Things that piss you off

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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I think there comes a time when they want us to leave the house and anything that sets us back MUST JUST BE AN EXCUSE TO BE LAZY! :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Okay... okay... I get it, I'm not allowed to sleep anymore! I understand. I get it now... can you please just stop with the crashing, banging and beeping outside my apartment? I can't fucking take it anymore.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Some derpy DC fan on Neogaf who sees everything they do through rose colored goggles and believes they can do no wrong.

FFS he thinks that everyone but constantine is wearing normal clothes, not costumes:


Celes Chere

Mother fucking doctor... while I was there AND hyperventilating he was like "here's your pills come back in three weeks and go to the ER if you feel suicidal"
and LEFT.
The nurses were nice to me at least....

I wish they had done some tests though. I really wanted to know if it really IS anxiety I'm suffering from or something else.

does that make celes a chronic masturbator

also yes. It sucks because I can't fap becaue it increases my heart rate which would add to my already increased heart rate. FML

Celes Chere

Lol no, but with my new pills apparently my sex drive will lower. :awesome:

Also @ Sami:
You don't know how to change weapons?! Do it on the menu screen and make sure you have EVERY customization possible because you will be so screwed over if you don't. Boss in chapter 2? Is it this one? Here's some advice:

AND OMG AFTER WATCHING THE VIDEO IT'S THAT BOSS~! That boss glitched for me and got stuck in one place so I had Leanne kick it's ass and she leveled up like five times lmao.


Hello again! 8D
Roxy Lalonde, Black Canary, Princess Vampira, Ah-Choo, Cutie-Aoide
This is clearly the most shittiest year I have experienced yet.

  • My knee pain has been making my weeks hell just for walking about. I've tried stretching, I've tried walking, and still I feel like I'm in constant pain. I think It's the exercises I've been doing that's caused it, but I've always tried exercising before and it was ok until now. My mom made me an appointment but I know that once I step in that doctor's office, he's gonna take one look at me and say that I need to go on a diet and exercise. No really? You don't think I know this? That's why I'm trying to get better, so I won't experience pain, but apparently it's not taking anymore. I know I'm overweight but in the past I have had no problem exercising at all. Now it hurts just to walk. I hope that doctor is nice, or else I'll just cry.

  • I registered for my culinary/pastry classes on the first day of registration. I was told that I couldn't add another class because apparently they didn't have a certain document. Usually I didn't have a problem with this in the past since once they saw my previous transcripts from a university, they let me clean through. Thanks to my shitty school's track record of documentation though, they didn't. Once I brought it up to the people in charge of the filing system, they immediately took all my classes off without telling me I even told them I was going to get my records right after, and I did. I called my highschool, I finally found my ACT scores, and my highschool was nice enough to fax and call them about it. Nope, apparently they didn't give a shit and just wiped all my records. Keep in mind this was on the same day too. I hate their bloody system so much, because they really don't care if you can't physically make it over there. I am just a tiny speck to their large corrupted school. Fuck you Delgado.

  • My dog has been sick for the last few days, and when he finally started having diarrhea and vomited a whole lot, we decided to take him to a hospital. We are barely breaking even and the visit costed us $800. We then decided to take him to our normal vet (since they were closed on Sundays and that hospital was the only option), and I predicted it was gonna be around $400, which I was right on. Apparently though, he was born with a major internal deformity that we are just now being aware of. And thanks to those toys we got him in the past, they are guessing the strings are clogging up his intestines. They tried doing x-rays, giving him shots, and testing his stool to see why he keep acting this way, and they found no answers. Our only option was surgery. Sadly, thanks to this economy and the way the system works for the lower middle class, my parents and sister had decided on giving away our dog. And they decide to tell me this 30 minutes before I'm about to go to work. I cry and tell them that I'll take care of the bills myself, and I am giving them so many options to make him feel better, but no, they are set in this. I hated how they asked for my opinion on the matter when they already fucking decided things from the get go! I had to keep a damn smile on my face the whole time I was at work and felt like a heartless freak doing it while the rest of my family all had the time to cry over it and make the decisions at the vet. When work was over, I just immediately bawled on the ride back home and I still kept giving them options, like at least let me pay to get him healthy so that he can have a greater chance getting adopted. My mom said the vets will make him feel better and they'll take care of adoption for us. Later that night I talk to Tiff about ways to keep in touch and give them a list of what his quirks were so he doesn't freak out the other family. With her help, I had the strength to bring this up to my mom early in the morning while she gets ready for school. But guess what guys? It doesn't mean shit because she just decided to tell me that they all agreed on putting him to sleep while I was at work, and she lied to me the entire ride home, even though she claims she never had a chance to tell me, that is still bullshit. I still can't believe they did that and I just kept crying. My mom insisted that she'd take me to school with her so that she can watch over me, but with my bad knee, it was just awful and I didn't want to be anywhere. I understand she loves me and almost all my family loves that dog to death, but I still can't believe they did that. He was only two! And I would not have minded paying for anything, but they still say he would be in pain for the rest of his life. It upsets me more because I held him the same way I held my last dog when he got sick, and it was at the same veterinarian hospital. They told me stories on how lifeless he was getting, but that was only because he was at a strange place and wasn't with us. He would have been happier with us! It doesn't matter though since he's already dead now...

