Paladins in World of Warcraft. End story.
The new girl in work who is dumb as a doornail. Both of them. One in my usual department, and the other in the department I cover for often. They're both the type who will say "uh huh" like they understand when you try to teach them something, but they don't.
Furthermore, the one in my department will just stare blankly at you when you try to share the slightest, friendliest tidbit of information, like it's the most serious thing in the world. So then I feel like an ass for telling her something like, "Hey you should do this, it makes it a lot easier," because she makes me feel like I'm saying, "YOU ARE WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!"
The object of my desire being taciturn and elusive again rather than friendly after we had such a good time hanging out Saturday night. And feeling like I completely fail in my attempts to be friendly with him.
The school book store. And somehow reading my schedule wrong and thinking I had time to go there when I really didn't. And not realizing this until I was in line and 40 minutes late for class already. (But financial aid covered like notebooks and crap, so WIN.)
People who don't bathe before doing things like riding the bus or going to the store. SOAP. USE IT, MOTHERFUCKER.