Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
- The Man, V
You know, I just thought of something. The article mentions alcohol playing a role for both parties, the perpetrator and the victim. Is there not precedent for convictions in rape cases where the woman did not in fact say no, but was ruled to be incapable of legally consenting to sex because she was impaired by alcohol? Or am I confusing television with reality again? Note, if I am remembering this correctly, I am even more pissed off about this bullshit than before.
Nope, you're quite correct. One of the main reasons I don't troll bars looking for women.
Also, this:
I knew things were bad, but I didn't know there that bad. Goddamn. It's pretty damn sobering to see things in perspective.Between 1986 and 2008:
Average incomes in the U.S. grew by $6,894.
All growth went to the richest 10%.
Income for the bottom 90% declined.
A similar outcome occurs from 1977 to 2008, except the average income over that period grew by $11,699. As well as between 1969 and 2008, despite the fact that income trends between 1969 and 1977 were exactly the reverse - the average income for the top 10% declined, while the bottom 90% experienced income growth. (That said, the average income fell by $15 over that period, which isn't surprising since it wasn't one of our more robust economic periods, mostly due to a spike in 1968 that wasn't surpassed for a decade).
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