Translation of the original japanese game project aka How to wind up flunkies

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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Okay guys, as lulzy as all these are, we can stop now. :monster: He can't come back here and "defend" his arrogant self, so we can just drop it and leave it alone.

Unless he starts badmouthing TLS in yet another forum, of course. :sadpanda:

Stop the

Regardless of how lulzy it is. :awesome:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh it's stopped. Don't worry, but the last

It is to laugh. :monster:

So yeah, how bout dem koibitos? :awesome:

*opens up next can o' controversy*

Okay, I gotta stop.


Great Old One
Not necessarily trying to debate with you there Mei, but people contributing to his last post is hardly anything related to drama.

But we should seriously stop. :awesome:

Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
@ Mako:

Well, if you ask me some people just don't like being pointed at (even if it is a constructive criticism) and react rather rudely when that happens. Even more so when they realize they were wrong, attempt to cover it up and it literally ends up blowing in their face.

I think that's just what happened in this case. Anyway, for all that is worth, I don't believe any of the criticisms pointed at DBPB were insulting in any for or way. Sure, some tempers got a bit fired up but it was only when he began lashing at people here without any reason to do so. Considering some of the insults he tossed at the community here, I do think people were actualy quite mature and patient about this whole thing.

Plus, its the internet. There's idiots everywhere... and the net is just another place where you can find them.
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
all I have to say is:
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Not necessarily trying to debate with you there Mei, but people contributing to his last post is hardly anything related to drama.

But we should seriously stop. :awesome:

But we still have Carnage to tell us it's instigating moar dramaz, so it has to stop. :monster: Because this is all still apparently e-dramaz.

I love teh lulz, I is sorry for posting again.

Mako Eyes said:
Oh it's stopped. Don't worry, but the last

It is to laugh. :monster:

So yeah, how bout dem koibitos? :awesome:

*opens up next can o' controversy*

Okay, I gotta stop.

Fair point there with his last post. :monster: I don't even get how he picked at you guys specifically when you didn't even do anything to him.

And why does he keep attacking the mods? What's up with that? D;

Them koibitos are fishpeople. Cloud and Tifa are koibitos, therefore they are fishpeople. Controversy over.
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Great Old One
But we still have Carnage to tell us it's instigating moar dramaz, so it has to stop. Because this all still apparently e-dramaz.

I love teh lulz, I is sorry for posting again.

Why? He asked for it, let the flames burn till dawn.

^ :awesome:


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
This BAAAAWW and FAIL has been brought to you by DLPB.

Oh, thank you! Thank you. :lol:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I decided my previous post wasn't enough to fully sum up the lulz. So:


sadly, Chrome doesn't do Rainbow Blinkies right so the full effect will be lost :(
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Even without that, it's far too long and eyehurty. Take about half those out if'n you would.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
sadly, Chrome doesn't do Rainbow Blinkies right so the full effect will be lost :(

WTF, V, you broke my internets. DDDD; It's making my browser lag...

Edit: NVM, you fixed it. :awesome:

null said:
It's cool Mei. Now let's get back to "ganging up" on this guy.

Video = EPIC :monster:

I'm just curious though, he's banned, but he can still see the posts?


The Pixie King
I think we've all conducted ourselves relatively well. Letting it die is the best thing to do, for the sake of our integrity.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Ryu: I just reduced the size by half, hopefully that'll help :monster:

Mei: If he logs out he can see the board, yeah.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
The next person who mentions this lulz will be banned, shot, and suspended at the same time. We must let it go for the sake of our forum, comrades.


I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Mei: If he logs out he can see the board, yeah.

So a banned person will still be logged in after the ban?

The ban doesn't include blocking of the IP address?

(*was banned on for downloading too many too fast and had IP blocked for 10 days* :monster:)

The next person who mentions this lulz will be banned, shot, and suspended at the same time. We must let it go for the sake of our forum, comrades.


:salute: YESSIR.

