a ranged as one would expect so I give that to my Tank and we are able to wreck shit. Yeah it's just a 10% and 5% increase respectively but combined with Battle Litany and Blood for Blood it makes for some great Burst phases.

But again, that's just on the Levelling side and I'm no DRG expert (That would be Lex :monster:).

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah, I've leveling classes up by doing old HW content and HW maps are just more exciting to travel though then SB maps are. What SB maps do that HW maps don't is hit my nostalgia factor hard. Especially the Ala Migo ones. They're pretty much the Final Fantasy version of Bryce National Park (part of the Four Corners area that has the Grand Canyon, Zion, etc.). I mean, you've got stuff like this there:

Also... I want this type of UI design so badly...



Smol thing about aggro is that DPS have a cross-class ability that reduces it by half, cooldown of about 2 minutes; pretty sure DPS are supposed to use that too. It might be intentional, have DPS watch out what they're doing more instead of doing max damage. Which is lame off course, but still.

Just did a lvl 50 dungeon as RDM with another RDM. S/he got a lot more damage than I did, not sure why since I'm pretty sure my rotation is the same. I've rearranged my buttons, Scatter (the AoE damage thing) is now under 1, :monster:. I've got Jolt and the four white/black magic spells under 2-6, and the close-range ones (which you end up using once every idk, 10 or so? rotations) under F1-F6.


All ya'll talking about the high-level raid scene and I'm just sitting here like "I think I'll level fisher when I'm done the story."

On that note:

Got to Level 69, about 5 mil away from Level 70 on my DRG and I made it to the Lochs today.

Lakshmi was an... interesting Primal. I'm not sure I like the use of Raid Items in my primal fights. Frankly the whole Raid Item thing seems like a gimmick so far but I believe it can be used properly, I'm just not sure that it has as of yet. Though the smoke bombs in Kugane were at least fun.

Castrum Abania was really fun for the references but as a dungeon it wasn't that interesting. It had the Fractal Continuum thing of being basically a straight line of encounters. But at least those encounters were short and the final room was awesome. Still I geeked at seeing MagRoader, Number 24 and Inferno. The FF6 Influence has always leaned heavily upon the game but it seems they're trying to outdo themselves again with this expansion.

The Lochs look really cool so far but they're a touch tricky to navigate. I had a little trouble at first. I'm really looking forward to getting to the end of this incredible story.

As much fun as the world is and the new areas are definitely beautiful I will say that, personally, I feel they are competing against Heavensward's areas and there is a significant feeling of being overshadowed. As I mentioned before, it's hard to compete with floating sky islands but even ignoring that I prefer the Heavensward areas. While the forest area of the Fringes is nice, most of Gyr Abania so far has been basically desert and ruins. It's great for the story no doubt, but it's boring scenery (apart from the Ziggarut - I'm really hoping those Eggbeating bastards have a primal coming in a patch.)

Othard, on the otherhand is a strong point. Yanxia is actually quite comfy apart from the Glittering Basin, and the Ruby Sea is gorgeous. The Azim Steppe is fantastic - I really love the open fields that call back to the Calm Lands or Archlyte Steppe, plus that Dawn Throne and the incredible score.

But I mean in terms of just the aesthetics I can match one for one and come out preferring Heavensward almost every time. Matching East / West to Heavensward's Sky / Land and we see these match ups:

Fringes > Coerthas Western Highlands = CWH wins, I love the snow and loneliness.
Peaks > Dravanian Forelands = Forelands wins, Chocobo Forest + Sohm Al
Lochs > Dravanian Hinterlands = Hinterlands wins, everything.

Ruby Sea > Sea of Clouds = Sea of Clouds wins, floating sky islands.
Yanxia > Churning Mists = Churning Mist barely wins, Zenith.
Azim Steppe > Azyz Lla = AL wins because everything.

I guess you could aruge that the Azim Steppe is meant to go against the Hinterlands but it still wins and that would make the Azyz Lla vs Lochs a total shut out because Azyz Lla was one of the best things about Heavensward. It was a final dungeon in area form. I haven't full explored the Lochs yet so that might change but I doubt it. There was a sense of grandiosity to Heavensward which Stormblood is lacking.

However I feel that makes sense. The story is different. The story of Stormblood is about the meek and meager rising up against an unstoppable force so smaller scale, comfier areas are more appropriate. And as far as story moments go Stormblood has me absolutely gripped because I love stories like this of military tactics and revolution.

One thing I will say outright. Kugane is better than Ishgard. Dat aesthetic.

