Things that piss you off

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AI Researcher
I understand taking other languages' words when you don't have a way to say it in your own.

But when you have plenty of serviceable alternatives to choose from already, why would you do that Oxford.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Having so many essays due within the same time frame.

Is it possible to have writer's block on essays?

Barely just started another freaking paper due tomorrow and worth 20% of my grade. I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. Something about how Gymboree is a load of shit, I think. :monster:


Waiting for something
This weather is atrocious, it's freezing, gale force winds, rainy and hail all in one here, I have a staff meeting in two hours to go to and last thing I wanna do is go out in it :(

ON the plus side I get to enter bitch mode tonight when driving a couple of points across at the staff meeting :monster:


Great Old One
When I was working at a pizza place I managed to forget a pizza in the bottom part of the oven once. It was in there for almost an hour. When someone else opened the door to the lower chamber (in lack of other word) of the oven, so much smoke came out it set the fire alarm off for 20 minutes, and all of the guests had to wait outside in the snow while we figured out how to turn off the alarm. The pizza was almost entirely made into coal, only a tiny slice in the middle was still kinda brownish.

Good thing: We found out the alarm was not hooked up with the fire department, so they weren't alarmed, even though they should have. Something good comes out of everything I guess:awesome:

Edit: FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK my elbow is even worse now... drowning the pain with white wine :(

And: Ha. "Burning" is probably in reference to pizza being hot. Ah well. Guess I can blame the language barrier.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Just... fuck the OED. First Muggle, now this? Fuck the OED. That is all.

I understand taking other languages' words when you don't have a way to say it in your own.

But when you have plenty of serviceable alternatives to choose from already, why would you do that Oxford.

Because someone in charge there is clearly out of their mind on Meth.

Having so many essays due within the same time frame.

Is it possible to have writer's block on essays?

Entirely possible, and amazingly shitty.

Barely just started another freaking paper due tomorrow and worth 20% of my grade. I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. Something about how Gymboree is a load of shit, I think. :monster:

Stretch it out to five pages, guaranteed A+.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
lol serious? at least I kind of understand kawaii

Yeah, they tossed muggle into the OED. A word made up for a book. And which they changed the working definition for just to pretend it had relevance.


So, I have an important~ish event coming up tomorrow, where I do a presentation on something I've been working on - something fancy in Scala / Akka, that's functional and actor-based programming stuff, the stuff of myth and legends and right now the best option for building highly scalable, concurrent systems and I've been doing it wrong etc but whatever. That's responsibility right there, and being confronted with things I may have done less than optimal, but all is forgiven because I'm a n00b and didn't waste seven years of my life in university 'cause that shit is boring. Anyways, point is, I'm awesome.

Yet at the same time, at such moments I somehow always end up confronting myself with the things I haven't been able to achieve - usually when I'm in the bus or train driving home where a broken microwave oven is all to eager to make me dinner, a stack of clothes isn't folding itself, and a PC is waiting to waste my time on.

I go home to nothing, and I feel as if all I do in my spare time is waste it on things that don't really matter and sleep, only to go back to work in the morning. And I don't know what I need or need to do in order to change it - in fact, I somehow doubt I really want to change. On the other hand, I feel as if I've actually tried to change things - I mean, I moved quite a ways from home to the big city and a completely different kind of people, changed jobs, I even went speed dating once for the heck of it.

But none of it seems to have much of an effect on my personal life or how I experience life. On the one side, yeah, I can rationally comprehend that I've built an application with almost 300.000 users in the span of a couple of months, but on the other, I don't feel particularly excited or elated about it.

Not that that's odd, by the way - a lack of strong emotions (or showing them) and putting everything in perspective is both a cultural and family trait. Where my colleague gets all depressed (or excited) when something goes wrong, I just shrug it off - it happens. I guess that's both a blessing and a curse.

It just seems that all my efforts - sparse as they might be, in my own opinion - just don't have any lasting effect on anything. I've moved and had various jobs in the past few years and I've met... dozens, if not hundreds of people in the past couple of years, but nothing lasting. I'm not the initiative-taking type and I don't have much to offer, so I don't really go out of my way to invite people for whatever, but at the same time, I don't get invited to much either, and the things I do get invited to are largely work-related. Okay, and poker night two weeks ago. Thing is, I don't feel like I'm appreciated or belong anywhere outside of work, despite what you lot might say following this here rant.

I'm a narcissist in that I like attention and being the center thereof - at least for a while, and not in a position where I can get criticized much etc - but on the other hand I don't like drawing attention to myself or putting myself out there.

And don't get me started on women. Ask me to learn two new vastly different programming languages and frameworks for a project and I'll do it without hesitation or breaking much of a sweat, fuck, ask me to do a completely different job like working in construction building scaffolding, fuck it no problem, but that? I just can't learn or do that. I could learn techniques, psychology, even change my look and become fit and everything, but there's huge mental barriers in the way that I just can't break without help or massive encouragement or maybe just some convincing that people don't work the way I picture they do.

I mentioned it elsewhere, but the more I think about it, the more I get convinced that there must be something wrong with me, some wiring wrong or whatever. At the same time, I rationalize that I'm probably more normal than most people, not antisocial or crazy (just a little, sometimes) or depressed or unattractive. But the evidence and things remain, and while most people don't say so, I'm becoming convinced that to some people, I must be seen as some kind of weirdo or whatever.

sdfa. No, this wall of rant does not make me feel any better. As usual, I'll go to bed later, sleep over it and I'll be fine in the morning, probably the moment I step through the door of the office where I have work to distract me from thinking about myself like the self-centered bastard I am.

Also, still FUUU traffic ticket. And sweaty feet.


