I see it being much sadder, because he is so much older and more world-weary than she is. In version 1, he resists his attraction to her, for various reasons; she wears him down because she's a force to be reckoned with as well as a Turk who completes her mission by whatever means necessary; he falls deeply in love with her, she has her fill of him, gets over her crush and dumps him for someone with less baggage. In version 2, he insultated himself from getting hurt to such an extent that he just uses her for sex because she won't stop throwing herself at him, and he ends up breaking her heart.
In a happy world, I could also see it working out like Fengu says. They would be like a Jane Austen couple; both the man and the woman have to overcome certain flaws in their characters before they are ready to make a lifetime committment to each other. In Jane Austen there are always two false bridegrooms that the heroine has to reject before she can accept the real one; one is usually a joke, the other is a possibility who seems attractive at first acqauaintance, but turns out to be a bad man. It would be a fun story to write.