The General Turks Worship Thread


Great Old One
an office he can take anywhere!
Haha that had me laughing out loud!

I can't write smut very well. I realise this may sound strange, but when I write porn about the characters I feel as if I'm intruding somewhere I don't belong. Thankfully, others fic writers don't suffer from this odd prudery. I have a couple of ideas in mind, though, to try to get me over this block. Maybe one day....
To me their sexuality is a part of their personalities. I never find it strange or odd to write in detail, because the details are very much part of sex. Also my high number of one night stands might have influenced me. Sleeping with someone only once with no intentions of necessarily doing it again, you've tossed away all sense of sense and awkwardness. It's about about going straight to the point and be totally open about what feels good and what doesn't, and to be able to communicate it. I'm not saying you must have slept with a lot of different people to experience the freedom of not giving a fuck and just be totally shameless, but for me, it did influence my views on sex, and there is a chance some of the stuff I write are influenced from my own experiences. My feelings towards it is that you can't intrude if there's nothing to hide.

You should open up a bottle of wine and invite one of them over :desu: Edit: I have to say though, you don't have to. I mean, not everybody has to write detailed sex. Thinking about it, I don't think I would put descriptive sex like that in a longer story. Maybe that's because that's a general trend in writing - porn goes with the other porn, and rarely in novels. I dunno.

Re: oral sex by the way, I reread Early Riser. This girl seriously knows her shit.

Also, did I rant this thread to death?
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Nah you didnt rant to death, I've been enjoying the thread but I'm over at my mums. Ive just taken a break from enduring a family dinner and I feel a bit pukey even though I didnt eat that much. I cant wait until I get home to my nest so I can comment properly :{


Lol at the office :D

You know guys the first time I came to this forum, for some strange reason I just felt that Tseng was the most liked Turk, if not the most favorite :wacky: I don't know why haha. Have you guys conducted a poll about this? If not then it would be a great idea, esp if we get to know the others' reasons for having a particular favorite Turk :)

Also, this is most likely old news, but I found








^ Shinra bikini FTW :joy:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I found this thing I thought Tseng would really like:



an office he can take anywhere!

I gotta get one of those! Having said that, I don't think Tseng would be 'hip' enough to use a Mac :monster:

I can't write smut very well. I realise this may sound strange, but when I write porn about the characters I feel as if I'm intruding somewhere I don't belong. Thankfully, others fic writers don't suffer from this odd prudery. I have a couple of ideas in mind, though, to try to get me over this block. Maybe one day....
The other problem I have, is like cos its kind of obvious I want to hump Tsengs face off, that any smut I wrote would reek to high heaven of Mary-Sueism using Elena as a vessel, and I kind of feel bad for inflicting that on the world. :monster:

To me their sexuality is a part of their personalities. I never find it strange or odd to write in detail, because the details are very much part of sex. Also my high number of one night stands might have influenced me. Sleeping with someone only once with no intentions of necessarily doing it again, you've tossed away all sense of sense and awkwardness. It's about about going straight to the point and be totally open about what feels good and what doesn't, and to be able to communicate it. I'm not saying you must have slept with a lot of different people to experience the freedom of not giving a fuck and just be totally shameless, but for me, it did influence my views on sex, and there is a chance some of the stuff I write are influenced from my own experiences. My feelings towards it is that you can't intrude if there's nothing to hide.
Yeah, I guess you're less likely to waste time in that situation, cos you're not thinking 'okay...I guess we'll work on that one' :lol:

You should open up a bottle of wine and invite one of them over :desu: Edit: I have to say though, you don't have to. I mean, not everybody has to write detailed sex. Thinking about it, I don't think I would put descriptive sex like that in a longer story. Maybe that's because that's a general trend in writing - porn goes with the other porn, and rarely in novels. I dunno.
Depends on the book I guess, theres a few books I know that always mysteriously fall open on the dirty pages, and they're like, 'proper' books. :lol:

Re: oral sex by the way, I reread Early Riser. This girl seriously knows her shit.
Very much so!

