The General Turks Worship Thread


Lic you are a great writer. That almost brought a tear to my eye! You couldn't have said it better than anyone else! PLus im reading one of your fanfics and it is amazing so far but anyway...

I have to admit though, I am head over heels in LOVE with Rude so the whole "I like tifa" thing.. makes me jealous I don't like to much!. lol

Bravo to you Lic!



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
(Vincent is the wimpiest Turk ever. Does he even deserve to be mentioned in this fanclub?).

At the risk of upsetting Vincent fans, I'd say as a Turk he was pretty sub par. The guy was thinking with his dick and thats why Hojo managed to take him out.

It could be argued that Tseng is doing the same thing with Aerith but Tseng manages to remain a Turk throughout, he knows what his job is. Hell its not even a job, its a state of being! Vincent forgot that and thats why he has to wear pointy shoes for the rest of his life! :D

Their unquestioning, uncritical mutual support, their dedication to one another's well being, and the obvious pleasure they take in each other's company, is something the members of Avalanche don't seem to understand. None of them, not even Cloud and Tifa, share the simple yet profound bond of total trust and unbreakable loyalty enjoyed by our two Turks. Truly, they define the meaning of 'bromance'.

[It's parent teacher evening and I have another ten minutes to wait for my next customer!]

But you look like Tifa so no need to be jealous there ;)

Edit: Why do I keep quoting when I should be editing! :doh:
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I have to admit though, I am head over heels in LOVE with Rude so the whole "I like tifa" thing.. makes me jealous I don't like to much!. lol

You are the first Turk fan I have met who rates Rude as her most favourite Turk; i mean, i love them all equally (Tseng maybe has a little edge on the others) but it was Reno who brought me into the fandom. However, the more time I spent with the Turks, the more my love for Rude grows.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Rude is the Quiet Man. He is like an onion, you have to gradually peel away the layers. And then inside the onion is a luxury belgian chocolate....and wait what was I talking about?

Oh yeah, Rude isn't as in your face as Reno, but over time he grows on you and then you realise that Turks wouldn't be Turks without Rude. :monster:


You are the first Turk fan I have met who rates Rude as her most favourite Turk; i mean, i love them all equally (Tseng maybe has a little edge on the others) but it was Reno who brought me into the fandom. However, the more time I spent with the Turks, the more my love for Rude grows.

Reno at first brought me in as well, But Rude is just more my type. I like tall built guys who look tough, but underneath is a teddy bear which is how I see Rude. You mentioned he had a relationship with Chelsea, and he seemed like he cared about her. He got his heart broken. I just think he has a soft heart and would make an incredible boyfriend/husband. Everything about him to me is just so sexy. Plus I grew up on wrestling and have always been in love with Dwayne "the Rock' Johnson as well and he looks a lot like Rude.


I think we are lacking a little bit of Elena Fan art here...






Also since we talked a little bit about the bromance between Reno & Rude how about some thoughts on the relationship between Tseng and Elena??



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Where do you find such amazing pics?

Also since we talked a little bit about the bromance between Reno & Rude how about some thoughts on the relationship between Tseng and Elena??

Are we talking canonically here? I dunno, stuff keeps getting in the way. He asked her out and then he got stabbited up. Then after Meteor Elena tried to bring up the subject when they we're in the middle of a mission and Tseng was predictably non-plussed. So who knows? Maybe the new novel will give us something to go on, they seem to be partnered up and spending a lot of time in various hotel rooms. :awesome:

But honestly I don't know whats going on. I think Tseng thinks she's cute, but at the same time I think he could be trying to insulate himself. He knows Aerith is dead now (presumably) and I think that could scare him. Like he wouldn't want to get to close to Elena because of the nature of their work, he'd be devastated if something happened to her?

As for Elena, she wants to fuck his brains out :monster:


Great Old One
I can't really add anything to the conversation on neither topics. Lic and Octo covered it all so well.

I think, that for Tselena to happen, Tseng would have to reach his 40's or something and, I dunno, get a more relaxed view on life. And Elena has so much potential to be a great Turk he'd always sort of be in awe of her. Maybe she'd have other boyfriends in the meantime and grow tired of them - I do believe Elena's met the man of her dreams, so he'd always sort of linger in the background, until the inevitable struck.

Maybe they could retire to Costa del Sol and have a chocobo farm or something. Grin.
I see it being much sadder, because he is so much older and more world-weary than she is. In version 1, he resists his attraction to her, for various reasons; she wears him down because she's a force to be reckoned with as well as a Turk who completes her mission by whatever means necessary; he falls deeply in love with her, she has her fill of him, gets over her crush and dumps him for someone with less baggage. In version 2, he insultated himself from getting hurt to such an extent that he just uses her for sex because she won't stop throwing herself at him, and he ends up breaking her heart.

