The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Kermitu Kleric Katie

C'mon people, give me evidence that Tifa loves Cloud so I can "disprove" it using "logic". This thread is supposed to be about debate regarding the love triangle.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
This thread usually goes inactive for long periods of time, to be honest. It's usually only when someone new happens along to argue something or other about Cloud not loving Tifa -- or vice versa; or both -- that activity spikes up again for a while.


Pro Adventurer
This is not something to put a nail on the coffin, this actually buries the coffin

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 15; Cloud’s profile)

“Declares that the team should dissolve in the final hours before the final battle, and communicates his feelings together with Tifa, who remains behind at the airship with him.”

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 27; Tifa’s profile)
“When Cloud proposes that the group separates temporarily, she remains behind at the airship and communicates her feelings together with Cloud.

Risa Onoda said:
想いを通わせる is used only for koibito not nakama or tomodati.
because it implies sexual meaning.
you can use 想う for tomodati(=kaibigan).

but it means that you think about someone who is important for you
and is not in front of you, usually there is a long distance.
example, 故郷(kokyou)の友達のことを想う。
it means that I think about my friend who is in our hometown.
however most popular word to say love is 大好き(daisuki).
you can use it for everyone and everything.
あなたのことが大好きです means I love you.
so difficult to explain the differences!!
kasi, we understand these words instinctively...
but I'm always welcome to answer your questions

your questions are very interesting for me!!

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Pro Adventurer
想いを通わせる is in both Cloud and Tifa's profiles.

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 15; Cloud’s profile)

“Declares that the team should dissolve in the final hours before the final battle, and communicates his feelings together with Tifa, who remains behind at the airship with him.”

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 27; Tifa’s profile)
“When Cloud proposes that the group separates temporarily, she remains behind at the airship and communicates her feelings together with Cloud.

It's not dependent on player choice, their profile simply tells us they exchanged romantic feelings with sexual connotations. It's mutual, they match, they're the same.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

想いを通わせる is in both Cloud and Tifa's profiles.

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 15; Cloud’s profile)

“Declares that the team should dissolve in the final hours before the final battle, and communicates his feelings together with Tifa, who remains behind at the airship with him.”

(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 27; Tifa’s profile)
“When Cloud proposes that the group separates temporarily, she remains behind at the airship and communicates her feelings together with Cloud.

It's not dependent on player choice, their profile simply tells us they exchanged romantic feelings with sexual connotations. It's mutual, they match, they're the same.

So in Japan, to communicate your feelings is to have hawt, steemy smex? Cool.:monster:

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
I respect/have always respected koibito!~

Oh good people are posting here again. Hey peeps does anybody remember a quote/interview where there was a quote from one of the devs/someone that said something like Aerith is like the mysterious/out of your league highschool girl that you crush on from afar but never know what to say to her/how to approach her really, while Tifa is like the girl next door type who you realise the true value of and end up settling down/spending the rest of your life with her? Or did I just imagine/misrember this :P Was it on the page where Cloud is shown with Cloud, Aerith and Tifa where the quote where the two heroines the hero wavers between quote. Or should I be questioning the existence of that page as well? I'm also curious about the supposed quote where Tifa apparently lets slip her peevish feelings at Cloud and Aerith building a two person world before her eyes.


Aerith appearing in the game first and Cloud running into her while she sells flowers is iconic but not because of anything to do with love interests. It's iconic because she's the main heroine of the game/the most relevent to the main plot/the whole save the world deally, the opening with the lifestream and especially which the Japanese recently picked as one of their favourite scenes at the Japanese event because it ties in with the whole life/death game theme and comes full circle at the end with Aerith's face and lifestream at the end/during the ending like in the beginning :)

The same goes re Tori's query about the medias, Aerith is used with Cloud and Sephiroth as the/to advertise the main plot hero, heroine and villian, Aerith is used with Cloud for cameos and the likes, favourite scenes for Japanese fans at the event recently, w/e because she's well known/popular and simply because Square Enix likes to advertise/hype/pimp FFVII wherever and whenever it can and present the main hero/heroine/villian to lure you in. Then they present Aerith as the red herring as Ryu would say and f with your mind. Wut.

The thing is main heroine/icon/w/e is not always synomous with main love interest and some people have difficulty in distinguishing/seperating the difference between them. Even with the logic main heroine = love interest Tifa is used with Cloud and Sephiroth to promote Advent Children/for the Advent Children marketing medias :monster: Plus Tifa was in cameos like Dissidia and such after as well.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Oh good people are posting here again. Hey peeps does anybody remember a quote/interview where there was a quote from one of the devs/someone that said something like Aerith is like the mysterious/out of your league highschool girl that you crush on from afar but never know what to say to her/how to approach her really, while Tifa is like the girl next door type who you realise the true value of and end up settling down/spending the rest of your life with her?.

Actually, the quote was that Aerith was the girl who transfers to your school for a few weeks and then transfers away while Tifa is the one who's lived with you your whole life. And for the record, during Cloud's childhood, Tifa was the out of his league girl that he crushes on from afar but never knows what to say to her/how to approach her.:monster:


Pro Adventurer
I think I know what will happen now:

"You must look into the material itself not the guidebooks or any external materials."


Pro Adventurer
I'm just predicting that ithey will argue that OG>Compilation>SE Guidebooks hierarchy scenario of canon but just maybe.

