I have actually just had the worst day in the world and I think I've been the unluckiest too.
Beginning with yesterday I had a customer positively going mental at me because I was trying to explain that without proof of purchase I couldn't let her pick up her order because it's our company policy, she also had no I.D or anything else to prove the order was hers then she tried to blame another member of staff to confuse me and was so horrible and I was so angry, my face was bright red for the rest of my shift, seriously.
Today I had a customer call me an idiot to my face because I didn't answer her question properly and then when I tried to actually apologise and explain I'd misunderstood but was about to finish explaining it properly when she yelled that I talked too much and didn't listen. I got the feeling she didn't like me beforehand as soon as I explained she could only have 4 pairs of shoes on the floor at the time for health and safety reasons and security reasons, she wanted 6 pairs (who the fuck needs to try on 6 pairs of fucking ankle boots!!!!) The store was also packed and every customer in the vicinity heard, I was so humiliated, upset and angry I had to leave the floor for nearly 30 minutes because I couldn't stop crying.
I'm angry at myself too, because I promised myself after something like that happened in another place I used to work I would never let a customer get to me so badly that I'd get that upset.
To make things worse on the way downstairs I slipped and twisted my right ankle slightly that was alright it hurt a little but I was fine, but as if that wasn't bad enough though on the way home I fell...again on the same ankle and now it's incredibly painful and I'm so scared I've hurt it badly because I've broken it 3 times before and torn ligaments in it so it's naturally now just quite weak.
My work christmas party is tomorrow and I'm hoping it's just mildly sprained, I want to go out and have fun but it was the final straw when I got home I just cried and my housemate had to make me a very strong cup of tea and grab an icepack, she's been so lovely to me.
It's not been the best of days and it's not fair because I've been in such good form, our store is doing amazing trade wise, we got a great report from our regional manager and I got great feedback about my progress as a manager so far just two days ago and since then it's gone downhill.....why does someone out there hate me and insist on spoiling my happiness