In a happy world, I could also see it working out like Fengu says. They would be like a Jane Austen couple; both the man and the woman have to overcome certain flaws in their characters before they are ready to make a lifetime committment to each other. In Jane Austen there are always two false bridegrooms that the heroine has to reject before she can accept the real one; one is usually a joke, the other is a possibility who seems attractive at first acqauaintance, but turns out to be a bad man. It would be a fun story to write.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I guess I think the whole Turk thing just isn't conducive to lasting relationships. I mean, its bad enough when one partner is working in a dangerous job, with the other one constantly worrying if they're going to come home, but both?

I think the best chance would be if the Turks were disbanded, but I can't see that happening, it's in the blood. Maybe the best they can hope for is lots and lots of no strings attached graphic sex :monster:


I guess I think the whole Turk thing just isn't conducive to lasting relationships. I mean, its bad enough when one partner is working in a dangerous job, with the other one constantly worrying if they're going to come home, but both?

I think a relationship with a Turk would be hard for anyone, but I think it would work out more with someone better who was a Turk as well. I mean the Turks are like a family, they stick up for each other and they have a bond that no one else understands. Yeah they do bad stuff and someone outside of the Turks wouldn't understand why they do the bad things they do. Imagine being someone totally outside of Shinra married to a Turk, that might be a lonely life, they are always away on "business" hardly get any time off and probably have to lie to you/hide a bunch of information. It probably wouldn't even be a real relationship/marriage. At least if they have the same job, they understand the work, have something in common, can talk openly and freely about how they feel about certain situations that might happen and probably see each other more often. No matter what kind of relationship your in you will always worry about each other. And ya being a Turk has a lot more risks than being a normal person. But fuck I don't even know what I'm saying anymore I just really want Elena and Tseng to be together!!! That's my point! Just Be Together!!!!! lol.
They make the window steamy at icicle Inn in the new novella. That's a start.
I always thought it was wonderful how in ACC she wouldn't leave him when the Remnants shot him, even though he ordered her to, but instead gave Reno Jenova's head and told him to get away, while she stayed behind to face almost certain death with the man she loved.

And look at him in my sig! Who can blame her?


Great Old One
They make the window steamy at icicle Inn in the new novella. That's a start.

Oh my, this reminded me of your totally excellent post on hito's summary :joy:

I made my own cut'n'paste fanfic!

"Meanwhile Tseng and Elena are at a beach house..."
"Tseng agrees to this, but it is himself and Elena who will be going."
"While Tseng and Elena wait in the helicopter..."
"Back at Icicle Inn, Tseng and Elena are now in the room adjacent to Evan and Kyrie's. Elena suggests Tseng gets some rest. He refuses and suggest Elena do so instead, but she seems to have little intention to do so...
"Thinking it must be Tseng or Elena he goes over and wipes the condensation away..."
"Tseng makes it to the spot..."
"Elena soon follows...."
"Elena hesitates and asks Tseng if he is serious, but Tseng gives the same reply...."
And they lived happily ever after.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I like the way they both look so shifty, and that Elena looks like some sort of cheeky 60's pin-up girl :lol:
Carry On Turking!

I also like this artist, ronchik. This looks like a woodcut, but I think it's just made to look like a woodcut. Tseng and Reno


Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei

there is a lot of RenoxCissnei and I don't rly ship it though


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
This one is great!


Obviously it looks like its just a preliminary sketch for a full colour piece but I love how they've captured her eyes and hair. Proper old school anime style :joy:

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
I've seen that one before and it is my ultimate favorite one of her I love that she's holding a gun too like that is pure Turks to me.
Speaking of Cissnei, I've always had a weakness for Reno/Cissnei, and for this cartoon - I love their faces. It's by alias-hugo at DA.


PS I can never remember what the code for tghe spoiler tag is.


Great Old One
Ahaha brilliant comic is brilliant XD

Spoiler tags are
[ SPOILER="Insert text to be clicked here"]Thing to hide here[/ SPOILER]

(Remove the little space before both SPOILERs)
Or, just reply on someone else's post and it will show their code :)











Thanks button pressed a million times.

Tjose BC Turk ones are great - what a fabulous artist (are they all by the same person?) I particularly love Nunchuk and Two-Guns. Shotgun's very sexy with her low-cut shirtless suit, but I doubt it would be very practical to go to work dressed like that! Veld would soon put a stop to that nonsense.
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