The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Akai Hana

Unknown Creature
Akai Hana, Komori Yui
1. Some people on this forum are trying to diminish Barret's observation by saying he didn't know Cloud rescued Tifa. But SE knew Cloud rescued Tifa. So why would SE have Barret make this observation if it wasn't relevant?

2. SE is the one that specifies that the only time Cloud laughs is with Aerith. You are trying to diminish the importance of this. The fact that only Aerith was able to evoke laughter (ie: a physical manifestation of happiness) from Cloud, is *VERY* significant and shows their "special bond".

Cloud also laughed with Zack when they were in Modeoheim Mission. Aerith was not the only one that can make Cloud laughed. Zack did too. So that means Zack and Cloud has *special bonds* between them too! And it shows that CLACK is indeed a CANON peeps! :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
2. SE is the one that specifies that the only time Cloud laughs is with Aerith. You are trying to diminish the importance of this. The fact that only Aerith was able to evoke laughter (ie: a physical manifestation of happiness) from Cloud, is *VERY* significant and shows their "special bond".
Wasn't Jenova in control here?


Pro Adventurer
Cloud also laughed with Zack when they were in Modeoheim Mission. Aerith was not the only one that can make Cloud laughed. Zack did too. So that means Zack and Cloud has *special bonds* between them too! And it shows that CLACK is indeed a CANON peeps! :monster:
I'm referring to the quote that says Aerith was the only one able to make Cloud laugh during FFVII.

EDIT: since this is the LTD thread, I think it's significant that Aerith was able to make Cloud laugh but not Tifa.


Wasn't Jenova in control here?
I've already responded to this a few times. But since I think you seem like a nice person, I will supply you with my response again:

Part 1:
"After developing his personality by using Zack's memory as a base, Cloud still maintained the part of coolness even though Zack had cheerful characteristics. The part of Cloud's coolness that keeps him away from the surroundings and the part of his asserting "no interests" all have nothing to do with the influence of Jenova cells. They belong to the real Cloud's personality." ~Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega

So although Cloud wasn't completely himself during disc 1, parts of the 'real' Cloud were present during his time with Aerith. It is also stated that the Jenova cells inside Cloud mimicked Tifa's memories of him. Since Tifa's memories were of the 'real' Cloud, Jenova's cells mimicked portions of the 'real Cloud' that fashioned yet another personality for him.

Part 2:
"At the start of FFVII Cloud posed as a "cool ex-SOLDIER", and kept up a cocky front. After it is revealed that he was never in SOLDIER, and he begins to act like himself, but he still doesn't show his emotions very much. The only time he laughs in FFVII is during a conversation with Aerith at the start of the story, when Jenova is still in control of his consciousness." ~Final Fantsay VII 10th Anniversary Ultimania

This is significant. Aerith was able to evoke laugher from Cloud despite Jenova's control over his consciousness. It doesn't make sense that Jenova would make Cloud laugh with Aerith, and we've already established that parts of the 'real' Cloud were there during his interaction with Aerith. Therefore, it is very significant that Aerith was the only character that was able to evoke laugher from Cloud. And it's even more impressive that she was able to do it while Jenova was in control of his consciousness.

Aerith brought out something in Cloud that no one else was able to do. Tifa wasn't even able to make Cloud laugh when Jenova WASN'T in control of his consciousness. The fact that Aerith was able to make Cloud laugh when Jenova WAS in control of Cloud's consciousness tells us Aerith could do what no one else could — bring laughter, happiness, and joy to a man who was profoundly messed up.

PS: nowhere in the quote does it say Jenova *made* Cloud laugh.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
No I'm pretty sure it said in an Ultimania somewhere that Jenova was in control of that laugh

whoops, BB ninjaed me

But since I think you seem like a nice person

Aerith brought out something in Cloud that no one else was able to do. Tifa wasn't even able to make Cloud laugh when Jenova WASN'T in control of his consciousness.
Does Case of Tifa not count for some reason?... sorry if we're just talking about FFVII or something...


