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Pro Adventurer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Cloud and Aerith were never dating, guys 8)

And here is a quote from Crisis Core Keywords Collection. I'm posting it here again for you, D. Maybe it'll motivate you to learn more of the story:

Cloud and Tifa are childhood friends, both born in Nibelheim. When Cloud leaves the village, he calls Tifa out to the water tower and promises that he will become a SOLDIER. At the same time, he is also made by Tifa to promise that he will come to rescue her if she is ever in trouble.

Following this, the pair experience many hardships, such as the Nibelheim incident which also appears in CC, and the Jenova War in FFVII, and through these the distance between them shortens. And in AC they live together, with Barret’s daughter Marlene and a boy named Denzel. Though there was also a period later where Cloud lived away from them after having contracted Geostigma, they finally reach a commune with each over and return to living together once again. In DC, they rush together to Vincent’s aid, in his battle against Deep Ground SOLDIER.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Where in that entire spiel (of some random FF7 book v. 9561325841) did it say "Cloud and Aerith were never dating"? It dosen't even MENTION Aerith.

Maybe you ought to read your sources before you post them.

I also don't particularly care about random sources around the net that quote some random book I've never heard of. I'd much rather listen to official word by the makers of the game or from the game itself.

I'm not saying that Aerith and Cloud were indisputably dating, but to me it makes a large logical possiblity since they go on "date" (or possibly can) and therefore could have


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

You know, where the hell is everyone else in this thread that posts like crazy on the LTD? It's like it's just me and Daryl here when we rarely ever post here and discuss the LTD. :monster:

What moments does Cloud show visible *true* attraction to Aerith? I'm not saying Aerith doesn't, she most certainly does, but Cloud merely offering his services as a bodyguard once at the cost of one date is hardly the basis of Cloud suddenly falling in love with her. If one's to argue, that Cloud and Aerith could've been, one has to demonstrate this love and attraction they both had, which is kind of hard, given one doesn't know the other, and one is totally out of his mind.

And if Cloud and Tifa's promise and attraction is insignificant, so is Zack and Aerith, Squall and Rinoa, and Tidus and Yuna. They too were both kids and they end up falling in love seriously. I don't think age means anything here. Plus, Tifa shows lots of attraction to Cloud in FFVII. Her attraction and hope to see him again as a SOLDIER (her sexy appearance as the cowgirl in Nibelheim is chalked up to her wanting to look good for Cloud), her happiness and desire to keep him with her during her time in AVALANCHE, her being the only one to stay with Cloud while mako poisoned, her being the one to piece together his fragile consciousness, the moment they share under the Highwind, and then in AC. They have a lot of genuine, caring moments together, that all stem from that one promise.

The "On the Way to a Smile" novellas, "Case of Tifa" and "Case of Denzel" state that Cloud and Tifa live together. Also, it's kind of hinted they share the same bed, when Tifa rolls over and asks a sleeping Cloud, "Do you love me?" He's...naturally asleep of course.

And it's stated in the Reunion Files book, and other guidebook that Cloud returns to Tifa and lives with her at Seventh Heaven post AC.

Generalizing and saying Cloud left because he didn't really love Tifa neglects and ignores the factors of "why" he left and what his past is. Cloud is not normal. He's been through more hell and madness than most, and spent 4 years of his adolescent in a tube filled with mako. He's been rendered a vegetable twice. Cloud isn't the best at peer-to-peer bonding. His affection for Tifa was not the motivating factor in his leaving. It's been explained and never is it stated that's why.

EDIT: Cloud and Aerith only share *one* date, and that's at the Gold Saucer. They'd have no other chance *to* date, what with saving the world in the span of two months. So there's no way they could've dated. Cloud and Aerith spent less than 1 month together.

And the entry on Cloud and Tifa is straight from the Crisis Core Complete Guide which was written by the creators as a dossier of the Compilation of FFVII, around Crisis Core. The fact that Cloud and Tifa even warrant an entry together is pretty telling, right there.


Pro Adventurer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Where in that entire spiel (of some random FF7 book v. 9561325841) did it say "Cloud and Aerith were never dating"? It dosen't even MENTION Aerith.

Maybe you ought to read your sources before you post them.

I also don't particularly care about random sources around the net that quote some random book I've never heard of. I'd much rather listen to official word by the makers of the game or from the game itself.

I'm not saying that Aerith and Cloud were indisputably dating, but to me it makes a large logical possiblity since they go on "date" (or possibly can) and therefore could have

Okay, where in any of the Ultimanias (if these sources are "official" enough for you) it was stated that they were dating? Or that they were romantically attracted to each other?

You'll find such statements made for Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aerith and never for Cloud/Aerith.

The "On the Way to a Smile" novellas, "Case of Tifa" and "Case of Denzel" state that Cloud and Tifa live together. Also, it's kind of hinted they share the same bed, when Tifa rolls over and asks a sleeping Cloud, "Do you love me?" He's...naturally asleep of course.

Cloud has his own bed in the office room ;)


~The Other Side of Fear~
Re: Love Triangle Discussion


I view Cloud having at least attraction for Aerith because he is able to date her, he mourns deeply for her, he is her "star-crossed" (or so Caith Sith can say) and he is obviously obsessed with her after she is dead. I don't think it's true love, but it sure seems more than a sister-brother relationship. And if it is one, it's really icky. xD

You ignoring my point abou the promise. The reason the promise is insignificant to me is a) they're *young* kids (not in even in their teens unlike the other couples you noted) b) Tifa shows NO affection to Cloud aside from that before he leaves. Afterwards yes, but it's under the basis of mutual deception and mutual disrespect. Tifa and Cloud need to sort through a lot before they could conceivably resolve this messy relationship, at least in the context of FF7, for me.

I always thought of Tifa as exceptionally needy from all her chasing after Cloud and Cloud as being exceptionally cold after all the running away he does. He needs to stop running and she needs to actually learn to be a woman that dosen't need him, but rather wants him. And the very fact that he's not normal, very dysfunctional is all the more proof that maintaining a healthy relationship between the two is very illogical to a storyline. It would require months of therapty on both their parts to sort themselves out and then their relationship.

As for the whole additional books to prove this point, well, I can't dispute that, but I will say that if a significant point such as the main protangists relationhip is in dispute by a large number of people and a book is needed to prove it, then that's pretty bad storytelling in the original source.

Look at Rosa and Cecil. You don't *need* any proof. This is indisputable in the game itself.

Edit: @ spirit: You said your point in an indisputable way, as if you had complete, irrefutable proof. You did not. I'm not disputing irrefutably, but you are, therefore you must prove your point as indisputable while I must only prove my point as having some logic to it.


You look like you need a monkey
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9928#msg9928 date=1232494147]
I consider the Tifa-Cloud promise as insignificant because a) they're both kids and promises as kids mean well, pretty much nothing [/quote]

The promise, while made when they were kids, is brought over into their adult lives. We see how this promise, and their motivations behind making that promise, influence their actions in FFVII. It's even said that this promise is etched deeply in Cloud's heart.

