I've never even heard of Flybe....
Keep it that way

. They're cheap, but errr... Well, they're cheap
In my case; they depart from the most remote terminal at Schiphol, and their overhead lockers are too small for my carry-on,
I'll be flying with KLM, they're a bit better. Also a bit more expensive. but hey

. Actually I think it might be a prop plane.
I've also got hiking gear from when Mage first made me walk up a mountain, so. And I invested in a pair of hECKing goode boots a while ago, only use them for events like this.
I also got a smol nerf pistol, which I'll try and bring along to annoy the driver :p.
edit: HECK I was going to bring a load of darts from work but I forgot. HECK.