The Love Triangle Debate: Another Turn in the Cycle

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Pro Adventurer
That One Person You Don't Like Talking To
*lol* I don't even know whats going on with the german version. Anyone got a link for that?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
In the novels, no, she calls Cloud her lover. And Tifa is a lover [of Cloud]. I guess Cloud's both of their lovers. Good for Cloud.

There is an argument that it's written strictly from her perspective so she can get shit wrong, although that boils down into figuring out author's intent.

It's not that she's wrong, exactly, but that Cloud is her beloved- IE: She is stating her love for Cloud, and hoping it's returned.

Oh, and Hi Shroudy.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
By the way, the infamous spirit sex fanfic, since someone asked about it, is apparently here. Allegedly. I haven't read it but from what I've heard it merits a trigger warning just from how bad it is.


Pro Adventurer
I've seen a few fics with grammar so bad it physically hurts to try to read them. For some reason I bookmarked some into a folder specifically for fics with bad grammar, though I can't remember why.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Just cause it was recently found, I wanted to post it here.

RE: Cloud's light:

As a symbol of light, like Sephiroth, it’s possible that she too was incorporeal. That last scene where she goes off to search for Cloud, you could say, is a metaphor for how Cloud’s light still hasn’t lost him, even though he’s disappeared off with his darkness, and it is trying to shine on him again… I’m pretty sure I didn’t manage to get all that across very well.



That Man
I said it before, I'll say it as many times as needed: Harem Route.

It's the only route that makes sense in a video game where Trophies and Achievements are what give people meaning and purpose.

Especially in a remake! :monster:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Hmmm... I suppose we'll be making a new LTD thread when the Remake is released?


That thread is going to be so much fun to watch...


Higher Further Faster
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I want date scenes for the entire party (save Cait Sith, since he's too busy stealing the keystone). I want a trophy for each one.


^Me too!

And, you know, there are justifications for the rest who don't date in the OG :D

Nanaki - Still worried by the conversation they just had in the hotel - indeed, he can relate to Cloud most [not that either knew about the Shinra Manor experimentation stuff at the time, but both are under the impression of Cloud's alleged SOLDIER-related infusions]. Maybe he is realising and appreciating what a bigger journey he is undertaking with the group than staying behind in Cosmo Canyon. And, of course, still very grateful for the party, seeing as they were instrumental in his escape from Shinra Tower.

Vincent - Wants to discuss more about Shinra and Hojo, especially given Cloud's past, and in general a proper catch up of everything so far. Maybe even have a dialogue about why Cloud was willing enough to let him join [considering his past as a Turk, even if the OG's lines were more that Vincent brought himself forward anyway]

Cid - Wants a proper catch up of everything going on. Given his past with Shinra too, he may want to find out more of Cloud's, and simply know how "the numbskulls" really plan on taking Shinra down and what he's getting himself into :P Stuff like that.

You can easily give them the Barret reasons, and just as easily lines could be changed here and there to open up future dialogues (such as with Vincent, especially).

In the end, I couldn't care less who likes who, but I'd love to see as many bonding moments with different party members - anyone to anyone, but especially Cloud as to make them feel more central to the game.


AI Researcher
y'all lucky this wasn't a debate update or i would have used


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Oh please let me start the new LTD when the time comes... pwetty pwetty pwease?



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I can't speak for everyone but I've been going through major withdrawal :monster:


you get withdrawal when you give up something that's bad for you


you know

there's a hint

I go to horrible withdrawal whenever I stop breathing, so er, air is bad for me?

I mean I know it'll eventually kill me and shit, but... the alternative is just so bad man.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
When the remake comes out, you guys better be sitting there with a pad and paper to keep notes of anything remotely LTD related, cos you're gonna need it :monster?

Kermitu Kleric Katie

How would one even accumulate enough love points with Cid to get his date in the short time between his joining you and the date scene? It'd be kinda hard without the remake giving Cid a high starting value and/or adding more things to do between Cid joining and the date night. And one would likely have to sabotage Cloud's love points with everyone else. As much as a date with Cid would be cool, it'd be rather hard to implement.

Also, Tres is going to have to write a whole new LTD article isn't he? Or at least update his current one with remake relevant info. Poor Tres...


AI Researcher
as someone who knows about this stuff, you get a date with cid the same way you get a date with any man

buy them drinks and touch their butt

j/k i don't know anything about getting a man
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