So it isn't just some idle deal struck between two naive kids on a whim. This was something they made to each other with the full intent of honouring and treasuring.

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9928#msg9928 date=1232494147]
b) Tifa shows NO other affection for Cloud whatsoever (that I'm aware of). It seemed much more like a fanciful thing on the part of a young girl. If there really was closeness that would have been shown in much more depth, with many more scnes of mutual interaction. In fact, its made very clear that Tifa is way more intersted in other boys and her personal problems than Cloud at all. In fact, the only interest she shows is when he's leaving. I do not consider that closeness.[/quote]

From what I've seen, Tifa has remarked before that she though Cloud was cute when they were young. And she definitely knew him, and well enough that she was able to discern quite a few things about him even though they weren't that close. Cloud himself has never approached her, only watched from afar. And quite frankly, I don't blame Tifa for not approaching him earlier too, since he's admitted that his own behaviour back then wasn't very friendly to others -- he made himself think that the other kids were stupid, he picked fights with them.

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9928#msg9928 date=1232494147]
Where are given indisputable proof that Cloud and Tifa live together? I'm not denying this is true, but I was never given any indication aside from "he's not here anymore" which might be that he worked with her (from the Strife Delivery Service message) but no indication that they were living together or in a committed relationship.

It's in Case of Tifa. The novella has Cloud propose to Tifa that they live together "from tomorrow onwards" right after Meteor is dealt with, and then proceeds to tell the story of the two of them living together and working to build their lives as a family until Cloud's guilt and illness forces him to run away from this happy life.

The Ultimanias themselves say that they live together after the game, through most of the two years between game and AC, and again after AC ends.

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9928#msg9928 date=1232494147]
Also if you leave someone, even if you "love" them, without any good reason why, then that shows you really weren't that in love, IMO. That's not love, IMO. That's a sign of some issues that need to sorted through individually before the issues of the relationship can be sorted through.[/quote]

Issues to sort through? Yes, I agree. But the 'not in love because he left' part, I disagree. Fiction is rife with stories where one leaves his/her love in order to protect them and their love isn't somehow less or deemed non-existent because of that.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9938#msg9938 date=1232495044]
Where in that entire spiel (of some random FF7 book v. 9561325841) did it say "Cloud and Aerith were never dating"? It dosen't even MENTION Aerith.

Maybe you ought to read your sources before you post them.

I also don't particularly care about random sources around the net that quote some random book I've never heard of. I'd much rather listen to official word by the makers of the game or from the game itself.

I'm not saying that Aerith and Cloud were indisputably dating, but to me it makes a large logical possiblity since they go on "date" (or possibly can) and therefore could have

Okay, so when could they have been dating? They get, at most, one date, and the next day, he goes gaga, beats her up, and she goes off on her own to summon Holy, and dies. When could they have really dated in any meaningful sense?

Cloud's reason for leaving in AC is given as being to protect those precious to him- because he is happy there, and does not wish to see any harm befall them as a cause of his failure, especially after Geostigma. He exiles himself to try and keep the fallout away from his family. Misguided, but honorable in its intention.

I'd also not trust Cait Sith. His very profile contains the fact that he's an unreliable fortune teller. He bats 1 in 4 only by virtue of one of them being unfalsifiable.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

The promise, while made when they were kids, is brought over into their adult lives. We see how this promise, and their motivations behind making that promise, influence their actions in FFVII. It's even said that this promise is etched deeply in Cloud's heart.

So it isn't just some idle deal struck between two naive kids on a whim. This was something they made to each other with the full intent of honouring and treasuring.

At the age of eight or nine? I don’t even remember my life back at that age, let alone something that suppose to alter the very fabric of my life decades later. And Tifa, as I pointed out, didn’t seem all that caring for Cloud (with reasons or not, point stands) so it seems illogical that it would matter that much to her.

From what I've seen, Tifa has remarked before that she though Cloud was cute when they were young. And she definitely knew him, and well enough that she was able to discern quite a few things about him even though they weren't that close. Cloud himself has never approached her, only watched from afar. And quite frankly, I don't blame Tifa for not approaching him earlier too, since he's admitted that his own behaviour back then wasn't very friendly to others -- he made himself think that the other kids were stupid, he picked fights with them.

I think the whole “discerning a few things about him” is much more a bit of disbelief by the writers. At that age people don’t remember all that much. And Cloud’s attitude pushing Tifa’s interest away only further proves my above point.

It's in Case of Tifa. The novella has Cloud propose to Tifa that they live together "from tomorrow onwards" right after Meteor is dealt with, and then proceeds to tell the story of the two of them living together and working to build their lives as a family until Cloud's guilt and illness forces him to run away from this happy life.

I won’t argue this. I’ve seen the novellas, they’re not some random book translated by some fan or other biased in something. I won’t dispute a point made by the writers, but only point out that if such a thing was necessary by them to make to clarify a point then that point wasn’t all that clear to being with.

The Ultimanias themselves say that they live together after the game, through most of the two years between game and AC, and again after AC ends.

As above.

Issues to sort through? Yes, I agree. But the 'not in love because he left' part, I disagree. Fiction is rife with stories where one leaves his/her love in order to protect them and their love isn't somehow less or deemed non-existent because of that.

Significant issues, individually and together. I don’t care if fiction makes leaving romanticized—it’s not realistic to me at all. The books prove he loves her, but as a writer I dispute the point because I find it lacks logic. People who love each other don’t leave each other. Fact.

Okay, so when could they have been dating? They get, at most, one date, and the next day, he goes gaga, beats her up, and she goes off on her own to summon Holy, and dies. When could they have really dated in any meaningful sense?

Before the date? I wasn’t saying irrefutably that they were, but that there was some inkling of some romantic interest shared. You don’t have to date for years and years to have an attraction. Attraction can happen in a minute and last a very brief time.

Cloud's reason for leaving in AC is given as being to protect those precious to him- because he is happy there, and does not wish to see any harm befall them as a cause of his failure, especially after Geostigma. He exiles himself to try and keep the fallout away from his family. Misguided, but honorable in its intention.

The books may say this (I don’t know if they do or don’t) but as a writer it holds no water in a logical relationship. People in love do not run off. They stay in a relationship, or they were only in lust or infatuation.

I'd also not trust Cait Sith. His very profile contains the fact that he's an unreliable fortune teller. He bats 1 in 4 only by virtue of one of them being unfalsifiable.

His predictions are very unpredictable (lol) but the point is made that in the game you have the option of having Aerith defined as “starcrossed” with Cloud. I don’t see why they would do that unless they had any thoughts of romantic link at all.


Higher Further Faster
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Sorry Mako, I'm just not in a mood to debate. Obvious plot device is obvious, and my desire to debate with the people with whom it isn't that obvious waxes and wanes like the moon.

That and my brain hurts right now.


Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Cloud may not have been in the right frame of mind, but, unless I'm missing something out of FF7's very convulted storyline, that doesn't mean he had no capacity for attraction. You're equating love with attraction. Not the same thing. Cloud might have been attracted to Aerith, but not necessarily in love with her. In fact, I don't think either of them was, but that they were attracted to each other. There's too many shared moments for there feelings to be indisputable platonic.
The date she asks him on is A) a mirror of Zack's words to her thrown back at Cloud B)feeding off her desire to see Zack again. Here Cloud falls into her church in the same way, wears the same uniform, carries the same sword, has the same eyes, claims to be a First Class, etc. It's why the woman chases him around when he'd prepared to leave her behind without a second thought (when he brings her home).
Everytime they sit down together, she has something to say about Zack (playground scene for example) and she says stuff like "you're just like him".

She figures out something's wrong with him when he's having seizures and acting like a dumbass. She says she wants to get to know him. Then she dies. Nothing accomplished there.

Cait Sith, whom you mentioned previously, is an unreliable robot puppeteered by Reeve. Not only is he shown to be unreliable in the game, but SE kindly remind you again and again in Ultimanias and such.

Then they go and make a game that expands on teh lovestory of Aeris and her dead boyfriend. They add unnecessary shit like Aeris wearing pink because of some never-ending hope of somehow seeing him again (denial) and wearing the ribbon in commemoration of their meetign until the day she dies. I think if SE wanted to say anything about a Cloud/Aeris romance they would not have gone to such lengths to underplay it. No?

I consider the Tifa-Cloud promise as insignificant because a) they're both kids and promises as kids mean well, pretty much nothing b) Tifa shows NO other affection for Cloud whatsoever (that I'm aware of). It seemed much more like a fanciful thing on the part of a young girl. If there really was closeness that would have been shown in much more depth, with many more scnes of mutual interaction. In fact, its made very clear that Tifa is way more intersted in other boys and her personal problems than Cloud at all. In fact, the only interest she shows is when he's leaving. I do not consider that closeness.
Tifa thought he was cute. She's a kid, is she supposed to be designing her wedding dress at this point? So when Cloud sets himself apart from the others, she notices him more. Pretty normal so far. What tifa asks him to do (be her knight in shining armor) is something Cloud wanted all along. She didn't just force him into it. He was the one who climbed a mountain for her and never backed out despite the dangers, like the other kids. When she was injured, he blamed himself.
He carries that promise in hsi heart for the rest of his adult life. That's not something that you can just label as a meaningless childish promise.

Where are given indisputable proof that Cloud and Tifa live together? I'm not denying this is true, but I was never given any indication aside from "he's not here anymore" which might be that he worked with her (from the Strife Delivery Service message) but no indication that they were living together or in a committed relationship.
They did live together. Ultimanias state again and again that they made first a family of 3 and then with Denzel a family of 4. The kids look up to them as parent figures.
Also if you leave someone, even if you "love" them, without any good reason why, then that shows you really weren't that in love, IMO. That's not love, IMO. That's a sign of some issues that need to sorted through individually before the issues of the relationship can be sorted through.
Cloud doesn't leave because he doesn't love them though, and SE has gone to great lengths to make sure it isn't taken as such. Not to say that Cloud is excused because of this, and that's why Tifa and Marlene have that talk about lecturing him. Yeah, it was a dick move, but both the audience and Tifa come to understand why he did it. It has more to do with his fear of failure than any lack of love for his family and Tifa. That's a part fo Cloud that he can't just discard at will, and Tifa understands it. "Cloud is Cloud," she says and smiles. He's an idiot, but his intention was never to be a selfish ass and abandon his family. It is because he cared so much that he left. He's not like Zack - he runs from his problems a lot and has a constant fear of failure hanging over him. Cloud isn't meant to be a cool, brave and awesome hero who always faces his problems head on. He was never that. It's pretty consistent behavior, in that regard. But I digress - it ahs nothing to do with Tifa.

--> 8 replies? fuck this shit, I ain't editing this at work :o
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

As for the whole additional books to prove this point, well, I can't dispute that, but I will say that if a significant point such as the main protangists relationhip is in dispute by a large number of people and a book is needed to prove it, then that's pretty bad storytelling in the original source.

People still dispute Harry Potter's love interest trying to prove he's in love with Hermione. However, the last book clearly stated otherwise. Does this mean JK Rowling, who I may not be a fan of, did a poor job storytelling? Same goes for this. You will always have crazy shippers trying to twist the story for their ship, that doesn't mean the writers are at fault.

I view Cloud having at least attraction for Aerith because he is able to date her

In this case you must also feel he was attracted to Tifa, Yuffie and Barret since he can "date" them just as much as he can "date" Aerith. However, he is disinterested in the date with Aerith, you can even be mean to her, and she admits to not knowing him. Not the greatest first date.
The reason the promise is insignificant to me is a) they're *young* kids

I met my boyfriend at the age Tifa and Cloud made their promise. *shrugs* Which is closer to 13/14 fyi.
Where in that entire spiel (of some random FF7 book v. 9561325841) did it say "Cloud and Aerith were never dating"? It dosen't even MENTION Aerith.

First, it was obvious she was giving a quote stating that Cloud and Tifa lived together for 2 years before AC, and after DC. Second, that's not how debating works. You need to provide proof Cloud and Aerith were dating before a rebuttle is needed. You can't assume something to be true with nothing to back it up, and then expect the other side to find a quote saying it isn't true.

I also don't particularly care about random sources around the net that quote some random book I've never heard of. I'd much rather listen to official word by the makers of the game or from the game itself.

If you want to know which books it came from, that's fair enough, but calling them random and trying to discredit them before giving the person a chance to give you the information you seek is showing you feel threatened somehow, or you're just snapping for no reason. It's good to ask for where quotes came from, but don't automatically act like there isn't an answer.

That one is from the creators, from the CC Ultimania. Translated on the very site you are posting on right now. But even without that, the entire Case of Tifa novella is about Cloud and Tifa building their life together, only to fall into hard times because of Cloud's disease and guilt.

People in love do not run off. They stay in a relationship, or they were only in lust or infatuation.

This is just... wow. You have quite the vision of relationships then. Now, in real relationships, problems happen, people make stupid mistakes. Just because Cloud makes a mistake thinking that he must run off because he's afraid of loosing his happiness with her does not mean he couldn't possibly love her.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9953#msg9953 date=1232496748]Before the date? I wasn’t saying irrefutably that they were, but that there was some inkling of some romantic interest shared.[/quote]

Careful, you've shifted your claim a bit. In any case, when before the date would they have properly had a chance? At least Cloud and Tifa have the time after he is found before the game and after it.

You don’t have to date for years and years to have an attraction. Attraction can happen in a minute and last a very brief time.

No, but one would expect a hint of this attraction. Not for the man to unoptionally declare his desire to impress the other girl, for him to realize the girl feels the same and for them to confirm it, and for him to say he wants to be with the other girl. As a writer, to say he may have had an attraction for A while HAMMERING the point in about B makes little narrative sense.

