The hate base on the internet


You d-dummy!
I-it's not like I wanted you to know my ACF username or anything! I-idiot! (Magitek)
If thats the reason you dislike it, you REALLY shouldn't be here on an FFVII forum associating with us.

I explicitly stated that I don't hate the game and implicitly stated that I like the game because it's awesome. Reading comprehension is a must for FFVII forums and stuff.

And anyway, it's a better reason than anyone else has come up with for FFVII hate.
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Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
I explicitly stated that I don't hate the game and implicitly stated that I like the game because it's awesome. Reading comprehension is a must for FFVII forums and stuff.

And clarity is greatly appreciated by all FFVII members. Saying stuff like, "It's an awesome game, but I can see why people hate it" isn't really clear at first glance... even if you're talking about people who hate it just because they hate the people who like it. I had to scroll up to catch what you were saying in the beginning.

And what is this about people hating the game because it's more popular than the others? Are the other games going to get jealous?

Who does that?!


You d-dummy!
I-it's not like I wanted you to know my ACF username or anything! I-idiot! (Magitek)
And what is this about people hating the game because it's more popular than the others? Are the other games going to get jealous?

Who does that?!

To that, I have no answer. You could say that people who value independent thinking would say otherwise, but meh. I'm not a sociologist.


Logic of hating something through association of fanbase is equivalent to:

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is a bad film. I hate Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush.


You d-dummy!
I-it's not like I wanted you to know my ACF username or anything! I-idiot! (Magitek)
In any case, the hate is certainly there. Whether it has to do with the fanbase or not is up to interpretation. Simply stating that the hate doesn't exist because you disagree with the hate doesn't make you right though. :/ Just my two cents.


There are reasonable reasons to hate the game. Hating something for its fandom is just dumb though. The way fans react to something doesn't reflect anything from a work itself.

Max Caulfield

shaka brah
Chi, Trollzaya, Dean Winchester, Black Widow
And, if someone were to judge a game based on the fans, they might miss a great one. Which will be completely their fault.


I Am the Darkness, I'm the Monster
It's not that FFVII sucks or anything. Cause in reality it's an amazing game. But some people who would otherwise agree with you are turned off by the fact that FFVII gets more love than any other installment in the whole series. And some of the more vocal fans of it just make hating it all that much easier.

tl;dr: So yeah, it's good and all, but I don't think the hate is unfounded.

I believe the reason that happens is because of what many fans of FFVII and other franchises do, the "ZOMG BEST GAEM/MOVIE/SHOW EVAR!!!111" syndrome (and Twilight twitards are the prime example of that). They like it so much they try to make other people believe it's the most awesome thing on the planet and sometimes tend to forget that not everyone will agree with them. I've known a few like that and admittedly, I sometimes got like that myself to an extent before, tho it was more on annoying, long-winded rants.

I found out from my old bestie once that apparently another friend of mine was complaining to her about how much I would talk about FFVII to him (tho I wasn't trying to glorify it, plus he was a fan of FFVII as well), even after I had asked him before if I was ranting too much, but he never said no. (Yet another time when someone wasn't honest with me >_>.) I try not to do that anymore now cuz I don't like to annoy people so yeah xD.

Anyway, it would annoy fans of other FFs alot because they try to glorify FFVII (especially when they haven't played the other FFs) and it often becomes an annoying problem. I myself am a huge fan of FFVII, but I know enough to realize not everyone agrees with me and I don't push it on fans of other FFs.

~ Raz
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We have come to terms
More irony. We are now critiquing the fanbase of FFVII on a website made by fans of FFVII for fans of FFVII.

What I find ironic was that the original purpose of this thread was to discuss the hate base for FFVII on the internet.
This...not ironic.

There are reasonable reasons to hate the game. Hating something for its fandom is just dumb though. The way fans react to something doesn't reflect anything from a work itself.
Even if I knew nothing about it (which I didn't at the time LOL), I never cared to read Twilight based on the behavior of the fans - and if you think this isn't justified, Nutty Madame would like a word.

On the other hand, I ended up reading it just to see HOW BAD it was...

