The Last of Us


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Right so, my brother gave me this. And I was enjoying it more or less, although I was getting kind of annoyed with the combat bits - especially when you're fighting bandit/cannibal twats, and especially as you can see those bits coming a mile off when you enter an area and shit is strewn about specifically to hide behind in a shootout.

But now I'm up to the bit where they've decided that ALL OF A SUDDEN that brick/bottle throwing element IS REALLY IMPORTANT and this one specific guy who is just a HUMAN doesn't respond to stabbing even if you sneak up/ambush him.

And I've just been killed like 678 times in a row and narrowly avoided smashing the shit out of the PS3 and the TV in frustration. And this is me playing on easy mode as usual :monster:

But yeah, I hate it when this happens because the game just stops being fun really fucking quickly. And I probably won't play it again now for like a week, and then I'll be like 'oh yeah lets play Last of Us oh no I wont because its that bit'

The story is good though, I do wish there was less combat but I think that puts me in the minority.


AI Researcher
tbh i with naughty dog (specifically with uncharted and tlou) would give the combat stuff a bit of a rest. i enjoy the games but then you're just sat there killing wave after wave of men and i'm just like, get on with it already. and then you walk a little bit and see a clearing with conveniently placed cover objects and oh fuck not this again.

i like the games but the combat isn't what i like the most about them (which is probably why i've never been that bothered about any of the multiplayer online modes)


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Octo, please make a YouTube channel and just have a ranting Let's Play. I'd pay to see/hear it <3


Honestly I don't know what it is about Naughty Dog's recent games that I love so much, because I understand the frustration with combat Hito mentions.

Like I see people calling them "Naughty Gods" and basically worshipping them and I'm happily clapping away in agreement because I frickin love these games, but when I stop to examine them they're linear and repetitive, and I question myself. To be real for a second, the stories are never really all that deep or interesting (The Last of Us is an obvious exception here, the story is brilliant in TLoU) and really neither are the characters. The dialogue is great and I love them, but they're not particularly nuanced or deep.

Idk. I can't pinpoint what I love about them, I just know that when I pick up the controller I have a shitload of fun playing the games and I do care about the characters. I think it must just be how well done everything is. The gameplay is brilliant/ fun, everything looks beautiful and they've certainly set a standard for jaw-dropping spectacle in video games. In terms of fun gameplay, I definitely prefer the frantic pace of Uncharted over The Last of Us, but The Last of Us does just about everything else better.

I'm kind of playing devil's advocate with my own brain here. Technically the structure of Uncharted and TLoU is something I've been very vocal against (linearity etc) in the past, but that's when I'm talking about RPG's. They're the kind of games I'd associate with brainless idiots if I was a gaming elitist or something. But they're just so fucking fun XD.

This is why I'm so excited for Uncharted 4. It looks to take the best of both and mix them together. It's still the craziness of Uncharted but the story seems like it'll be a bit deeper, and I'm good with that.


AI Researcher
I don't think in terms of concept neither uncharted or tlou are super unique but it manages to pull it off because they are well written (whether in terms of depth or just entertainment). I like the bits in uncharted where you're exploring or listening to the characters, or tlou where you are going through abandoned house and stuff. The world more than the combat, I guess? I would just like more of that and the exploration rather than killing lots of people

And for tlou to have had more of its combat being directed at the infected and less at humans. I get the whole 'maybe people are the deadliest danger!!' thing but it always bugs me when 'monster' games end up putting you up against more humans than their signature monsters (looking at you, the order 1886)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Ok so I completed this
T'was pretty good. I think I would have done the same thing in Joel's position.

Cos really, yes things are fucking shit, but it seems to me that it's a combination of the powers that be, and peoples innate selfisness/stupidity/cruelty keeping it that way. And I dunno, you've been looking after this kid who is decent, smart, hopeful for the future and you think 'it's not worth her dying to possibly find a cure'

Lets assume that a cure was found - is there any guarantee that everyone would get it? Most likely scenario would be that an elite get hold of it, keep it for themselves, have the rest of us killed, or exploited or whatever. Or else people find out about it and run riot. Because never underestimate the human ability to step on the face of your fellow man.

Or maybe I'm a pessimist :monster:

Is it worth paying for Left Behind?

re: Uncharted I never got to grips with it, played the first one but was shite at the combat elements, and there seemed to be a lot of combat so meh.

Ami said:
Octo, please make a YouTube channel and just have a ranting Let's Play. I'd pay to see/hear it <3

I'd like to but I'd get abused to death in the comments for being rubbish. Plus I don't have the tech :monster:
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AI Researcher
i would recommend left behind since while there are more combat bits, they're interspaced with exploration parts that felt different to what the main game offered and also it'd not terribly long anyway

Clement Rage

Pro Adventurer
Wow, that was quick. How did Mass Effect go?

