The General Turks Worship Thread


Great Old One
Topic for discussion: Which do you prefer? The black uniforms or the dark blue ones? I prefer the blue, it's just more unusual. Also, I'm not convinced that the uniform was black in AC. The whole colour palette of that film was so muted and dark I think it just made their outfits appear darker.
It can look like their suits were made to be darkish blue, but rendering and lights and whatnots will always affect the overall tone of a digital picture. The black suits didn't bother me much but they could have been bluer. It bothered me more that Clouds sweater was black instead of purple, really.

Also, I hate the zips, and preferred it when I thought they were wearing stylish, tailored suits that buttoned up in the usual way.
Elena looks good with the zipper, the men - meh.

In general, I think the color of their suits depends on what version of them you're doing. Like, for semi-realistic/ realistic, I would always try to do a blacker suit, because it looks more stylish. For more cartoony pics, I prefer the blue ones.

Can I just add that the stitching on Reno's shoes in ACC gives me joy every time I see it?
What? Huh? PICS!

Maybe in the ff7 game their suits were always meant to be black but the colors got messed up, just like how rufus' hair was orange and in AC/C its blonde.
It might have been a conscious choice to separate the characters from the background.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Can I just add that the stitching on Reno's shoes in ACC gives me joy every time I see it?
I never noticed this, at what point do you see this? (to save me watching the whole film!)

I thought their suits have always zipped up though? Though in AC the zips seem more obvious (damn you Nomura!)

And in BC she might of started out 13/14 but I think years passed into CC so it makes sense that she would of gotten older.

This is possible, its just that there is some overlap between the two games and I don't know the chronology of CC, like over how many years it is set?


What? Huh? PICS!

Reno's Shoes.



This is possible, its just that there is some overlap between the two games and I don't know the chronology of CC, like over how many years it is set?

Crisis core is 7 years before FF7 takes place. According to the timeline FF7 takes place in 2007 and BC starts in the year 2000? I believe. Yeah so 7 years.
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Now that's why I call loving attention to detail. You can see where the sole is stiched to the upper.

I realise that the suits were always zipped, but I used to think they had buttons, and I preferred it that way. [Maybe because my ex had a pathological dislike of buttons, and now I can't get enough of the little round things]. Their suits seem very cheaply made, though. You shouldn't be able to see the stitching in the hems and seams. Maybe the animators wanted it to look like heavy-duty material?

What I find really wierd about their appearnace in ACC is that sometimes they give the appearance of having no substance, no bodies, inside those suits.


What I find really wierd about their appearnace in ACC is that sometimes they give the appearance of having no substance, no bodies, inside those suits.

I agree with this. In Last Order I think they filled out the suits pretty well. Reno looked skinny but strong it looked like he had a body underneath and Rude was like HUGE. And i feel in ACC Reno He was skinny but lacked depth??? I duno if that's the word. He just didn't fill out the suit. And Rude is suppose to be the strongest of the Turks yet he didn't look as buff as i thought. His arms looked small. In ACC he looked like a machine along with the other buff martial arts Turk in Last Order.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ha, and don't get me started on Tseng's skinny ass in Crisis Core :sigh:

By the sounds of things CC and BC started at the same time, but you encounter Cissnei quite early on so I would have thought she'd appear a bit younger at the beginning. I guess it wasn't really a concern for SE :monster:
Actually I quite liked CC Tseng. Yeah. Especially that scene in Fountain Square. Cissnei is so cheeky to him, walking off while he's in mid-lecture.
The worst things about ACC is that we never got to see him without either blood or bandages on his face. The second worst thing is that we never got to see Rufus properly either except for about 10 seconds or so.


The worst things about ACC is that we never got to see him without either blood or bandages on his face. The second worst thing is that we never got to see Rufus properly either except for about 10 seconds or so.

Well that's why I'm hoping for either BC game or FF Remake. It wouldn't hurt also to make a mini movie of Case Of Shinra. I thought that was an interesting story. Would love to see that in CGI. I love rufus I want to see him in all his glory, without that blanket and shit on his face. I never thought about Tseng to much but since coming on here I'm starting to love him more and more.