Pro Adventurer
No I'm pretty sure it said in an Ultimania somewhere that Jenova was in control of that laugh

whoops, BB ninjaed me


Does Case of Tifa not count for some reason?... sorry if we're just talking about FFVII or something...
I'm specifically talking about FFVII. But if you can provide me quotes of Tifa making Cloud laugh in CoT, I'd be happy to read them.

But I'd like to just point something out: I believe that Cloud not being his complete self while he interacted with Aerith makes the case for Cloud x Aerith stronger. It proves that Aerith was the only character that was able to have the 'real' Cloud shine through his messed up self and show us that Cloud not only cares for other people, but that he can, yes, even laugh.


Pro Adventurer
No I'm pretty sure it said in an Ultimania somewhere that Jenova was in control of that laugh
The quote says Jenova is in control of Cloud's consciousness. It doesn't say Jenova made Cloud laugh. Why would she do such a thing...?

The laughter evoked from Cloud by Aerith was genuine and shows Aerith was able to bring out a side of Cloud we only saw through him interacting with her (at least during FFVII).

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
I'm allowed to participate now, right? :reptar:

How old are you now? :monster:

But regardless, yes, you may. I'm inviting everyone here, including BB. There might be someone here who's into pedophilia. What the fuck is statutory rape, anyway? :monster:

I'm specifically talking about FFVII. But if you can provide me quotes of Tifa making Cloud laugh in CoT, I'd be happy to read them.

One day, Barret came back with a wine bottle, heater, and various fruits. They were given to him as thanks for helping someone dismantle a house.

“I told you, just watch.” Barret skillfully started cooking, but they couldn’t see what he was doing. It had been about two weeks and the alcohol had been left to stand since then. They found out that it was some special alcohol made in the town of Corel. Tifa and Cloud sipped their alcohol slowly. Barret was drinking so much that you could probably bathe in the amount he drank. He looked like he was enjoying it and talked about his memories of peaceful times. Drunk, he fell into a well and spoke nonsense about proposing to his dead wife. It had been a long time since Tifa and Cloud burst out laughing.

Though if you want to be technical about it, it wasn't Tifa who was the source of the laughter. Although he did laugh with her.

But hey, I'm very generous so I supplied you with the scene as it appears without twisting any. :D

But I'd like to just point something out: I believe that Cloud not being his complete self while he interacted with Aerith makes the case for Cloud x Aerith stronger. It proves that Aerith was the only character that was able to have the 'real' Cloud shine through his messed up self and show us that Cloud not only cares for other people, but that he can, yes, even laugh.

Not quite, BB.

It's a feat, alright, but the express mention of Jenova's influence in there makes it bogus. It's not very farfetch to think that this was intentionally done by Jenova for Cloud to get closer to Aerith what with her being the last Ancient. Otherwise, there would be no need to emphasize the influence of Jenova in there.

But why is this taken as a definitive evidence for romance, anyway? It doesn't prove anything, except that Cloud was a fucked up person, laughing at other's faults and all. Yes, I'm joking at the last part.

The quote says Jenova is in control of Cloud's consciousness. It doesn't say Jenova made Cloud laugh. Why would she do such a thing...?

Que never said anything about Jenova making Cloud laugh. She said 'in control', thus referring to Jenova's influence.

The laughter evoked from Cloud by Aerith was genuine and shows Aerith was able to bring out a side of Cloud we only saw through him interacting with her (at least during FFVII).

JENOVA. :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
The quote says Jenova is in control of Cloud's consciousness. It doesn't say Jenova made Cloud laugh. Why would she do such a thing...?

The laughter evoked from Cloud by Aerith was genuine and shows Aerith was able to bring out a side of Cloud we only saw through him interacting with her (at least during FFVII).

Don't you think being in control of his consciousness meant she's in control of how Cloud acts and reacts? Nobody's saying Jenova made Cloud laugh, that's dumb. Aerith made him laugh. The trouble is, it isn't the real Cloud that laughed, but Cloud whose consciousness is controlled by Jenova.

In short, Aerith made Jenova-controlled!Cloud laugh, not the real Cloud.

