My internet connection. I don't know if it's the router or my computer or WHAT, but it's being so freaking slow!
Argh Ditto.
And I swear to fuck if MSN doesn't stop screwing with me.
My internet connection. I don't know if it's the router or my computer or WHAT, but it's being so freaking slow!
Being extremely misunderstood. Among other things.
You missed one from that girl who deleted you, btw. It made me lol because it wasn't even remotely accurate. xDPassive Aggressive posts on Facebook or elsewhere, that are clearly about myself.
You missed one from that girl who deleted you, btw
Don't you just love the repeated "i dont care what you do/say" moments on the internetMy ears are burning.
People who are to afraid to tell me they don't like me to my face.
So they just talk behind your back and giggle and praise their friends for being random dumb bitches towards me.
God please. Grow up. Your highschool internet cool kid drama is so telling of how boring your real life is.
And the fact that you suck at so many things you wish you were really good at. Like writing.Pent up rage is so unattractive.
I'm sorry, but aren't you being a bit of a hypocrite by talking about these people behind their backs on an internet message board?
Unless you're talking about someone that posts here, which is a whole nother can of worms.