The General Turks Worship Thread


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I can't add much to what Morello said, I have that same mistrust.

I'm sure he does have a sense of entitlement to the planet (which to be blunt, he's wrong in thinking that) but just because he was born at the top, doesn't mean he doesn't have anything to lose. So all his actions are about building and maintaining as much power/control as possible, if it benefits the public, then that is purely incidental.

Its like Shinra were basically a fascist regime, and then Meteor levelled the playing field somewhat. Its just lucky that the public didn't find out the true extent of Shinra's involvement with Sephiroth, that Shinra created the monster that nearly destroyed the world. Yeah, Rufus wasn't in charge when that project was concieved, but that's a minor detail. If the public found out, Shinra would really be finished.

But I'm jumping the gun a little here, pehaps post-AC there really would be evidence of a change in Rufus. Just that all the talk of atonement doesn't really stand up in my opinion.

I think the real problem for me is SE's half assed approach to storytelling, that and the fact that they have let fandom dictate the characterisation, this is why Reno looks so pretty, and also why Rufus and Tseng survived (not that I'm complaining about that! :P )

So I dunno, they could have shown Shinra using its remaining resources to help out during the battles in AC, I'm sure there would have been some MP's or even Soldier on the payroll still. Stuff like that.

Plus, I'm kind of convinced that if Shinra had been able to figure out how to cure Geostigma, then it would have bottled it and sold it at extortionate prices :monster:

As for the Turks, two parts of Case of Shinra stood out for me:

"There is no point in thinking about what happens after the Meteor impacts. We will keep working and assume the planet will overcome this disaster," said Tseng before he ordered his subordinates to help with rescue efforts while taking everyone else to shelters. The town was already feeling the effects of the Meteor in close proximity. Soon the powerful storms and earthquakes rocked Midgar, bringing down the buildings. The city of steel screamed as if it was caught in surprise.
"It's just like the chief to use his last orders for good deeds," muttered Rude.
"What about it?"
"I see."
So in that respect I think the Turks themselves do sincerely want to atone.

"Tseng, Reno, Rude, Elena," Rufus began talking to the four Turks that remained the next morning after the Lifestream had burst out of the Planet. "What do you all plan to do from here?"
"I don't remember being fired."
Tseng and the others agreed with Reno.
Rufus went on to give the Turks two orders. One was to return to Midgar and find out the situation there and the second was to gather friends.
"Just because people maybe our staff doesn't mean they're friends. Understood?"
"I know that. But what use will it be gathering friends now? What are you going to do?"
"I want information for now no matter how little or how much."
Rufus already knew he had fractured ribs and a broken right heel and the pain they were causing him meant he needed the assistance of a wheelchair but, he still hadn't lost his dignity.
"Yes, sir."
"I'm sure you've been reprimanded—"
"There are still many things that only Shinra can accomplish."
Rufus nodded satisfied at his response.
"I'm sure this will be fun."
I think the bolded part suggests that only Shinra currently has the resources to affect change, and correctly deployed, it could help people rebuild. So its not so much saying 'hey let's rebuild Shinra to its former glory!' more 'lets use what we have to do the right thing'. Thats what I think anyway, and I'd like to think that as long as Rufus' goals are in line with that, then the Turks will remain in his service.

One other thing though....does anyone else understand the line "I'm sure you've been reprimanded—" ? Reprimanded for what exactly? Is something lost in translation here? :huh:


Wow, all this Rufus Shinra analysis! :desu: And only a few pages ago we were debating if he even belongs here!

You know guys, I never really paid attention to Rufus since lately, not even as much as I did pay attention to the Turks before you guys infested my brain I became a fan. But Rufus is an interesting character, mainly due to the lack of info about him (his true motives, if he is trustworthy post-AC at all, etc). It makes you wanna go back and study his actions and analyze everything that can be assumed about him.

So I made my own analysis and found him very complicated indeed. I still think of him as a selfish brat who makes ridiculous demands as I've said before. But the thing about Rufus is he's very very smart, much smarter than his father was imo. At an early age, he seemed to have picked up the best way to survive in the world he's in, and that is to outsmart everybody and view them as a competition. And one of the best things I like about that (at least in my headcanon) is that he doesn't seem to be subtle about it, nor doesn't care if you pick it up, rather he wants you to KNOW that he's smarter than you, that it would be best for you to watch your back, and that he won't hesitate to throw you under the bus.