The books may say this (I don’t know if they do or don’t) but as a writer it holds no water in a logical relationship. People in love do not run off. They stay in a relationship, or they were only in lust or infatuation.

You've NEVER come across the 'Leaves his family in order to protect them' cliche? NEVER?

His predictions are very unpredictable (lol) but the point is made that in the game you have the option of having Aerith defined as “starcrossed” with Cloud. I don’t see why they would do that unless they had any thoughts of romantic link at all.

The upcoming Left Hook, just like with his own overstated demise and immediate ressurection. His overdramatic statements are supposed to get you thinking the LOLDIE cliche has been taken care of, and get you softened up for the kebabing.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Vampire Hunter D said:
At the age of eight or nine? I don’t even remember my life back at that age, let alone something that suppose to alter the very fabric of my life decades later. And Tifa, as I pointed out, didn’t seem all that caring for Cloud (with reasons or not, point stands) so it seems illogical that it would matter that much to her.

Cloud was 14, and Tifa was 13. They are in their teens. And again, the fact it meant that much to them, speaks volumes to their commitment.

Significant issues, individually and together. I don’t care if fiction makes leaving romanticized—it’s not realistic to me at all. The books prove he loves her, but as a writer I dispute the point because I find it lacks logic. People who love each other don’t leave each other. Fact.

The books may say this (I don’t know if they do or don’t) but as a writer it holds no water in a logical relationship. People in love do not run off. They stay in a relationship, or they were only in lust or infatuation.

But judging black and white a character who has hardly had a normal life, let alone any bonds or interactions with the opposite sex due to being a lab experiment, to rules and guidelines dictated by society's norms and practices, doesn't quite fully encompass the reasoning behind said action. You're only choosing to look at one part of the reason behind his leaving and neglecting to see the full picture. Sometimes couples break up for the wrong reason and come back right after.


Oryx, Debussy, Hatsumimi
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9953#msg9953 date=1232496748]

At the age of eight or nine? I don’t even remember my life back at that age, let alone something that suppose to alter the very fabric of my life decades later. [/quote]

Not to be anal, but they were much older than 8/9. And some people do remember. I remember my life at 8/9 (best damn years of my life). Also, you have to look at this in the context of a "story". It's very possible, and like the user you quoted said, " it carried on" until their adulthood and is solidified by Cloud reiterating this same "promise" later in FF7 (and literally does so at the end by saving her from a fall.)

And Tifa, as I pointed out, didn’t seem all that caring for Cloud (with reasons or not, point stands) so it seems illogical that it would matter that much to her.

Nobody scours the newspaper for a guy they weren't the least bit interested in.



You look like you need a monkey
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9953#msg9953 date=1232496748]
At the age of eight or nine? I don’t even remember my life back at that age, let alone something that suppose to alter the very fabric of my life decades later. [/quote]

At the age of 13 and 14, you mean. Definitely at the age where they would remember.

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9953#msg9953 date=1232496748]
And Tifa, as I pointed out, didn’t seem all that caring for Cloud (with reasons or not, point stands) so it seems illogical that it would matter that much to her. [/quote]

She does some strange things for a boy she doesn't seem to care about. She came to see him when he asked her to, even though they were never that close. She asked him, and only him, to promise to come back to her. She scoured for news of him from newspapers and from people who worked in the same organisation as him. She wore that scandalous cowgirl outfit in the hopes of catching his eye.

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9953#msg9953 date=1232496748]
I think the whole “discerning a few things about him” is much more a bit of disbelief by the writers. At that age people don’t remember all that much. And Cloud’s attitude pushing Tifa’s interest away only further proves my above point.[/quote]

The age thing was already pointed out above.

How did Cloud push Tifa's interest away? And what was there to push away anyway if, as you said before, Tifa didn't seem all that interested in him?

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9953#msg9953 date=1232496748]
I won’t argue this. I’ve seen the novellas, they’re not some random book translated by some fan or other biased in something. I won’t dispute a point made by the writers, but only point out that if such a thing was necessary by them to make to clarify a point then that point wasn’t all that clear to being with.[/quote]

I thought that if a writer were to write about something because he or she saw the need to clarify a point, then, barring any dramatic plot twists, the reader should understand that this point is being emphasised for good reason.

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg9953#msg9953 date=1232496748]
Significant issues, individually and together. I don’t care if fiction makes leaving romanticized—it’s not realistic to me at all. The books prove he loves her, but as a writer I dispute the point because I find it lacks logic. People who love each other don’t leave each other. Fact.[/quote]

If realism is the only thing that decides what's acceptable and what's not, then pretty much everything that makes up the FFVII world should also be rejected.

The things is that Cloud's actions were consistent with his reasons, his state of mind, and his past behaviour. That, IMO, is one of the most important things with regard to believability in fiction.


AI Researcher
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

You've NEVER come across the 'Leaves his family in order to protect them' cliche? NEVER?

Edit; sorry, I clicked post without actually writing anything :monster:

Assuming this is to do with that interview quote from the Prologue book, it's not actually that he leaves to protect the people dear to him, but rather he leaves because, far from being able protect them, he instead has to face his own death.

???? [dokoroka] takes what comes before it, negates it, and puts emphasis on what follows. That seems to have been the mistake in this case.


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Pro Adventurer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

As for the Tifa-Cloud promise, yes, I consider it pretty insignificant...

I find this comment lacking any attention to detail. The promises echoes through the entire story all the way to and including AC. It's important because it shaped Cloud's character and became symbolic of their relationship.

Celes Chere

Re: Love Triangle Discussion

I love how she tries to portray Zack as a big flirt, who is not serious with Aerith; and Aerith seeing Zack as a friend/brother, rather than lover. And their relationship in general as some obscure crush, long forgotten and never significant in the first place.

They'll portray anyone that threatens their precious pairing in a bad view. Tifa got in the way, and she gets called a clingy whore.
Now it's poor Zack's turn. Now that there is a HIGH undesputable chance that he is Aerith's love interest, he's been turned into a player that uses and flirts with woman because he's just a horny bastard.

Also, to accompany the Tifa bashing thread, the Zack bashing thread!

It's a shame LTD's are banned on FFF. The only place that seems to have an active debate going on is the Northern Crater, but that just seems to consist of people giving facts, Cleriths ignoring those facts and then going to mock said people on their forums. The epitome of civil debating

It's a shame the Clerith Mod had to be so touchy and enforce that rule, haha. She'll let Cleriths rant all they want on FFF, but if Cloti DARE say anything she disagrees with, it's 'off with their head'. (Aka, infractions or lowering Rep. Oh noes. )
Right now in the Northern Crater, it's getting quite silly. We're not even LTDing right now, just arguing about if "CxA Forums are really a bad place" or not. :/ I really hope Ana doesn't pretend our debate doesn't exist anymore.