So I know a lot of jobs have been nerfed as the experts have said but I really still feel incredibly powerful as a DRG. My rotation has been streamlined, even though I miss Phlebotomize, and being able to use both T4 abilities in sequence is great. I'm not certain exactly what triggers Dive Ready but I find that I'm usually able to squeeze it in mid-sequence as I would with some of my jumps.

I feel the removal of the restriction of Gierskogul, even with the longer CD has improved my AoE capabilities but not so much as the added Sonic Thrust. When I want to go AoE wrecking ball in dungeons I will pop Blood For Blood and just spam Doom Spike and Sonic Thrust, tossing in Dragonfire Dive when I can. It was mad satisfying in Doma Castle with all those Slasher adds.

I also like some of the new utility. Well, I guess I should say I like Dragon Sight. In four man content I'm usually paired with a ranged as one would expect so I give that to my Tank and we are able to wreck shit. Yeah it's just a 10% and 5% increase respectively but combined with Battle Litany and Blood for Blood it makes for some great Burst phases.

But again, that's just on the Levelling side and I'm no DRG expert (That would be Lex :monster:).

Dive ready is triggered by Jump or Spineshatter Dive. Mirage Dive is an oGCD and should be executed on its own between GCD's (so no double weaving sadly). Jump is on 30s cooldown and Spine is on 60s cooldown, you need four Mirages for the eyes to trigger Nastrond so it takes 90s optimally to trigger Nastrond.

Since the rules/ cooldown for BotD have drastically changed you can manage to keep up the BotD timer/ gauge by being smart about triggering it between pulls in dungeons, but obvs the way a tank pulls will have annoying effects on this.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
^ Yes I noticed this. Even just taking away the 10 second detraction from Gierskogul has kept me pretty much in BotD 90% of the time during combat and the fact that you can trigger it sooner helps a lot for when I lose it.

Thank you for the heads up! I look forward to finally firing my first Nastrond.


For maximum Nastrond uptime trigger it by using Gierskogul when you have 4 eyes and have just used both wheeling thrust/ fang and claw, means you can get 3 of them in before it runs out (LotD timer based on BotD timer, Nastrond is just a more powerful GK on a 10s cooldown instead of 30) so on and so forth. When LotD runs out it just becomes BotD again. Has a weird effect on the rotation, seems to only trigger step 4 of the 4 step combo instead of both steps 4 and 5, though I've seen step 5 happen once. Not sure what's happening there, need to keep an eye on it.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
This so much.

You'd better believe that I pay attention to people's buff/aggro bars and notice the people who use Diversion/Lucid Dreaming and those who don't when I tank. And I make sure I use both those skills before I go into a burst phase when I DPS now.

Other things that I notice as a tank are the people who go right into a burst phase as soon as I pull the mobs and those who wait for me to do a few aggro generating moves before they start their burst phase. A single pull move no longer generates enough aggro for me to hold the mobs though a burst phase anymore. But if I can get off an Abyssal Drain or two? I can hold it just fine. Especially if they're using Diversion.

The fact of the matter is that tanks generate less aggro now and everybody has to adjust and has the tools to do at the very least make it easier on them for free.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
^ So what you're saying is maybe I should hold off for like 30 seconds before I pump out Battle Litany and Blood for Blood?

Also making a note to pop on my enmity reducing role skills tonight.


^ So what you're saying is maybe I should hold off for like 30 seconds before I pump out Battle Litany and Blood for Blood?

Also making a note to pop on my enmity reducing role skills tonight.

No, pop them when you're supposed to pop them (in the opener and then whenever they're off CD), just be sure to use your enmity reducing move where appropriate or when you have to (which is elusive jump, do not waste a class slot on the other one).

The system is built so that tanks can maintain aggro with people also doing their DPS rotations properly.


We have come to terms
They're the only source of Magic Vulnerability now
Foe's got changed to ALL damage output, but still does increase it. (admittedly damage out up is only functionally the same as damage incoming up, but you get the point)

@jt: what lex said. mostly

@lex: bullshit it is. I actually lost aggro during a god damn boss fight while spamming power slash combo like four times in a row. THIS IS STUPID AS FUCK AND THEY NEED TO FIX GOD DAMN TANK DAMAGE RAWR I MAD

beyond that, yeah, it's really just when people do stupid things like burning down one mob over aoe damage, or when I've got samurai and red mage SPECIFICALLY and both are attacking different god damn targets and I'm in fucking aggro hell because I CAN ONLY USE SEA URCHIN SO MANY TIMES PEOPLE FUCK THEY NERFED BLOOD PRICE SO FUCKING HARD IT MAKES ME WANT TO CRY SOMETIMES

ed: for clarity, they took blood price's on-hit mp gain from
(okay so idr exactly how much I was getting but it only took a couple hits to gain dark arts mana, so we're talking minimum 1/12 of my mp, which would be around 800 actually, but I'm keeping level 60 in mind!)
to fucking 100 and change (I think I get 108 now), and it's fucking bullshit and I hate it


