in coming tl;dr rant about drama on Que's forum:
Before, I used to run (a site dedicated to trying to get One Piece into a competent dubbing company's hands) and was affiliated with Save Sonic back when Spax3 ran it!
SPAX 3! No one complained and it was all good.
Recently I decided I wanted some affiliates again so I decided to affiliate up with Save Sonic again and I got a bunch of jerks baaaawing about how stupid Save Sonic is and they need to stop whining over voices.
Then this Futurama thing comes up and a lot of people on my forum are Futurama fans. (If you don't know in the new episodes of Futurama they're going to replace the VAs) There's a huge panic an suddenly people DO care when just the VAs are replaced. I pointed out the hypocrisy and was met with stupid comments like this:
A douchebag from Que's forum said:
Aside from the fact Sonic has good voice actors and the Sonic Fanbase just likes to bitch and moan about everything. Sega did it for a good enough reason. If you still want to go on and on about Jason Griffith go for it, it's just stupid seeing as he's got much better in Unleashed and Black Knight.
First of all, lol what? Sonic? Good acting?.. uhm.... no. IN Unleashed he did good but he was right back to shit acting in Black Knight from what I heard.
A douchebag from Que's forum said:
5 years and only voiced 3 games. Compare that to Jason's Sonic X seasons, and all the games from past Sonic Heroes.
Yeah try 6 games twat, do some research.
You are not getting Ryan back, The majoirty of whiners stopped complaining like 7 year olds long ago.
And do you know how many people said "4Kids has One Piece and won't give it up ever, stop whining!"
That, and the majority of the Sonic fans don't give two shits about Sonic X and think than Save Sonic is a laughing stock
Yeah I think you're a laughing stock.
Seriously, why does everyone HATE these guys so much? What the hell did I miss? Because from what I see, they stay on their forums and don't bother people much. I've never had any problems with them... so what is everyone's problem?