  • My brother for being so unsympathetic. We have asked him for cash to help pay for the dog's medical care and he just states that he has no job, he just came from a trip from japan, and he says this in a way that makes us crazy to ask him. Not only does he know about our predicament with money atm, but he's also planning a trip soon after to go to Philadelphia. I KNOW he has money but he just didn't want to contribute at all. The worst fact was that after he heard all of us talk about giving up the dog, he had the gall to say "I Told You So" to our faces about keeping a dog. From the first time we ever planned on taking a dog, he hated the name we gave him, he always made us out to be horrible parents to other people when it comes to our dog (saying we don't play with him enough, we constantly ignore him, yet he is never playing with him and never looked out for him) and wants other people to think he does care about the dog more than we do. He is so far up on furthering his career that he doesn't give a shit on what the family does anymore, but acts all high and mighty about his decisions and how stupid we are for not acting as he would. I don't care if you are a fucking big shot, if it means that I have to lose my humanity just to be popular and have money, than I rather be poor than end up like you.

  • After learning that my dog is no more, and just experiencing pain after pain on everything dear to me that has happened in the past couple of years, I am at the point to where I can't be bothered anymore. I just don't care anymore on what happens to me and I don't give a shit on furthering careers, making money, and basically anything to do with me. I haven't felt this way since I was 14 and it gotten to the point to where I was looking up the suicide hotline in my area. I feel so fucking weak for thinking that way all over again, but I really don't care about anything anymore.

  • This is the wrong thread to do it in, but I might as well post it: I want to thank Tiff for staying with me that night when I felt so weak. She helped me ease my mind on trying to find methods for my dog (I didn't tell her the bad news about this morning though), and even though things changed, I still appreciated how she tried steering me away from an awful decision. I still feel like I don't care, but talking to her made me at least get out of my funk and try to figure out what to do. I know you were suffering from your attack, and I feel happy to know that you took your time to help make me feel better. Thanks for being my best friend Tiff. *hug* <333


We have come to terms
lol the turtle boss

Just get behind the barriers doodski. Also you're gonna want to make sure to shatter the ever loving piss out of that armor, because otherwise you're fuuuuuucked. AP Ammo is the way to go (on the MG, preferably)

tiff: not to be insensitive or anything (no srsly), how do you expect them to run a test to see what's causing these anxiety attacks? Blood tests and stuff wouldn't show a physiological illness. ;.;

pissing me off today: so busy today at work that the board got up to 23 minutes.


On initial calls.

That's beyond nightmarishly bad.

also I fucking hate goddamn cab drivers - most of them, anyway. Dude intentionally stopped at lights that he would have made WITHOUT SPEEDING UP OR TOUCHING HIS BRAKES, then dicked around running my card, so not only did the fare take a hike, I was fucking late for work.

ps he also showed up 20 minutes late. bastard

Celes Chere

O no offensive taken dood, but I want them to actually do a proper check up on me instead of going:
"oh your symptoms sound like this so have some pills"
that's what they did when I had gastritis and it did fuckall to help me. It's when I went in, got a PAP SCAN and Ultra sound that they found out what was really, really wrong. Not saying I want that, but I just want an examination ffs.

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Some asshole deleted my long list of msn contacts when I told him NOT TO TOUCH IT!



a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
My Mozilla keeps crashing and I gave myself last night a really bad burn. I hate having weird water balls around my finger :(


DO NOT PUT OIL/BUTTER/FAT ON A BURN. If there's still heat in the wound, you will only cook your skin more. Cold water to remove the heat, and see a doctor if it's bigger than an inch and a half across.

Reading some stuff on the nets tonight has pretty much fucked my day up. It's on top of an ex who can be a pain in the arse when he chooses, my dad STILL being in hospital, lack of work and shit I can't control that I don't actually want to control, I'd just like a better handle on things.


a pokémon.
Bayleef, Jessica
DO NOT PUT OIL/BUTTER/FAT ON A BURN. If there's still heat in the wound, you will only cook your skin more. Cold water to remove the heat, and see a doctor if it's bigger than an inch and a half across.

Its average. It takes the upper part of my second finger. Yesterday it was hell alive I put on some lotion but today...ugh I'm really thinking about exploding them, but I'm such a coward. I will try the cold water! :)

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
DO NOT PUT OIL/BUTTER/FAT ON A BURN. If there's still heat in the wound, you will only cook your skin more. Cold water to remove the heat, and see a doctor if it's bigger than an inch and a half across.

Reading some stuff on the nets tonight has pretty much fucked my day up. It's on top of an ex who can be a pain in the arse when he chooses, my dad STILL being in hospital, lack of work and shit I can't control that I don't actually want to control, I'd just like a better handle on things.

Shit magey that worked for me though! and my aunt and my grandma! O__o;

Well I was talking about when the burn finally grows into a boil and not really when its fresh.

Also, my beard is getting harder to maintain. fucking stubbles.


If you burst a blister (using a sterilised implement), make sure it's completely drained and keep it scrupulously clean. Resist the urge to pick off any skin, as it protects the new stuff growing underneath and will come off when it's ready to. Try to avoid putting any creams or lotions on it unless they're antiseptic.

EDIT: Mums you need to make that clearer, some people really do think butter on a fresh burn helps. :/

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
Wanted to pick up Deus Ex today, but had work from 4 AM to 8 PM today. Having work that long is extremely, extremely rare (basically had a training exercise at Whidbey Island, which is about a four 4 drive and ferry ride there and back from my home base), so I couldn't pick it up today and have to wait until tomorrow.

What sucks is that I SAW THE GAME THERE at the store at Whidbey Island naval base store on my lunch break but I was all like 'Nah I'll just wait until I get off and I'll buy it at the base near home'.

Damn, bro.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
My knee has been hurting for weeks now.

Do not like. It hurts to walk.
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