The General Turks Worship Thread

Hi guys how's it goin'? :desu:

Just want to share my disappointment about a certain Turk fanfic with a RufusxTifa pairing. I noticed something off about it and found out that it's plagiarized from this story. I wanted to report the author (she's currently active and I suspect some of her stories are plagiarisms as well) but I have to have an account before I could.

I know this happens a lot and sorry for ranting, I just hate it when you find something interesting and realize many chapters later that it's stolen work :@ I know most of you guys are fanfiction authors, so be careful, watch out for fakers like this! :shifty:


All plagiarism is bad, but stealing from commercially published fiction is positively dangerous and could bring unwelcome attention from the legal profession on the entire fanfic community!

Thanks for letting me know, Pug.


Pro Adventurer
I've missed so much again. Unlucky - those are great drawings. I agree with everyone who says draw more.


Just wow. Thank you.

@ Prince Lex - "that one with the funky grey-ish coloured hair from Before Crisis" - Two Guns, or Martial Arts f.? Two Guns is my favourite BC Turk. He's got to rival Reno for how to do Turk uniform casual style.

@ Licorice - oh that Crank Dat Reno! I love it so hard. Tseng manages to look so serious even dancing like a dad at a school disco.

So this is how I make playing on Wii Sports Resort with the kids more interesting and Turk-relevant:


You get the idea. It makes these games so much more fun. I'm going to make the BC Turks next, but there are very limited options for hair etc. so Two Guns is going to be tricky.
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@ Prince Lex - "that one with the funky grey-ish coloured hair from Before Crisis" - Two Guns, or Martial Arts f.? Two Guns is my favourite BC Turk. He's got to rival Reno for how to do Turk uniform casual style.

Yes, Two Guns!



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
:lol: Morello those are hilarious, I like the steely determination in Tseng and Rufus' expressions there.
I want to play Wii Sports now! Cherry, those are great. I'm picturing them on one of those departmental-bonding corporate weekend things. If you feel like it, you should put them up on tumblr and see what happens. I bet they'll be reblogged all over the place.

Speaking of sports, I was wondering yesterday, as I was cutting up the potatoes for supper and listening on youtube to "Soul Limbo" by Booker T and the MGs, which, as you all know, is the BBC Test Match theme music, what each Turk's favourite sport would be. The list I came up with is as follows:

Tseng: tennis - because it's mano a mano and he's in complete control of his own game; he only pays doubles under duress
Reno: I can imagine him playing something really fast and brutal like lacrosse or hurling (because he's Irish). I think he'd like team sports, and the drinking in the pub afterwards
Rude: rugby. Just imagine him in a Barbarians jersey and those short shorts. Soak, this mental image is for you.
Elena: jolly hockey sticks? I think she'd be into every sport going, and definitely she'd be the Captain of the girl's soccer team. She'd always be putting herself in to play as a striker but actually be better in defense.
Rufus: cricket. Because of the whites. Because it's so civilized. A hundred before teatime, some polite applause, and then into the clubhouse for Pimms and cucumber sandwiches. He would be his team's top batsman. Can't you see him effortlessly knocking that ball all over the field, making the opposition run whereever he wanted them to go? And I think he'd enjoy using all the cricketing jargon.

While we're on the sporting theme, here's a wierd picture I found on tumblr of the Turks going undercover at a tennis tournament. I think it's meant to be a crossover with Prince of Tennis. Rufus is in the paralympics.



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Lic, now I'm looking at that pic of AC Tseng in your sig and thinking 'thats not a bandage its a sweatband!' :lol:


Rude: rugby. Just imagine him in a Barbarians jersey and those short shorts. Soak, this mental image is for you

I thank thee for that wonderful mental image. Kassi should totally incoporate this image in the fic she's writing for me.

P.S I can also see Rude in the sport of UFC fighting. I think he would totally be good at that, and for the fact that he would be almost naked. :P


Pro Adventurer
Mmm Rude in shorts... Rude almost naked...

