The General Turks Worship Thread


Great Old One
That last one of Reno is one of my favorites. And the BC turks ones are so good!! Keep posting, Soak :excited:


I'm glad you are enjoying the pictures! I don't know who the artists are, I don't really make it a point to look. Sorry! But they look like the same person drew them. But here is some more pics in the meantime.














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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm glad you are enjoying the pictures! I don't know who the artists are, I don't really make it a point to look. Sorry! But they look like the same person drew them. But here is some more pics in the meantime.




I love that first one, I don't usually ship Reno/Elena but I like the naughty ear biting.

The second one makes me laugh, just the expression on the Tseng-dolls face - and the little ciggarette! :lol: Though it does kind of infuriate me when people get Elenas eye colour wrong. Her eyes are Brown! Just look at the official art ffs, its not difficult! >.<

I think the last one here is actually Rufus and Tseng :monster:


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
No worries, it happens quite alot that Elena and Rufus get confused. Plus in that pic they did give Rufus extra girly eyelashes! :lol:

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
What is Turk business, exactly? What keeps them busy at the office all day? I'm sure there's plenty of this:


But when they're not slacking off, what's their actual job description?

Cloud told Aerith that the Turks were involved in 'dirty business' - spying, kidnapping, and murder. In the course of the OG, we see them carrying out the following missions:
1. Reno's fairly unenthusiastic attempt to kidnap Aerith - as if he did not know where she lived
2. The Turks shaking down Don Corneo for information on the man with the gun arm
3. Reno dropping the plate on Sector 7, presumably on orders from Heidegger and/or the President
4. Tseng watching over Aerith and attempting to talk her into working with Shinra.
5. Tracking Sephiroth (or the party) through the Mythril Mines.
6. Body-guarding Rufus in Junon, but mostly boozing and gambling.
7. Waylaying the party for no obvious raisin in Gongaga. They are acting on information provided to them by Cait Sith - but what exactly were they planning to do if they defeated Cloud and Co? Take them captive? Who then would deal with Sephiroth? I thought the plan, by this stage of the game, was to let Avalanche chase Sephiroth and solve the mystery, and then step in to claim the prize when the Promised Land had been found.
7a. Tseng bodyguarding (?) Scarlet while she searches for huge materia.
8. More boozing in Wutai, interrupted by the need to join forces with Avalanche in order to rescue Elena from Don Corneo.
9. Kidnapping Marlene to use her as a hostage for Avalanche's good behaviour.
10. Tseng and Reeve working in tandem to steal the keystone.
11. Tseng and Elena searching the Temple of the Ancients for clues to the promised land.
[after this I get a bit hazy on the order of events]
12. Elena taking some squaddies to Icicle Inn in order to punch Cloud in the face.
13. I think Rude is bodyguarding Rufus at the Northern Crater?
14. Rude is supervising the loading of the Huge Materia at Rocket Town
15. Reno is supervising the loading of the Huge Materia at Junon submarine docks.
16. Reno and Rude are trying to recover powerful weaponry from the sunken Gelnika.
17. Reno, Rude and Elena confront the party in the tunnels of Midgar for one last battle - or not.

It appears to me, therefore, that their primary functions are:
- protection of the President
- protection of company secrets
- the uncovering of secrets that might profit the company
The spying, kidnapping and murder is carried out as necessary to further those ends. In fact all the actual spying is carried out by Cait Sith. The Turks are very conspicuous: they wear distinctive suits and they are noticeably sexier than your average member of the population. It's hard to see them blending in enough to make good spies.

It's also clear that they sometimes have the regular army under their command: Reno in Aerith's church, Elena in Icicle Inn, and Rude in Rocket Town are all in charge of small squads of soldiers.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I love Reno's socks there :lol:

7. Waylaying the party for no obvious raisin in Gongaga. They are acting on information provided to them by Cait Sith - but what exactly were they planning to do if they defeated Cloud and Co? Take them captive? Who then would deal with Sephiroth? I thought the plan, by this stage of the game, was to let Avalanche chase Sephiroth and solve the mystery, and then step in to claim the prize when the Promised Land had been found.

Yeah, this was a bit weird. I don't think they we're really relying on Avalanche to solve anything. It would make more sense to rough them up and then pump them for information on Sephiroth's whereabouts I guess.

At this point nobody really has any idea about Sephiroth, as in they know he was very strong, but they have no reason to believe he is stronger than he used to be (except maybe Hojo, who was keeping schtum about the whole thing) so I don't think they thought there'd be a problem taking him down, even if it did require a full scale military operation. Though obviously it was better for them once the promised land was located?

7a. Tseng bodyguarding (?) Scarlet while she searches for huge materia.
I actually have no idea why Tseng was there. The conversation was a bit weird, when she says shes looking for huge materia and had he 'seen any?' Just seemed a bit odd, like how would he know? :huh:

It's also clear that they sometimes have the regular army under their command: Reno in Aerith's church, Elena in Icicle Inn, and Rude in Rocket Town are all in charge of small squads of soldiers.

I dunno if it makes a difference but I thought those guys where Military Police, rather than the actual army. The uniform is the same anyway:

Then again, by FFVII Turks are under Heideggers command along with the army, so I guess it wouldn't be that unusual for them to command soliders themselves on occasion.


Great Old One
Found these on Tumblr.





Also, have a look at this post on Tumblr. It's really interesting. I don't think this is a manga, but if it is - holy cow.
Some Turk fun from tumblr (I'm sure you've all seen these already)


by zyephens-insanity @ deviantart

and drunk Turks:


by yane-chan @deviantart. I love Elena in that one - she's just quite happily getting pissed and not needing to throw herself at anyone. You go girl.


I feel like I haven't posted in forever.....









Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That last one can only end badly....or goodly, depending on how you look at it :monster:

I mean, I did art history at uni dontchaknow so I like...know about symbolisim in art and shit and there are LEMONS ALL OVER THE FLOOR! The meaning of this piece could not be clearer :lol:

I knew that degree would come in handy one day!


Great Old One
Damn Soak!! You post the most amazing pics :excited:
I lovelovelove the "finding Rufus" one - looks like the same artist that did the one Lic posted where Reno is at his desk and has funny socks on. Do you know if the artist has a DA or a pixiv account?
That Tseng/Elena is one of my favourites, and that "Finding Rufus" is another one I really love, with Elena hugging him and Tseng wiping his eyes and Rufus actually looking weak and Reno and Rude all like 'mission accomplished' in the background.

I like how in the bathtub scene, Rude's got little bubble horns. You speak truth about the lemons, Octo.

Jaqen H'ghar

A man knows.
Sully, Nine, Huntress, Relm Arrowny, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Jon Snow, Spider-Woman, Jessica Drew, Cissnei
Love the BCGirls one, though for some reason now I have Telephone stuck in my head I guess it's the combination of the poses and the measurement thing in the background.


Great Old One
I'm usually not a big cosplay fan, but I do like this Tselena one.

Also, I now have a finished draft of my RudexTifa fic... only ten more rewrites and we're good to go \o/


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
That Tseng seems to be saying 'Son, I am disappoint!' :lol:
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