Is this hard to understand? I find it very simple. :monster:

Anyway, it doesn't even matter whether Cloud laughed or not. I don't feel like it has any actual significance especially since Zack also made Cloud laugh during their first meeting. The real Cloud, at that. :awesome:

Never forget Zack. :awesomonster:

Can we find other stuff to discuss now? We've been through this 'Aerith made Cloud laugh' bit so many times before. :pinkmonster:


If the sky comes falling down
What Cloud tells Marlene and his actions before and after that admission tell us that his bond with Aerith is romantic. You are also ignoring the quote where SE says Cloud "wavers" between two heroines.

Doesn't matter because Cloti becomes canon in the end. Wavering is pretty normal, but Cloti becomes canon.

...then why does Cloud agree to go on the date when he first crashes down in Aerith's Church? Could it perhaps be related to his attraction to her physical features and personality...?

Again Cloud is a not a doucheface and again like the date Aerith pretty much strong-armed him into it. Plus the whole ZaCloud emotions during this event.
Aerith wanted a bodyguard and the deal was one date since Aerith was having Zack feelings due to Cloud triggering a familiar event on how she met her first lover Zack. Cloud most likely agreed because she was beautiful and just letting her walk away and be harmed by Reno and Shrina Inc would be douchey.

2. It is irrelevant that Cloud was messed up when he was interacting with Aerith because when Cloud became Real!Cloud, he still continued to care for Aerith based on the interactions they had while he was messed up.

Yes but I have to disagree with this in a way because yes Cloud did care about Aerith he believed that she was a beautiful and stunning woman but when it comes to true love and romance i have to strongly very disagree because real Cloud loves Tifa. Real Cloud will and always love Tifa. Cloud joined Solider for her, wanted to impress her and within the Lifestream event Cloud admits strong feelings and desire towards Tifa.

Aerith's love is not Zack. You should re-read these quotes:

Don't destory my otp :sadpanda:

“Although in the beginning Aerith felt close to Cloud is because he behaves like Zack, her interest in Cloud himself grows and she is attracted to him.” ~page 31, Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega, Square Enix

Maybe but in the end Zerith becomes canon. And it's Zack that Aerith craves for, wants, misses, needs him back because she truly loves him. Attraction only goes so far because it's not true love unlike her relationship with Zack.

"I, now undoubtedly, love Cloud much more than Zack.” ~Aerith’s monologue in Gongaga, Final Fantasy VII Dismantled, Square Enix

That was said in Gongaga when Aerith was in that whole denial thing and pretending that she didn't know that Zack was dead when she clearly felt his spirit source head to the planet at the end of CC

i can't trust that source sorry and plus

“The destined encounter with Zack makes them becomes the irreplaceable existence to each other.”- CC Ultimania

So, Cloud hopes Aerith likes him simply because he finds her physically attractive?

There is no signs of Cloud loving Aerith expect finding her appearance beautiful. Though he might of had something for Aerith though Final Fantasy VII doesn't end up that way as we all know.

Is Cloud's physical attraction to Aerith also why he decides to rescue Aerith from the Shinra headquarters right after admitting to Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him?

Cloud saves Tifa from the Don as well and again if he didn't Cloud would be a huge douche just leaving Aerith in Hojo's grasp and letting her be subjected to his creepy experiments.

Is that also why SE says Tifa witnesses Cloud and Aerith developing their "own world" together in-front of her eyes?

That's from Tifa's eyes and her own point of view

To think that Cloud would do all of these things for Aerith and SE would say Cloud and Aerith were developing their own "world" together simply because of Cloud's physical attraction to Aerith is utterly ridiculous.

Why are you ignoring the fact that Cloud wanted to save and rescue Tifa as well ?

And thanks ? i mean i never called your opinion ridiculous and even asked if you were alright when you mentioned that you were feeling rather depressed


talk about caring and being worried for somebody and then getting kicked in the kokoro


"After developing his personality by using Zack's memory as a base, Cloud still maintained the part of coolness even though Zack had cheerful characteristics. The part of Cloud's coolness that keeps him away from the surroundings and the part of his asserting "no interests" all have nothing to do with the influence of Jenova cells. They belong to the real Cloud's personality." ~Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega

So although Cloud wasn't completely himself during disc 1, parts of the 'real' Cloud were present during his time with Aerith. It is also stated that the Jenova cells inside Cloud mimicked Tifa's memories of him. Since Tifa's memories were of the 'real' Cloud, Jenova's cells mimicked portions of the 'real Cloud' that fashioned yet another personality for him.