Nope. Aeris never takes it off or washes her hair.

So that's how she got those crazy bangs. :O

Watch out, though, if they don't like you they'll devote entire threads to your ridicule.

They might try and hide it in their *secret* Forums first. =X

And Tifa, as I pointed out, didn’t seem all that caring for Cloud

*asplodes* I don't get why some seem to think that Tifa does not love Cloud. It's been confirmed that she met a lot of guys from town out at the well, but Cloud is the only one she ever acknowledges or talks about. He's the only she waits for, and goes out of her way for to impress. (Like that outfit, for example. *O* ) The promise is a really important part of Cloud's life, but it's obviously just as important to Tifa, being she's always bringing it up. It seems kind of weird that she'd stay by Cloud's side and say that he is the only thing that matters, and nothing else does, if she's so uncaring towards his feelings. She's so heartless that she even apologized for not noticing Cloud's feelings sooner.

As for the Tifa-Cloud promise, yes, I consider it pretty insignificant..

If I recall correctly, didn't Cloud's mind pretty much revolve around that promise? Didn't he obsess over it in BC? Aren't promises stressed a lot in FFVII?


~The Other Side of Fear~
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

warning: td:lr.
The date she asks him on is A) a mirror of Zack's words to her thrown back at Cloud B)feeding off her desire to see Zack again. Here Cloud falls into her church in the same way, wears the same uniform, carries the same sword, has the same eyes, claims to be a First Class, etc. It's why the woman chases him around when he'd prepared to leave her behind without a second thought (when he brings her home).
Everytime they sit down together, she has something to say about Zack (playground scene for example) and she says stuff like "you're just like him".

She figures out something's wrong with him when he's having seizures and acting like a dumbass. She says she wants to get to know him. Then she dies. Nothing accomplished there.

Cait Sith, whom you mentioned previously, is an unreliable robot puppeteered by Reeve. Not only is he shown to be unreliable in the game, but SE kindly remind you again and again in Ultimanias and such.

Then they go and make a game that expands on teh lovestory of Aeris and her dead boyfriend. They add unnecessary shit like Aeris wearing pink because of some never-ending hope of somehow seeing him again (denial) and wearing the ribbon in commemoration of their meetign until the day she dies. I think if SE wanted to say anything about a Cloud/Aeris romance they would not have gone to such lengths to underplay it. No?
It's entirely possible her attraction is a rebound off of Zack, considering how similar the two were and all of Cloud assuming Zack's personality. And yes, I agree the Cait Sith is unpredictable, but still makes one wonder if they never had any romantic intent for the two, why make it possible at all?
And you'd be surprised what writers would do if they thought the preception of their writing was going a way they didn't like it. Lord knows the Dragonalance writers have fun with that.
Tifa thought he was cute. She's a kid, is she supposed to be designing her wedding dress at this point? So when Cloud sets himself apart from the others, she notices him more. Pretty normal so far. What tifa asks him to do (be her knight in shining armor) is something Cloud wanted all along. She didn't just force him into it. He was the one who climbed a mountain for her and never backed out despite the dangers, like the other kids. When she was injured, he blamed himself.
He carries that promise in hsi heart for the rest of his adult life. That's not something that you can just label as a meaningless childish promise.
Yes, well, I agree that Cloud shows a huge amount of interest in Tifa, but it's not reciporcated at this point. Nothing is shown to me that Tifa cares very much for Cloud, yet suddenly ups and decides she wants a promise out of him. I thought that incredibly needy of her.
They did live together. Ultimanias state again and again that they made first a family of 3 and then with Denzel a family of 4. The kids look up to them as parent figures.
I conceded this point already. I just dislike the writers needint to clarify things after the fact.
Cloud doesn't leave because he doesn't love them though, and SE has gone to great lengths to make sure it isn't taken as such. Not to say that Cloud is excused because of this, and that's why Tifa and Marlene have that talk about lecturing him. Yeah, it was a dick move, but both the audience and Tifa come to understand why he did it. It has more to do with his fear of failure than any lack of love for his family and Tifa. That's a part fo Cloud that he can't just discard at will, and Tifa understands it. "Cloud is Cloud," she says and smiles. He's an idiot, but his intention was never to be a selfish ass and abandon his family. It is because he cared so much that he left. He's not like Zack - he runs from his problems a lot and has a constant fear of failure hanging over him. Cloud isn't meant to be a cool, brave and awesome hero who always faces his problems head on. He was never that. It's pretty consistent behavior, in that regard. But I digress - it ahs nothing to do with Tifa.
I agree it's not Tifa. It's him. And it shows a lack of maturity and responsiblity on his part. You don't abandon your family just because you have issues. You face them. If he really loved them, he'd have done the right thing and stuck by them. I don't go with this romanticized notion of love where the guy runs off and yet still loves them. To me, that shows he has a lot to learn.
People still dispute Harry Potter's love interest trying to prove he's in love with Hermione. However, the last book clearly stated otherwise. Does this mean JK Rowling, who I may not be a fan of, did a poor job storytelling? Same goes for this. You will always have crazy shippers trying to twist the story for their ship, that doesn't mean the writers are at fault.
Doesn't necessarily it, yes, but dosen't mean writers aren't capable of trying to recant their work. Castlevania's full of it. So is Dragonlance.

In this case you must also feel he was attracted to Tifa, Yuffie and Barret since he can "date" them just as much as he can "date" Aerith. However, he is disinterested in the date with Aerith, you can even be mean to her, and she admits to not knowing him. Not the greatest first date.
That's a valid point, but I think the Yuffie and Barrett things were jokes, because neither of their "dates" were lead up in a way as was the one with Aerith and Cloud.
I met my boyfriend at the age Tifa and Cloud made their promise. *shrugs* Which is closer to 13/14 fyi.
Your point? I'm not being snide. I honestly have no idea the relevance.
First, it was obvious she was giving a quote stating that Cloud and Tifa lived together for 2 years before AC, and after DC. Second, that's not how debating works. You need to provide proof Cloud and Aerith were dating before a rebuttle is needed. You can't assume something to be true with nothing to back it up, and then expect the other side to find a quote saying it isn't true.
The reason I disputed her quote was that I asked for proof that Aerith and Cloud were indisputably never romantically linked. Then she presented a quote that dosen't prove that point at all. She only proved that Tifa and Cloud were romantically linked which wasn't a point I was arguing at all.
I'm arguing a theory. A thought. A possiblity. Unlike her, which stated they knew for certain that Cloud and Aerith were not connected romantically, I never stated that I knew Cloud and Aerith were connected romantically. There is a difference.

If you want to know which books it came from, that's fair enough, but calling them random and trying to discredit them before giving the person a chance to give you the information you seek is showing you feel threatened somehow, or you're just snapping for no reason. It's good to ask for where quotes came from, but don't automatically act like there isn't an answer.

