The only reason I'm even thinking about what to pack right now is because I had given packing so little thought when I went for a night away on Monday that I didn't even pack my toothbrush, which is like my No. 1 thing for going anywhere away from home - I can't be dealing with that sickly teeth feeling
I'm gonna keep things to a minimum, though, plus I really want to save space in my bag in case I find some nice gifts at the airport to bring over
EDIT: And I've no idea what I wanna wear!!
Pants are a good start imo
Pah, speak for yourself
I'm going to assume most pubs we go to won't have a strict dress code (as I'm gonna have tracksuit bottoms and white runners, 'cause that's pretty much all I wear). Unless a load of you have unspoken intentions to go clubbing or similar, please speak now so I can at least pack something more passable
@Lex - Good idea. This'll get my own thoughts into gear!
Prep Work:
Phone topped up (mostly, for mobile data) - Done
All electricals charged up - Almost Done
(Pack leftover £s left in drawer - Done)
Train times arranged - Done
Morning alarms set - Done
3 pairs of socks (for the days following Friday)
Slipper Socks (ooooh)
Pair of boxers
iPod (gotta keep entertained on the journeys over and back)
Phone + Charger
Boarding Passes
Deck of Cards - Maybe will come in handy? Drinking games, maybe?
Get at Manchester/Windermere:

Discarded List:
Ocarina (for the sake of others sanity, it stops me at airports, and it's fragile)
Note pads I write in frequently, but I'll have pens/pencils and paper anyway
That's it for now.
And the rest of the KupoCon things can be finished when I'm back.