Even after Cloud realizes his past and fully becomes himself, he still carries grief, guilt, and sorrow over Aerith's death.

Aerith was the primary character that was able to bring out the caring side of the 'real' Cloud, despite how messed up he was. In other words, Aerith was able to bring the 'real' Cloud to the surface and have the 'real' Cloud shine through during a time when the 'real' Cloud was buried beneath Jenova's cells and Zack's memories.

Yes but again you are ignoring Tifa who is the one that fixes Cloud in the lifestream completely. Aerith did help, but it was Tifa who managed to glue all the pieces together and let Cloud be Cloud and if you didn't notice ZaCloud wasn't all that healthy son.

Therefore, if their relationship is somehow null-in-void because Cloud wasn't completely himself during the time they spent together, why does Cloud (after becoming his complete self) harbor such emotion towards Aerith based on the time they shared while he was 'messed up'? If Cloud continues to feel strong emotions towards Aerith after fully becoming himself, it means the time they spent together while he was 'messed up' is relevant and meaningful to the 'real' Cloud.

Because Final Fantasy VII doesn't go like that we all know that

Aerith dies and heads back to the Lifestream with Zack her true and original lover

Tifa heals Cloud deep within The Lifestream

Cloud and Tifa connect underneath The Highwind

Tifa and Cloud move in together and become the caregivers of Denzel and Marlene

Cloud and Tifa with Marlene and Denzel become a family

And again ZaCloud wasn't all that healthy and while Aerith did help him he wasn't completely fixed and he wasn't all completely real and wasn't completely real Cloud son

It is silly and downright ridiculous to say that because Cloud wasn't fully himself during most of his interaction with Aerith that their relationship is somehow insignificant or 'lesser'. I believe that Cloud not being his complete self makes the case for Cloud x Aerith stronger. It proves that Aerith was the only character that was able to have the 'real' Cloud shine through and show us that Cloud not only cares for other people, but that he can, yes, even laugh.

You say this and then forget about Tifa for about the 4th time and then forget that Cloud laughed while meeting with Zack in CC

wow he cares for people like Tifa and saving her from the don

So you don't deny that Clack is canon ?

Obviously Cloud’s Mom saying this means nothing.

glad we agree on something

Aerith's love is not Zack. You should re-read these quotes:

Re-Read the Zerith quotes above and head into the waters and let the powers of Zerith bless your soul and let your sins be forgiven as the darkness will hold you no more and the Zerith will be you be free from your sins young Zerith solider ! :monster:

Don't you think being in control of his consciousness meant she's in control of how Cloud acts and reacts? Nobody's saying Jenova made Cloud laugh, that's dumb. Aerith made him laugh. The trouble is, it isn't the real Cloud that laughed, but Cloud whose consciousness is controlled by Jenova.

In short, Aerith made Jenova-controlled!Cloud laugh, not the real Cloud.

Is this hard to understand? I find it very simple. :monster:

Anyway, it doesn't even matter whether Cloud laughed or not. I don't feel like it has any actual significance especially since Zack also made Cloud laugh during their first meeting. The real Cloud, at that. :awesome:

Never forget Zack. :awesomonster:

Can we find other stuff to discuss now? We've been through this 'Aerith made Cloud laugh' bit so many times before. :pinkmonster:

Why is it so difficult for you to accept that Cloud at least cared for Tifa?

And please, stop comparing the Shinra HQ rescue to Don Corneo to prove whose woman is more important. Quick reminder that Tifa did not need any invitation from Cloud to rescue Aerith, she's even the one who tried to reach Aerith when Tseng is taking her away. Barret's motivation is clear (Marlene) but Tifa is willing to risk her life for someone she barely knew. The same way Aerith felt the need to rescue Tifa from Don without even knowing her. Stop diminishing the characters to prove a point that is not helpful for your case. They cared for each other, romantically or not. Aerith and Tifa are willing to rescue each other the same way as Cloud is willing to rescue them.