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Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
CC is I think about five years? I assume she started in CC around 15-17 (lol overcompensating because older characters look like babbies all the days) and ended 19-21ish

also FatHead you are beautiful human being ty for the fanart

lol jk missed that it was 7 years ignore all of this but yeah she ends I assume in her 20s so that's probably why she looked so young at the start


So since we don't have a lot of the BC turks yet....













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Here is some more BC Turks. I can't find any of martial arts male so can someone please post him if you have any. I have lots of more fan art I wanna show. The next pics I post are probably gunna be for the renoxrude shippers. Like me^_^










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Great Old One
Wow, even more good stuff!!

I haven't seen that Elena one before - I love it. Also, that one you posted under "The whole gang" is the one I was looking for, it's one of my BC group favorites. The Veld one on the bottom is so good I have to save it and study it.

You post amazing stuff Soak <3


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That one of the whole gang, I love how often Reno's face ends up in Rudes lap in these fanarts :lol:

That Veld one is awesome too.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
The 'whole gang" picture is also by crimson_sun.

I love that portrait of Veld. He's such a man.

He's a man's man. He's a man's man's man.

Actually he looks quite young in that pic, though it looks like that scar is pretty new. I reckon looking after Tseng aged him....that ragamuffin!


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
I demand that I am accepted into this club.

....I will come bearing gifts later. :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I was wondering when you'd join Vivi, I was gonna come drag you in here! :lol:

Reno and Rude: The ultimate 'bromance'? Discuss.


Reno & Rude, I love these two! Its gets me so wet excited when I see them together.

They do so much together like....







Don't really matter what they are doing, you can't deny these two are just meant to be together either as just friends...or lovers. who cares. They are hot and bad ass and by far (to me anyway) the BEST FFVII characters

Who can ever forget that moment in the helicopter, high above the ruins of Midgar, when Reno realises, first, that he's lost control of the helicopter, and secondly, that his partner has gone missing. "Don't do this to me!" he cries. His relief when he finds Rude hanging from the runners of the chopper can hardly be greater than our own; we know these two are meant to be together; each without the other is less than half a man. According to the urban dictionary, which is blocked at my place of work, "bromance" is defined as a word describing the complicated love and affection shared by two straight males, which is exactly the kind of relationship Shinra's two most popular Turks share.

Reno and Rude are always there for each other in a way that never undermines each other's manliness. When Rude discovers the truth that Chelsea is an Avalanche spy, Reno doesn't weaken him by offering sympathy and a shoulder to cry on, but instead gives Rude reasons to swear and get angry at him. This is very bromantic and considerate. When Reno is trapped on top of a moving elevator and about to be crushed to death, Rude, who is inside the elevator, doesn't try to save his own skin but stays with Reno to the end. A man's willingness to sacrifice himself for his bro is essential to a strong bromance. Reno is never jealous of Rude's prowess in certain key areas of Turkness such as bomb-making and the firing of anti-aircraft missiles, but instead praises and admires his work, and Rude in return always lets Reno pilot the helicopter. A mutual respect for, and pride in, each other's talents (for example, the gleeful delight shown by Reno for Rude's handmade bomb in ACC) is surely essential to a long-lived bromance.

It is often said that Rude and Reno are always together, but this isn't entirely true. In Before Crisis Reno is partnered on a number of occassions with the player Turk, and in the Costa del Sol episode Rude is left alone to deal with an Avalanche attack. The Chelsea episode would seem to prove that Rude sometimes goes out alone and meets girls. In CC, which takes place after the Chelsea episode, it is true Reno and Rude are always seen together, which may indicate that Rude went off girls until he met Tifa.

In the OG Reno is encountered alone in Aerith's church and again on the Sector Seven Plate, and we meet Rude when we return to Rocket Town to get the huge materia. In ACC they are again always together, and they don't appear at all in DoC which is why i have no interest in it (Vincent is the wimpiest Turk ever. Does he even deserve to be mentioned in this fanclub?).

Their unquestioning, uncritical mutual support, their dedication to one another's well being, and the obvious pleasure they take in each other's company, is something the members of Avalanche don't seem to understand. None of them, not even Cloud and Tifa, share the simple yet profound bond of total trust and unbreakable loyalty enjoyed by our two Turks. Truly, they define the meaning of 'bromance'.

[It's parent teacher evening and I have another ten minutes to wait for my next customer!]
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