But this is pretty much back to the same conversation as before. XD


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
^ Oy, get on MSN ;.;


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The amusing thing about this thread currently is that it's a fan of VI talking about fans of VII aggrandizing the game as the 'best ever' and hating it because of it.

VI and VII are the two most hyped games in the series.


You d-dummy!
I-it's not like I wanted you to know my ACF username or anything! I-idiot! (Magitek)
The amusing thing about this thread currently is that it's a fan of VI talking about fans of VII aggrandizing the game as the 'best ever' and hating it because of it.

VI and VII are the two most hyped games in the series.

So wait, a FFVI fan can't like FFVI on a FFVII forum? I don't hate FFVII and as I previously stated, I don't have a problem with the game or its fans.

If you want to see people hating on FFVII for the fanbase, check out the Caves of Narshe and talk about how Cloud is your childhood hero. I'm sure you will get funny looks and the forum regulars will sigh in annoyance.

Some of you guys need to widen your perspectives a bit.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
So wait, a FFVI fan can't like FFVI on a FFVII forum?

He was just saying that he found it ironic that a FFVI fan would find the overhyping of FFVII by its diehards annoying given that VI is equally overhyped by its diehards. Of course, you may or may not find the overhyping of VI annoying as well (you've not said), so it may not be ironic at all.

You're free to like FFVI however much you want here, by the way, and you'll probably find that VII isn't even the favorite of most of the members on this forum.


You d-dummy!
I-it's not like I wanted you to know my ACF username or anything! I-idiot! (Magitek)
Of course, you may or may not find the overhyping of VI annoying as well (you've not said), so it may not be ironic at all.

Honestly, no, I don't care about overhype on either side of the fence. I would clearly be guilty of this myself, so finding the overhype on FFVI annoying would be hypocritical.


Even if I knew nothing about it (which I didn't at the time LOL), I never cared to read Twilight based on the behavior of the fans - and if you think this isn't justified, Nutty Madame would like a word.

On the other hand, I ended up reading it just to see HOW BAD it was...

But this is pretty much back to the same conversation as before. XD

But Twilight fans are HILARIOUS, and by no means any more crazy or annoying than say... Harry Potter fans :monster: But Twilight is one of those special cases where the book is just as annoying as the fandom. Granted... most fandoms ARE annoying, especially if it's for something really popular.

Another example: I find Avatar the Last Airbender fandom totally annoying, but the way the fandom acts doesn't tell you anything about the show itself. If I were to judge a work by its fandom, then it'd mean that ATLA is a animated soap opera about Zuko and Katara's torrid love affair. Which is just dumb. It's not justified because an overenthusiastic/dumb fanbase is not directly associated with the work itself.

Tres brought up comic book fandom, which is probably the most perfect example ever.

At the same time, I do think it's reasonable to say "I don't really like this person/this person has bad taste/etc. so I probably won't like this work." Or even "this work reminds me of something/someone I do not like, therefore I cannot enjoy it" is perfectly fine too, imo. But those are very different from saying "the way this person/fandom acts reflects negatively on the work itself."

Because really, when it comes to fandom, I think it's pretty much a given to operate under the notion that it's going to be filled with psychos and crazies.


We have come to terms
I have been saying from the start that the work reminds me of things I do not like, and it takes away from my enjoyment. XD


White Knight
Thamauturge (IMDb and Gamefaqs), Haeralis, Haeralis the Brave, Wiegraf, and JudgeMagisterDelita
In this thread: fail troll
I have to say the hate base for FF7 bothers me a helluva lot less than the lack-of-fanbase for FF Tactics. So underrated.

Well, FFT is the best game ever in my opinion. Though I think that WOTL is the definitive version for its amazing script. The old one was good, but it was no where near as amazing as WOTL in my honest opinion.

Thatt makes so sense.

The same can be said for most of Magitek's posts.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Some of you guys need to widen your perspectives a bit.
See again, why is it "You don't see things my way, therefore YOU need to broaden your horizons, even though I refuse to see things your way."? Because they don't see things the exact same way you do?

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