That one is from the creators, from the CC Ultimania. Translated on the very site you are posting on right now. But even without that, the entire Case of Tifa novella is about Cloud and Tifa building their life together, only to fall into hard times because of Cloud's disease and guilt.
Because I didn't recognize the name of the book as quoted. I've had so many cases were people quote some random website that claims to be official or they are some amatuer Japanse translator and they purposely misinterpetted a point to prove something incorrect.
Not that I'm saying the case is here, but that I often doubt irrefutably proof. A lot of stuff in life is up to debate.
I'm...snapping? Where?
And as for the second paragaph, this point has already been conceded.
This is just... wow. You have quite the vision of relationships then. Now, in real relationships, problems happen, people make stupid mistakes. Just because Cloud makes a mistake thinking that he must run off because he's afraid of loosing his happiness with her does not mean he couldn't possibly love her.
People make mistakes and fix them. Not repeat them. Not run from them. Running off so as "avoid ruining happiness" is about the dumbest thing a person can do for a relationship. At the very least I prove that Cloud isn't showing a capacity for a proper relationship, at that stage, at least.
Careful, you've shifted your claim a bit. In any case, when before the date would they have properly had a chance? At least Cloud and Tifa have the time after he is found before the game and after it.
And I'm not allowed to shift my views on a stance when presented with a new information?
Attraction can happen in five minutes or less. Dating may have been phrasing is badly, but I still at this time contest there's enough evidence to prove an attraction may have developed.
No, but one would expect a hint of this attraction. Not for the man to unoptionally declare his desire to impress the other girl, for him to realize the girl feels the same and for them to confirm it, and for him to say he wants to be with the other girl. As a writer, to say he may have had an attraction for A while HAMMERING the point in about B makes little narrative sense.
Don't follow. Can you rephase?
You've NEVER come across the 'Leaves his family in order to protect them' cliche? NEVER?
I have. Many times. And it still tells me that Cloud needs maturity and responsiblity to have a maintianable relationship with Tifa.
The upcoming Left Hook, just like with his own overstated demise and immediate ressurection. His overdramatic statements are supposed to get you thinking the LOLDIE cliche has been taken care of, and get you softened up for the kebabing.
Again, don't follow.
Cloud was 14, and Tifa was 13. They are in their teens. And again, the fact it meant that much to them, speaks volumes to their commitment.
Oh, I never knew that. Were was that clarified? Not that I think you're not right--you probably are as I'm not an expert on FF7--but rather that I never got that point ever. That might have went over my head.
But judging black and white a character who has hardly had a normal life, let alone any bonds or interactions with the opposite sex due to being a lab experiment, to rules and guidelines dictated by society's norms and practices, doesn't quite fully encompass the reasoning behind said action. You're only choosing to look at one part of the reason behind his leaving and neglecting to see the full picture. Sometimes couples break up for the wrong reason and come back right after.
That's an interesting and valid point. Considering how complex and complicated Cloud's life is it might be very difficult to assess what exactly is going on in his head. I still atest that love isn't shown by running away, but Cloud might be developed enough to understand that.
Not to be anal, but they were much older than 8/9. And some people do remember. I remember my life at 8/9 (best damn years of my life). Also, you have to look at this in the context of a "story". It's very possible, and like the user you quoted said, " it carried on" until their adulthood and is solidified by Cloud reiterating this same "promise" later in FF7 (and literally does so at the end by saving her from a fall.)
Point already concealed about the age (you wouldn't have seen that though). I don't remember 8/9 very clearly. I still don't see Tifa's real interest in Cloud back then, but apparently it had some impact to remanifest itself later on.
Nobody scours the newspaper for a guy they weren't the least bit interested in.
Yes, but that's after the promise. I was stating prior. Clearly Tifa developes an interest later on.

At the age of 13 and 14, you mean. Definitely at the age where they would remember.
Point already conceded.
She does some strange things for a boy she doesn't seem to care about. She came to see him when he asked her to, even though they were never that close. She asked him, and only him, to promise to come back to her. She scoured for news of him from newspapers and from people who worked in the same organisation as him. She wore that scandalous cowgirl outfit in the hopes of catching his eye.
My point is strictly on the promise thing, not the stuff after. Although I agree that the evidence after does seem to support the evidence before. I just happen to find her actions more needy and selfish than actually caring.
The age thing was already pointed out above. fuck it. xD

How did Cloud push Tifa's interest away? And what was there to push away anyway if, as you said before, Tifa didn't seem all that interested in him?
I don't follow were did I state this? Clarify please.
I thought that if a writer were to write about something because he or she saw the need to clarify a point, then, barring any dramatic plot twists, the reader should understand that this point is being emphasised for good reason.
Not necessarily. Writers can make mistakes too.

If realism is the only thing that decides what's acceptable and what's not, then pretty much everything that makes up the FFVII world should also be rejected.
Depends. Are we suspending belief relatives to human actions and reactions or simply suspending belief on the basis of magic/etc.? I thought FF7 was ignoring strictly the physical foundations of earth but not the emotional ones.

The things is that Cloud's actions were consistent with his reasons, his state of mind, and his past behaviour. That, IMO, is one of the most important things with regard to believability in fiction.
His motives for his actions are well explained, but still doesn't validate a point that he's capable of a mature, responsible relationship.

I find this comment lacking any attention to detail. The promises echoes through the entire story all the way to and including AC. It's important because it shaped Cloud's character and became symbolic of their relationship.
It's lacking in detail because you cut off half of it and minced it only to the purposes of your point.
If I recall correctly, didn't Cloud's mind pretty much revolve around that promise? Didn't he obsess over it in BC? Aren't promises stressed a lot in FFVII?
Alas I didn't play BC so if he did, I didn't know of it. I only work off what I know.

I also hope that this thread won't be derailed into anti-other forum thread. My interests in this thread is to debate a point I find interesting, not listen to rantings about some random forum. I'd much, much rather to stick to the topic at hand, which is having a delightful and insightful discussion about the whole Tifa-Cloud-Aerith dispute.
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

That's a valid point, but I think the Yuffie and Barrett things were jokes, because neither of their "dates" were lead up in a way as was the one with Aerith and Cloud.
However, they date just as much as Aerith and Cloud do which is my point. All the dates are jokes, Aerith and Tifa's just seem to get a bit serious near the end, and the information given doesn't point to fake Cloud having romantic intentions towards either girl.

Your point? I'm not being snide. I honestly have no idea the relevance.
If you really can't make the connection, I was by saying I myself began a romantic relationship around that age, whereas you seemed to be making the case that these two were too young for such a thing. The point was you can't dictate who's too young. If they were infact 8, which makes no sense since I'll remind you he's going off to join SOLDIER, and the author wanted you to believe they fell in love then, well, then they did.