He's power-hungry but not for a particular kind of power only. Any kind of power will do (imo), including having Kadaj follow him everywhere pushing his wheelchair and shit, all the while having his trollface on under that white sheet as he clutches on to the thing Kadaj is desperately looking for.

Hence with that line of thinking, he appears to me as someone who is resigned to the idea that he must never be attached to anybody in a way that doesn't concern business. But does that mean that he sees the Turk as his lapdogs? I don't think so-- I don't see Rufus going 'Your mah bitch and you do whatever I say' to the Turks. Which means that somewhere along the way he developed a special bond to them, something close to a family. The Turks know this and imo, they seem to be aware that Rufus is not a totally callous person who is incapable of forming a bond, and therefore they respect him, and in a way are attached to him too.

I believe he retains the same characteristics post-AC. I believe his atonement is not purely because he thinks it's Shinra's fault, but mostly because he needs to be in favor of the people to grasp what power is possibly left for him to hold on to.

Having said that, I'm excited to speculate on what will happen next in his relationship with the Turks post-DoC. Realistically I don't think it will ever be the tru luuuurv type, hence it's hard for me to digest any Rufus pairings, but it's definitely going to get deeper now that they've been together through too much tough times. :monster:

Whew, that was a long one. And now for non-Rufus concerns:

I think there is the same squicky/creepy element there, we still don't know what the age difference was. The way I like to think of it, Tseng had Aerith on a pedestal of sorts, he probably sincerely believed that she could "bring happiness to those in the slums" I just think being in the kind of dirty job he had, Aerith was the closest he could get to an 'Angel' and a possibility of redemption? I don't think he really saw her how she wanted to be seen, as just a normal girl.

I never got the same Pedobear vibe from TsengxAerith as I did with TsengxRufus before being enlightened, all thanks to Lic's fic (which did a really really great job of exploring Tseng) ;)

Though I must say, Tseng must be spending a lot on anti-aging products :huh:

Turk yaoi - naw. Only Tseng/Rufus in DIPOTP. :P Other than that: Elena/Tseng, Reno/any slutty girl and Tifa/Rude. Reno/Aerith does sound interesting, same with Cid/Elena.

Yeah, I don't think I can take Turk yaoi seriously, but if only for fun then why not. I haven't gotten to the TsengxRufus part yet in Lic's fic but i think it's really brilliant-- it opened me to new pairings and see them in a way that might be possible in line with the original story. Good job, Lic!

One other thing though....does anyone else understand the line "I'm sure you've been reprimanded—" ? Reprimanded for what exactly? Is something lost in translation here? :huh:

I think what he wanted to say was 'You've been reprimanded as a Turk to do this and that', but Tseng responds as if to tell him that there's no other way so might as well proceed with it. Not sure.


Great Old One
Sorry for going off topic for a moment, but I was watching HcloudXIII's BC videos on YouTube, and I noticed something in the intro I've not seen before. Apparently the fighters have materia bracelets.



So thats what they are!!!! I always wondered what those braclets were for. I thought before it was like a tracking braclet or something.

I am sooo stupid! :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Though I must say, Tseng must be spending a lot on anti-aging products :huh:
He is ageless and evergreen :monster: Nah, I think it can just about make sense if we say he was in his late teens when he visited Aerith in the OG, and she was maybe around 11-12. I think. Still a little bit creepy though :lol:

I think what he wanted to say was 'You've been reprimanded as a Turk to do this and that', but Tseng responds as if to tell him that there's no other way so might as well proceed with it. Not sure.

But reprimanded means told off doesn't it? I can't figure out what he should be told off for? :huh:

So thats what they are!!!! I always wondered what those braclets were for. I thought before it was like a tracking braclet or something.

I am sooo stupid! :monster:
Hey at least you noticed the bracelets, I never even noticed them in the first place! This doesn't explain why Rude wears a Ziedrich, as it has no materia slots at all. I guess he's just badass enough that he doesn't need it.


Great Old One
But reprimanded means told off doesn't it? I can't figure out what he should be told off for? :huh:
Maybe it's a poor translation for "you've had your punishment"? That would make a little more sense I guess.

Also, 1700 word Elena/Tseng smut poasted in 3, 2...