Lol at the office :D

You know guys the first time I came to this forum, for some strange reason I just felt that Tseng was the most liked Turk, if not the most favorite :wacky: I don't know why haha. Have you guys conducted a poll about this? If not then it would be a great idea, esp if we get to know the others' reasons for having a particular favorite Turk :)

Well you probably thought that because I am a maniac, and although Lic and Fangu liked Tseng already I think I encouraged it to an extent. They were in my thrall :monster:

I think the general consensus shows Reno to be the favourite, in truth he's probably always been, but there was a definite spike in popularity when AC came out :lol:

Also, this is most likely old news, but I found



:lol: What anime is that from? The guy looks like he's trouble! A wayward younger brother perhaps.





^ Shinra bikini FTW :joy:

Oh my....that last image is.....confusing.... :lol:


I just finished Lic's fic, and I'm really really excited to read what's next. The fact that it stuck to the storyline as much as possible made it work for me. Out of all the characters, Rufus and Tseng were the most well-written in my opinion. I love it! :joy:

I also read your fic, Fangu, including those with Rude and Tifa, and I loved your style. You should write moar! :monster:

And just to share, I know it isn't easy to write a story, moreso if you're writing it in a language that's not your own (English is also my second language BTW). I used to write stories too, and though it was just school work before, I got to enjoy it. But I often encounter problems like sounding too formal, or not knowing how to call some things because in my own language we don't have a specific word for it, therefore limiting my vocabulary. Hopefully when I move out of the country, when I finally get to speak English all the time, I can write better.

Also, I have a question for you guys, do you read erotica? Books like that might help you choose your style in writing smut, and can help you with pacing (because personally speaking, when writing smut, or even fluff, wrong pacing can either get the readers bored or saturated with what's going on). Just my opinion. :)

Well you probably thought that because I am a maniac, and although Lic and Fangu liked Tseng already I think I encouraged it to an extent. They were in my thrall :monster:
I knew it! :awesome:

:lol: What anime is that from? The guy looks like he's trouble! A wayward younger brother perhaps.
That's Chang Wufei from Gundam Wing. ;) I always knew CC Tseng looked like some guy from one of my childhood anime favorites and it took me this long to figure it out! :D


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
e stories too, and though it was just school work before, I got to enjoy it. But I often encounter problems like sounding too formal, or not knowing how to call some things because in my own language we don't have a specific word for it, therefore limiting my vocabulary. Hopefully when I move out of the country, when I finally get to speak English all the time, I can write better.

Your English is better than mine! It always amazes me the people on this site for whom English is a second language, if they didn't say they lived in other countries I honestly wouldn't be able to tell.

Also @ the bolded part. I sometimes have that trouble myself, where my mind goes completely blank and I can't remember what things are called :lol: So don't sweat it!

Also, I have a question for you guys, do you read erotica? Books like that might help you choose your style in writing smut, and can help you with pacing (because personally speaking, when writing smut, or even fluff, wrong pacing can either get the readers bored or saturated with what's going on). Just my opinion. :)
Personally I don't read that much erotica, cos I never know how to find the good stuff. They say you should never judge a book by its cover, but I find it unavoidable when the cover looks like

Oh god I'm dying here :lol:

Yeah so I dunno. I find it hard to discern if something is actually going to be good or a cheesefest. That, and theres a very fine line between the flowery overblown mush, and then the stuff that is basically transcripts of porn. There has to be some sort of degree of uh...poetry? but not so much that it gets silly. :monster:

Anyway speaking of porn, I bring smut! The premise is a little unbelieveable for me
I can't imagine Tseng would go out of his way to piss his family off, and I certainly can't abide dancing! :lol:
but the dirty bit more than makes up for it :monster:


Great Old One
And just to share, I know it isn't easy to write a story, moreso if you're writing it in a language that's not your own (English is also my second language BTW). I used to write stories too, and though it was just school work before, I got to enjoy it. But I often encounter problems like sounding too formal, or not knowing how to call some things because in my own language we don't have a specific word for it, therefore limiting my vocabulary. Hopefully when I move out of the country, when I finally get to speak English all the time, I can write better.
I had no idea English is your second language, but then again as a non native speaker I wouldn't be able to tell anyway I guess.