The reason I disputed her quote was that I asked for proof that Aerith and Cloud were indisputably never romantically linked. Then she presented a quote that dosen't prove that point at all. She only proved that Tifa and Cloud were romantically linked which wasn't a point I was arguing at all.
You asked for proof that Cloud and Tifa were living together as well. And my point still remains, you don't need to prove a negative. There's no need to prove that Cloud and Aerith were never romantically linked if there's no evidence to begin with that they were. Again, debates don't work this way. However, there is a quote that just so happens to prove just that. CC Ultimania:

Aerith's feeling for Zack explain why she acts the way she does around Cloud in FFVII.
Pretty self explanatory about Aerith's interaction towards Cloud and that there's a reason, and it's not affection towards the real him.

I'm arguing a theory. A thought. A possiblity. Unlike her, which stated they knew for certain that Cloud and Aerith were not connected romantically, I never stated that I knew Cloud and Aerith were connected romantically. There is a difference.
LTDs are debates on canon, at least normally. She is therefore stating that in the canon, Cloud and Aerith are not connected romantically and there's no evidence to support this. If you feel the canon does, then please provide the evidence. If you are merely stating personal interpretation, well, then perhaps LTDs aren't the best place to present them because that seems to cause people to become offended when their interpretation is proven to not be canon.

Because I didn't recognize the name of the book as quoted. I've had so many cases were people quote some random website that claims to be official or they are some amatuer Japanse translator and they purposely misinterpetted a point to prove something incorrect.I'm...snapping? Where?
When you decided to become rather upset over the quote without first asking for the reference, which would have then, as I said, been given as a link to this very website.

People make mistakes and fix them. Not repeat them.
When does Cloud run away again? post-FFVII (as in right after), they live together. A week at most before AC he runs off. He comes back during AC. He's still with her in DoC. Where does he repeat this mistake?

Running off so as "avoid ruining happiness" is about the dumbest thing a person can do for a relationship. At the very least I prove that Cloud isn't showing a capacity for a proper relationship, at that stage, at least.
It's a very short absence, and him and Tifa, as well as his friends all help him through it. Again, making a dumb decision does not mean you aren't capable of being in love.

And it still tells me that Cloud needs maturity and responsiblity to have a maintianable relationship with Tifa.
That may be your personal feelings, however, in the canon, they are in a romantic, happy relationship with each other, with it's ups and downs, but mainly ups.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=hitoshura link=topic=53.msg10008#msg10008 date=1232503952]
You've NEVER come across the 'Leaves his family in order to protect them' cliche? NEVER?

Edit; sorry, I clicked post without actually writing anything :monster:

Assuming this is to do with that interview quote from the Prologue book, it's not actually that he leaves to protect the people dear to him, but rather he leaves because, far from being able protect them, he instead has to face his own death.

???? [dokoroka] takes what comes before it, negates it, and puts emphasis on what follows. That seems to have been the mistake in this case.

Actually, I was referring to the "The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…" and his continued worry about being unable to protect the people he cares about, a la "However, when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him..."

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg10017#msg10017 date=1232504743]Doesn't necessarily it, yes, but dosen't mean writers aren't capable of trying to recant their work. Castlevania's full of it. So is Dragonlance. [/quote]

Castlevania contains only TWO recanted games. One because it utterly pissed over CV:III AND SOTN and their established backstories, and the other because it was occurring at the same time as another game.

And I'm not allowed to shift my views on a stance when presented with a new information?

You are, but it's common courtesy to admit when you do so.

Attraction can happen in five minutes or less. Dating may have been phrasing is badly, but I still at this time contest there's enough evidence to prove an attraction may have developed.

Get to it, skippy. You've made the positive allegation, burden is on you.

Don't follow. Can you rephase?

::sigh:: When there is nothing for potential love interest Q, Z, and Muffin, but BOATLOADS for potential love interest B, and moreover Q and her prior love interest Sigma Theta's love is given an entire game to reinforce and give new information about her interctions with Guy Friday in the original game, why assume there is something for Q by Guy Friday when the focus of the story has been all about two other pairings.

I have. Many times. And it still tells me that Cloud needs maturity and responsiblity to have a maintianable relationship with Tifa.

Which he gets through Advent Children. "However, when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him, but through his battle with Kadaj’s gang, the legacy of Jenova, he regains the courage to face reality."

Again, don't follow.

The entire end of the Temple sequence, love prophecy, Cait Sith's overdramatic demise, and immediate ressurection are there to get you softened up for the big gut punch at the end of the disc.

Oh, I never knew that. Were was that clarified? Not that I think you're not right--you probably are as I'm not an expert on FF7--but rather that I never got that point ever. That might have went over my head.

What, it not appearing several times in game, in the core of Cloud's being, in LO, BC, and the Ulti's isn't enough of a hammer home?
Hell, it's a pre-game promise. That's cliche speak for IMPORTANT!

That's an interesting and valid point. Considering how complex and complicated Cloud's life is it might be very difficult to assess what exactly is going on in his head. I still atest that love isn't shown by running away, but Cloud might be developed enough to understand that.

If he's leaving to protect his family it is. Cecil does much the same in FFIV:TA.

Have you ever seen Avenue Q? Based on your argument which I have no idea to copy in its entirety, Princeton and Kate Monster could not be in a relationship because of his issues mid story.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

However, they date just as much as Aerith and Cloud do which is my point. All the dates are jokes, Aerith and Tifa's just seem to get a bit serious near the end, and the information given doesn't point to fake Cloud having romantic intentions towards either girl.
Cloud spends a bit more private and alone time with Aerith than he does Barrett or Yuffie. Not disputing a definite connection to Tifa at this point, but rather it does seem like an attraction of some sort developed off of the interaction of Aerith and Cloud.

