The Last Guardian


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000

well as long as it is still coming out...

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good

So, the early hands-on reactions to the gameplay are incessant complaints that this game plays exactly the way the two previous games from this development team did, and precisely the way anyone who played those games would expect it to.

How do most video game "journalists" have their job and I don't?


Harbinger O Great Justice
Seriously, even if it plays like SotC HD where the controls are still kinda muddy, that the folks who've been looking forward to it will still enjoy it, because fans of that game still enjoyed it.

I feel like we already can call that this'll be one of those games where the user vs. critic score is gonna be insanely different.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I was expecting a game that played and handled the same as Ico and SotC. All of the things that are being listed as disappointments are all things I was expecting from the game. I mean, it sounds like the dog is behaving exactly the way Yorda did in Ico. THIS IS WHAT WE WERE EXPECTING. If anyone actually expected anything different they only have themselves to blame.

I do like that the people in that video seemed to be pointing this out, and that they also pointed out that all the hype is the fault of the fans. Because it is.


Pro Adventurer
Well, regarding the controls, it's fair to ask "what did you expect?", but it's also fair to criticise them if they're still not great. Just because something was bad a long time ago doesn't mean it's alright for it to be bad now. :P And it was bad; I gave up on Ico pretty quickly, and the controls were part of the reason why.


Pro Adventurer
It's been so long that I can't tell you exactly what I found wrong with them, just that they felt janky and unintuitive.


Higher Further Faster
The animation could be kind of comical but I never disliked the controls in either of those games.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It's been so long that I can't tell you exactly what I found wrong with them, just that they felt janky and unintuitive.
They felt that way on purpose. Just as Agro in SotC (and now Trico in TLG) by design doesn't always do precisely what you want him to. They're supposed to be animals rather than motorcycles, and Ico was supposed to be a kid thrown into a dungeon rather than a skilled warrior.

I expect this will play like a combination of "ICO" and SotC.


Pro Adventurer
OK, fine. But I'm going to paraphrase something Jason always says about the FFX laughing scene (sorry): just because something is supposed to be bad doesn't make it not-bad. :P

Ghost X

I like the look of the game myself. In just a few minutes of me watching it, the gameplay video of it captures the genuine innocence of the dog thing, and has me concerned for it :P.
If what the earlier video predicts about the dog dying turns out to be true, I would also be gutted :P.
I guess my only concern would be how long the game is (the longer the better), and whether it will keep the player entertained throughout (or will it be repetitive). It'd be good to see the relationship develop somehow between the boy and the dog thing. Also what about replay value?


The Sublimely Magnificent One
I never had a problem with the controls in SotC, aside from the occasional difficulty in determining which direction to push when I wanted to go "up."

Granted, if I was trying to climb up a 50 foot long flying snake monster a hundred feet in the air traveling at a bajilion miles an hour and holding on for dear life as it executed barrel rolls, I'd have a hard time figuring out what "up" was too.


OK, fine. But I'm going to paraphrase something Jason always says about the FFX laughing scene (sorry): just because something is supposed to be bad doesn't make it not-bad. :P

Maybe a more diplomatic way of looking at it is you dislike the controls of the game as they are intended. I also had problems adapting to ICO's controls (especially going for the speedrun trophy), but I adapted eventually. It's OK to see the controls as a negative if they're not for you, I certainly do. But I wouldn't call them "bad".


unsavory tart
It's like the RE debate, I don't like the old tank controls, but there are people out there that will live and die by it because it's suppose to bring a certain weight and sense to it. It's deliberate, but it's alienating.

Long before people criticizing the Last Guardian, I've seen a lot of people go out and explain why Ico's and SoC's controls were perfect for the game because it made things more difficult. Not in a "explain everything away" but as a legitimate gameplay-narrative synergy thing. I had problems with the controls, but I see what they were going at. It's likely they are going for the same thing.


Eyes of the Lord
OK, fine. But I'm going to paraphrase something Jason always says about the FFX laughing scene (sorry): just because something is supposed to be bad doesn't make it not-bad. :P

But makes for a well thought out product where all creative choices are cohesive with the rest of the experience .
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