And yeah, I totally relate to what you're saying. My First is a very direct language, so it can sound strict and even rude at times. I find it really fascinating though, about languages and cultures and all of that.

What is cool is the thing you mention about certain words not existing in some languages, or they mean the same as other word, or they have a slightly different meaning. Like, why do they have this, what's the history of this? It's very intriguing. English is kinda "simple" that way because it's got a huge vocabulary and really there's a word for almost everything. That fact makes it fun to write in the language as well - you can make new twists to the sentences and in that way guarantee a fluency to it that can be hard to achieve in my own language. But that sort of makes sense with Norwegian. The country are first of foremost a peasant nation, so the language wouldn't be that extensive. There would be words for physical stuff, but maybe not as many words to describe abstract things. The most 'intellectual' words we have are straight out borrowed from mostly Danish, then French, German and English.

What's your first? Do you have specific plans for moving? I would love to spend time in an English speaking country.

Also, I have a question for you guys, do you read erotica? Books like that might help you choose your style in writing smut, and can help you with pacing (because personally speaking, when writing smut, or even fluff, wrong pacing can either get the readers bored or saturated with what's going on). Just my opinion. :)
Only in Norwegian, and not a lot. When can I find good English material? I'm not taking the smut stuff THAT super seriously, but it would be fun to read for reference.

That's Chang Wufei from Gundam Wing. ;) I always knew CC Tseng looked like some guy from one of my childhood anime favorites and it took me this long to figure it out! :D
Awesome :lol: He really is Tsengs little brother!!

Edit: Woo Octo poasted stuff, must see :D



I feel like I have been away from this thread for soo long. So much good conversation.

But that picture above made me Lol. I would so read a book that has a cover like that. I never read any erotica. Like Octo said it's hard to find which ones are good. Although I do remember seeing a book that looks like that cover on my moms dresser when I was a kid. That's kinda frightening. :no:

@ Avec:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I lol'd at this! It looks like he's rubbing his thing on her and she's having the time of her life! :D

Yeah, either she has an itchy shoulder or some rare disorder where her ladygarden is on her back :lol:

I personally don't enjoy mush, I appreciate it more when smut is written in an intense, passionate way. It makes the characters' release more believable imho.

I know a novel that's definitely not mushy but is on the poetic side (maybe because it's old?). I'm sure you guys are familiar with this one: Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence. It's a classic and is notorious for getting banned during its time :monster: It's a good read.
Yeah, I should definitely track that one down.

You'll be surprised by my recommendations :awesome: Most of the erotic novels I had in mind while I was making that post are from the BDSM category. They're obviously not for everybody. To name a few: Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty Trilogy, The Story of O by Pauline Reage, and Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (that's right, the founder of masochism). What I love about these books is the contrast of how they were written.

I am shocked Pug! I thought you were such a pure nice girl! :awesome:

Yeah, I think the classics are the way to go cos at least then you know things have stood the test of time.

To elaborate, Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty is so intense and descriptive to the point that readers won't even have the guts to finish it (I had friends who borrowed it from me only to have it returned immediately-- it's THAT gross). In contrast, The Story of O & Venus in Furs are more on the psychological aspect of erotic submission. Not much description on the physical act, but nonetheless erotic. I even cried after reading O.

I've never read any Anne Rice, but I'll probably give that a go at some point. I've got a high tolerance for uh...horrible stuff, even though American Psycho freaked me out a bit so I should be ok :lol:

tl;dr : There are different ways to pull off a smut fic, and a combination of both intense physical description and psychological exploration on both (or one) of the characters, imo is the best. And just before anyone reacts, I'm not trying to sound like an expert here, I'm just sharing my opinion. ;)
No I totally agree, I mean smut can always be enjoyable, but without the psychological/emotional aspect it can be a bit empty feeling.

