All the asides of FFVIII-bashing in this thread have made me want to clutch it to my bosom and protect it, like the bruised and battered, dark horse, red-headed stepchild [Classic] that it is.
Hot take: I'd rather replay FF8 than ANY of the entries that came later...yes...INCLUDING FF9 and 10!! Dun-dun-dun!!!
I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy those games a good deal. But, y'know, I can't say I've ever been, say, a mass-produced weapon in the form of a black orb whose only tangible body parts are a pair of yellow eyes, wrestling with the implications of my creation. I
have, however, been a teenager. I have experienced the feeling that the maelstrom of my emotions and my personal relationships are things of high drama and importance, capable of initiating an apocalypse or a rapture with every new development. I have struggled with abandonment issues, hid behind veils of bravado or apathy, pondered the things to be gained by exposing your soft personal underbelly to people around you and truly letting them in, versus the potential of being scarred forever by doing so. Sometimes I think a lot of the distaste for the game essentially amounts to a subconscious frustration with a person who clearly behaves like an asshole, but who is nonetheless constantly draped in the attentions of attractive, available women
Don't worry FFVIII, you'll be safe with me...