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Maybe it's a poor translation for "you've had your punishment"? That would make a little more sense I guess.

Also, 1700 word Elena/Tseng smut poasted in 3, 2...

But punishment for what?! :lol: This is a damn headscratcher....

wait wat




Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Oh god Fangs....just....hnnnnnnnnnnnnggggnngghhh!

:awesome: It's going to be difficult to get some sensible words together to review, but I will try!


Great Old One
It just dawned on me that the "untying her tie as if it was his own" stuff is very inspired by your tie comment about "Rookie", Lic. I added it in the notes.

It's funny how just one sentence can send your imagination flying.

Also Octo, I forgot to write in my reply "thanks for your comment", so thank you :joy:
Fangu is a wonderful writer and magnificent smut-merchant.

Octo should write Tseng/Elena romantic comedy.

Here's some stuff from tumblr







PS While looking for Turk art, I found my own sig, which I made in photoshop, along with the title I'd given it on photobucket, posted on some random Japanese website I'd never heard of before. Even though I know how the Internet operates, this still takes me aback every time it happens.


Great Old One
:lol: Those are good ears!

Oh. Wow.
I don't know what it is about her. But she can go from all doll-like and pink-lipped and doe-eyed, expression open, to crouched down and deadly, all in a split second. She's got so much initiative.

I love the Veld cosplay, but they should have given him a taller chair :lol:

@ RenoxCissnei - DIPOTP is all I can say... sigh... and now I feel all aww and a little sad :lol:

Smut related question: Pre-story to smut - explaining states of mind and motivation - necessary or no? I realized my last one has very little back story - it's mostly straight to the point, lawl. Re-reading it I think I should have spent more time explaining motivation. But I know a lot of people go straight for the action anyway (hell I do it myself from time to time) so why bother writing stuff people won't read anyway :lol:

I take the craftsmanship of smut very seriously :wacky:


Did somebody say SMUT? :awesome:

Can anybody please give me a link to Fangu's story, I'm interested to see how she writes :) (though probably I'll read it after I finish Lic's fic, which I'm having a hard time pulling myself away from :wacky: )

And am I right to assume that everybody's favorite Turk (at least in this thread) is Tseng? :monster:


Great Old One
Thanks Octz - I keep forgetting not everyone has been in this thread since dawn :lol: Pug if you click on my name on AO3 ( - fancy, huh?) you can see my other stories. Please excuse the humpy grammar at times. English is my second language.

I like all of them, but I have a preference for Elena. Rude. Tseng. Um. All of them :lol:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I forgot to read the other posts :doh:

Octo should write Tseng/Elena romantic comedy.

:lol: I don't know if I could do that. Not with my brain in its current state. All I can come up with now is extreme sex and violence. Like I had an idea that Elena is to carry out a hit on some guy, and then gets carried away and more or less decapitates the dude, and then Tseng is kind of horrified to find her covered in blood and all panting and feral, cos y'know you're not meant to enjoy your work too much :lol:

But there could be comedy elements involved I guess :monster:

Attack the ears! :joy:

PS While looking for Turk art, I found my own sig, which I made in photoshop, along with the title I'd given it on photobucket, posted on some random Japanese website I'd never heard of before. Even though I know how the Internet operates, this still takes me aback every time it happens.

lol cool. I mean I guess its only fair after all the fanart we harvest from the Japanese sites. :monster: That always used to strike me as funny, cos I'd be happy myself as long as people weren't taking credit for it, its a compliment if people want to 'harvest' your art. Cos its not like you can make money off of fanart anyway, not legally :lol: The best thing to do would be to include a web adress somewhere in the picture, so people can come see the rest of yout work.

Oh. Wow.
I don't know what it is about her. But she can go from all doll-like and pink-lipped and doe-eyed, expression open, to crouched down and deadly, all in a split second. She's got so much initiative.

Thats what I like about her, shes like a little cute kitten that goes all vicious in a spilt second....or the bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail :lol:

Smut related question: Pre-story to smut - explaining states of mind and motivation - necessary or no? I realized my last one has very little back story - it's mostly straight to the point, lawl. Re-reading it I think I should have spent more time explaining motivation. But I know a lot of people go straight for the action anyway (hell I do it myself from time to time) so why bother writing stuff people won't read anyway :lol:

I take the craftsmanship of smut very seriously :wacky:

I guess its different when it comes to fanfiction, as most readers know the characters and can fill in their own backstory. Unless its a weird/unusual pairing where it has to be explained how they got together.