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Pro Adventurer
But the quote does say Aerith loves Cloud MORE than Zack.

I think I had explained this before.
The quote that Aerith loves Cloud more than Zack was only written in Dismantled and Maiden with the contradicting lines to CC which is undoubtely more CANON and RELEVANT ON TIME.

The contradicting lines are:
  • Dismantle: Aerith said she just encountered him while she was selling flower and never intimated with Zack
  • Maiden: The part she loved from him is his smile. Zack also said, from all the girls he dated, Aerith was the best.
  • Zack and Aerith meet by chance in a church in the Slums. They become intimate with each other. –FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Compilation Timeline
  • Aerith, the girl whom he met at the slum’s church. The existence of the girl, who had earnestly come to love Zack with sincerity, eventually became irreplaceable to him.–Zack’s Profile FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania

You would say CC contradicts? CC, OG, and AC/C are written by the same scriptwriter, Nojima. The most retcons I see in CC and ACC is Zack was still alive in dying to talk to Cloud on cliff. Dismantle and Maiden's perception of OG about Zack/Aerith true relationship and how we perceive it after CC was released won't match because it's written by different person.

Don't get me wrong, I support the idea of Aerith moving on. It's like a widow whose her beloved husband died (i mean --OMG, there are so many official quotes about how Zack and Aerith are attracted, intimated, budding love, inseparable, until irreplaceable existence each other). But then, she remarried with the new love one (Cloud is her "koibito"). But we can't say she loves the second husband more than the first. It's a love in different time.

The only problem is I ... and most people here just don't see Cloud loves Aerith back romantically.
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Pro Adventurer
Blankbeat, what can you say about the fact that Tifa is willing to risk her life for Aerith whom she barely knew? Isn't that more admirable that Cloud because Tifa isn't attracted to her or anything?


Pro Adventurer
Btw, about Tifa's jelaousy...
That's normal for girl. Aerith even was jealous of Zack's female friend though we know there's nothing between him and Cissnei more than a friend.
A funny story even tell about the female character is jealous of someone who's close to the person she romantically love. But then she just find out this 'rival' actually is the boy's sister!!!
I mean, we could be jealous of person who even doesn't have romantic relationship with the person we love.
I think all of us know this... except BB.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
1. Some people on this forum are trying to diminish Barret's observation by saying he didn't know Cloud rescued Tifa. But SE knew Cloud rescued Tifa. So why would SE have Barret make this observation if it wasn't relevant?

Are you fucking kidding me?! What even is... I don't even... WHAT?! Do you grasp, even slightly, how completely nonsensical what you just said is? So no fictional character is ever allowed to say anything non-relevant? Or relevant, but misleading or wrong? Cause seriously, ALL the bullshit must be called on this. ALL OF IT.


Pro Adventurer
Not all characters are all knowing or omniscient. Very few are..

Even though this is LoTR based I think Tolkien said it best

"Treebeard is a character in my story, not me; and though he has a great memory and some earthy wisdom, he is not one of the Wise, and there is quite a lot he does not know or understand."

Just because SE knows something/wrote it does not instantly mean its common knowledge to the cast.

Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
I don't get the continuing logic here. Maiden is pretty clear what Aeries says about Zack isn't what she feels. The whole thing is about her not being able to face her true feelings for Zack, that's the whole underlying message. She doesn't realise it herself.

This isn't some silly fan interpretation, if we were to be blunt, its a little retcon work; the Complilation was going to beef up the Zack and Aeries storyline and they needed to establish that dynamic with a little more justification than the casual commentary in the game.

But the bottomline is, in regards to the Compilation, who smiles at who doesn't matter. Who helps who, doesn't matter. What matters is that the romance for Aeris is Zack, the romance for Cloud is Tifa, and FF7 is the intersection where their lives and struggles mesh.

So toss as many dull quotes out, you can't escape the sequential narrative logic. Picking on "he smiles at x" is proof is too nuanced for a story that spans hundreds of hours.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
At the time Barret said that he'd known Cloud for what.... 3 weeks? Most of the interaction between Cloud and Barret prior to leaving Midgar is antagonistic. Barret thinks Cloud is a dick and is surprised to see him being altruistic and not the 'cold hearted mercenary' he was acting as.

