The Winner of Our Discontent — 2016 U.S. Election Results Discussion

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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It's over... Trump has been declared the winner of this election.

I know a lot of people are upset... I am too, Im very in shock right now.


I have one thing to say... hey Democrats, maybe next time DON'T NOMINATE SOMEONE WHO'S UNDER FBI INVESTIGATION! You think that might have blown up in your face? your fucking Secretary of State has foreigners hacking into her email to reveal secrets that should be known to NO ONE... and you nominated this woman.
Maybe next time, don't do that. If you had elected Bernie, we would have won tonight. Think about that next time.

Until then, welcome President Trump. I sincerely hope that your plans to repeal Obama care and come up with something new work out well.

whoops, might have jumped the gun with this one but he's going to win anyway so

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Presumptive Republican Majority in the Senate
Continued Republican Majority in the House
Presumptive. Donald. Trump. Presidency.

There is no silver lining. I am sick to my fucking stomach right now.


Pro Adventurer
Pennsylvania was just called for him. It's done. Not *quite* mathematically but I expect the networks to start declaring him the winner very soon.


Save your valediction (she/her)
Guys I have to fly into this country in January.... am I gonna be okay?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Pennsylvania was just called for him. It's done. Not *quite* mathematically but I expect the networks to start declaring him the winner very soon.

I have many mixed feelings right now... deep inside I think everything will be okay but I'm also very nervous... well, i guess all we can do is wait and see... anyone know where Mog is? Is he okay?

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Podesta sent Camp Clinton home to go sleep. They're not conceding. Sadly I worry that this may be little more than a symbolic gesture.


There's no making light of this situation. Scotland welcomes any of you who have the balls to flee the inevitable persecution, and supports any who wish to stay and fight it.

Guys I was going to make a flippant joke about how I'm never visiting again, but all I keep thinking about is the fact that I have the luxury of not living there and your country just became incredibly unsafe for the vast majority of your countrymen. It's not about policy, it's what this does to the anti-intellectual public of your country. This vindicates everything wrong with your society to them. This will affect all of us, US citizens or not, but please if you live in the US stand up for your people. Protect them and love them. So many of your fellow citizens have failed to do this right here, but I know the vast majority of you who actually have a brain are people who care about other people and know how to do so, and are just as disgusted by this as the rest of the world.

Please take care of each other.

God I have to go to work now. How am I going to do this.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
There's no making light of this situation. Scotland welcomes any of you who have the balls to flee the inevitable persecution, and supports any who wish to stay and fight it.

Guys I was going to make a flippant joke about how I'm never visiting again, but all I keep thinking about is the fact that I have the luxury of not living there and your country just became incredibly unsafe for the vast majority of your countrymen. This will affect all of us, US citizens or not, but please if you live in the US stand up for your people. Protect them and love them. So many of your fellow citizens have failed to do this right here, but I know the vast majority of you who actually have a brain are people who care about other people and know how to do so, and are just as disgusted by this as the rest of the world.

Please take care of each other.

God I have to go to work now. How am I going to do this.
*Long-Distance Hugs*


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Well fuck. I wake up to this!?

Canada's immmigration site crashed.

Canada right now:


^ That made me smile at least.

Why did the Democrats pick Hillary? It's not like her unlikability wasn't known. I just...


Everyone that defended him when is said something racist is gonna feel proud that there views are now mainsteam and acceptable. All those people who defended him when he boasted about sexual assaulting a woman "Grab them by the pussy" are going to feel vindicated.

Just "move on her like a bitch", it's totally acceptable for guys to act like that, just look at President Trump!

I genuinely feel nauseous right now, it's like the morning after the Brexit vote all over again. Except worst.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
The only thing I can hope now that he's president is that he'll clean up his talking at least and act like one. But you know... that's just wishful thinking


Save your valediction (she/her)
He's gonna learn right away what happens to bullies when they leave the kiddie pool. What made him popular in the campaign is going to get him slammed hard and fast on the international stage.

How he reacts to that... is anyone's guess.


Chloe Frazer
On a lighter note a few states have legalized marijuana which is very fitting cause that's really what a lot of people are going to need to get through the next four years.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
On a lighter note a few states have legalized marijuana which is very fitting cause that's really what a lot of people are going to need to get through the next four years.

I know, I took a Xanax earlier but I really wish I had some weed :(

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
At least one major news organization calling a victory for Trump - 276 Electoral Votes. I expect a fight. I also expect it not to matter.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yeah AP just called it... shit's gonna get interesting. Well this is still my country, and I'm staying here. I'm still going to stand up for what I believe in, even if the majority is against me and even if the President himself is against it.

Unfortunately being part of this country is to stick around during the bad times as well. And that's what I plan to do

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
I know I'm gonna drain the last of my whiskey tonight.

Honestly, the two bright things about the election is this: 1. If Trump fucks things up badly enough, it'll probably finally change how shit is done with the whole election process and maybe finally change the two party system. Maybe. Probably. Hopefully. I'm being too optimistic here.

2. Trump's presidency will give us at least 4 years of comedy material.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Hillary Clinton has called and conceded the General Election to Donald Trump according to NBC.

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
Sometimes a necessary evil has to be done for the greater good.

He who fights monsters, stare into the abyss and poke the eyes of the abyss out and all that.



The Sublimely Magnificent One
Y'know, if you have no context of what he's talking about.....that wasn't a half-bad speech.

Jason Tandro

Jason Tandro, Doc Brown, Santa Christ, FearAddict, Thibault Stormrunner, RN: Micah Rodney
Y'know, if you have no context of what he's talking about.....that wasn't a half-bad speech.

I assume the same people who blocked his access to twitter gave him an Idiot's Guide to Political Speeches.
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