TLOU wasn't all that special as a story, but it was executed brilliantly until the ending. (Also Amy Hennig is pretty much always brilliant.) I liked the look of it from the first time I watched a demo. I did have a couple of issues with it, though.

1. No non infected women with guns as random enemies.

2. The ending would have been more of a decision if the Fireflies actions made more sense. You do not destroy your only sample the instant you get it. If you do, do not tell the man that cut a path across the US to bring her here alone (where you lost half your crew) and is still cut up about losing his daughter, until after the operation. If you do tell him, do not then leave him with one guard and lots of guns.

Agreed on combat, it seems to be a trend these days. I miss the old days, with fewer, more difficult enemies over hordes of weak ones. It legit doesn't make sense, after the first twelve or so get killed, most bandits would probably leave you alone.

Meh, nothing wrong with linearity if the path is compelling.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Wow, that was quick. How did Mass Effect go?

Shh! Lex will hear you! I'm going to get back to it soon-ish. Though I'm kind of tempted to skip straight to ME2 :monster:

1. No non infected women with guns as random enemies.

2. The ending would have been more of a decision if the Fireflies actions made more sense. You do not destroy your only sample the instant you get it. If you do, do not tell the man that cut a path across the US to bring her here alone (where you lost half your crew) and is still cut up about losing his daughter, until after the operation. If you do tell him, do not then leave him with one guard and lots of guns.

It did seem a little weird that there were hardly any female bandits. I can't remember....maybe it was hinted at but it would have been moar interesting/moral conundrum if you found out that some of these bandits/cannibals have kids and families and shit.

Also I guess it was asking too much of the system but it was a bit stupid how like, the molotov cockatil guys were always the same black dude with the red jacket and a gas mask, etc etc. Would have been more interesting to mix it up so you don't always know what to expect.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
It's easily slipped into my top five, if not ten, games of all time. There was just so much going on and the character developments of Joel and Ellie was absolutely perfect. I can't wait to hear more about the sequel (if it's still going ahead) and it was a great experience to do a Let's Play of it on my channel.

I might post more later, but I'm honestly gobsmacked by how fantastic it was.


A bit of advice for you both: the game is best played in a bit of a marathon, so maybe over a weekend or something. It's totally completable in two-three days, I wouldn't recommend stretching it out too far, but a week is good (like either marathon weekend or every day after work scenario). Because of the story, it's not the kind of game you want to play then leave for a bit.

Don't let that put you off, play it however you want. But if you want the best impact re: story, try to play it consistently. It's not a ridiculously long game, but it's not super short either. It's just good to have a fairly fresh memory of everything that's happened while you play, if that makes sense. Treat it like you would a Netflix season that you're really enjoying :monster:


Playing this game like



*tries to be stealthy*
*accidentally alerts somebody*
*ends up having to kill the entire neighborhood*

It's like playing MGSV all over again.


I just finished the game. It's past 1am and I need to sleep because I feel empty and emotionally exhausted. v_v


Someone else needs to post something because this is my fifth post in a row :monster:

Anyway, played around in photo mode again:














So, the ending and other stuff.

The way they ended it on Joel bullshitting Ellie (who doesn't seem to buy it because she isn't dumb) and the fact that in the end, it really was for nothing. Just, kinda depressing.
I just feel bad for Ellie because she went through all this because she thought it would mean something but then Joel decides to be selfish.
And at the same time, his reaction is relatable. I can't even blame him.
And then again, the Fireflies are dicks. They didn't even get consent from Ellie and the eagerness to immediately kill the one person who might hold the key to a cure before doing more extensive testing seems kinda like they didn't know what the fuck they were doing.
Yeah whatever, just scoop out the brain, seems legit.

Eitherway, it was heartbreaking that in the end everything was basically just one long, bloody (in the literal sense) roadtrip and nothing more.

But yeah, I enjoyed that journey. Characters and dialogue were pretty good.

Henry and Sam, man. That double-whammy death. =(
Had to stop the game there for a bit.

Gameplay stuff: Enjoyed the gameplay. It wasn't amazing but good enough. Always enjoy doing stealth takedowns in games.
Sneaking around Clickers and such always feels pretty intense.
I remember sneaking by that Bloater in the university dorm. Made it to the door and of course they force you to make noise to open it and the entire dorm comes running.

Had to burn the fuckers with flamethrower. It was very satisfying :wacky:
The flamethrower ended up being one of those things where I'm like "I'll save this up for when I really need it" and then I never used it again :lol:

I've been pretty late to the party for this one although it meant I could just get the improved PS4 port for less than full price so it's not all that bad. :monster:
A sequel would be day one for me though. I kinda wanna see what becomes of Joel and Ellie. If they even appear at all.

I wanna pet a giraffe. :sadpanda:


So we need to find a way to make this thread easily searchable, does anyone have any suggestions? Something to put in the title so it comes up in searches, because I have trouble every time I'm looking for it.
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