Has anyone got the exact quote from Barret, I cant find it EDIT: Nevermind, found it.

Cloud "...because we don't want to start a commotion until we've saved Aerith." "I doubt that's possible though..."

Barret "...heh heh heh."

Cloud "Knock it off. You're giving me the creeps."

Barret "So even you will fight for someone else. I had you figured wrong I guess."

Cloud "Who cares what you figured!"

Barret "I'm just sayin' mebbe I was wrong..."

Tifa "Heh heh heh......."

Cloud "What's that supposed to mean, Tifa?"

Yeah, so Barret is trying to admit he was wrong about Cloud, and Tifa finds it amusing because they've been at each others throats prior to that.

Cloud was concerned for Aeriths safety from the outset because he isn't a piece of shit. He walked her home, he didn't want her to get involved further in Avalanche as it was dangerous, he repeatedly tried to keep her safe but he failed, and then she got captured and she wouldn't have been if not for him. It was his responsiblity to rescue her, not just as her 'bodyguard' but as a decent human being.

If we're going to paint Cloud as someone who wouldn't do all that stuff for someone who was unattractive or a man or whatever. Well frankly thats not a likeable character.

Also, lets not forget shortly prior to this, Tseng revealed that Aerith was an Ancient, like Sephiroth claimed to be this was an additional incentive for Cloud to rescue her, to find out more.
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Barret thinks Cloud is a dick and is surprised to see him being altruistic and not the 'cold hearted mercenary' he was acting as.

Has anyone got the exact quote from Barret, I cant find it.
You rang? :geek:

If you choose to run straight into the Shinra building and not take the stairs, the following exchange happens in the Shinra elevator.

*Cloud looks down at the floor*

“…What's wrong?”

“I didn't want to start a ruckus till
we saved Aeris.”
“I should have known
that was impossible though…”

“Heh, heh, heh.”

“What is it? You're givin' me the willies.”

“So there are times when even you
fight for other people.
I am impressed.”

“Who cares if you're impressed?”

“Y'know, I ain't so good at sayin' this but…
Sorry…for…lots of things.”


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Oh, so does that mean it's optional dialogue? Or was one route canon?
Oh, so does that mean it's optional dialogue? Or was one route canon?
I doubt there was a canon route, but I still think the scene informs the characters.

If you don't buy the scene, there is a brief, telling moment on the Highwind, just when Tifa has left the party to take care of Cloud in Mideel.

“Can't let Shinra get a hold of
the Huge Materia!”

“Besides, when Cloud gets back,
I wanna show him this Huge Materia.
He's gonna be shocked.”

Cait Sith
“So, what are you
saying, Barret?”
“Even though you're always knocking him,
you really want
Cloud to return.”

*Barret turns around, turns back and does an animation of frustration*

“I ain't sayin' nothin' 'bout nothin'.
So just…shut your face!”
I interpret in this scene that Barret is embarrassed. He appreciates Cloud but doesn't like being honest about it. Somebody might look at the scene differently, but I think the intention is to show that Barret doesn't dislike Cloud.

Even if you don't buy that part, we do know that Cloud cares about Barret.

From Corel Prison scene:

*Barret tells everyone to stay away*

“Do whatever you want…
Is that what you want to hear?”
“Well, I can't let you do it.
Because, if you die on me,
I'm gonna have nightmares.”

This PSX translation is true to the Japanese line.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
How can Cloud care about Barret if Cloud is no Cloud on disc one/there is no Cloud! (Jenova did its/Zack did its) :reptar:

Those scenes, there is no validity!, none!

No, seriously though I haven't really paying attention to this thrad recently. Wat's happenin' :arr:

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I think the safest (i.e. probably the most accurate) thing to say about Disc 1 Cloud's feelings is that the ones there are authentic but there are still some missing.

As for the discussion of the Jenova laughter quote you referenced, I've never been able to make heads or tails of what the definite point of that Ultimania comment must be, but I figure it was most likely meant to emphasize how endearing Aerith is to people in that she cut through Disc 1 Cloud's bullshit that easily.

