I'm still not clear on how he's had full OST's up on his channel for like 6 years while others who post the same OST's have them taken down. I assume his videos aren't monetised, are you saying that's what makes the difference?
Really depends if an employee at SE gives a fuck
I assume his videos aren't monetised, are you saying that's what makes the difference?[
If that content gets a hit by the CID then you dont even get the option to monetize it. The monetization already gets set up in favor the owner by the time the hit goes through.
Using a record company as an example.
The way it works is Record Company (henceforth RC) goes to a page on youtube and uploads all of their artists content into the CID. Now that its there youtube knows to look for certain signatures in a video, album art , parts of songs etc. If it gets a hit it immediately removes the option to monetize that content from who ever uploaded it and sends the ad revenue to the RC.
Ever wonder whats happening when a video is "processing" when its at 99% done uploading to youtube?
The system how ever isn't perfect and things get through and thats why reporting and manual DMCA's exist (though they are far to often used maliciously).
On top of this its also in the Content Owners best interest to let a few slip through the cracks. They are after all making money off of someone else taking the time to upload and catalog their content.
Some companies are also not into what can be called Cannibalizing revenue.
Since dat youtube money relies on ads being watched and a shit ton of other variables (demographic, click through , where you live , what time you watched it how much you watched it etc.) Some believe it's in there best interest to keep content in a centralized location (See : VEVO) and generally will half assedly issue DMCA's to reuploaders of content.
It's like if you have a pizza hut in town and another pizza hut opens across the street. It's not like profits are going to double right? By doing that there is a real possibility that both may close etc.
So as to why some uploaders dont get taken down while others do? The above could be true.
On top of this for the most part a majority of DMCA's are manual take downs. It's up to a human being somewhere to go down a list of content that got picked up on the CID and decide it stays up or not.
So in the end idk who sparkey is but I would wager he's mostly untouched due to one of the reasons above.