If you really can't make the connection, I was by saying I myself began a romantic relationship around that age, whereas you seemed to be making the case that these two were too young for such a thing. The point was you can't dictate who's too young. If they were infact 8, which makes no sense since I'll remind you he's going off to join SOLDIER, and the author wanted you to believe they fell in love then, well, then they did.
Ah. Well the ages have been clarified, and thus I've changed my stance on it, but I do maintain that young love isn't necessarily true love. I find it's more of the puppy love, not the sort that necesarily developes into something more, although in this case it did.
You asked for proof that Cloud and Tifa were living together as well. And my point still remains, you don't need to prove a negative. There's no need to prove that Cloud and Aerith were never romantically linked if there's no evidence to begin with that they were. Again, debates don't work this way. However, there is a quote that just so happens to prove just that. CC Ultimania:
I was asking for proof of the living together but not of that particular poster. They claimed that they have irrefutable proof that Cloud and Aerith were not intended as any romantic couple yet instead of displaying such proof when asked they just quoted something that proved something I wasn't asking for from them.
And I refute the point that there is no evidence whatsoever that SE has no intentions of romance between Aerith and Cloud.
Also, I hate any supplements that have to make something clearer when it should have been in the original source material to start. I don't want to have to read FF7 compilation additional 7895613 just to clarify a point that should have been clear to begin with.
Pretty self explanatory about Aerith's interaction towards Cloud and that there's a reason, and it's not affection towards the real him.
Just because affection is initially rebounding dosen't necessarily mean it can't develop into something seperate of its own. Though I will say that is exceedingly rare.
LTDs are debates on canon, at least normally. She is therefore stating that in the canon, Cloud and Aerith are not connected romantically and there's no evidence to support this. If you feel the canon does, then please provide the evidence. If you are merely stating personal interpretation, well, then perhaps LTDs aren't the best place to present them because that seems to cause people to become offended when their interpretation is proven to not be canon
Isn't ninety percent of game interpetation personal interpretation? I don't even have a strong feeling way one of the other but I am enjoying the new information I'm being presented with and the concepts and theories being developed. I have distate for anyone who's entire point in a debate is kill the debate by saying they're entirely right simply because their view might present a slightly better stance on things.
When you decided to become rather upset over the quote without first asking for the reference, which would have then, as I said, been given as a link to this very website.
I became upset? Do not mistake a similar tone of post with that of becoming upset. I merely match a post's tone when it's deviating from the rest of the thread.
In other words, they took it to that level before I did, and I just followed.
When does Cloud run away again? post-FFVII (as in right after), they live together. A week at most before AC he runs off. He comes back during AC. He's still with her in DoC. Where does he repeat this mistake?
I didn't even know they lived together. That isn't clarified in AC. Some of us cb'd to read mounds and mounds of manuscripts just because the writer decided to clarify something that should have been mentioned in the original material.
I meant in the context of AC. I didn't finish DoC (thought it was a shit-shit game) and therefore am not aware of Cloud's actions beyond it. If they intended to make the Tifa-Cloud thing very clear a lot of closure would have been better. Hell he was staring at Aerith at the end, not Tifa. And he's off on his bike again during the credits, although would could reasonably dispute that he's just having a ride.
It's a very short absence, and him and Tifa, as well as his friends all help him through it. Again, making a dumb decision does not mean you aren't capable of being in love.
I never got the impression it was short length of time, but then again AC wasn't clear in many respects to me. And as for the second point, I never said he wasn't capable of love, but rather of a mature, responsible relationship. Perhaps seeing him and Tifa in a loving embrace or holding hands at the end of AC would have helped this.
That may be your personal feelings, however, in the canon, they are in a romantic, happy relationship with each other, with it's ups and downs, but mainly ups.
I don't dispute that point as part of canon. I just dispute it as a point of what a writer considers some flaws.
Castlevania contains only TWO recanted games. One because it utterly pissed over CV:III AND SOTN and their established backstories, and the other because it was occurring at the same time as another game.
I personally hate recantings of any sort. Writers should just work around mistakes not cover them up.
You are, but it's common courtesy to admit when you do so.
What? To amuse you? I think not. I think it should be obvious enough. We're not hear to prove who's "right and wrong" but to come up with interesting theories and thoughts.
Get to it, skippy. You've made the positive allegation, burden is on you.
Don't call me skippy or any other name you fancy. If all you're interested in is proving yourself right and being snide about it, I'll gladly leave. Debates are boring with no one but people who agree with you though.
:sigh:: When there is nothing for potential love interest Q, Z, and Muffin, but BOATLOADS for potential love interest B, and moreover Q and her prior love interest Sigma Theta's love is given an entire game to reinforce and give new information about her interctions with Guy Friday in the original game, why assume there is something for Q by Guy Friday when the focus of the story has been all about two other pairings.
That makes no sense to me whatsover.
Which he gets through Advent Children. "However, when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him, but through his battle with Kadaj’s gang, the legacy of Jenova, he regains the courage to face reality."
Okay, so maybe he does. The writers can sit and say that Sephiroth is Cloud's lovechild and I can't say squat about it. I'll dispute it in a writer's sense, however.
The entire end of the Temple sequence, love prophecy, Cait Sith's overdramatic demise, and immediate ressurection are there to get you softened up for the big gut punch at the end of the disc.
Where does it say that in one of those million compilation books? Although, you could reasonably argue that it helps with the whole impact but still dosen't invalidate the impact it has on Cloud, which appears to be the largest out of the group.
What, it not appearing several times in game, in the core of Cloud's being, in LO, BC, and the Ulti's isn't enough of a hammer home?
Hell, it's a pre-game promise. That's cliche speak for IMPORTANT!
Never played BC, never saw it in LO, and don't have the Ulti. As for the core of Cloud's being part I confess I was extraordinarily confused, but that might have to do with the fact that not only do we have on fucked Cloud around, we now have three.
*brain overload*
If he's leaving to protect his family it is. Cecil does much the same in FFIV:TA.

Have you ever seen Avenue Q? Based on your argument which I have no idea to copy in its entirety, Princeton and Kate Monster could not be in a relationship because of his issues mid story.
I don't believe in that "if you love 'em, leave 'em" nonsense and if Cecil did it without good reason he's a dumbass too (never played FFIV:TA, wasn't even aware it was out.). Maybe I'm applying too much real world to this, considering that life in those world are vastly different to ours.
And, no, I haven't.


Lv. 25 Adventurer
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Just popping in. ;D

When someone points out the obvious inaccuracy of all but one of Cait's predictions, the lovely ladies of C/A flash this at them like it's American Express.

Cait Sith ambushed in Gold Saucer and waited for Cloud’s gang. He introduced himself that “I’m a fortuneteller here.” But this is never an absolute lie, fortunetelling is Cait Sith’s innate specialty. His extraordinary ability is shown as "tickets" in FF7, and is also revealed as surmises of destination in BC.

The last fortune telling from Cat Sith No. 1:

After solving the puzzle about Cat Sith's replaceable body, he tells one last fortune of Cloud and Aerith's affinity.
The resault of it turns out "Aerith-san's star and Cloud-san's star! They promise a great future!" After that, it will become a sad prediction if we get to know what would happen afterward. But if we can catch the meaning of the "future" from another angle, we can see hope.....perhaps.

Cat Sith's lines which seem to expect Cloud and Aerith's wedding now makes it more painful.

I will now retreat back to the sidelines.

Celes Chere

Re: Love Triangle Discussion

Alas I didn't play BC so if he did, I didn't know of it. I only work off what I know.

Alright, well what about FFVII, AC, and FFVII compilation in general? How is the promise baseless to you, and do you think the importance of other promises are relevent, or do they also mean nothing?

Just curious. :monster:
Re: Love Triangle Discussion

[quote author=Vampire Hunter D link=topic=53.msg10017#msg10017 date=1232504743]
I also hope that this thread won't be derailed into anti-other forum thread. My interests in this thread is to debate a point I find interesting, not listen to rantings about some random forum. I'd much, much rather to stick to the topic at hand, which is having a delightful and insightful discussion about the whole Tifa-Cloud-Aerith dispute.

I just have to add this: Don't forget Zack. :monster:

Also, I can understand where you're coming from. I don't think anyone intended this to be a ranting forum/thread to be accurate, but none of the fun Cleriths seems to one to come here. I wonder why. :monster:

But Kudos and carry on. :monster:
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