Now, when people then get into assigning this laugh more value than a laugh with Zack or a laugh with Tifa, they're just writing stuff into the material to suit them. Even Barret gets to Cloud emotionally on Disc 1, so trying to make a hierarchy of value out of laughs is a waste of time.


Pro Adventurer
Are you fucking kidding me?! What even is... I don't even... WHAT?! Do you grasp, even slightly, how completely nonsensical what you just said is? So no fictional character is ever allowed to say anything non-relevant? Or relevant, but misleading or wrong? Cause seriously, ALL the bullshit must be called on this. ALL OF IT.
In the beginning of the game SE had Cloud and Barret go through a few exchanges regarding Cloud's apathy and how Cloud didn't seem to care for anything but himself. Barret tried to explain to Cloud that he should care for things outside of himself and that the planet was dying. Barret's pleas fell on deaf ears.

Then, Barret comments on how Aerith seems to be the first person Cloud cares for besides himself. Given the exchanges Cloud and Barret had during the beginning of the game, I can't help but think Barret's observation was INTENTIONAL on SE's part.

SE knew that Cloud rescued Tifa, yet they still wanted the gamer to hear Barret's observation about how Aerith seems to be the first person Cloud cares for besides himself. To me, that is significant. It is also significant that Barret's observation came after Cloud tells Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him and before Tifa's becomes jealous over the "world" Cloud and Aerith were forming. The placement of Barret's observation between both of those things makes it seem all the more significant and intentional on SE's part.

One day, Barret came back with a wine bottle, heater, and various fruits. They were given to him as thanks for helping someone dismantle a house.

“I told you, just watch.” Barret skillfully started cooking, but they couldn’t see what he was doing. It had been about two weeks and the alcohol had been left to stand since then. They found out that it was some special alcohol made in the town of Corel. Tifa and Cloud sipped their alcohol slowly. Barret was drinking so much that you could probably bathe in the amount he drank. He looked like he was enjoying it and talked about his memories of peaceful times. Drunk, he fell into a well and spoke nonsense about proposing to his dead wife. It had been a long time since Tifa and Cloud burst out laughing.

Though if you want to be technical about it, it wasn't Tifa who was the source of the laughter. Although he did laugh with her.
Yes, it was Barret's drunken behavior that made Cloud laugh. But thanks for the quote.

Not quite, BB.

It's a feat, alright, but the express mention of Jenova's influence in there makes it bogus. It's not very farfetch to think that this was intentionally done by Jenova for Cloud to get closer to Aerith what with her being the last Ancient. Otherwise, there would be no need to emphasize the influence of Jenova in there.
Even after Cloud realizes his past and fully becomes himself, he still carries grief, guilt, and sorrow over Aerith's death. Therefore, if their relationship is somehow null-in-void because Cloud wasn't completely himself during the time they spent together, why does Cloud (after becoming his complete self) harbor such emotion towards Aerith based on the time they shared while he was 'messed up'? If Cloud continues to feel strong emotions towards Aerith after fully becoming himself, it means the time they spent together while he was 'messed up' is relevant and meaningful to the 'real' Cloud.

"After developing his personality by using Zack's memory as a base, Cloud still maintained the part of coolness even though Zack had cheerful characteristics. The part of Cloud's coolness that keeps him away from the surroundings and the part of his asserting "no interests" all have nothing to do with the influence of Jenova cells. They belong to the real Cloud's personality." ~Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega

So although Cloud wasn't completely himself during disc 1, parts of the 'real' Cloud were present during his time with Aerith. It is also stated that the Jenova cells inside Cloud mimicked Tifa's memories of him. Since Tifa's memories were of the 'real' Cloud, Jenova's cells mimicked portions of the 'real Cloud' that fashioned yet another personality for him.

Que never said anything about Jenova making Cloud laugh. She said 'in control', thus referring to Jenova's influence.
Quexinos said:
No I'm pretty sure it said in an Ultimania somewhere that Jenova was in control of that laugh
The quote says Jenova was in-control of Cloud's consciousness while he laughed with Aerith. It never says Jenova made Cloud laugh.