Edit: Should this thread be locked for good, then? :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Dear you can see carnage, it is a complete waste of time. The admin and most mods here are infact aggitators.

Look at all the thanks he has got for that very erroneous post.

Let me just clear a few things up here:

1. I do have support from some people on qhimms but they are choosing not to post and for good reason

2. Carnage is not an ally, in fact he seems to blame me for it all which is wrong, but even still you have rounded on him because he is being a neutral and isn't kow towing to the idea that it is ok for you all to come sign up inciting more trouble.

3. The admin here mako eyes, happened to think it is ok for a few membrs to sign up at a forum which has nothing to do with him and then try to sabotage that thread with continous derailing tactics. There is NO DEBATE here Mako Eyes. The fact is, some of your members (with your blessing) have come to a forum and are ruining it for everyone else as well.

4. There are 2 japanese tarnslators who have come from here and as you have seen we are getting along very nicely in a proper envirnoment., I am listening to every word they are saying because they are giving a bit of respect and are listening. I have already altered more in 1 day at qhimms than a whole week at this dreadful DUMP.

5. It was never my intention to merge cait sith and translation projects. In fact I made this clear from the get go. It was also plainly obvious since I used 2 threads.

6. Pixel is an out and out wind up who has had NOTHING to further progress. Let me explain. Quimms is a MODDING forum. If one does not like a MODDING thread or project they STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM IT? Capiche?

7. I am an arrogant bastard. I make no apologies for it. When I see some of the brick walls and children here including mako blind, I have no choice but to hit back and had you 1 iota of sense you would not have been so ignorant to the debate. Some here and by some I mean a majority, love derailing threads because they dont like the project(s) 1 twat from here even stated "why are you agreeing with him" and "shhhh I just don't ;iek change" What is he doing here then, in this thread?

8. @pixel . The project will not fail. because people are happy with it at qhimms and 2 people from here, very intelligent japanese translators are now helping with it. I have the time and I have the patience. I have the ego and I have the arrogance to see it through. I also have the intelligence. Both projects will be completed in time. Look in the dictionary under "hinder" and "help" you may well find they mean 2 different things.

9. @ pixel. I AM LISTENING. If you had BOTHERED to read the threads you will see numerous examples of where I overrule myself in favour of the suggestion. I have taken everything onboard. What you mean is, I am not listening to YOU and why is that?> I will tell you why, because you came onto qhimm forum, a forum that has NOTHING to do with arguing whether a mod should take place and proceded to argue the toss with derailment tactics to SPITE me.

10. @ mako eyes. Your condoning of people signing up to qhimms and winding me up in multiple threads or even signing up because I called you intolerant fanboys is laughable.

Well catch this one buddy, I am adding the following about most of you lot "arrogant" "sarcastic" "childish" "sad" "militant" "aggressive" "stupid" "ignorant" "tunnel vision" "clique" "gang up" "mod is god"

You are a crappy moderator and admin and quit a number of your members are annoying little fanboys.

I won't be back to this thread and I have already done with quimms, so if you people have nothing good to add to it, leave the place alone as it is childish and attacking and has nothing to do with me. I havent replied there for a while and yet your lot are still there creating trouble.

Fuck off, you toss pots.

Slowpoking but I had to say:



Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Not that anyone cares, but I made the Rainbow Blinkies into an image so they'll work properly in all browsers for great justice.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Jesus, I missed the best lulz drama this place had in a while. FUCKING THANKS MCJOB. ;_;

All I have to say is, I lolled. This really put the strawberry on my sundae after a shit day of work and made me smile.

Also I like how I'm constantly mentioned for derailment of threads (for inputting my blasphemous opinions), flaming (lolwhere?), and basically throwing moar fuel into the fire of drama (osnap did I do that?). /unwarranted self importance

Then again, he's banned now. Shall we open up a pool wagering on when he'll make a dupe, saying he's another member at qhimms and agrees with everything this DLPB person said and he was in the right and we're just ignorant fanboys? :awesome:
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