*I may have shocked you people by mentioning these books, but I just have to say that I have a thing for controversial, infamous erotic novels. It's my thing to collect them-- the smut in them is just a bonus, actually. :monster:

No I think its awesome :monster:


Wow guys, I just realized my last post was a bit.. weird? But to clear some things up, those BDSM books I've mentioned are from the literary classics section (except the Anne Rice novel), and like I said I have a thing for controversial books, hence I bought them. I hope you guys don't picture me as a leather-clad, whip-wielding dominatrix because I certainly am not! :D Not that I see anything wrong with that though.

It's not your fault Octo, the post itself was very prone to assumptions, so I'm gonna delete it nao! :wacky: :kiss:

I've never read any Anne Rice, but I'll probably give that a go at some point. I've got a high tolerance for uh...horrible stuff, even though American Psycho freaked me out a bit so I should be ok :lol:

NooooooOOOOO!!! :no:

The only reason why I bought that stuff is because I'm an avid Anne Rice fan, and this is one of her old, infamous works. Presently she only writes about Jesus and religion-inspired novels, so I was very intrigued that she wrote such a controversial erotica. But I'm telling you, it's repulsive :D You can flip to a random page and I guarantee, there's smut in it. FFS, if I remember correctly, the smut starts at page 3. And never ends after that :D

No I totally agree, I mean smut can always be enjoyable, but without the psychological/emotional aspect it can be a bit empty feeling.

Well smut is smut-- people can write it however they want it and it can still be interesting. Maybe my suggestions are treading more into the smut being incorporated into a novel. You know, because you can't just have the characters getting into each other's pants, there has to be some art involved. I kinda forgot that we're talking about fanfiction here, sorry :D

And you know what guys? Fuck my opinions. THIS is how fanfiction is supposed to be written:

We need to recruit this guy for our Turk collaboration.
I saw Octo's fic post when I got to work this morning and I had to wait all day to read it and now I am tired.
But anyway
Octo is a writer!
I called it.
I will review when I'm not falling asleep over my keyboard.

I liked Story of O but it got monotonous, and also Sir Stephen or whatever his name was kept
putting his entire hand into her womb and I thought how do you even do that? It would be like a vet examining a cow and you'd think it would hurt worse than having a smear test. I guess maybe that as point, for O, but to me that bit wasn't sexy at all. The beginning was better than the end. Also, I didn't like O herself. She was so passive and submissive, she reminded me of those bond-women in the old Edgar Rice Burroughs books, eg "Slave Girl of Mars" who could only have orgasms when they surrendered entirely to a man's will, thus finding "true happiness" and "full femininity". Not my kink.

I read "La Vie Sexuelle de Catherine M" which also promised to be interesting in the beginning but became an
endless chronicle of blowjobs. It was as if the only way she could feel entitled to experience any pleasure was through providing pleasure to men. There was something deeply sad about that book, IMO.

I like Anais Nin.

I was listening to E.P. James of "50 Shades of Grey" fame on the radio this morning, talking about how much she used to love reading books with exactly those kinds of covers, and how she'd read them voraciously while riding the tube to work every morning, but folded the covers back so that no one could see what genre her book was!

Excepting present company:
Ponderosa and Sister_Coyote are the queens of smut. I also really like mysteri1, notraffic, and madisuzy sometimes. Karanguni doesn't write a lot of graphic lemons, but somehow all the angst, darkness and brutality of her characters builds up the tension in a really sexy way. Her fics aren't descriptions of sex so much as what sex would be like if sex was a story.


I liked Story of O but it got monotonous, and also Sir Stephen or whatever his name was kept
putting his entire hand into her womb and I thought how do you even do that? It would be like a vet examining a cow and you'd think it would hurt worse than having a smear test. I guess maybe that as point, for O, but to me that bit wasn't sexy at all. The beginning was better than the end. Also, I didn't like O herself. She was so passive and submissive, she reminded me of those bond-women in the old Edgar Rice Burroughs books, eg "Slave Girl of Mars" who could only have orgasms when they surrendered entirely to a man's will, thus finding "true happiness" and "full femininity". Not my kink.