As for now, my public announcement of what Risa says is stirring a huge storm. Apparently they question her translation of her own language because a post made by another translator picked halfway through the whole conversation disproves that she knows her language. They're now even cherry-picking Risa's first reply about omoi when the rest of my post shows her stand on the romantic translation.

I cannot say anything more except to copy-paste what Risa wrote so I can't really argue with them. As for now, she's telling me new juicy infos and I'll publish them once the conversation finishes. I've shown her Tifa's RF koibito quote.


Try not to get your hopes up about changing any minds there Danseru. I seem to recall Hito and others pointing out the romantic connotations of those quotes years ago.

Although getting a different person to say it is always nice to add fuel to the fire.

And apparently Tumblr is the new youtube. I think it's time for Vendel to make an account.
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Pro Adventurer
To anyone who hate Cloti, read at your own risk. I'll release this to Tumblr after I finish some school stuff. Also, some caps overlap so some words are repeated. Edit: I'm thinking of proliferating it when I publish it in Tumblr, or hiding it beneath a read more, I don't wanna cause much ruckus.

The whole conversion, personal talkies omitted (me going to Japan to buy doujins LOL and sad animes)]








"tama" means "correct"




Note the "sad story" is an anime we were talking about, not actually FFVII



I'm tempted to tell her the butchery of the Japanese language present in the debates but I'd rather not.

/Currently busy, will be the last long post I make for now. I won't be able to discuss this myself but here's the unadulterated conversation.
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Kermitu Kleric Katie

I'm just predicting that ithey will argue that OG>Compilation>SE Guidebooks hierarchy scenario of canon but just maybe.

As for now, my public announcement of what Risa says is stirring a huge storm. Apparently they question her translation of her own language because a post made by another translator picked halfway through the whole conversation disproves that she knows her language. They're now even cherry-picking Risa's first reply about omoi when the rest of my post shows her stand on the romantic translation.

I cannot say anything more except to copy-paste what Risa wrote so I can't really argue with them. As for now, she's telling me new juicy infos and I'll publish them once the conversation finishes. I've shown her Tifa's RF koibito quote.
Who's the ithey? The cleriths?

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Hey Danseru-kun, very interesting. Thanks for doing this for peeps.

Thanks for asking about Aerith too <3

Could you/would you be willing to ask your friend about Aerith's Kiobito as well/and or who the Japanese think Cloud went on the Gold Saucer date/which they think is the most canon/most likely date (might tie in with why they think Aerith is more than a friend less than a lover)/what they think of the dates in general? ^-^ I'm honestly fine with this. Square Enix confirmed Cloud and Aerith as having a special bond and I always personally thought this meant more than just a friend i.e Aerith meant more to Cloud than some characters/just a regular friend (and I never thought Cloud and Aerith's were lovers/made love/had sex or sillies like that anyway in that sense anyway) :)
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So what have we learned form a real life Japanese person?

That the Ultimanias say what anyone who doesn't have a C/A agenda has been saying all along. And most of the people who look at the information come to the proper conclusions.

Mind. Blown.
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Pro Adventurer
Has there ever been anything that has given more detail into Tifa's creation? Like, at what stage of development was she brought in? I'm curious about whether she was created before or after they made the decision to kill Aerith.

I think I remember reading a quote about it on this site a few months ago, but I haven't been able to find it again.


Has there ever been anything that has given more detail into Tifa's creation? Like, at what stage of development was she brought in? I'm curious about whether she was created before or after they made the decision to kill Aerith.

I think I remember reading a quote about it on this site a few months ago, but I haven't been able to find it again.

Well this isn't really LTD related. Remember folks, not everything SE did or does revolves around who Cloud loves.

But I digress. To the best of my knowledge Tifa was already created by the time they decided to kill Aerith. But the decision to kill her is what prompted them to make Tifa a party member instead of just an NPC.


Pro Adventurer
I know not everything revolves around the LTD. The person I'm having a back-and-forth with doesn't seem to, though. I'd rather just address their argument than skip it, because I don't want it taken as a concession.


Pro Adventurer
Hey Danseru-kun, very interesting. Thanks for doing this for peeps.

Thanks for asking about Aerith too <3

Could you/would you be willing to ask your friend about Aerith's Kiobito as well/and or who the Japanese think Cloud went on the Gold Saucer date/which they think is the most canon/most likely date (might tie in with why they think Aerith is more than a friend less than a lover)/what they think of the dates in general? ^-^ I'm honestly fine with this. :)

You're so welcome <3

About Aerith's koibito line and the Date, I actually used it as a bargaining chip to the opposite side. I asked them if they want me to consult this to Risa and I'm waiting for their answer.

I want them to make the choice. Now that we've come across a Japanese who knows FFVII, I made them a good offer. If they refused the offer, It's sad but I won't ask about it, or at least, I won't share the info. It will be either their loss or their apparent "gain." It's a good chance to know once and for all if you have been right all along or you have been wrong all along.

Or, there is also an option to say Risa is wrong despite the fact that she's the best judge on the social implications and proper usage of her own native language especially that she knows the story of FFVII :P

Actually I was afraid too when I asked Risa. What if she says that the quote can be used for nakama? What if she doesn't agree that Cloti is a legit couple? But I have to take the risk. And here it is, I have been correct all along. :neo:
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