Other than that I think back story is nice, but I personally wouldn't deem it necessary for a one shot fic. Plus like...writing is hard enough as it is! I get an idea in my head and sort of play it out, but then when I try and type it comes out all clunky and awkward :/

Oh and Pug, Fangus fic is only a one-shot (at the moment! :awesome: ) So you could probably read it without ruining you fic appetite :monster:


Great Old One
:lol: I don't know if I could do that. Not with my brain in its current state. All I can come up with now is extreme sex and violence. Like I had an idea that Elena is to carry out a hit on some guy, and then gets carried away and more or less decapitates the dude, and then Tseng is kind of horrified to find her covered in blood and all panting and feral, cos y'know you're not meant to enjoy your work too much :lol:
What are you waiting for, write it already :@ :@ :lol:

Plus like...writing is hard enough as it is! I get an idea in my head and sort of play it out, but then when I try and type it comes out all clunky and awkward :/
You're not alone in this, for sure. I can have such a vivid image in my head (not always smut, mind you, lol) and then I sit down to write at least just one sentence to get me started, and nothing comes out. Frustrating. I find forcing myself to come up with that one sentence usually helps though.

With this last one I started from the top, but it's rare that I do so. Usually I write something in the middle and go all the way to the end - and then I write the beginning. The "Behind Shades" one was written that way. I started almost exactly halfway, wrote the second half first, then went back in and did the entire first part. Then I had a finished draft to work with. Lic once said that the first draft is a chore - I feel the same way. It's when you have a "body" that you can start fleshing out the fun starts.

Another thing I find helpful is to write a 80% version, then leave it alone for at least a day, and then go back in. I get so blind about the things I do that I need to step away from it to see the errors and the bits that needs editing. This can be a pain though, because when you're 80% done you're so eager to post the damn thing and get some feedback :lol: So this is definitely a 'critical' phase for me where I just have to be patient.

Oh and Pug, Fangus fic is only a one-shot (at the moment! :awesome: ) So you could probably read it without ruining you fic appetite :monster:
This reminds me of another thing I was going to ask of you guys - if you see any tags that's either wrong, looks funny or is plain missing and should have been there - please let me know. I'm not very familiar with fan fiction, so I wouldn't really know when to call something 'lemon' or 'fluff' or the likes. I think I understand 'One-shot' but I haven't used it on any of my stuff because I don't know yet if there will be more. Though I guess you can say most of my stuff are one-shots - I don't feel brave enough to write anything longer. Yet.

Oh and also
(though probably I'll read it after I finish Lic's fic, which I'm having a hard time pulling myself away from :wacky: )
Don't worry, we've all been there and understand perfectly well :joy:
What are you waiting for, write it already :@ :@ :lol:
Octo said:
Plus like...writing is hard enough as it is! I get an idea in my head and sort of play it out, but then when I try and type it comes out all clunky and awkward :/

Is it possible you're aiming for a style that doesn't come naturally to you? I know I'm not alone in getting a lot of pleasure from reading your posts - not just what you say, but how you say it. Maybe if you just let your ideas flow in your natural, TLS-posting style (that we all love so much), and then do what Fangu does (and I do) and let it stew in your files for a while and then come back and tinker with it, you'd find it worked? Just a suggestion. I spend weeks and, in the case of the most recent chapter, months labouring over my chapters, and even when I post them I don't feel as if they are really as good as they could be. Like I said once to Fangu, I can spend an hour or more just moving the punctuation around in a paragraph, only to decide at the end that the way I had it at the beginning was better. I don't recommend this level of anal-retentiveness as a way of life to anyone else, but hey, it's what I like. Don't judge me.

However, I would hate you to feel that anyone is trying to push or nag you into something you don't want to do; that would be awful and not at all what i intended. Anyway, it won't be long now before you'll be lucky to have enough free time to take a shower when you need one, let alone write so much as a shopping list!

Fangu said:
It's when you have a "body" that you can start fleshing out the fun starts.

So true!!