I don't get off with the idea of being a submissive either, but the underlying message of O's story was something that I found beautiful (not like, 'sexy-beautiful', but more of because it's sad and dark). That the submissive is truly the one in control, for the dominant needs her permission, and his pleasure depends on her consent. For some reason I can't dislike O for
committing suicide or Sir Stephen for giving her his permission
. I just find it sad, I guess I'm weird like that.

I like Anais Nin.
Is she really good? I've read reviews about her and I also see some of her books in the literary classics section, so I guess I'll have to give her a try.

I was listening to E.P. James of "50 Shades of Grey" fame on the radio this morning, talking about how much she used to love reading books with exactly those kinds of covers, and how she'd read them voraciously while riding the tube to work every morning, but folded the covers back so that no one could see what genre her book was!
Maybe it's just a coincidence but most of the romance novels with those kind of covers that I happened to skim through seem to have this pattern in which either the protagonist, the love interest, or both are from rich families, and that they refuse to surrender their feelings at first, blah blah but they end up being together. It's not my cup of tea, but as I said I can't speak for all of them. There might be some that are entertaining.
For some reason I can't dislike O for
committing suicide or Sir Stephen for giving her his permission
. I just find it sad, I guess I'm weird like that.

I don't think it's wierd. I'm just hard and unromantic. It's been a while since I read it, and I can't remember now why
she kills herself. Was it out of despair, thinking he would never truly love her? Or was she taking her submissive masochism to its logical conclusion? Or did she simply have nothing left to live for?


He decides to leave her. It wasn't explained why, in fact the ending wasn't elaborated like the rest of the story. She couldn't put up with it but he's the master, so his decision sticks. I think there might have been two endings, and the other was him simply returning her to Roissy and never coming back for her again.

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
Wow I've... missed a lot since the last time I checked this thread welp.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Lol sorry guys on my phone here cos I'm in bed. I didn't write that fic, sorry I didnt make that clear :lol: I would never make them dance! XD


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Double post but who cares eh?

I love how this thread has turned into a general erotica discussion :lol: Just goes to show what us Turk fans are really like.

So yeah, that wasn't my fic, just something I found. :monster: I am working on something though and GOD DAMN IT IS HARD. Its all coming out in little bits....and I don't even know if its going to have any smut in it yet. I'll keep you posted ;)

Like a bad person I read all the spoiler tags. But I think I will be getting Story of O and Anne Rice some other stuff too.

I liked Story of O but it got monotonous, and also Sir Stephen or whatever his name was kept
putting his entire hand into her womb and I thought how do you even do that? It would be like a vet examining a cow and you'd think it would hurt worse than having a smear test. I guess maybe that as point, for O, but to me that bit wasn't sexy at all.

:lol: That sounds pretty stupid, and theres me thinking that it was only hentai that took such an 'artistic' liberty with biology. (no you idiots sperm doesn't go straight into the womb!) So yeah, I'm sure its technically possible but its going to void the warranty on your internal organs.

The beginning was better than the end. Also, I didn't like O herself. She was so passive and submissive, she reminded me of those bond-women in the old Edgar Rice Burroughs books, eg "Slave Girl of Mars" who could only have orgasms when they surrendered entirely to a man's will, thus finding "true happiness" and "full femininity". Not my kink.

Agreed. I guess I'm not kinky enough because although I enjoy the submissive side of things I still want to y'know actually get something out of it otherwise whats the point? Because unless that 'mans will' actively includes getting you off its going to be pretty boring :lol:

I read "La Vie Sexuelle de Catherine M" which also promised to be interesting in the beginning but became an
endless chronicle of blowjobs. It was as if the only way she could feel entitled to experience any pleasure was through providing pleasure to men. There was something deeply sad about that book, IMO.
Yeah, again that sounds pretty boring, and while I'm the first person to defend blowjobs if its not a two-way street then its a bit of a yawnfest. The way I see it, they should be a precursor to something else, or they should be reciprocated.:lol:
I like Anais Nin.
I've actually got a copy of Delta of Venus. I just have to read it properly for once instead of skimming for smut :monster:

EDIT: And oh look a picture of Reno and Tseng.....they look exhausted....I wonder if they've been running? :awesome:
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I love how this thread has turned into a general erotica discussion :lol: Just goes to show what us Turk fans are really like.

