Things Aerith is not


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
To be fair, this thread did take a random tour into incest. :monster:

But back on the topic, since CC came out, there seems to be a perception that Aerith is stupid (with the being afraid of the sky and not realizing Zack is a SOLDIER and whatnot). She must have some serious street smarts. She's lived in the slums for most of her life and is still okay. And she did swindle 500 gil for a bouquet of flowers from one of the creeps at the Honey Bee Inn.


Rookie Adventurer
Good at teh grammars:


Ghost X

- A guppy.
- An aardvark.
- A sulphur-crested cockatoo.
- A Thomson's gazelle.
- Thomas the Tank Engine.
- Inigo Montoya.
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