I love all the Turks; I love how they are so different and the dynamics of how they all work together and relate to one another. I can no longer separate my feelings for them as SE characters from my feelings for them as characters that I write about and thus, to some extent, create. Rufus is in some ways the most fun because I never write from his POV, so everything about him is coloured through the eye of the beholder, and of course nobody ever trusts him completely so it's easy to make everything he says and does seem duplicitous, or at least double-edged. Reno is the easiest to write. When I write Rude's dialogue I usually have to write it out in full and then pare it down to the absolute minimum of words necessary to get the ideas across. Tseng tends to overwhelm me. I love Elena and her feisty determination (plus the way she's always trying to teach Rude and Reno how to do their jobs) and am really looking forward to bringing her fully into the story.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Is it possible you're aiming for a style that doesn't come naturally to you? I know I'm not alone in getting a lot of pleasure from reading your posts - not just what you say, but how you say it. Maybe if you just let your ideas flow in your natural, TLS-posting style (that we all love so much), and then do what Fangu does (and I do) and let it stew in your files for a while and then come back and tinker with it, you'd find it worked? Just a suggestion. I spend weeks and, in the case of the most recent chapter, months labouring over my chapters, and even when I post them I don't feel as if they are really as good as they could be. Like I said once to Fangu, I can spend an hour or more just moving the punctuation around in a paragraph, only to decide at the end that the way I had it at the beginning was better. I don't recommend this level of anal-retentiveness as a way of life to anyone else, but hey, it's what I like. Don't judge me.

I think my problem is that in my head everything is more like a film/radio play. So like the pacing of speech sounds great in my head, but trying to make it translate to text WITHOUT. LOOKING. LIKE. DALEK. SPEECH. IS. A. PROBLEM! :lol:

That, and then when it comes to descriptive stuff I tend to get heavy handed. Like I want to be exact about everything...which is probably not necessary as half the locations are pretty familiar anyway.

Oh and when it comes to smut I paint myself into a corner because I'm like 'have I used the word 'cunt' too much here? ok....uhh...pussy? No....folds? flaps? NO! flower?! Oh god why is this so difficult?!....Ok just leave that blank for now....' :lol:

However, I would hate you to feel that anyone is trying to push or nag you into something you don't want to do; that would be awful and not at all what i intended. Anyway, it won't be long now before you'll be lucky to have enough free time to take a shower when you need one, let alone write so much as a shopping list!

:lol: Oh no I want to do it, it's just doing it right and although I can never really match up to what you guys manage I'd at least like to produce something readable :monster:

Anyway, I will take you guys suggestions on board, see what I come up with. Don't hold your breath though!
Oh and when it comes to smut I paint myself into a corner because I'm like 'have I used the word 'cunt' too much here? ok....uhh...pussy? No....folds? flaps? NO! flower?! Oh god why is this so difficult?!....Ok just leave that blank for now....' :lol:

Here, this should help.

I like how they then tried to illustrate them literally.

Though I think "velvet or furry pistol holster" would be appropriate for our Turks.


Great Old One
I guess its different when it comes to fanfiction, as most readers know the characters and can fill in their own backstory. Unless its a weird/unusual pairing where it has to be explained how they got together.

Other than that I think back story is nice, but I personally wouldn't deem it necessary for a one shot fic.
Yeah I agree that most readers know the characters. There's the canon version of the characters, and then there's the "fandom canon" that a lot of us share, so really there isn't much need for deeper explanation. However - I think every fic writer has a slightly different take on the characters (that's how I see it anyway.) So "my" Elena will be slightly different from other writers - that's why I'm pondering over how much explanation I really need to put in there for the story to make sense.

I agree on the weird/unusual. I spent a lot of time explaining Tifa's motivations with Rude, and I felt it was necessary. With Tseng and Elena, we already know she's hot for him. What then has to be explained is his motivation. In my version he'd definitely do her already if it wasn't for the formal stuff, simply because she's gorgeous and feisty and he has a penis, and that's all it takes for me :lol:. Whereas other writers would probably explain it a bit more (she's caught his interest, he's starting to fall in love, etc) while "my" Tseng would just fuck her because she's hot. Period. :P

Of course I could elaborate on that too: It's because I believe him to be masculine and determined and not with as many second thoughts as I actually believe is more canon. In BC he clearly relies on Veld's advice even though he's formally The Boss now and can do whatever he likes. It's just that I see him as matured (that's the wrong word, but more... grown into the "man slash boss role" perhaps) since then, so for him to be slightly more dominant (however still formal and obsessed with doing everything by the book) isn't that OOC I believe.