I think those sports are spot on for the Turks Licorice. Tseng could also play polo of course - on his unicorn.


Cloud's new limit break - LBW!
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"It's the second ball of the third over. There's an hour of daylight left, and the score stands at Shinra all out for 412, Avalanche 340 for eight. Now Rufus comes in to bowl - the delivers one of his trademark googlies - Cloud's taken a punt - it's going straight to Rude at mid-off, and - he's - caught it! Out! Cloud's out for a duck!"

(I love cricket commentaries).

That picture is perfect, Cherry. May I, may I, have it for my new sig?

Rude would also look pretty good in Aussie Rules football kit.
Oh, hell - he'd look good in anything. A racing skater's aerodynamic catsuit. Silk boxing shorts and a loosely tied dressing gown. A Speedo. Anything.


Thanks Lic. I also reported the story and gave a review as a guest. I just checked on it and the story has been taken down. :cthulhu:

I'm lovin this topic about the Turks and sports. Agree with everyone's ideas, especially Rufus playing cricket and Rude being into rough sports.

I can see Reno doing something like motocross, or any other extreme sport. Just suits him perfectly. I can also see Elena preferring something rough like kick-boxing (lol, is that a sport?) or fencing.

I can imagine Tseng enjoying swimming, but I know one thing for sure:



Pro Adventurer
"It's the second ball of the third over. There's an hour of daylight left, and the score stands at Shinra all out for 412, Avalanche 340 for eight. Now Rufus comes in to bowl - the delivers one of his trademark googlies - Cloud's taken a punt - it's going straight to Rude at mid-off, and - he's - caught it! Out! Cloud's out for a duck!"

(I love cricket commentaries).

That picture is perfect, Cherry. May I, may I, have it for my new sig?

Love the commentary! And yes, please do - I'm glad you like it. Here's the link if you need it:
I thought you might like to see my cuddlies:



I posted my Barret in the rants against fandom thread.


Pro Adventurer
tardis60, dephinia
My mom mentioned her hairdresser was taking his mother to 'Turks and Caicos' -- it was the first time I'd ever heard of them and I was thrilled!



I like how 'Grand Turk' is the tip of the most phallic island. Like it's a colloquialism for a male Turk's tackle. :D:neo:



Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I'm surprised you hadn't come across that before Kassi, nearly everytime I google 'Turks' and forget to include 'FFVII' I get bombarded with holiday advertisements :lol:

Also, it doesn't say on that map but the capital of Turks and Caicos is 'Cockburn Town' huhhuhhuhuhuhhuh (butthead laugh) which just happens to be located on Grand Turk!


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I never thought I would find Tseng's real-life doppleganger. I thought he was just too perfect to be real. But somebody on tumblr found him! Follow this link and see:

No idea who he is. he's not the "Kim Bum" (no jokes please) of the tag.


.....I think I have to go and do some very bad things now....

Is it possible to ask the blogger who he actually is?

EDIT: I've just spent the best part of 30 minutes staring at those pics....
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Pro Adventurer
Thank you Licorice - this was the most fun research I've done! It seems that your gorgeous Tseng doppelganger is Kim Bum, otherwise known as Kim Sang (Tseng?) Bum, or Kim Beom. Those photos are from a soap (appropriately enough) as far as I can make out, called "Padam Padam" in which he plays a kind of guardian angel. Apparently he lost weight for the role which is why he looks much leaner in the face than in most of his photos.


I found this info in a Turk-like style, by searching for "Kim Bum shirtless"! I have no shame.

He also rocks the Two Guns look:


I always knew Tseng could go street if he felt like it :D

Here's the link to a Wikipedia page about him:
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Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
What he's only 22!? I feel like such a perv now.......

*goes back to perving...


Wooo my age! I have to say, although he looks like Tseng, he is a much hotter version of him. Sorry :P.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
So then, we found a RL Tseng and Rude, now we need to find a RL Reno and Elena....I think Reno is going to be the trickiest :lol:
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