Any suggestions as to the REAL three best reasons why there shouldn't be a remake?
"We would have to wait" is stupid.
"I hate change" fags should hide away with their PS1s and fap all day. (I intend to)
"FFVII iz best game evar" fags should do the same. (Again, I intend to.)
So please enlighten us?
I think that there is really only one reason why the remake shouldn't happen, and that is simply that it will replace the original. Say what you want about staying home with your PS1, but to the world outside of you (and your select few snobby friends) FFVII will
If I were to divide it into three sub-reasons, here they are:
1. Fandom disconnect - as if there wasn't enough disparity between FF fans when the original Final Fantasy VII was released. A remake would create the biggest rift yet between people who hate and people who love the sequels. This 'new canon' (and it will be a new canon) will prevent scores of discussions, debates, because those of us who liked the original canon will have to tiptoe around Squeenix's new canon every time we want to talk about anything.
2. Too much bushido bullshit. Final Fantasy VII's world is dark and unforgiving, where - on two seperate occasions - good worthy people are attacked while their guards are down and brutally slaughtered on camera. Crisis Core turned Zack's shocking demise into an overlong aesop about dreams, honour and other crap. The original Final Fantasy VII was a step away from the D&D ripoff games of the NES and SNES in favour of an Eastern, anime style. The other entries in the Compilation are barely comprehensible to an average Westerner unless research into Japanese culture and vocabulary has been done. This will make the remake unappealing to a vast majority of Westerners - and as a consequence, the original FFVII will cease to attract the kind of audience it used to, in favour of the Otaku (who, lets face it, would have eaten this shit up anyway).
3. No one will respect it. I'm not alone in writing university dissertations on Final Fantasy VII. In 2003, a good friend of mine wrote his Master's thesis on Video Games as the next great form of literature, using Final Fantasy VII as his mainfocus. Have better games come out since? Sure, I would say that Mass Effect is a really great modern example of the narrative quality of video games, among others. But Final Fantasy VII - as a relic of its time - demands respect in the field of literary study. The way the narrative is crafted, the subtext, character development, world building, almost every element is well crafted. It's not the Mona Lisa, but this is a new medium we're talking about, and FFVII used the technology it had to effectively make us feel and think - moreso than any other game Squaresoft has made. Ever. It's not the funnest game, but it is the closest Square has gotten to high art. A remake will be a glitzy, glamorous, CGI explosion that's full of flair and impressive visuals and anything remotely interesting about it will get lost in the shuffle. Badly dubbed voices will eliminate your mind's ability to really get behind the dialogue. Bright flashes and loud noises will dull the emotional impact of, say, the eery way Dyne fell off that cliff for the last time. By replacing the old version, Final Fantasy VII will become another one of those "games from Japan" just like Final Fantasy VIII, X, XIII and on.
Or... Maybe I'm afraid that a remake will expose Final Fantasy VII for what it really is - a garbled mess of a story with weak characters and boring, hamfisted themes about life and the environment.