Besides. A guy who's determined equals good smut :P (And a determined gal too, of course!)

Like I said once to Fangu, I can spend an hour or more just moving the punctuation around in a paragraph, only to decide at the end that the way I had it at the beginning was better. I don't recommend this level of anal-retentiveness as a way of life to anyone else, but hey, it's what I like. Don't judge me.
The results of this care is amazing though, so I would never judge you :joy:

Anyway, it won't be long now before you'll be lucky to have enough free time to take a shower when you need one, let alone write so much as a shopping list!
True that! Octo, you have to use the little time you have left :lol: And of course, no pushing. Only supporting you! Because you're funny and awesome and have great taste!

Rufus is in some ways the most fun because I never write from his POV, so everything about him is coloured through the eye of the beholder, and of course nobody ever trusts him completely so it's easy to make everything he says and does seem duplicitous, or at least double-edged.
Oh those are fun! Duplicities, metaphors... love those. I really enjoy your Rufus. I'm looking forward to your continuation of his story arch.

Reno is the easiest to write. When I write Rude's dialogue I usually have to write it out in full and then pare it down to the absolute minimum of words necessary to get the ideas across. Tseng tends to overwhelm me. I love Elena and her feisty determination (plus the way she's always trying to teach Rude and Reno how to do their jobs) and am really looking forward to bringing her fully into the story.
This is so much fun to read!

I've never written Reno, but I would imagine him to be difficult. I like you say he's easy, because, that strikes me as interesting and makes me want to write him, besides you know - slutty Reno :lol: Rude was great fun to write. Of all of them, to me he's the least complex, and that makes me appreciate him so much. He has his insecurities like everyone else, but he's so sturdy. Plus his dialogue is a treat - I really get to use my minimalistic middle-of-Norway experiences with this. Where I come from, people don't talk much. So Rude is sort of a little homey for me :lol: Tseng I just encountered (I still need to figure him out though), Elena is still mostly in my head, I'm trying to get to know her. So far I'm loving her straight forwardness. The story I'm drafting now shows the 'bad part' of being so determined. I hope I get to pull that off. Regarding Elan - I AM SO LOOKING FORWARD to the Elena part in your story, Lic. I can't tell you how much. It's like waiting for a sequel to a movie that I love. I really really really look forward to it.

Oh and when it comes to smut I paint myself into a corner because I'm like 'have I used the word 'cunt' too much here? ok....uhh...pussy? No....folds? flaps? NO! flower?! Oh god why is this so difficult?!....Ok just leave that blank for now....' :lol:
Oh yes. This is super hard!! I try to use as little objects as possible when it comes to those parts. Like, I try to avoid the subject/verb/object relation. He [insert verb]s her [insert object] :lol: But I try to come up with alternate ways of saying stuff. Kind of like it is with drawing, when you paint the negative space instead of the object. I mean at times you just want to write
cock cock cock
because it's such a lovely word :lol:, or
her cunt is throbbing
because hell, just saying it can be hawt. But avoiding the object can help you out.
Like, instead of his cock slides into her cunt, rather use he slides into her because you're saying the same thing, just without the objects.
I find oral sex to be a pain to write. You have to get verbal with oral sex, there are no workarounds. :shifty: Or maybe there are - I should look more into it :P

Regarding all of this smut talk. Lic, where is your smut?! (Don't get me wrong her though, your sexy parts in DIPOTP is super super sexy and they work just as well as more detailed smut :lol: I never commented on it specifically, but
chapter 24... hnnng. Especially the first part, maybe not as much further into it as you get the feeling this is gonna go sour :lol: But yeah that, and later on all the Tseng/Rufus action - preeeety hawt. Maybe not the actual sexy parts, but the stuff that leads up to it. Love it.
I found this thing I thought Tseng would really like:



an office he can take anywhere!

I can't write smut very well. I realise this may sound strange, but when I write porn about the characters I feel as if I'm intruding somewhere I don't belong. Thankfully, others fic writers don't suffer from this odd prudery. I have a couple of ideas in mind, though, to try to get me over this block. Maybe one day....
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