We have come to terms
christ you know it's bad when I'm ready to say fuck it and play paladin

like for real

ps warrior sucking so much now also makes me sad because it's what I played for raiding in hw, even though my main was drk, because before my static leader thought to add me to discord, she recruited a drk. luckily I played some warrior as well but I was definitely a better dark knight than our mt was, no question :/

/mild bitterness


Pro Adventurer
So you know how we considered moving the Free Company to Omega? ...They just shut down character transfers to it because it's getting too big. They've also said that if the population continues to grow, they'll designate it a Congested World and end the EXP bonus below level 50.

I think a lot of people have made characters there just to her to level 30 and unlock the 15 days of free playtime. I'm still planning to do it myself once I have more time to play in about a week's time. :P It'll probably have to be on the other new world, Louisoix. Regardless, I think we probably made the right decision staying on Cerberus.
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We have come to terms
flint I'm about to go to bed

are you trying to make me go to sleep angry


Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
So you know how we considered moving the Free Company to Omega? ...They just shut down character transfers to it because it's getting too big. They've also said that if the population continues to grow, they'll designate it a Congested World and end the EXP bonus below level 50.

I think a lot of people have made characters there just to her to level 30 and unlock the 15 days of free playtime. I'm still planning to do it myself once I have more time to play in about a week's time. :P It'll probably on the other new world, Louisoix. Regardless, I think we probably made the right decision staying on Cerberus.

Life. Choices. Validated.

It's almost like offering a bunch of free shit makes people want it, especially those not tied down by commitment to an FC (and RMT bots of course).

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney



But seriously a tank and healer demanded to be Kicked or they would play dead after we wiped twice. That fight is balls fucking hard and I've been able to go without using a guide for the MSQ until this one. I finally resorted to Mr. Happy.

I'm hoping to fuck I am able to find a PUG who can help me get through this challenge. I loldrg'd an inexcusable number of times, not the least of which was a brilliant moment of fucking stupid when I accidentally hit Elusive Jump standing next to the edge the first phase platform and barrelling right off. Second was thinking we were wiping because two heals dead but I forgot we had a Red Mage who was still up (I think it was him) and raised one of our healers. For all the good it did. A Heal LB3 later and we still wiped.


Joe, Arcana
It took me four or five groups over four days to complete that trial (which I finally did last night). It was a frustrating gauntlet of tanks just abandoning, healers forgetting to repair their gear and people not accepting raises. Each group had a 30-60 minute queue time behind it too. I was getting real annoyed.

It's a good thing it's like the best damn fight in the game.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I think the reason why Blood Price was nerfed so hard was because Soul Siphon was buffed like crazy while in Grit. It now gives you MP equivalent to an entire Dark Arts if you don't Dark Arts it.

One thing I've learned playing SMN is to save both my aggro management skills for when I pull Bahamut out for trash pulls. The amount of damage going out in that 20-sec window is ridiculous and there's no way for the tank to know I'm about to do it either unless they've been counting the DWT I've been doing.

Edit: The community finally figured out what "Absorbs a portion of the damage dealt as HP" means:

Long story short, it scales down with level now. At Lvl 64 you're absorbing 100% of the damage as HP. At Lvl 70 you're absorbing 88.4%. On the flip side, who uses any of the skills with that description for the HP absorbtion?
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Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Finally cleared it. Satisfying as fuck. Apart from one of the cock-tease ending moments of course, but it wouldn't be the end of an expansion / patch without.

Gonna work on that review for it and hopefully Joe and Carlie are ready with theirs whenever they finish (no rush, take your time and soak it in guys.)


We have come to terms
I think the reason why Blood Price was nerfed so hard was because Soul Siphon was buffed like crazy while in Grit. It now gives you MP equivalent to an entire Dark Arts if you don't Dark Arts it.

Edit: The community finally figured out what "Absorbs a portion of the damage dealt as HP" means:

Long story short, it scales down with level now. At Lvl 64 you're absorbing 100% of the damage as HP. At Lvl 70 you're absorbing 88.4%. On the flip side, who uses any of the skills with that description for the HP absorbtion?
1. thing is, when I need mana in order to, say, spam sea urching so the damn rdm/sam combo doesn't rip aggro off me, I need that mana NOW, not a couple of gcds later. se pls

2. that seems incorrect, because I'm at 70 and absorbing 100% on drk with souleater and sea urchin

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Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Warning, early story spoilers, sort of:

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