Don't you think being in control of his consciousness meant she's in control of how Cloud acts and reacts?
I've already demonstrated that part of the 'real' Cloud was present during disc 1.

The trouble is, it isn't the real Cloud that laughed, but Cloud whose consciousness is controlled by Jenova.
How can SE make the claim that Cloud and Aerith shared a, "special bond" if Jenova somehow makes everything Cloud did during disc 1 null-and-void?

Even after Cloud realizes his past and fully becomes himself, he still carries grief, guilt, and sorrow over Aerith's death. Therefore, if their relationship is somehow null-in-void because Cloud wasn't completely himself during the time they spent together, why does Cloud (after becoming his complete self) harbor such emotion towards Aerith based on the time they shared while he was 'messed up'? If Cloud continues to feel strong emotions towards Aerith after fully becoming himself, it means the time they spent together while he was 'messed up' is relevant and meaningful to the 'real' Cloud.

In short, Aerith made Jenova-controlled!Cloud laugh, not the real Cloud.

Is this hard to understand? I find it very simple. :monster:
Part of the 'real' Cloud was present during disc 1.

I don't see what difference it makes that Jenova was in control. Aerith made Cloud laugh, and SE specifically makes a point to proclaim that she was the only character that was able to do so. SE mentioning that Jenova was in-control shouldn't discount Aerith's ability to bring out that side of Cloud. Does every single thing Cloud did during disc 1 become null-and-void because Jenova was in control? Why does Cloud continue to feel so strongly about things he did while under Jenova's control?


Doesn't matter because Cloti becomes canon in the end. Wavering is pretty normal, but Cloti becomes canon.
"For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don't have any clue." ~Nomura, Dorimaga interview, published at Flaregamer

--The *ADVENT CHILDREN* relationship chart lists Cloud and Tifa as "childhood friends" *NOT* "romantic partners" or "lovers". Cloud and Tifa*NEVER* have mutual favor arrows in any of SE's relationship charts.

--Tifa states she doesn't know if Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene. If Tifa doesn't know, Cloti's shouldn't pretend they know, either.

--Typically, romantic couples sleep in the same room, yet we are shown that Cloud has a bed in his room.

--The family formed was formed with Barret and Barret's daughter, Marlene. Marlene invites Cloud into her family.Most families that are formed are formed from a romantic place. This is not the case with Cloud and Tifa's situation.

Yes but I have to disagree with this in a way because yes Cloud did care about Aerith he believed that she was a beautiful and stunning woman but when it comes to true love and romance i have to strongly very disagree because real Cloud loves Tifa. Real Cloud will and always love Tifa. Cloud joined Solider for her, wanted to impress her and within the Lifestream event Cloud admits strong feelings and desire towards Tifa.
So Cloud and Aerith's "special bond" is only because Cloud thought Aerith was stunning and beautiful?
So Cloud's reaction to Aerith's death is only because Cloud thought Aerith was stunning and beautiful?
So Cloud carrying around guilt for letting Aerith die is simply because he thought she was stunning and beautiful?

Maybe but in the end Zerith becomes canon. And it's Zack that Aerith craves for, wants, misses, needs him back because she truly loves him. Attraction only goes so far because it's not true love unlike her relationship with Zack.
Deny the quotes all you want, but Aerith loves Cloud more than Zack. Aerith may have initially been attracted to Cloud because he reminded her of Zack, but her interest in Cloud grows and she becomes attracted to Cloud for who he is, not for who he reminds her of.

There is no signs of Cloud loving Aerith expect finding her appearance beautiful. Though he might of had something for Aerith though Final Fantasy VII doesn't end up that way as we all know.
Huh? You are again denying or forgetting the conversation Cloud had with Marlene.

That's from Tifa's eyes and her own point of view
So Tifa's jealously is completely unfounded? Do you think she has horrible perception skills, too?

Wouldn't it make sense that the "world" Cloud and Aerith were forming was ROMATNIC, which is why Tifa grew jealous?
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Pro Adventurer
Blankbeat, what can you say about the fact that Tifa is willing to risk her life for Aerith whom she barely knew? Isn't that more admirable that Cloud because Tifa isn't attracted to her or anything?
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