That we are all ...bookworms? :monster:

:lol: That sounds pretty stupid, and theres me thinking that it was only hentai that took such an 'artistic' liberty with biology. (no you idiots sperm doesn't go straight into the womb!) So yeah, I'm sure its technically possible but its going to void the warranty on your internal organs.
Originally it was written in French so it's probably the translator's fault? Or, maybe in the 1950's they thought it was possible to receive pleasure that way (though I HIGHLY doubt that)? Haha I don't know, when reading old books I don't really pay much attention to the author's choice of words as long as I get the idea being presented. My thoughts on that is that the author was probably implying that 'womb' means 'deep inside'? Bah I don't know :loopy:

Agreed. I guess I'm not kinky enough because although I enjoy the submissive side of things I still want to y'know actually get something out of it otherwise whats the point? Because unless that 'mans will' actively includes getting you off its going to be pretty boring :lol:
Story of O is mostly that, so you might find most parts boring. I personally can't say that I enjoyed the whole book, but like I said, I found the message beautiful. And there's something about the ambiance of the setting-- it's mysteriously sexy, like the 'cult' in Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut (at least for me). So yeah, I think it's worth reading.

A movie was actually made in the 70's but it failed at so many levels, and worse it turned O and Sir Stephen's affair into a happy love story when its beauty relies on it being dark and sad.

And speaking of being boring... Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy honestly falls more into that category. It's repulsive, yes, but it's also repetitive, like the only way to practice BDSM is spanking, and that consent isn't needed (if you want to have an idea about what BDSM truly is, this is not the book for it). I'd rather you save dough than buying this thing, but if you want to test yourself, at least don't buy the whole trilogy yet.

EDIT: And oh look a picture of Reno and Tseng.....they look exhausted....I wonder if they've been running? :awesome:
They were reading too much erotica and either got bored or... :awesome:

The amount of spoiler tags in this post is too damn high :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That we are all ...bookworms? :monster:

Yes! Thats the word I was looking for.....not filthy apes at all! :awesome:
Originally it was written in French so it's probably the translator's fault? Or, maybe in the 1950's they thought it was possible to receive pleasure that way (though I HIGHLY doubt that)? Haha I don't know, when reading old books I don't really pay much attention to the author's choice of words as long as I get the idea being presented. My thoughts on that is that the author was probably implying that 'womb' means 'deep inside'? Bah I don't know :loopy:

Actually thats a good point, I was skimming Anais Nin yesterday and
there was a mention of being "inside her womb" so I guess it could be just flowery language. Still ouch though! :lol:

And speaking of being boring... Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty trilogy honestly falls more into that category. It's repulsive, yes, but it's also repetitive, like the only way to practice BDSM is spanking, and that consent isn't needed (if you want to have an idea about what BDSM truly is, this is not the book for it). I'd rather you save dough than buying this thing, but if you want to test yourself, at least don't buy the whole trilogy yet.
Well it can't be much worse than American Psycho cos some of that was fucking horrible, and I've not read De Sade's 120 days of Sodom, but Mr Octo did and he thought it was pretty horrific. So I'm still optimistic :lol:

The amount of spoiler tags in this post is too damn high :monster:
I don't know what you're talking about! :awesome:
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Well it can't be much worse than American Psycho cos some of that was fucking horrible, and I've not read De Sade's 120 days of Sodom, but Mr Octo did and he thought it was pretty horrific. So I'm still optimistic :lol:

Don't say I didn't warn you! :awesome: Well the trilogy isn't that type of gross actually, but there's things like
rape and human ponies
so if those aren't your thing, it might turn you off to an extent. But don't worry there's no blood or murder whatsoever in that book :D

And speaking of de Sade, I thought it was a good idea to try him out since I already read Masoch. Good thing there was an open copy of 120 Days in the bookstore so I had the chance to change my mind. :closedmonster: The guy are sick!!
Meanwhile, back on topic, time for some more Turk worship:


. I really like the artwork in this one.


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