Great Old One
^ Dutch guy, I can relate to what you're saying.
Difference is I'm 5 years your senior, and not that those 5 years matter all that much - but what I've come to learn is that what you're feeling is part of growing up. It's part of becoming an adult, and realizing that life just... isn't fun. Like, in itself. What I've found is to take joy in the little things, and try to improve what I can control. Large things like money, work, love - that's hard to control. What you do in everyday life, how you handle little tasks and little conversations, those are more controllable and much more defining to you, and therefore much more defining to life - and who you are. Work becomes routine, even if the tasks at work itself aren't. Paychecks are routine, time is routine, even holidays can become routine. Even something grand you've planned, a party or something, can end up quite boring - but really, it's... it's okay.

I guess what I'm saying is as you get older, you accept the boredom and the routines, and that's when you get cooky and starts having fun with the small stuff. Like, your relations to other people. I was never really fond of your random person, now I embrace socializing much more. Even the guy at the grocery store. I call my mother more often. You know - small stuff.

And also, you're perfectly allowed to feel shitty. (And have as much chocolate as you wish when you do.)

Also, I think the "shrug" thing at things you do at work and the likes are connected to self esteem. As you get older your feeling of self grows, and also your self esteem. One day when people say "wow, that's awesome what you did!" you'll be able to really feel happy and enjoy the praise and feel "yeah - I know!" instead of having the "shrug" feeling. Don't worry :)


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Basically what Yop said, only without the career prospects and the traffic ticket but also a horrible chest infection.

Hey this is great I don't even have to type my own stuff anymore :monster:


Chloe Frazer
I have a group presentation on workplace violence due tomorrow. No one in my group has finished their parts and instead of trying to finish it right now they're currently picking who is to blame when they were all too lazy and irresponsible to do any work till the last day. Quite frankly if I could I would tell them all to fuck off and I'll do the half hour presentation on my own.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
the only time people ever write to me is when they want things
so basically, they only ever write to me once a year
i'm not asking for a whole lot guys
just a "how's the weather over in the north?" (cold), "how's the polar bears?" (goin' extinct), or "i wish you a happy new years" would be nice but nooooooo, it's just lists and lists and lists of a bajillion things all you materialistic hos want (ROOD)
DO I LOOK LIKE A JESUS TO YOU??? (bitch gets so many songs and birthday parties dedicated to him /baaaaw)

P.S. fucking elf unions

so yeah, gonna eat buckets of ice cream to deal with my depression :sadpanda:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
the only time people ever write to me is when they want things
so basically, they only ever write to me once a year
i'm not asking for a whole lot guys
just a "how's the weather over in the north?" (cold), "how's the polar bears?" (goin' extinct), or "i wish you a happy new years" would be nice but nooooooo, it's just lists and lists and lists of a bajillion things all you materialistic hos want (ROOD)
DO I LOOK LIKE A JESUS TO YOU??? (bitch gets so many songs and birthday parties dedicated to him /baaaaw)

P.S. fucking elf unions

so yeah, gonna eat buckets of ice cream to deal with my depression :sadpanda:

can I have five bucks


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
i can't do it anymore

i can't live with mysef i can't keep going

in the last 2 weeks i have:
- lost my primary job
- lost the opportunity to get a car or an apartment because of it
- father now likes me even less than he did before
- water was shut off at my place because we can't afford to pay the bills
- got turned down by a recruiter again, i have to wait almost a year still until i can enlist

just kidding i can't enlist at all anymore

because now i'm facing criminal charges because that's what happens when you act like a stupid fucking child instead of a grown adult

also today i was offered a fantastic job to replace my other one that i now cannot take because i am a criminal

i hurt so much i can't take it, i don't know how i'm going to make it through this

i looked in the mirror today and i felt like i was looking at a stranger

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
i can't do it anymore

i can't live with mysef i can't keep going

in the last 2 weeks i have:
- lost my primary job
- lost the opportunity to get a car or an apartment because of it
- father now likes me even less than he did before
- water was shut off at my place because we can't afford to pay the bills
- got turned down by a recruiter again, i have to wait almost a year still until i can enlist

just kidding i can't enlist at all anymore

because now i'm facing criminal charges because that's what happens when you act like a stupid fucking child instead of a grown adult

also today i was offered a fantastic job to replace my other one that i now cannot take because i am a criminal

i hurt so much i can't take it, i don't know how i'm going to make it through this

i looked in the mirror today and i felt like i was looking at a stranger


AI Researcher
- N30 strikes tomorrow are going to disrupt my plans
- My hands used to shake when I did things in front of people if I thought they were paying attention to me, which I thought had gone but then it happened to me
- I feel like there's some life lesson that I've missed out that would somehow let me lead a successful and normal life
- Making an effort doesn't seem to do much good so I am kind of hesitant to make any more
- I wish people were easier to understand and deal with


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
  1. Ever have that feeling where you're hungry, but you feel like you'll throw up if you eat more? Yeah. I've learned to trust that feeling, because it has turned out to be correct on numerous occasions in the past. Unfortunately I've been feeling this way for most of today.
  2. It's pretty much inevitable that the worst shelving days will be the ones where you got the least sleep and feel the worst. Today was one of them.
  3. I left a $100 gift card on the bathroom counter. I cannot find the fucking thing now. I am fairly certain my mother threw it out, although she claims not to remember doing so, because I have definitely not moved it anywhere. I have told her repeatedly not to throw things out without asking me. I'm out $100 of merchandise if I can't find it.
hope things get better for you people, especially you, Winter. jesus.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Holy fuck, Winter, hope the charges get dropped or something so you can get that new job.
Or just get the hell out of that situation. Sounds like shit there's not particularly healthy at all.

Celes Chere

I'm really tired of certain people's bullshit. And for that reason, I am in a really pissed off mood. And that fact pisses me off more.

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